ENGLISH White South African to me on what is really happening

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================Brits versus Afrikaners


I wrote a white South African, who had seen and praised my major, permanent webpage


…the following:

There is a deeply ingrained British-ruling-class arrogance toward other white people, and wholely out of place in today’s situation. I am sure the Afrikaners have their rough edges and stubborn side, yes, no doubt — but now is the time for whites in South Africa and everywhere else to unite!

 Did you ever read my major essay on the Normans? It is now the cover story of the Barnes Review magazine out of Washington DC! It may change forever how you see the Brits!! And as a descendant of the Normans I write from the inside.

This fellow, “Percival,” wrote back, and I disagree with some of his views, especially about the blacks being “better” than the Jews. I see almost all non-whites as allied against us — by their very nature — and worst of all, firmly under Jewish leadership or used by them.


The difference, John,  between the Afrikaners and the British: An Afrikaner priest I know said it this way: The British are too polite to be honest, and Dutch (Afrikaners) are too honest to be polite.

Therein lies the difference. The one has polish, but is untrustworthy, and the other has no polish, but is honest. Let me tell you something I have heard that apparently does the rounds among BLACKS in south Africa’s townships. The BLACKS among themselves have recognised that the whites (the liberal ones) who come and say “We love you, etc….” are the untrustworthy ones. They too know that the whites who openly dislike them, are also the ones who CAN BE TRUSTED. This lesson has not been lost on the blacks.

Therein lies the difference. The Afrikaners take the truth and honesty very seriously and I think it may be one of their greatest redeeming factors.


Bok van Blerk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bok_van_Blerk) is a popular modern Afrikaans singer; this song (in his Afrikaans language — Afrikaans is a modern mix of Dutch and Northern German) is his famous and very moving hit “AFRIKANER HEART”, glorifying Afrikaner heroism in the war the British Empire waged on them 1899-1902. 10,000 Afrikaner women and children died in the “concentration camps” set up by “Lord Kitchener” (his word).

With no artwork but with English subtitles


I am a deep believer in the need for social contracts between people and for people to honour their contracts and word with each other. This is the very BASIS of all commerce and civilisation and people who break the trust are the ones who are starting to destroy any chance of civilisation, trade and thereby progress. Herein, Afrikaners, due to their Christian beliefs, do not lie, even when it is to their benefit. And I think, in the long term, many people inside and outside Africa will come to value this side of the Afrikaner.

[JdN: I think this is overly optimistic as a stand-alone, but I think Percival has a point. Nor is he even mentioning the huge new factor of the Red Chinese in South Africa, who are totally anti-white.]

And my visit to Holland, to liberal Holland, left me newly impressed with the Dutch. They now allow all kinds of free speech [especially about Islam]. The Dutch are also now swinging the other way. I have a new respect for the Dutch. The only Europeans I truly spit on are the British elite.

There was a German who was amazing in WWI. He had the only undefeated army in WWI, and he fought in what is now Tanzania. He held off a British/Afrikaner army of 250,000 and kept them busy during the entire WWI. It was a small army of BLACKS commanded by white German officers – and they were amazing.



Essentially undefeated in the field, von Lettow-Vorbeck was the only German commander to successfully invade imperial British soil during World War I. His exploits in the campaign have come down “as the greatest single guerrilla operation in history, and the most successful.”[1]




Now that guy later fought in Germany when the Jews/Communists were busy trying to foment revolution in Germany. His name is Von Lettow-Vorbeck. So initially, he and Hitler and all veterans fought on the same side to save Germany from communism. But later Von Lettow and Hitler did not hit it off. Hitler wanted to use him as a hero, but Von Lettow-Vorbeck never fought in WW2.


But after WW2, Von Lettow Vorbeck as well as NS types all played a role in the formation of the EU. It is very important to keep in mind that former NS men also had some say and still have a say to this day. One thing all these guys had in common was a belief in white nationalism and they did not want white people to be fighting each other.

Today it is the damned British “elite” who are the only buggers who hate the idea of a united Europe. This is because the BRITISH for centuries chopped and changed sides and screwed over other nations in Europe and they turned on their own best allies, the Prussians/Germans. The British are hated in Europe and for good reason because of what their rulers do.

The Norman Churchill (a Spencer) with is jew-bisexual adviser Robert Boothby.

robert-boothby-winston-churchillI have come to be a real fan of the idea of European unity. The British I no longer care for. I grew up in Rhodesia and we had original Winston Churchill memorabilia in our school. We even had a guy with a functioning Spitfire come and fly over our school. In our school we had photographs of young pilots who died during WW2 fighting the Germans. We were brought up to believe the great British and the evil Germans and how Churchill and Britain and the Empire stood for what is good and right for all men.

I now spit on that, my friend. I have seen how the British ruling class knifes every friend they have in the back and they now have no friends. And you know what, I say good for Europe – the Europeans are working together, Germany is the top country there (though Jew-run); overall, it’s excellent. What is sad is the British-City of London influence on America, and I weep for America and where it will go because America is now just as loose with the truth as Britain is. And it’s very sad; it goes against what most Americans believe.

One final thought about the Afrikaners: The older ones are rough around the edges but I’ve watched the next generation. They are melting with total ease into the Western world. When I was young, Afrikaners could hardly speak English and if they did it was with a very strong accent. The modern Afrikaners are fluent in English, and move around the world with ease. They fit in EVERYWHERE. I have watched them outside Africa…. but here’s the kicker: INSIDE AFRICA they ROCK.

I have watched young Afrikaners among the BLACKS. They can be friendly, they can stand their ground, they are not intimidated by the blacks at all. I have seen young whites break out and speak to blacks in their own language. And you know what, the BLACKS have respect for these young whites. The whites here are different now.They have been kicked around here a lot and eventually some were forced to do things that’d never normally do. And they’re pretty good… the whites have, after 20 years of black rule, changed completely in ways I could never imagine. They’re fitting in, they’re doing well. And the Afrikaners… the new ones… are smooth, and slick… and they know their stuff. These people are GOING TO SURVIVE DEFEAT SUCCESSFULLY, just like the Germans and the Japanese. They are doing well.

The Jews, being the cowards that they are, have been fleeing this country, and now the fastest-growing part of the Johannesburg stock exchange is Afrikaner start-up companies. The Jews thought the Afrikaners were finished but the Afrikaners are displacing the fleeing Jews!!!!!! You can’t tell me its a bad thing.

I must be frank with you, I would rather deal with the blacks than the Jews, and am glad to see their decline here. Their last game here is the “Democratic Alliance.” Helen Zille, a half-Jewish woman [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Zille], is now back-stabbing the ANC with whom she was in alliance in the days when she was in the Black Sash – and when the old Apartheid white government (until 1994) categorised the Black Sash as the “communist enemy”. Back then, Zille was on the ANC’s side. Now the DA is trying to get whites to form a front to fight the ANC. Being the Jewish slime they are, they want to gather one group of blacks together to fight another group of blacks while they stand behind them, rooting everyone on.

Mandela and Suzman

Helen Suzman, Nelson MandelaPersonally, I think the ANC will destroy them, and I would not lift a finger to assist them. Helen Zille is a fawning supporter of Helen Suzman, the super-rich Jewish woman (1917-2009,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Suzman) who stabbed the Afrikaners in the back a lot during Apartheid. Helen Suzman, the bitch, even went public and said “we don’t need guns to defend ourselves.” Yes, you super-rich-bitch Jewess, how did you protect yourself in your upper-class neighbourhood? She and the black sell-out Nelson Mandela had houses in Houghton – “the old rich” suburb.

 So keep an eye on the jew-run “Democratic Alliance” – called the “DA” in South Africa. Watch them try to take over the country from the ANC by using other blacks – but it’s a totally white-run, Jewish scheme. It’s totally dominated by Helen Zille, protegée of Helen Suzman. Nobody writes about this. And it’s backed by money from the rich Jews who are still here. though they have been successful in sucking in a lot of Afrikaners and Whites who think they’re the only game left in town.

Good luck running for sheriff, John!

===========my message to Afrikaners, whose language I somewhat understand


Ek groet my wit broers en susters van die wit Afrikaner volk. Jy was trots en sterk van te vore, en jy sal weer terugkeer na jou ware aard.

Ek is heeltemal bewus van die hel wat jy ondergaan as gevolg van die verraad van infiltrasie in die Nasionale Party en die Broderbond, wat ‘n pragtige land verwoes het. En ja, hoe waar die grap in die 1980′s was: die voorletters PFP beteken nie “Progressive Freedom Party” maar in plaas daarvan “Packed for Perth”!

Ek het ‘n hele webblad hier in Amerika op my webwerf oor hierdie onderwerp: https://johndenugent.com/white-south-african-tragedy. Trouens,’n wit Suid-Afrikaner van Britse en Duitse erfenis het my webwerf ontwerp.


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