ENGLISH Why Pittsburgh is great; when instincts are gone

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==================CLAY DOUGLAS RADIO SHOW 6/2/10 WITH JDN

On “How can the Jews be so obtuse? They can because they are stubborn, violent LITERAL neanderthals.”


====================GOOD GRIEF — “SACK TAPPING”

I was sent the article below, and after reading it, and shaking my head in astonishment, I replied:
* * *

It truly seems, as I wrote recently, that every single demon has been let loose from hell. That we have hit rock-bottom.

The male instinct to protect one’s testicles is so primordial, so strong,  and just as basic as the instinct to protect one’s eyeballs (I know this from learning streetfighting techniques), that the Jews must really be enjoying how they have degraded us to the point that no instincts at all seem to be left.

The comrade who sent this along commented:
* * *

At the end, note how the writer says, “Boys, go back to video games.”

I think there has to be a better alternative than that!  We need programs that promote fun and fellowship for young white kids!

* * *

Comrade, we had that. It was fun, it built team spirit, it gave kids exercise and helped them feel a bond to their country. It was the Hitler Youth. Yes, of course it may seem far too regimented to us, too German, but it was a reaction to a country that was literally dying in 1933 — biologically, culturally and economically.  The Germans would call this the Rosskur, the horse cure, that is, to give as much medication as a vet would give a horse! The point is to save the patient. We today must learn from what they did and then do what is approriate for our kids of 2010 who live today.


[source: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/comments_blog/2010/06/sack-tapping-a-silly-game-with-serious-consequences.html]

‘Sack tapping’ a silly game with serious consequences

[“Sack tapping” = hitting testicles!!]

June 2, 2010 | 12:24 pm


As they say, “Boys will be boys.”

After taking a glance at Google trends, we noticed an odd standout for the No. 1 spot of hot searches: sack tapping. And yes, it’s exactly what you think it is.

Sack tapping is the latest dangerous craze to hit schools. The object of the game is to punch (or slap, flick or actually tap) a boy in the groin to see who can handle the most pain. It doesn’t sound like there can be a clear winner here in this “game.” And sadly, there isn’t.

In Crosby, Minn. the story of 14-year-old David Gibbons is hopefully scaring straight teens who thinks sack tapping is an Olympic-worthy sport. Gibbons was walking in between classes at school when he was punched in the groin by a classmate. He had to have his right testicle removed after the “game.”

“It’s just gotten way out of control,” urologist Dr. Scott Wheeler told KARE11.com

Wheeler now operates three or four times a year on boys who suffer complications such as ruptured testicles after being victimized in this game.

“All parents, you need to have this talk with your kids not to do it,” he said. “It’s lost its humor.”

There are dozens of YouTube videos of kids engaging in the “game.”  “Judge Judy” even devoted an episode to showing the severity of sack tapping.

Boys, please go back to video games. Share your thoughts below.

— Gerrick D. Kennedy


A comrade asked about the danger of martial law taking place in the United States. I replied:

* * *

You raised the issue of martial law.

I think martial law is far less likely here for three reasons than in your country:

1) Americans are beginning to loathe Obama, esp. the white male conservatives in the military and police who would have to carry out martial law
2) guns everywhere and a Net buzzing with anti-Jew and anti-minority truth

It is time for US to become a factor in the news, and for us to stop  reading what the others are doing to us.

* * *

There are some good comrades out in the Pacific Northwest and other areas west of the Mississippi, endeavoring to create a mass-migration of sorts to those regions so as to create white safety areas. I have pointed out that those areas are politically ultra-liberal, and besides, now they are filling up with Mexicans and Chinese. I had a white lady comrade move against my advice from the Washington DC area to the Pacific NW, and she wrote me recently to tell me I had been so right: the area was sickeningly liberal and even downright sinister. The NWO mentality has taken a fearsoe grip on the minds of the majority.

Here is my webpage on why the Pacific Northwest is NOT ideal for a white safety zone and why this four-state region near Pittsburgh is ideal:


The PPG Building (Pittsburgh Plate and Glass)…..It’s so beautiful on a sunny, blue-sky day that you could almost cry…. Pittsburgh is 2/3rds white and the suburbs 90% white. The exurbs are 98% white.

Another comrade told me me that

“Every other car here in Seattle has an Obama bumper sticker on it!”

Well, let me tell you that Pittsburgh ain’t that way — quite the opposite.

one of the great things about Pittsburgh is that this very “Judicial Watch” to which one of your emails today referred is funded by Pittsburgh’s rightwing media billionaire, Richard Scaife!

Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_Watch

* * *


In 2002, Judicial Watch received $1.1 million from The Carthage Foundation[27] and a further $400,000 from the Sarah Scaife Foundation. Both foundations are managed by Richard Mellon Scaife.[27] The year before the Scaife Foundation gave $1.35 million and Carthage $500,000.[27]
In all, between 1997 and 2002 Judicial Watch received $7,069,500 (unadjusted for inflation) in 19 grants from a handful of foundations. The bulk of this funding came from just three foundations – the Sarah Scaife Foundation, The Carthage Foundation and the John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.[27] According to MediaTransparency, “Judicial Watch is essentially a tool of Richard Mellon Scaife, who provides almost all its funding.”[27]

* * *

Pittsburgh, due to Scaife, is an island of paleo-conservatism.

Now look at this article in yesterday’s Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/pittsburgh/s_684062.html):

Pittsburgh  Tribune-Review

Elected officials say no thanks to Obama invite

By Mike Wereschagin
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Congressmen Jason Altmire and Tim Murphy have previous engagements. Sen. Bob Casey Jr. and Rep. Mike Doyle are out of town on anniversary trips with their wives. Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato will be campaigning in Philadelphia.

When President Obama and Sen. Arlen Specter land at Pittsburgh International Airport today, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl will receive them by himself.

The rest of the region’s top elected officials declined White House invitations to attend Obama’s speech at Carnegie Mellon University this afternoon, their offices said.

The White House billed Obama’s speech as a follow-up to his economic address at Georgetown University on April 14, 2009, less than two months after he signed the $787 billion stimulus bill. In it, he spoke of laying “a new foundation for growth and prosperity — a foundation that will move us from an era of borrow-and-spend to one where we save and invest.”

Obama’s last trip to Pittsburgh was Sept. 24 and 25, when the city hosted the Group of 20 economic summit. He was in town 10 days before that to deliver the keynote address at the AFL-CIO convention. During both of those trips, elected officials didn’t greet him at the airport — as Ravenstahl will — but met up with him later, snagging a slice of the ever-present media spotlight on the country’s chief executive.

“It’s peculiar, to say the least,” Gerald Shuster, professor of political communication at the University of Pittsburgh, said about elected officials declining such invitations.


The French left and the Jews are dumbfounded: 700 French comrades, all tough young guys, all masked, marched through downtown Paris in May –– a counter-demonstration mourning in effect the German defeat on May 8, 1945 — and the police “did nothing” (except maybe secretly smile) about their march or their being masked, which is illegal. The Canard enchainé newspaper, which is a very reliable and major muckraking newspaper, ran an article on this. The “Chained Duck” has never lost a trial in the decades of its existence for spreading false information. A French comrade told me that if it in in the Canard, it happened.

“Charming fascists, kind cops”

(I need your donations to translate this and other articles and I PAY from my own pocket for other comrades to translate for me so I can write this blog for free for you. John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055)

The crypto-Jew president Sarkozy is at a historic low in popularity; the economy is tanking; the Arabs and blacks are murdering and raping.

France was so antisemitic under Marshall Philippe Petain from 1940-44 that Allied general Dwight Eisenhower planned to not “liberate” France but instead place it under hostile military rule, an AMGOT, “Allied Military Government Occupied Territory.”

(See my article here, pages 20-21 :https://johndenugent.com/de_gaulle.pdf

It was French Waffen-SS troops of the Charlemagne Division who defended downtown Berlin to the death in April-May 1945.

A French Waffen-SS recruiting poster: “You also! Your comrades await you in the French division of the Waffen SS” (400,000 foreigners served in the German Waffen-SS as volunteers.)

===============WHY I SHOWED MY GUNS

A Polish-American comrade who has been sending me useful emails and also donations wrote me that he learned about me and the Solutrean concept by seeing me on the Discovery Channel on February 24th, and enjoyed seeing the Jewish host, Olly Steeds, freak out when I pulled out my Walther and Makarov.

I replied:

* * *

Hi John.

Ah, yes, my Discovery Channel dealie. So that is how you heard of me?

I knew for a fact after four hours of pounding down this Olly Steeds that DC was not going to use more than one minute of it — they would never show the host being made a fool of — unless I did something that THEY imagined would HARM me.

That is when I decided to pull out my two pistols, which I was carrying and not at all as a stunt. As soon as I saw all these non-whites piling out of their big gray van and into my house and a Jew producer and host BOTH OF WHOM HAD DENIED THEY WERE JEWISH TO ME, and the cameraman ALSO was “Middle Eastern” in appearance,  AND SIX-FOOT-THREE, I decided I would stay right on my toes.

THAT IS WHEN I COCKED MY WALTHER. If I go down, I go down like Bob Matthews.

I am still concerned about the fact that they set up their command studio in my basement for four hours and I was not down there to monitor what they were doing down there.

Ted Gunderson, the former high-ranking FBI official, says they have radioactive DVDs that they embed in your house that they leave behind and the radioactive rays will give you cancer in a few months.

This is my life.

I had some jerk write me recently: “Oh, you were the Nazi guy waving a pistol around.”  I wrote back:

“You show me the footage where I was ‘waving a pistol around.‘”

I got a lot of good will from white male rightwingers by calmly SHOWING my two pistols. And stating we would fight if need be.

The segment I wish they had shown — they did not — was when Olly protested:

“But we are letting YOU speak!”

And I exploded (I am recalling my words now from memory):

“LETTING?  You are LETTING me speak!?  I think you should go right back to England. We have no hate-speech laws here, limey, and we booted you out in 1776 because we demanded and WE TOOK our freedom of speech. And these two guns will back it up!”

I deliberately threw in the word “limey” (although I am very proud of my British ancestry and English grandfather from Goole in Yorkshire) in hopes they would use the segment, again thinking it might hurt me. But they must have decided that if they did, my support would go off the chart. 😉

If something happens to me, I will just come back, again and again and again. Like the highwayman….. 🙂

I like this song too……by the same crew…… Life is not about how many breaths you take but about the moments in life that take your breath away.


1 Comment

  1. Can you please tell me more about the “White Safety Zones”, as you call them? My husband and I are originally from Ohio, now reside in Illinois and are looking into planning a move to the Pacific Northwest. I would like to hear from you the differences and why your region is ‘better’ than HAC’s. What are your anticipations for the future? Is it something along the lines of HAC’s and White people having a White Homeland, in your specific 3 state area rather than in the Pacific Northwest? I do agree with what I have read, what you wrote on the coal industries being a vital importance.
    Thank you in advance,

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