ENGLISH White Kansas City boy set on fire with gasoline by blacks to jew-whore media silence; Leininger-Huston reincarnation saga

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Every single jumper was WHITE. Not by any coincidence but by our nature, which the ancient Greeks, knew only too well (Homer) as: “aristeuein, hypereikhon einai alln.” To excel, to be superior to the average (“the others”).
I have done a lot of thinking about white lonerism, and its corollary, extreme individual and semi-individual sports, also about individualism…. and infighting among the ancient Greeks…… crushed eventually by the machinelike Macedons and then the Romans….
Here is the trailer:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmNFyMXkGpA&feature=player_embeddedAs the one race that has most highly evolved out of the animal stage, I grasp that we are not automatic herd people, or worse, horde people. 😉

If we choose to support our country or folk, it is out of a conscious decision, not an animal drive. We come to the conclusion that our race is worthy of our ultimate sacrifice. We look at its achievements, its beauty, and also the wrongful suffering inflicted on it by Jews, and blacks, Arabs and Mongoloids, and then we feel a protective love.

We are saving a work of art that is called “the white race.” It is not animal loyalty.

When a Jew fights for his ugly, wicked people, it is his low animal nature: us versus them.

Further, when an Aryan incarnates, he has goals in mind. He is testing himself. Other races incarnate for food, sex and their hobbies.

But why did I join the Marines, and not the US Army?

Why did certain young Germans 1933-45 join the Waffen-SS and not the Wehrmacht?

Because an Aryan wishes to severely test himself.

And so, while I found the loss of four superb Aryan lives appalling in the film “North Face,” it was not about their need (there was none) to climb a stupid, steep, dangerous chunk of retarded ROCK, the Eiger mountain… the north face of which not even a mountain goat wanted to climb. 😉

It was about the Aryan need to set for himself excruciating goals, and reach them. And while, as Cindy Lauper sang, generalizing, “girls just wanna have fun,”

…Aryans just wanna have goals.

“I can, I want to, I must — and I will!”

We incarnate each time to push ourselves ever higher. Other races incarnate for sex, food and hate.

As for us, the inner goal is the Superman. Aristeuein…


……Danke schön!

For 20 Gold Swiss franks to a European comrade.

What have YOU done for karma and race, hmmm? Ranted online about jews to another choir member?


04/10 @ 09:26 : Denham Springs, Louisiana, US
04/10 @ 09:25 : Darlington, GB
04/10 @ 09:17 : Nesoddtangen, NO[RWAY]
04/10 @ 09:17 : Seljord, NO
04/10 @ 09:16 : Washington, District of Columbia, US
04/10 @ 09:15 : Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
04/10 @ 09:15 : Oslo, NO
04/10 @ 09:14 : Cambridge, GB
04/10 @ 09:12 : Fredrikstad, NO
04/10 @ 09:10 : Kristiansand, NO
04/10 @ 09:09 : Hollywood, Florida, US
04/10 @ 09:28 : Skopje, MK [MACEDONIA]

Lake Matka near Skopje

04/10 @ 09:28 : Imperia, IT[ALY]
04/10 @ 09:23 : Madras, IN[DIA]
04/10 @ 09:22 : Lake Zurich, Illinois, US
04/10 @ 09:20 : Bremen, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]

City Hall

04/10 @ 09:15 : So Jos, BR
04/10 @ 09:11 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
04/10 @ 09:07 : Marshville, North Carolina, US
04/10 @ 09:01 : Ostrava, CZ[ECH REPUBLIC]

Ostrava was once as Pittsburgh was, but for the Czech Republic — full of steel mills, coal mines and polluted air, though the NWO is shutting it all down. Here the Anton Dvorak City Theater

04/10 @ 08:57 : Italy, IT
04/10 @ 08:56 : Sheffield, GB


The media is hyping white-on-black crime… that rarest of birds….The ratio of interracial crime being 50 to 1, blacks attacking whites.

But what are they hyping? George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida has a Jewish father, and a Hispanic mother, ergo he is NOT white! (So, pathetically, black pinheads chant he is “Klan with a tan”! 😉

Zimmerman the 5’4″ Jew is hardly a candidate for an SS poster 🙂

(And the diminutive JEW Zimmerman likely committed no crime against the 6’4″ thug Trayvon.)

Note: not one photo on Jewgle below shows Li’l Trayvon’s more recent and thuggish pictures!


I remember, back when I was young, dinosaurs still roamed the earth and John Kennedy was president :-), no decent kid ever gave someone the finger, which was seen as some sort of Sicilian thing. And when around 1965 the word “m—-f—–” started to be heard, that was the kind of black-only curse word (and twisted sexual concept) that no white would dream of using, or even thinking about.

It is amazing to see blacks, having blessed America so, going now into their easily triggered hate-whitey and yes, get-whitey mode.

I got a blog comment below to approve (I did not approve it) from an illiterate black angry at my take on the Holy Martyr Trayvon, showing both her spectacular ignorance of English grammar, spelling and punctuation (but, hey, blax have only been in America for 400 short years 🙂 ) and African manipulability and volatility. I bolded some of the more interesting assertions by this Afreak’in”-American. 🙂

* * *

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: WordPress <wordpress@democratic-republicans.us>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2012, 12:34
Subject: [John de Nugent] Please moderate: ” ENGLISH 6-foot-4, 17-year-old black jesus Trayvon was suspended thrice for drugs, truancy, graffiti, and carrying burglary tools; Christian Zionist hopes I burn in hell”

A new comment on the post ” ENGLISH 6-foot-4, 17-year-old black jesus Trayvon was suspended thrice for drugs, truancy, graffiti, and carrying burglary tools; Christian Zionist hopes I burn in hell” is waiting for your approval

Author : sally (IP: , c-67-174-216-5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net)
E-mail : rhondasmith40@hotmail.com
Whois : http://whois.arin.net/rest/ip/

* * *

A comrade in Massachusetts caught Florida whites ranting about the Sanford blax on Facebook:

“Lunchtime,,, was gonna go to “Bubba Burger” [for non-American readers, “Bubba” symbolizes a big Southern white country-boy], but the Trayvon people are marching there with their boycott-white-business signs. So it looks like I am going to “Smokeys”” 😉

I say go in and buy 20 Bubba Burgers! 😉

They will fuck with my truck! 🙁

They go to a different white business every day and march so “the community” knows what stores to boycott…

So, Hispanic is the new white? I’m confused. The Urban Dictionary will have to update this….

You’re a tough bitch. If I did not have the welder and torches on my truck I might have went in too…

Fuckin’ eggplants…. I heard people with anti-Obama stickers are getting their tires slashed while in the supermarket, Newspaper said best to remove the stickers so that your car does not get damaged. Really dangerous in Fort Pierce……

JdN: GOOD. That is near my country club Republican dad’s house in Vero Beach….. Time for a race-reality check, Dad! (Pic below: a typical Route AIA beachfront-strip Vero Beach house… Gated communities designed so only the POOR whites get the blessings of integration. Rich whites have been happy for decades to let the poor whites get it in the neck. THEY can afford private schools, gates, private security patrols and thus can look down in smirking comfort on troublemakers like me who for 34 years now have denounced both black racism and also white classism, that is, to hell with the white working class as long as we got ours, and can sip genteel cocktails of top-shelf gin with our nice Jewish neighbors. )


Hahaha, Sounds like Funnn!!!

Funny thing is — most of the waitresses in Bubba Burger are local and are black, so who are they hurting ?

Just heard on the radio the mob is marching toward the police station

It is nuts, specially in Fort Pierce. I heard the the safety gate companies for store fronts are hiring welders, all the white businesses are getting drop-down security gates, Also there is a sticker going around that says Black Chamber of Commerce member…Stores are putting it on their front door. It is supposed to protect them..

They’re creating more jobs than Saddam Hussein!!!! He’s busy rolling eggs around the rose garden.

Helll No We won’t GO@@!!


The latest news-from-the-jews-media is that two “whites” (a Jake England and an Alvin Watts) just shot five blacks (of whom three died) in Tulsa, Oklahoma…..on the searing occasion of the second anniversary of the day that one of the supposed white perps lost his father, murdered by a black.

(The supposed white perp supposedly also denounced the black murderer of his dad, according to his — jew-controlled — Facebook page, as a “f—— n——.”)


So two white perps….but whoa! I ask you, in what sense is the Jake England guy on the left “white”? He looks like a Hispanic neanderthal (protruding mouth). Is this the current definition of “white”? Have our standards sunk THAT low? If so I must look like a space alien. 🙂

Things are heating up. and so it is time for me to heat things up right back.


Uploaded by GCrowdy on Mar 5, 2012
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KMBC) — A 13-year-old Kansas City boy is back home after two black teenagers poured gasoline on him and lit him on fire.

It happened Tuesday at the teen’s home on Quincy Avenue, just down the street from Kansas City’s East High School. The boy lives less than two blocks away from the school and was walking home when the attack happened.

Melissa Coon said her son turned from the school’s stadium onto Quincy Avenue and noticed two teenagers following him. She said the teens followed her son home and attacked him outside his front door.

“And they rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open,” she said. “(One of them) poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy’.”

The two attackers ran away, and the eighth grader put the fire out with the shirt off his back. He managed to call 911 on his own, then his father. He was taken by ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital and spent several hours in the hospital’s burn unit.

“You could smell the burned skin,” said Coon. “You could smell the burned hair. It was just horrible.” Her son lost some of his eyelashes, eyebrows, and some of the hair around his face was singed. Coon said she knows her son is lucky — but also can’t believe someone would do that to her child.

Coon said the incident will have a lingering affect on her family.

“My five year old came in and asked me, ‘Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?'” she said. “I was in tears.”

Coon said her family will move from their home and her son will not return to East High School. She said he thinks his attackers may be students there.

Police said the two suspects are male and have facial hair. Police said one was wearing a blue hat, blue jacket, and shoes with the number 23 on the side. The other wore a blue hat, a black jacket, and wore glasses.

Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Crime Stoppers TIPS Hotline at 816-474-TIPS.

…….more on the incredible James Leininger/James Huston story

As the truly astounding story below shows, it is God’s blessing, not curse, that most of us are aware only of the stresses to which we agreed in this current mouthful of a life!

(If you have not seen my videos on reincarnation and reality, please go to: https://johndenugent.com/about-john/videos-of-jdn-speaking and watch God videos 2-A, B and C)

Most of us, unlike James Huston-Leininger below, do not ruminate even as kids on all our previous debacles. ;) wink I felt very betrayed by a friend last year for revealing my past-life sorrows. Past lives = past mistakes. There is a darn good reason why God usually gives us amnesia and a clean slate.

As Jesus said: “SUFFICIENT UNTO EACH DAY IS THE EVIL THEREOF.” And that goes for past lives too. It is between lives that we review what has gone on.

In the end, we forgive each other because we keep trying, and stay loyal to that higher person we see growing in each other, that beautiful butterfly spreading some splendid wings.

Two stalwart supporters were with me when this butterfly alighted on my hand.
Great, VERY great…. but not perfect….and not everyone, as in this pic, did worship this mere mortal. Note the interesting facial feature he had of a slight mound between his eyebrows. The bottom line is that though great, he lost the war.
And now a new website about James Leininger-Huston, modern kid and WWII pilot:

Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation?

ABC News

April 15, 2004

Nearly six decades ago, a 21-year-old Navy fighter pilot on a mission over the Pacific was shot down by Japanese artillery. His name might have been forgotten, were it not for 6-year-old James Leininger. Quite a few people including those who knew the fighter pilot think James is the pilot, reincarnated. James’ parents, Andrea and Bruce, a highly educated, modern couple, say they are “probably the people least likely to have a scenario like this pop up in their lives.” But over time, they have become convinced their little son has had a former life.

From an early age, James would play with nothing else but planes, his parents say. But when he was 2, they said the planes their son loved began to give him regular nightmares. “I’d wake him up and he’d be screaming,” Andrea told ABCNEWS’ Chris Cuomo. She said when she asked her son what he was dreaming about, he would say, “Airplane crash on fire, little man can’t get out.”

Above: James Huston Jr., whose tragic death during World War II is remembered in detail by young James Leininger,
pauses for a picture sometime in 1944, the year before he was shot down. Source

Reality Check

Andrea says her mom was the first to suggest James was remembering a past life. At first, Andrea says she was doubtful. James was only watching kids’ shows, his parents say, and they weren’t watching World War II documentaries or conversing about military history. But as time went by, Andrea began to wonder what to believe. In one video of James at age three he goes over a plane as if he’s doing a preflight check. Another time, Andrea said, she bought him a toy plane, and pointed out what appeared to be a bomb on its underside. She says James corrected her, and told her it was a drop tank. “I’d never heard of a drop tank,” she said. “I didn’t know what a drop tank was.” Then James’ violent nightmares got worse, occurring three and four times a week. Andrea’s mother suggested she look into the work of counselor and therapist Carol Bowman, who believes that the dead sometimes can be reborn. With guidance from Bowman, they began to encourage James to share his memories and immediately, Andrea says, the nightmares started become less frequent. James was also becoming more articulate about his apparent past, she said. Bowman said James was at the age when former lives are most easily recalled. “They haven’t had the cultural conditioning, the layering over the experience in this life so the memories can percolate up more easily,” she said.

F4U Corsair


Trail of Mysteries

Over time, James’ parents say he revealed extraordinary details about the life of a former fighter pilot mostly at bedtime, when he was drowsy. They say James told them his plane had been hit by the Japanese and crashed. Andrea says James told his father he flew a Corsair, and then told her, “They used to get flat tires all the time.” In fact, historians and pilots agree that the plane’s tires took a lot of punishment on landing. But that’s a fact that could easily be found in books or on television. Andrea says James also told his father the name of the boat he took off from Natoma and the name of someone he flew with “Jack Larson.” After some research, Bruce discovered both the Natoma and Jack Larson were real. The Natoma Bay was a small aircraft carrier in the Pacific. And Larson is living in Arkansas. “It was like, holy mackerel,” Bruce said. “You could have poured my brains out of my ears. I just couldn’t believe it.

USS Natoma Bay


James 2 = James M. Huston Jr.?

Bruce became obsessed, searching the Internet, combing through military records and interviewing men who served aboard the Natoma Bay. He said James told him he had been shot down at Iwo Jima. James had also begun signing his crayon drawings “James 3.” Bruce soon learned that the only pilot from the squadron killed at Iwo Jima was James M. Huston Jr. Bruce says James also told him his plane had sustained a direct hit on the engine. Ralph Clarbour, a rear gunner on a U.S. airplane that flew off the Natoma Bay, says his plane was right next to one flown by James M. Huston Jr. during a raid near Iwo Jima on March 3, 1945. Clarbour said he saw Huston’s plane struck by anti-aircraft fire. “I would say he was hit head on, right in the middle of the engine,” he said.

Treasured Mementos

Bruce says he now believes his son had a past life in which he was James M. Huston Jr. “He came back because he wasn’t finished with something.” The Leiningers wrote a letter to Huston’s sister, Anne Barron, about their little boy. And now she believes it as well. “The child was so convincing in coming up with all the things that there is no way on the world he could know,” she said. But Professor Paul Kurtz of the State University of New York at Buffalo, who heads an organization that investigates claims of the paranormal, says he thinks the parents are “self-deceived.” “They’re fascinated by the mysterious and they built up a fairy tale,” he said. James’ vivid, alleged recollections are starting to fade as he gets older but among his prized possessions remain two haunting presents sent to him by Barron: a bust of George Washington and a model of a Corsair aircraft. They were among the personal effects of James Huston sent home after the war. “He appears to have experienced something that I don’t think is unique, but the way it’s been revealed is quite astounding,” Bruce said. Asked if the idea that James may have been someone else changes his or his wife’s feeling about their son, Bruce said: “It doesn’t change how we think. I don’t look at him and say, ‘That’s not my boy.’ That’s my boy.”

The original link at ABC:

This story appeared on ABC’s TV show Primetime. Here is the link to their printed version on the website (It’s the same as above except I added a few more pictures):

Could a Little Boy Be Proof of Reincarnation? http://more.abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/us/reincarnation_040415.html

There is also a Real Player video link related to this story but you have to subscribe to this ABC feature.

Second Link: Here is another news story on the same subject, from Daily Courier\PittsburghLive, By Judy Kroeger:

About past lives … Uniontown WW II flyer’s memories in Louisiana boy http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/dailycourier/news/s_189477.html

More at Ian Lawton’s site:
The Past Life Memories of James Leininger


Editor’s note from Reverse Spins:

Apparently they mentioned on the show that the boy’s memory of his past life is fading. This is not surprising and no refutation of reincarnation. For those who say there is no reincarnation because we can’t remember past lives, I challenge you to remember your childhood. Most of us can only remember isolated events. If we can’t remember most of our childhood how are we supposed to remember past lives? We have enough problems dealing with this life. Imagine trying to cope with the problems and traumas of past lives all at the same time. God in His infinite mercy casts a veil over memories. Some do remember but it is not necessarily the right course of action to seek one’s former lives, for once you discover them, you take on more karma all at once for that embodiment. Normally it would be stretched out over time. The boy’s nightmares are a perfect illustration of this phenomenon and demonstration of cosmic law.

Although I do not remember my last embodiment and do not wish to pursue it, this story really resonates with me for two reasons. I absolutely love that plane and have for a long, long time. I also spent a year in Japan in this life. I was born five years after WW II ended, a resonable amount of time between embodiments. Maybe I hated the Japanese too much and had to balance that karma. I now love many aspects of Japanese culture. I don’t know if I was ever one of Mr. Huston’s wing men, in any event, God bless this former F4U pilot for remembering his past and all those who brought it to our attention.

Update 9/7/09

The story of James Leininger has made its way to England:

Is James Leininger reincarnation of Second World War fighter pilot?-9/1 Telegraph (UK), James Leininger, an 11-year-old American boy, could be the reincarnation of a Second World War fighter pilot, according to a new book.– He is said to have lived before as Lt James Huston Jnr, who was shot down by the Japanese in 1945. A book about him, Soul Survivor, is a best-seller in the US and tells how he began to have dreams about the war as a two-year-old. His parents Bruce, 59, and Andrea, 47, were initially sceptical about the idea of reincarnation but have now traced the relatives of the dead pilot who were impressed by Jamess apparent memories of the war. Mrs Leininger told the Mirror: “In the throes of his nightmares you couldn’t work out what he was saying. But two or three months in, I was walking down the hall and I heard him saying, ‘Airplane crash, plane on fire, little man can’t get out.’ “It chilled me to my bone hearing this. “I asked him what happened to his plane and he said, ‘It crashed on fire.’ I asked how it crashed and he said the Japanese shot his plane. …

Reincarnated! Our son is a World War II pilot come back to life-9/2 Daily Mail (UK), By Zoe Brennan– It sounds totally beyond belief. But read the tantalising evidence from this boy’s family and you may start to wonder…The agonised screams pierced the air. ‘Plane on fire! Airplane crash.’ In the dark, a two-year-old boy was just visible, writhing on his bed in the grip of horror. ‘He was lying there on his back, kicking and clawing at the covers like he was trying to kick his way out of a coffin,’ remembers the boy’s father. ‘I thought, this looks like The Exorcist. I half expected his head to spin around like that little girl in the movie. But then I heard what James was saying.’ Over and over again, the tiny child screamed: ‘Plane on fire! Little man can’t get out.’ …

Editor’s Review: I could not put this book down. I already knew quite a lot about the story so I was expecting it to be somewhat pedantic. Nothing could be further from the truth. I read it, off and on, in about 24 hours. The authors did a masterful job of unfolding the astonishing things that came out of little James Leininger’s mouth. I even enjoyed the reluctant opening of consciouness of the parents, although the dad’s strict interpretation of the Bible became somewhat exasperating. He was a trooper though, vowing to get to the bottom of this mystery. This is an important book because to prove reincarnation, the individual has to remember an embodiment that is not in the least bit famous. In other words, there is no way he could know about it. On the other hand, there has to be enough evidence of the past life so it can be tracked down. Enough facts and knowledge of the past life has to be revealed as well to show it’s not a coincidence. All these conditions were met in this case. Another book that met these prerequisites is Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective’s Search for His Past Life which you can find on my Karma, Reincarnation and NDE page. Once one accepts the notion of reincarnation, the next question should be: Why do we reincarnate and how do we graduate? But for now, I recommend this book as a gift to anyone who needs an introduction to reincarnation.

YouTube Videos


Past Life of James – Part 2

Past Life of James – Part 3

Past Life of James – Part 4 (end)

Follow-up story: 11 year old boy reincarnated FOX 8 News

Child’s Nightmares and Memories Prove Reincarnation-6/1 Fox8 TV, It is being called the most documented case of reincarnation ever. A little boy is able to recall over 50 memories from someone else’s life. A World War II pilot’s family believes it is their reincarnated brother based on the child’s memories. The boy’s story is so compelling, it has been published in a new book called “Soul Survivor.” Fox 8’s Suzanne Stratford spoke exclusively to the child and his family. .. A very nice follow up video on this story. Editor

Another follow-up story:

Boy to tell of pilot’s experiences-7/25
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, By Patti Dobranski and Bob Stiles

James Leininger’s parents want their 8-year-old son to have a great life — his own life. But for the past 5 1/2 years, the Louisiana boy has been reliving pieces of the life of another James — Lt. James McCready Huston, a World War II fighter pilot from Uniontown who was killed near Iwo Jima more than 50 years before James was born.

At 2 1/2 years old, James began expressing aviation knowledge that surpassed not just a typical toddler’s ability, but that of his parents. The child began reciting a collection of information and had recurring nightmares about being shot down by a Japanese plane with a red sun on it. James’ parents, Bruce and Andrea, eventually realized their son’s assertions were accurate and that something beyond the tangible was occurring.

Their lives have not been the same. Beginning in 2004, James made a couple of TV appearances for ABC News and on the Montel Williams Show. Tuesday morning, James will tell his story live on ABC’s “Good Morning, America,” during a segment set to air between 8 and 8:30 a.m. Bruce Leininger said although there are no new, earth-shattering revelations from James, he’s glad to see his son’s experiences help keep the memories and sacrifices of soldiers like Huston alive. “I am writing a book about these men as a tribute to the men of the Natoma Bay — the ship Lieutenant Huston was stationed on. That’s the way I’ve eternalized it. We shouldn’t forget. We need to remember and realize all of our spirits are on a journey. That’s what this is all about,” he said in a telephone interview from his Lafayette home. Huston’s sister, Anne Barron, 87, of Los Gatos, Calif., said she believes the boy’s accounts. “It’s very hard to describe, but I just can’t help but say it has to be true,” she said. “He knows too many things. For some reason, he knows these things.”

Huston’s sister, Anne Barron, 87, of Los Gatos, Calif., said she believes the boy’s accounts. “It’s very hard to describe, but I just can’t help but say it has to be true,” she said. “He knows too many things. For some reason, he knows these things.” Huston’s cousin, Bob Huston, 74, of Franklin Township, Fayette County, agrees. “To me, it’s amazing,” he said. “The way the boy explained how (Huston) got shot down, that’s what the people told my mother and his father.” Barron said her brother wanted to fly since he was a child, and he enlisted in the U.S. Navy after one year in college.

Huston was shot down March 3, 1945, while on his 50th mission. The mission was to be his last before coming home in April, Barron said. James’ nightmares, which began shortly after his father took him to visit a Dallas flight museum when the boy was 18 months old, center on a plane crash. “They were terrible, terrible,” Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. “He would scream, ‘airplane crash, on fire, little man can’t get out!’ He’d be kicking, with his hands pointing up at the ceiling.” Andrea Leininger believes her son is the reincarnation of Huston. Neither Bob Huston nor Barron know exactly what to think. “I don’t think when we die we just stop,” Barron said. “I don’t think I’ll know until I go there myself.”

Bruce Leininger said James’ recollections have been fewer as he’s gotten older. And that’s a good thing. “He feels kind of special that he attracts this type of attention, but we don’t try to dwell on it,” he said. “We want him to be who he is and have his own life. He used to be interested in airplanes, but now he’s into Star Wars, so that’s a development.”

Still, in some ways, James remains an old soul. “He uses some dated expressions that we have never used. He has interests in seeing historical things, rather than just wanting to go to Disney World,” his father said. In September 2004, when James was 6, his father took him to a reunion of veterans who served on the Natoma. James was able to recognize one of Huston’s former shipmates after 60 years. “His comment was, ‘They’re all so old,'” he said. Foods sometimes spark memories. “I hadn’t made meatloaf in 10 years, so James had never had it,” Andrea Leininger told the Tribune-Review News Service in 2004. “When he sat down, he said, ‘Meatloaf! I haven’t had that since I was on the Natoma.’ When we were getting ice cream one day, he told me that they could have ice cream every day on the Natoma.” Bruce Leininger said he is considering penning a book about their experiences with their son. “I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to do,” he said. Bob Huston and Barron plan to be tuned in when James appears on television. “I just have to see it,” Barron said. “I’ve met the Leiningers and they’re such nice people. And they’re honest people. I’m going to watch it.” end. http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribunereview/news/fayette/s_463146.html


This story is generating a lot of interest. I’m getting many hits from searches.

I emailed the story to some friends, with some interesting results.

One friend’s Dad is an agnostic. He emailed him the story. Turns out he had seen the show and was interested in the subject maybe even open to the possibility of reincarnation. He had been a flyer in WW II as well, flying suppplies from India to China over the Himalayas. You never know what keys will touch the soul.

Another good friend and I use to talk about the Corsair. I emailed him the story. He revealed some things he hadn’t told me before. He remembers flying the plane in WW II. He was shot down and tortured by the Japanese. The first time he visited Japan he felt a wave of hatred pass through him but it soon passed.


Here’s another great story about a boy in England who remembered a detailed past life:

The Boy Who Lived Before

Also at Reverse Spins::

General Patton remembered his past lives

Famous Quotes on Reincarnation

Site Meter

 ……..Contact and support


$50 in US cash Thursday from the True North, Proud and Free (Canada). The banknote itself honors President (and general) Ulysses Grant, who during the War Between the States (called wrongly the “Civil War” — it was not a war between angry civilians — the French and Germans call it correctly the “Secession War”) banned all Jews from a three-state military district for illegal cotton trading and other swindles. (A panicky Abraham Lincoln had General Halleck order Grant’s order rescinded.)


–sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

–cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)

–bank wire to an alternate bank account (contact me for details at john_denugent@yahoo.com; one comrade does this every month!)

–PAYPAL (write me for details)

–gift cards for BestBuy, Walmart, Barnes & Noble bookstores, etc.

I need your donation urgently to pay for the new website and for the final video, which will be the most devastating attack on the Jews FOCUSING ON CHILD MOLESTATION, THE MOST HATED CRIME ON EARTH, and the most inspiring appeal to the Aryan soul inside us ever recorded.

The ultimate white boy with guns 🙂


1 Comment

  1. Greetings, Herr Nugent. It has been such a while since I last commented and I am now on your blog with California jewish technology, a cell phone, as useful as it is. Every time I read your dedicated words I become most enthralled in the deeply emotional sayings in italics that I myself feel so deeply, and proudly as a White male in love with awakening the mentally tainted youths of my own age group, assured themselves to become fearful of any colored person who can raise their voice. Now I realize that my rage comes not only from the heart, but rather also the mind. Logic tells me another italicized.
    saying to share with other brave White Nationalists in every defensive culture,
    I personally find the scientific aspect of understanding our origins, especially that which idealizes empirical knowledge to trace the dna of the ultimate Race most interesting. I have even found such institutions as Astrology in predicting and understanding events quite an interesting field. As mentioned on your blog previously, the forest is where the Aryan spirit dwells, and from this force a created violence must erupt from the White man, as seen in the feelings of the great Hitler’s mind.
    THANKS to you, sir. And pardon my errors as I am just beginning.

    WORDS ARE NOT SWORDS. And with this I know to speak out against a biased

    discussion in my senior English class

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