ENGLISH Without reading it Anglin knows it’s nonsense ;-)

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The young, hotshot, blog-hero Andrew Anglin dismisses with a swipe my two years of research on the Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens:


Our hero


You trash Brother Nathanael Kapner, I see….


I would say he is one of the few Jews who do tell the truth.

Do you want an “Epic Rap Battle of History” with me, Andrew?  😉 Why don’t you debate me on an Internet talkshow  and run circles around me?  You can beat me even without reading my material, after all. 😉



Here is young Master Anglin’s dismissal: http://www.totalfascism.com/fascist-friday-wrap-up-july-19-2013

John de Nugent’s Space Nazis

Wait.  Are you sure about this?

Wait. Are you sure about this? John de Nugent was, this week, on with John Friend, declaring the existence of space Nazis, who he believes (or says he believes) are going to come down out of the sky and save us from the Jews. It is hard for me to comment on this, for what I assume are obvious reasons, and I don’t really imagine that anyone is taking it too seriously anyway.  Still, I will just say that I in no way approve of this sort of talk, and feel that it must be condemned.  This is the last thing this movement needs. He is talking about dozens of different aliens species, and on and on and on. This, we simply cannot tolerate. Unless, of course, he provides some data to support the claims.  I guess.  But I am not going to hold my breath.  This is simply a fantasy story.


MY REPLY (posted on the Anglin blog):


I am amazed and yet not, at people who do not bother to read my blog on the topic, to which I referred a dozen times during my interview by John Friend. (Nor did the young host do his homework before interviewing his guest, and read the whole blog.)

Nor did you contact ME, or read or take into account the voluminous defense I sent to your WN friend, Scott Roberts.  Nor did I ever say I believed Nazis are on the moon. I have no opinion yet on that story, which the anti-NS movie “Iron Sky” spreads.
The evidence and indicators are all in there, but it is indeed easier to toss off a smart comment, Andrew, especially when all too young and sure that you will set the world on fire. But instead of this, Andrew, why not take some ADD meds, get an attention span (unlike other twenty-somethings) that lasts beyond 90 seconds, and then actually EXAMINE (BORING!  ) my written and video evidence?
Nah, can’t do that!  Gotta rant more on Jews-N-blax, as if more of that will save us. (After 35 years in this Cause, risking my life before you were in diapers, I really don’t think so.) 
And as for the poster “Ben,” almost çertainly a fed troll (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/10/12/diary-of-an-israeli-shill/)

.computer-geek ….. not that truth matters to you but it might for a few others, the Joseph Farrell whom you dare to deride earned a doctorate from Oxford University, usually listed as one of the top three universities on earth. 
Where is your doctorate, or master’s degree, or bachelor’s from, hmmm? 
I graduated with high honors from Georgetown, with an A average, and Phi Beta Kappa (top ten percent), with a bachelor’s degree in SCIENCE, but I too apparently am mere bacteria in the eyes of Keyboard Kommando Ben.


I present facts; you dismiss them without reading them. So how do you actually differ, besides your presumably copy-paper-white SKIN, from a ghetto black who cannot or will not read? 
How is your ignorant reaction different from a trailer-park, meth-cooking white trasher whose daughter is pregnant with a black baby, who also cannot, or will not, be bothered to READ the extremely serious material I have spent two years analyzing and organizing on a matter of the greatest significance to the future of our race?? 
If what I say is true, we will win. If not, we are already doomed and you both are children with magical thinking for imagining that we CAN win. NOT only are the Jews in near total control of absolutely everything, but the white masses do NOT respond, as my recent race for sheriff proved. In a 98% white, Obama-hating and right-wing rural county (two landslides against Obama, in 2008 and 2012), everyone ran from me as soon as I brought up race or jews ….in the slightest, THOUGH THEY AGREED WITH ME ON BOTH. (My sheriff website was very toned down, focusing on gun rights, but still the tough-talking American Rabbit-Conservative ran like a scalded sow.)
I am thinking outside the box. Andrew Anglin. You are trying, or rather talking, stuff I and others knew would not work 35 years ago. Even when Whites become a minority, and Dr. Virginia Abernethy, Professor Emerita of Vanderbilt University, has proven that they have already, the truth alone will NOT awaken them. 
And if you try guns, Andrew, Mr. I-hope-the-race-war-breaks-out-soon (and I as a former Marine NCO know all about guns) you will end up as ALL the 1980’s Order guys did except Robert Mathews — surrendering meekly when the SWAT team surrounds your house and throwing yourself face-down on the lawn. 
Do my remarks offend you? Well, your saying my ideas are “talk” that must be “condemned” and “must not be tolerated,” young Andrew, was your negative way of opening the dialogue. 
(I am reposting this on my blog and Facebook.) 
Let’s see if you approve this comment… Can you take it as well as dish it out? This Marine will actually fight if a race war happens and know HOW to fight it. But be careful what you wish for.

And btw, I was leading a Stormtroop demonstration, Mr “Total Fascist,” in full uniform, on the campus of my own university, in full view of my fellow students and of my professors in 1979, losing thereby a Marine Corps officer career and being subsequently disinherited by my millionaire father.



I ran for and nearly won the GOP primary for US Congress in 1990 in the Sixth Congressional District of Tennessee. https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent I either won it (we cannot know due to the vote fraud), or I came very close, in a state I was NOT FROM, a damn yankee northerner campaigning day and night in a southern state, with the wrong accent, and no local support. What does a nerd like [a critic of mine, and a mathematician] know about running for office, the money needed, the organization, the willingness to be ridiculed, defamed and threatened?





from my Wikipedia Biography (deleted by Wikipedia at the urging of Jewish editor “Hullabaloo Horowitz” [sic])

In June-August 1990, de Nugent, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform. He achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit de Nugent suspects that massive electronic vote fraud denied him an outright victory on primary day, August 10, 1990. He received extensive local publicity and references to his race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York Times.


WMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race.


But hey, your heroic sacrifice is dashing off a blog taking potshots at a veteran FIGHTER in our Cause.  The “Total Fascist,” young Andrew, is provably, for 35 years now, the one writing you.


A supportive comment on Facebook:

What have we been doing for so many years and what does the enemy take joy in watching us do? Wasting energy.

I gave up long ago wasting energy on people that cannot and will not comprehend what I tried in laymen’s terms to put forth. Why would I or anyone waste energy on that?

We know so much of the enemy and his tactics yet we fail to use them ourselves. His methods are tried and true. Think about it for a minute. The enemy is a troll and uses trolling to perfection. Now rather then waste energy defending a position, troll that position with an alias and many aliases. Bombard the fool/fools with many aliases all giving facts and siding with your talking points. They then feel overwhelmed with numbers against their position and or statements and soon tire of being alone in their beliefs. They then change or they move on. 

From a youngish German in Berlin who is fluent in English and was heavily persecuted by the judeo-German police:

Your Blog to Anglin is simply great!! I just read your entire response to Andrew. Very well put and powerful answer!!! Incredible! Very informative!

Most people in the Movement want to stay within mainstream reality and not go into this realm of possibility or face ridicule. That is why Andrew Anglin reacted in that way. He would never even look at the Disclosure Project and see that as the truth or potential truth on the Haunebus and Vrils, although the evidence is there!!!

It’s all online and in books. What happened to the dozens of late-mode German U-boats that disappeared at the end of Second World War? And lots more.

And yes, the Reich quasi-abducted white Aryan women in Brazil, Argentina and Chile and and many disappeared. To reproduce you need White women, by hook or by crook. It was about the survival of our race.

But again Andrew Anglin will never admit that they exist. They will have to be shown to him on CNN when they intervene globally. When he sees massive landings of these craft with his own eyes through CNN (not through Youtube…. because anything posted on Youtube is deemed fake even if you post real footage of Haunebus and Vrils and Andromeda), then only he will accept it. That is a sad fact.

From a Dennis D. by email from Germany to John Friend:


I am listening to your show from 7/15. John de Nugent is singing my tune. I believe in the power of the Vril. John F., though I know that this sounds crazy. I did a lot of research on the Third Reich disks and I guess only John de N. and I in the States believe in the evidence. I made a DVD some time ago for my own use on the subject. As JdN says, there is a great amount of secondary evidence that the “secret weapon” idea was real, based on the recovery from Mesopotamia of several 1- and 2-man craft by the Germans. They were test-flying these things in the 30’s and the Swedes and Norwegians saw them and reported them even before the war.

The Roswell incident needs explaining in a way that takes in the evidence. The truth is that they were test flying these things and did some bumbling. There were some crashes. There is Socorro and Roswell as several others where crashes occurred. It stands to reason that Jim Lear and Bob Lazar are for real at least 80%. Our government is using this stuff and definitely has energy weapons, as evidenced by the 9/11 work of physics professor Dr. Judy Wood. Therefore we need to conclude that our German women were onto the truth. Women often have the sense of the spiritual and practical. This whole world works on principles of right and wrong

According to John Lear (whose father invented the Lear Jet) we need to be true to ourselves and our loved ones. I no longer think any longer in the short term or fret obsessively about Jews, Blacks, Turks, homos, etc.

The question is would White countries WELCOME being liberated by the Reich or be so brainwashed they would reject “the Nazis”? We will see if the soldiers we need are going to line up against the NWO when that time comes.


And btw, Andrew Anglin, Willis Carto, founder of the Barnes Review magazine and American Free Press newspaper, both located on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, just now (4:30 pm EDT) requested that I outline my Fourth Reich ideas for his publications, for which I have been writing for 24 years. https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/important-articles-and-threads It is your contention that Willis Carto is a “flake”?



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