ENGLISH White Afrikaners now 6 percent of their own country and literally starving

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If it is true that the mosque near Ground Zero is to promote tolerance….

It was suggested that a gay nightclub be opened next door to the Mosque….(and maybe a stripjoint on the other side –

Two names suggested are:

“The Turban Cowboy” and

“You Mecca Me Hot”

=============Americans pop brewskis, Michelle flies to Spain on vacation, while white Afrikaners starve

The Afrikaners are a relatively recent white nation that began in the 1600s around the same time as white America. Hardworking, armed and courageous Protestant French (Huguenots, such as the ancestors of white leader Eugene Terre’Blanche, recently murdered by two black employees), north Germans (such as the ancestors of the revered 19th-century leader Oom Paul Kruger), a smidgen of white Portuguese, and most of all the Dutch, intermarried and this created a new white country down in southern Africa.

Their language, Afrikaans, is a kind of simplified Dutch with many German and some French elements. Many words are very, very close to English, because the ancient Anglo-Saxons came from the same area of Germanic Europe.

The grammar is amazingly easy, and the spelling is logical — much better than English!

Some Afrikaans:


My Afrikaner heart/My Afrikanerhart

stand fast//staan vast

I feel love for our folk/Ek voel liefde vir ons volk

Some humor, where you can hear both the British white South African accent and the Afrikaans accent, showing the two meanings of the English word “look” (see — or appear)


In the 19th century the British Empire began conquering Afrikaner lands, especially after gold and diamonds were discovered in them, and for fifty years the British whites dominated the much larger, brutally conquerd white Afrikaner population. (Over ten thousand women and children had perished in British concentration camps, causing a worldwide scandal in the press around the globe similar to the Abu Ghraib scandals a few years back that besmirched America’s name. Jews were behind both atrocities.)

And it was the ROTHSCHILD-RULED British Empire that then created a disastrous multiracial country, whereas the Afrikaners or Boers wanted to GET AWAY FROM THE BLACKS.

A true Afrikaner woman and singer told me that the singer here is a spineless liberal, but so are most whites everywhere. The song, however, written by a rightwinger, and glorifying the Afrikaner struggle against the Rothschild-British conquest, is beyond perfect….. It gives me goosebumps. How about you?


Stand fast, stand fast, South Africa!

For me, the times when he yells in a gravelly, raucous voice are the most spellbinding!

Because I understand Afrikaans fairly well (partly from studying German, a related language) I want to say how much I love the common Germanic expression:


It means: You are a man, so FIGHT LIKE A MAN.

After WWII, however, the Afrikaners came to power in a major election and began setting up apartheid, racial separation. The South African economy boomed under white rule, and South African blacks had by far the highest standard of living in all Africa.

Yet in 1994, after the Afrikaner leadership had been infiltrated, the despicable president and race traitor FW De Klerk turned over white-ruled South Africa to the black majority against the wishes of most whites — except the US government of the white race traitor Bill Clinton.

The descent into hell began, the catastrophe which the Afrikaners had predicted, into Black African-style chaos, murder, rape, AIDS and blatant political corruption and screaming-to-heaven incompetence.

I had seen videos before of Afrikaner poverty, and of the terrible rapes and murders of whites by blacks. But outright starvation…. This is the next stage in white genocide.

Let us remember that unless the Solutrean movement begins, soon the white population in America will also begin to plummet. Seventy-five million white baby-boomers will begin to die off, BOOMSDAY, and then the US population will drop like a stone to 20%, an aging and PHYSICALLY FEEBLE demographic surrounded by tough young blacks, mexicans and chinese.

You are looking at OUR future — in a few decades or even sooner, unnless Solutrea arises.

* * *

The Afrikaners are starving – pictures

[SOURCE: http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2010/08/afrikaners-are-starving-pictures.html]

Dutch, Flemish students visit Afrikaner squatter camp; foreign journalists increasingly interested in reporting on the growing ‘poor-white problem’ in South Africa…

AfrikanerPoor_SarieRossouw_starving to death Eagles Nest Squatter camp no food aidAugust 30 2010 — South Africa’s 3-million Afrikaners are in increasingly desperate straits, with nearly one-third now living in dismal squatter camps where they are denied government benefits, government food-aid and medical care – and by law, are also denied access the job market…

Picture: Pretoria squatter camp resident Sarie Rossouw is slowly starving to death… Pretoria has more than 70 squatter camps housing unemployable working-class Afrikaners, and they are consistently denied government-issued food-stamps and survival-benefits from the ANC-regime.


Solidarity trade union’s charity Helping Hand said in a recent letter to SA President Jacob Zuma that without urgent government subsidies and food-aid, many Afrikaners will start dying of starvation and poverty-related diseases – very soon.

Reports of babies and elderly Afrikaners dying of malnutrition are already emerging this year, amongst others reported by Dutch investigative journalist Saskia Vredeveld in her documentary “Poor whites in South Africa’, filmed in Coronation Park near Johannesburg and screened on Dutch IKON-TV earlier this year. She reported details about the death of a newborn Afrikaner baby – from hunger.

Solidarity’s letter also includes a series of pictures taken of some of the more than 650,000 homeless, impoverished Afrikaners.

There is growing interest from abroad in the so-called ‘poor white’ problem. Dutch investigative journalistSaskia Vredeveld and Australian photo-journalist Dean Saffron were only the latest of a long line of foreign journalists who have reported extensively from Afrikaner-poor camps this year.

And this month, a group of DutAfrikanerPoorWelcomeInnKrugersdorpSquatterCampPicPaulBennettFacebookch and Flemish students also visited the Eagle’ s Nest-squatter camp in Pretoria North. They visited the camp with its 100 poor residents and played a traditional Afrikaner sport called “Jukskei’ with the residents as part of the Dutch-South African Society youth-exchange programme. Dr Danie Langner, executive director of Helping Hand, said it was ‘very important for (foreign) students to be exposed to all the realities in South Africa, including the large number of Afrikaners who are now falling into permanent poverty and destitution. The students experienced at first hand the reality of the (more than 650,000) Afrikaners who have to survive without water, electricity or food-supplies each day. This squatter camp’s hundred residents live in horrific circumstances in which they are exposed to the elements each day”. The three-week visit by the Dutch-speaking students was sponsored by four universities, the Afrikaner League, the Afrikaans Language- and Cultural society, the Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Associations, Solidarity and the Foundation for the Empowerment of Afrikaans. http://www.zuidafrikahuis.nl/node/28


Defenceless elderly Afrikaners slowly starving to death…

AfrikanerPoor_SarieRossouw_starving to death Eagles Nest Squatter camp no food aid

Above: Sarie Rossouw lives with her husband Hennie in a Pretoria squatter camp and is badly malnourished. She has only been visited once by a social worker this past year. Her frail husband Hennie, 70, tries to look after her as well as he can, but it’s difficult without health-care and no regular food supplies.


Sixty-three percent of the residents in Pretoria’s 77 white squatter camps and tent-towns alone, are older than 60 years. There is only one social worker for every 4,000 South African resident. A total of 2,100 cases of dire poverty amongst whites are currently being investigated in the town Centurion by its Council for the Elderly. In Pretoria, an average 1,000 cases are reported of whites being abused and left uncared, in dismal conditions. Yet the government’s National Youth Development Agency (the former Umsobomvu Youth Fund) still rules that disability benefits are not granted to such impoverished, elderly Afrikaners.

Senior citizens find it increasingly difficult to live alone in their homes. General frailty, rising living expenses and vulnerability against crime are some of the reasons why they seek alternative accommodation. Old-age homes are only an option for those who receive a state pension, are frail and do not own property or have alternative sources of income. Senior citizens who receive a private pension, however small it may be, are not subsidised by the state and must pay the full unit cost in an old-age home, unless they are frail. The monthly unit cost could amount to R4 000,00 to R5 000,00 per person. Many of these elderly frail people end up in squatter camps.

The government’s social-welfare agencies also refuse to dispense food-stamps to destitute Afrikaners – even to the blind Mrs . Maria Schoeman, below:

Afrikaner poor Maria Schoeman elderly whites malnourished in

AfrikanerPoor_SquatterCampShacks Aug2010

Above: these squatter huts are occupied by whites – more than 96% are Afrikaans-speakers – writes Solidarity ‘s charity Helping Hand – which has 640 branches countrywide — to pres. Jacob Zuma. “Serious health problems are caused by the lack of water- and sanitation-services.”

AfrikanerPoor More than 70 squatter camps with poor whites in Pretoria alone Aug2010

Above: For the first time since the 1930’s, poverty and homelessness has increased dramatically among white Afrikaans-speakers especially. In greater Pretoria alone, there are more than 70 squatter camps for whites and countrywide, more than 640, housing more than 650,000 Afrikaners, reports HelpingHand.co.za charity. There are 3-million Afrikaners in South Africa.

AfrikanerPoor Jurie_Susan Austin live in a pumphouse 2x2 Solidarity Helping Hand charity Pic Aug2010

Above: Jurie and Susan Austin live in a 2 X 2 m pump-house and beg on the streets to survive each day.

AfrikanerPoor Martin Venter Gert van Vuuren live underneath this tree Squatter camp Eagles Nest Pretoria

Above: Martin Venter and Gert van Vuuren live underneath this tree.

AfrikanerPoor Elsie Botha lives in a refitted watertank Eagles Nest Pretoria Helping Hand charity

Above: Elsie Botha lives in this adapted water-tank.

Below: Australian photojournalist reports on Krugersdorp municipality’s attempt to forcibly-remove 400 Afrikaner squatter-camp residents to ablack township:

ZeeFuhrerFunBusAfrikaner Poor AustralianPhotog Dean Saffron Report 1 Afrikaner Poor AustralianPhotog Dean Saffron Report 2 Kruger Robert and Debbie


* * *

This article from a leftist magazine is accurate and heart-rending, aside from some politically corrrect remarks about the supposed horrors of white rule and apartheid. (Why did 100,000 blacks a year sneak down from up north in Black Africa, crossing the crocodile-infested Limpopo river, to get INTO South Africa under white rule???????),:


Btw, I have added this South African section of my blog to the webpage here, which requires a truly cast-iron stomach to get through:


===================THE SPECIES WAR BREWING

I really fear that a species war of uparalleleled horror and brutailty is brewing and that the descendants of the Cro-Magnons, the whites, will be forced into an extreme situation.

One comrade sent me this, a YouTube video of a spoof where homosexual scientists (played by very neanderthalic-looking Jews) announce they have discovered the “Christian gene.” She remarked on how neanderthalic the Jews looked (banana-noses, weak chins and sloped foreheads):

I posted underneath this video:

Note the sloping neanderthalic forehead in the Jews who portay scientists here in this attack on Christianity (= the heterosexual family). THERE is the dangerous gene, and it is the neanderthal gene. See my webpage “Neanderthals and semites” (https://johndenugent.com/neanderthals-and-semites/).

Then I saw some videos on YouTube by ZeeFuhrerFunBus. In a sense, they are truly appalling, showing Hollywood Jew fantasies of SS men, made by an apparently sincere and angry WN comrade, but set to bouncy-happy rock music, and depicting the massacring of Jews as fun.


Note this one:


The final scene here (I dislike the scenes already of white Germans and white Russians killing each other!) was of a Jew-fantasized “Nazi” raping a Jewish woman “doggie-style” and making her bark like a dog. THAT IS A SPECIFIC JEWISH FANTASY — which WN Lasha Darkmoon wrote up and I carried on my blog.

Here is the kind of eye-popping revelation we come across in Ilana Hammerman’s shocking book In Foreign Parts: Trafficking in Women in Israel:

I had a very famous rabbi who would come and order a girl to have sex with him in the doggie position, and would ask her to bark.”

(Source: https://johndenugent.com/2010/08/30/english-sexomania-of-the-jews-by-darkmoon-the-jews-and-incest-by-ryssen/)

Another ludicrous Jewy scene is from “Schindler’s List” by Spielberg, in the “Piece of Heaven” video above, at 3:10-3:23):

The supposed SS commandant picks off a Jewish woman with his sniper rifle for sport. (In reality, the real commandant, the real SS officer Amon Goetz, was really arrested by the real SS and condemned to death for corruption and cruelty. The war ended while he was in an SS prison, before he could be executed. But there is no evidence any scene like this ever happened. Unlike the horrors the Pentagon did at Abu Ghraib…..)

But note the huge gunshot explosion behind the Jewish female. Then why does the woman fall sideways? This is as absurd as claiming that Lee Harvey Oswald shot John Kennedy from behind –when the Jewish tourist Abraham Zapruder’s film shows clearly Kennedy’s head rocketing BACKWARD from a shot that logically HAD TO COME from the front!


The Jews who make such films and such claims drip with FOOLISH contempt for our Aryan intelligence.

Their goal:

Dumb us down about THEM and numb us down about US.

And so the kettle will keep boiling until, I fear, Fuehrer Fun Bus-type scenes become reality. And then as always, the little Jews will get it and the Rothschilds will once again escape punishment, in their private jets, to their resort islands.

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who created a worldwide depression

It is time for YOU, the little Jews reading this blog, to smell the coffee, denounce, renounce, and leave judaism, and publicly take your stand opposing it — and become a mensh. Because the rage is building at your leaders’ holocaust of the world economy and ecology. And it is YOU who will bear the consequences when the world’s rage explodes.

Waffen-SS motorcycles await orders to roll and mop up the Jews

It is irrelevant that you snicker. I am going on record appealing to you. After that, my duty has been done. What will happen will happen. Stay with the criminals, and suffer with them. Do the crime, then do the time.

And no, Jew who wrote me the other day, my blue eyes are not photoshopped. 😉 This time, no more Mr Nice Guy. And you know what I mean.

Leave this international crime family before the global crisis turns into YOUR crisis.

Tomorrow, the Jew role in the medieval holocaust of white children known as the Children’s Crusade.

Of course, this toxic neanderthal blood is not only found in Jews, but in Georgians, Armenians, Khazars, Arabs, a few Iranians, Pakistanis and others — and some whites.

Note the sharply sloping forehead in the mass-murdering Chinaman Mao Tse Tung, from a classic photo of him once shown all over China and the world:

Not only did Mao kill millions of the common people and intellectuals, but he also infected dozens of women, who had been forced into his private harem, with venereal disease. There is another specific neander trait : contempt for women.


Some classic Cro-magnon foreheads, up and down like the White Cliffs of Dover, England, reflectIng a very developed frontal lobe section = self-control, inhibitions against impulsiveness, disorderly behavior or even “making a scene” (EVEN WHEN WE KNOW WE SHOULD!)

My mother, Constance Colwell (Nugent after 1953), of pure English ancestry.

German girl (slogan: “The fastest thing that can fly is a thought.” –Rig Veda)


Dutch actor Rutger Hauer

Waffen-SS commander Jochen Peiper

Hitler Youth teenager from the Bund deutscher Maedel

Joseph Kennedy at Boston Latin School 110 years ago, before he attended Harvard


John Kennedy, on a 1965 half-dollar coin. Talmud: Tob shebbe goyim harog:

Even the best gentiles should die.




This iconic Sixties photo of Raquel Welch was filmed atop a volcano on the Canary Islands for the 1966 movie One Million BC. (See my blogs about the Canary Islands off the northwest African coast as in fact really the last outpost of the Stone Age Aryans: https://johndenugent.com/?s=Nivaria)


Her mother was descended from the Mayflower people (and from President John Quincy Adams). Her father was an engineer from (her words) “a good family” in Bolivia (meaning white Spanish).

Compare THAT with this…..Yukh! 😉


If this site goes down, go to www.johndenugent.com

And you are reading this for free, due to volunteers worldwide helping me, in South Africa, California, Texas, New Zealand, Britain, Canada and Germany.

Your donations mean I can finish my momentous DVD-book and start a mass movement:

John de Nugent
213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055

PayPal, cash or blank money orders, please.

If you have skills I can use, or wish to work on my staff, even for two weeks, contact me. I NEED A VIDEO MAN OR WOMAN. HERE. NOW.


I only beat my volunteers once a week.

What are you waiting for? The Jews to become nice? 😉 Stop smoking whatever Obama’s smoking. 😉

(A real photo of the President of the United States….)



    Alexander Solzhenitsyn in a speech in Washington in 1975 had this to say of the Soviet system which was deemed worthy of recognition as one of ‘our’ Allies fighting ‘for Democracy’ against the ‘Dictators’ in WW2:

    “This was a system which, in time of peace, artificially created a famine causing SIX MILLION PERSONS to die in the Ukraine between 1932 and 1933. They died on the very threshold of Europe. And Europe and the world didn’t even notice it. SIX MILLION PERSONS!” (Alexander Solzhenitsyn Speaks to the West (1978) p 16)

    Why are these people and their fate generally unknown in western countries?

    Roosevelt’s ally Joseph Stalin was supreme dictator of Russia for almost a quarter of a century, from 1929 until his death in 1953. Soviet Russia under Stalin was a despotic police state that relied on internal espionage and terror.

    Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan, before WW2, sought to bring about the ‘collectivization of agriculture’ in accordance with Marx’s Communist Manifesto. When Communism was imposed on Russia, the small farmers known as kulaks, as private property owners, stood in the way. In 1929 Stalin called for ‘the liquidation of the kulaks’, and their small family farms, animals, implements and crops were declared to belong to the state. “Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev (all Jews) had always argued that the peasant would never surrender enough food voluntarily and must, if need be, crushed” (Paul Johnson A History of the Modern World (1983) p 268). The army and secret police were used to enforce the policy. All peasants who resisted were treated with violence – an enormous number were killed or sent to exile in remote areas in the frozen north or the desert steppes. Rather than give up their animals, many peasants killed and ate them. As a result, the number of farm animals in the Soviet Union was catastrophically reduced. The peasants stopped farming.

    After a while, the cities started running out of food. Orders were given for grain to be confiscated from the peasants. Those caught trying to reserve food for their families were ‘severely dealt with’. By the winter of 1932-3, virtually no food was left in the countryside. By early March 1933, ‘death on a mass scale really began’. The main farming areas of Russia, particularly in the Ukraine, were utterly devastated. It was a time of great and terrible hunger, a catastrophic man-made famine.

    Eugene Lyons was sent to Russia in 1928 as United Press chief correspondent. Arriving as an enthusiastic communist, he experienced the catastrophe at first hand. He described the ‘famine’ in his book Assignment in Utopia (1937):

    “Hell broke loose in seventy thousand Russian villages.. A population as large as all of Switzerland’s was stripped clean of all their belongings.. They were herded with bayonets at railroad stations, packed indiscriminately into cattle cars and freight cars and dumped weeks later in the lumber regions of the frozen North, the deserts of central Asia, wherever labor was needed, there to live or die..”.

    The famine alone is estimated conservatively to have caused 6 million deaths, almost half of them children. Other millions died from the killings and sickness as a result of the deportations.

    Lyons, himself Jewish, credits the Jewish commissar Lazar Kaganovich with the major portion of responsibility for this major crime against humanity:

    “Lazar Kaganovich… it was his iron hand that applied Bolshevik mercilessness.” (Lyons, p 578). The Encyclopaedia Britannica says tersely, “(Kaganovich) was one of the small group of Stalin’s top advisors pushing for very high rates of collectivization after 1929.. Within the Politburo, Kaganovich.. led the opposition to Kirov’s proposed concessions to the peasantry and to his attempts to relax the harshness of Stalin’s control..”

    Kaganovich died at the ripe old age of 98 in 1991 (Encl. Brit.), ethnically safe from pursuit by the Israeli secret service, the Simon Wiesenthal organization and the New York media-intelligentsia. Shhhh!!!

    • Thank you, comrade.

      But Putin understands the Jew issue. It is he who honored Solzhenitysn AFTER his — subtly but powerfully antisemitic — 2002 book Two Hundred Years Together with the highest civilian medal of the Rusian Federation. Here is a picture of them on President Putin’s SECOND VISIT TO SOLZHENITSYN’S DACHA outside Moscow:

      * * *

  2. Interesting arithmetic – the incredible numbers

    Have a look at a typical account by one of the seemingly endless number of survivors: Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys: a woman survivor’s true story of Auschwitz (Granada/ Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972).

    According to Lengyel, ‘After June, 1943, the gas chamber was reserved exclusively for Jews and Gypsies.. Three hundred and sixty corpses every half-hour, which was all the time it took to reduce human flesh to ashes, made 720 per hour, or 17,280 corpses per twenty-four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and night. However, one must also reckon the death pits, which could destroy another 8,000 cadavers a day. In round numbers, about 24,000 corpses were handled each day. An admirable production record, one that speaks well for German industry.’ (Paperback edition, pp80-81). [No trace of any remains of or in ‘death pits’ has been found.]

    This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in 240 days (eight months). Notice the bald precision of the figures without any explanation, the utter confidence in the reader’s credulity.

    The blurb on the cover of the book quotes the New York Herald-Tribune: “Passionate, tormenting”. Albert Einstein, the promoter of the US construction of the bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is quoted as offering “You have done a real service by letting the ones who are now silent and most forgotten speak.”

    Could this claim be a misprint?

    Kitty Hart, in spite of her name a Jewish survivor born in Poland, fully confirms these figures:

    ‘Working around the clock, the four units together could dispose of about 18,000 bodies every twenty-four hours, while the open pits coped with a further 8,000 in the same period.’ (p 118; Return to Auschwitz – paperback edition by Granada (1981, 1983).

    According to the cover blurb, ‘The subject of the award-winning Yorkshire television documentary of the same name.’ ‘Both engaging and harrowing…an important addition to the growing holocaust literature, very little of which conveys so courageously both the daily torment and the will to survive’ – Martin Gilbert, The Times.

    ‘Sir’ Martin Gilbert, indefatigable Jewish campaigner on behalf of the ‘Holocaust’ and biographer of Winston Churchill, adds to the rich flavour and makes his own numerical claims, certainly not without chutzpah:

    In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he states

    ‘The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europe’s Jews was unsuspected in the spring and early summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka.’ (p.26). [This statement, first noticed by Professor Robert Faurisson, was then deleted (not corrected) from the next edition – no simple typo, no simple error with omission or spelling or grammar, just a case of being caught red-handed in blatant chutzpah deluxe.]

    If we assume a minimum figure of 200,000 per day, this amounts to say a million a five-day working week, or 6 million in six weeks, and this does not include the amazing claims for Auschwitz put forward by Hart and Lengyel with Gilbert’s blessing.

    • Yes, psychopaths have the chutzpah to pull off amazing cons. They have no shame, never blush and can lie without hesitation or remorse. A real evolutionary advantag for a parasitical life form.

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