ENGLISH Woolwich beheading a hoax? and Berlin — the homosexual “Babylon on the Spree” until Hitler came along

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–FALSE FLAGS MARCH ON. It seems as if the never-ending parade of “false flags” has now continued with the “Woolwich beheading of a British soldier by two muslim blacks” in greater London, England.

In the States, thanks to the blogosphere, we are now seeing courageous exposé after exposé online of a clear pattern where EVERY major atrocity is set up by the zionist government itself.  Either the crime actually happened but the perp who did it was an MK-ULTRA zombie, a government operative, as in the Aurora, Colorado cinema mass shooting……

…..OR the crime never happened at all (the new trend) — and every single “casualty,” dead or mangled, was a literal, professional ACTOR who was hired for the part and, as we find out, is alive and fine today, looking for another acting gig!

The message to the pathetic zombie masses from ZOG (the Zionist Occupation Government) via each atrocity is always:


My blog today contains stunning indications that now the supposed Woolwich beheading too is a complete FRAUD!

What will they confiscate now? Steak knives and meat cleavers?

–ZOMBIE WHITES. Why do all these and many other outrages not lead to a white revolution? That is what I also address. Yes, most are not “born heroes,” but the main reason is rather more exculpating of our people…..and there are countermeasures that work to quickly “de-zombyize” whites!

=============Babylon on the Spree

I had no idea before this video just how sicko Berlin became when the Jews took over the city after the defeat in World War One and their puppet government, the Weimar Republic, began to misrule Germany. It is shocking, VERY shocking! It became a city of  100,00 whores, and of violent communists, and of sado-maso-bisexual jews who buying up EVERYTHING in an inflation-bankrupted country! This is the nightmarish transformation of a once upright Germany that Hitler and his loyal supporters reversed!


Here is a screenshot of AH from this video:  Every character trait of the man is found in this picture. You can see an entire civilization that lived first as a dream in that one man, deep inside him, making him idealistic yet wary, kind yet tough, and highly alert to reality, to the here-and-now, and to everything going on around him. I see clarity. As my German advisor said to me, “Er war ein Druidenmeister.” (He was a Druid master.”) He was no mere politician; he was multidimensional. Here he looks very touched by his SA men — parading with joyful courage past him, ready to join in, and do battle at his side! He looks appreciative as any leader does when The People finally respond (in effect , to a “doctor” who is trying to save them) and they aid in their own salvation!

ah-pensive- alert-wary-caring-everything-in-brown-shirt-at-ss-parade

A comrade in Florida asked if I can win voters over with my many “conspiracy theories,” however accurate.
I replied:
Thanks for question. The thing to understand is I have been out there blogging hardcore for 5 years. I can only win by being just as hardcore, not backpedaling, backtracking and watering it all down, which is wrong, makes me look weak and disappoints my real followers.
I can only change the country by being hardcore and making the People hardcore.
And that is exactly what Hitler did. He raised the Folk up to HIS level. He made the Germans antisemitic.
A demagogue goes down to theirs. 😉 And such politicians march off into oblivion.
Watch 1:51-2:19 for Achilles’ reaction to the boy’s question as he heads to battle with Boagrius.
Everyone is talking about what an outrage this crime was. Yes indeed, IF TRUE.
And neither blacks nor muslims should be living in Britain at all!!  Can they come as tourists? Fine. But it is a white island!
But now I think the whole Woolwich beheading may be a HOAX! In fact, it reeks of yet another  Sandy Hook, or “Boston-Bombing” hoax! One Sandy Hook researcher called me and said  regarding Sandy Hook:
“John, Sandy Hook is an enclave within Newtown, and both areas are SO Jewish that you might as well call Sandy Hook Sandy Hooknose and Newtown JEWtown!
Look at this video. Even more Sandy Hookers exposed as professional actresses!


Now here is perhaps the first video to do an exposé on the supposed Woolwich “beheading” — an amazing interrogation of the whole thing as a rank and even as an amateurish SCAM!


One of the killers, bloody dagger in hand, calmly discusses his horrible deed with a “brave British mother of two.” Suuuuure…. This is the babe, Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, who supposedly checked the pulse of a headless man…. !
Hoax or not, I would be interested to see if a white Brit will not in turn get our HIS butcher knife and cut the head off a muslim “groomer” who gets white British girls on drugs and then rapes them and turns them into his whores!
Muslim “grooming” (report from the excellent British organization http://www.britainfirst.org/)

In grooming hotspots, such as Bradford, Luton, East London, Birmingham, and many more, groups of Muslim men lure young white English girls (some as young as 12!) with cash, alcohol, drugs, meals and mobile phone credit and coerce them into a nightmare world of sexual exploitation.Consider the terrible, desperate words of a distraught mother of a fourteen-year-old drug-addicted daughter in the heavily Muslim town of Bradford. Please read this carefully, it should be a wakeup call to us all:

“It starts with one of them leaning out of a car window and saying how pretty a girl is as she walks home from school. They pick ones they think look vulnerable – younger, plain looking, walking home alone. Then they offer her a cigarette. Then one of the ‘lads’ (they pretend to be seventeen but are often in their twenties) asks her to exchange mobile numbers and meet more often.”

“Then it’s a miniature bottle of vodka or a cheap bit of jewellery as a present. Then he tells her he loves her. If she consents to sex he uses her for himself for a couple of weeks, then one evening all his mates pile in unannounced and gang rape her. They know that many of the girls will be too ashamed to tell anyone, and they also threaten to cut them if they ‘grass’.”

“Girls who won’t go with one of them take a bit more work. They are encouraged to try roll-ups or a joint. What they don’t know is that, after they’ve had a few of them, they’ll be given one with crack (cocaine) in it. Once they’re addicted, they’re given drugs in exchange for sex.”

“Once the gang are tired of her, they put her on the game. They take all the money – all she wants by then is another shot of smack or crack. Imagine what it feels like to see your daughter in that state.”

Young English girl groomed, abused then murdered by Muslim grooming gang in Blackpool!

Most harrowing of all is the case of Charlene Downes: According to police sources, Charlene was groomed for sexual exploitation by a Muslim sex-gang, murdered, and her bodily remains were “minced into kebabs and sold at a kebab shop owned by one of the gang!”

Appeasement is no longer an option…
These attacks on OUR children have got to STOP!

Paul Golding, the handsome, germanic/keltic-looking chairman of Britain First


Our girls are being left to the mercy of South Asian pedophiles because it is an inconvenience to the PC brigade who refuse to accept grooming even exists! Well I want to rub their smug faces in the truth and pain of the situation until they really understand what our people have to put up with every day in some parts of our country.

Imagine the reaction of our fathers and grandfathers who went to war to defend us and this country, if they knew that now, today, Muslim perverts could target their grand-daughters! They are looking down on us to sort this problem out.The police have had their hands tied by treacherous politicians, and are unable to take action. Consider, for example, the words of Detective Chief Inspector Alan Edwards of West Mercia Police:

“These girls are being passed around and used as meat. To stop this type of crime you need to start talking about it, but everyone’s been too scared to address the ethnicity factor.”

Now those are men who deserve to be beheaded in public!
Heart-rending video on sexual “grooming” (what a horrible euphemism for the breaking of a white girl’s soul!) 
by black and Pakistani muslims:

Instead, white Brits stand there and le ttheir girls be raped and enslaved, and strip themselves naked on demand by blacks who are living s parasites on THEIR once-great island, as we saw in the recent British riots, accepting to be totally personally humiliated. (And whites in jewified Germany, America and Canada are certainly no better, except Americans do have guns! So it is a bit less bad here in the USA.)

Blacks forced this matron to stip naked. Unchivalrous cop stands there not covering her.

I would have whipped off my own shirt to cover that lady.

This puke whose British ancestors once ruled the world strips naked to the grin of a bullying African or Jamaican.white-young-man-forced-to-strip
The purpose of my work is to create a new Aryan and militant religion, OUR answer to Judaism and Islam,  so we are ready to die to avenge our dead, raped, humiliated and degraded kin and GET RAW POWER.
A true Aryan religion means we fear not death but the wrath of our Godwho hates despicable white cowards!
Solutré, where our Ice Age ancestors met, and survived 20,000 years of brutal Ice Age. Only the strongest, most imaginative and innovative survived!
Through reincarnation, WE are OURSELVES the doughty ancient Solutreans, and we are ourselves the ancient Aryans! We built the pyramids, WE built the Parthenon, WE were with Gutenberg inventing the printing press, and WE built the mighty British Empire and Third Reich!   OUR ETERNAL ARYAN RACE!  https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/important-info/reincarnation-evidence
And the judaized kind of Christianity of Saul-Paul that says the Jews are “God’s Chosen People”  and “love your enemies” is a twisted perversion of Christ’s message designed to DESTROY OUR RACE! This is why the Vikings (my Norman-Norwegian ancestors) rejected it! https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn
A German comrade told me that the modern Germans are just as inert as Americans, walking around zombielike and pathetic, and I was absolutely right to plan the new videos to 1) be emotionally more intense and 2) add special frequencies to the video.

He sent me his essay on mind control and said that the number-one reason why NO WN leader can get anything major going (Duke’s presidential attempt in 2010 fell totally flat, and he had far more supporters, fame and money than I did or currently do) is that the white world is being absolutely bathed in ELFs (extremely low frequencies) from HAARP at around 4 megaHertz, and these have the effect of making people sleepy, PASSIVE and inert.This is in fact the “delta wave” which puts people into a deep sleep or zombie-like state. In fact, he said that you can actually hear a low buzz sometimes in different parts of Germany from it, audibly, and the Jews (using HAARP) are broadcasting delta waves day and night to make people inert. He also said there is a huge HAARP station underneath Tempelhof Airport in Berlin that is bathing the capital in delta waves to make people passive.This is all in a strange way a huge relief for me because1) I have knocked myself out to do good videos (think especially of the “Machete” video, which had no lack of passion! see below) and blogs, and by God I am convinced I do look like the kind of Aryan leader we need, with a nearly perfect resumé and qualifications to lead, and yet over 99% still just drool! The initial sheriff excitement has not yet lead to the serious funding to become sheriff, just the usual “good luck, mate!” stuff. Even after I proved this is a winnable race!

2) I was 100% right to not launch something half-baked just to please the (very understandably impatient) critics who said “just start it and see what happens.”

What happens with the same-old approach is I get out there, in public, risking my life, and look around — and no one is there with me! Almost literally no one!

Examples galore abound of locals who make commitments to help me and then back away or literally stand me up and are no-shows.

The entire purpose of these HAARP waves, and chemtrails, is to make people into anxiety-ridden, inert cowards! And by God it IS working! And Armstrong County has been bathed in chemtrails ever since I got out of the Heritage Hotel and leased and moved into the house here on Canal Road! It never was before! Allegheny County and Westmoreland County were criss-crossed on every windless day with chemtrails but not Armstrong!



So a truly innovative white leader for OUR times (not 1920s Germany) must deal with the effect of the chemtrail and HAARP BOMBARDMENT OF OUR NERVOUS SYSTEMS.

Otherwise people at most just “agree with you.” We need more than that. We need militant ACTION. I POSSESS the EASY, EFFECTIVE COUNTERMEASURES to HAARP and chemtrails!

And I will explain them soon.


===========the Machete video
Lord knows, I am not passive!
I am running for sheriff! Are you helping?

John de Nugent for Sheriff



681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4284


Thanks to a comrade for 100 Swiss francs!





Transcript (prepared by a bright, young Slovakian comrade who was fired up by this speech!):


I am standing on the soil of my own country, Solutrean North America. My forefathers came here in 1635 and fought in virtually every American war. I served myself in the United States Marine Corps, as my father did before me, fighting at Tinian, Saipan and the famous battle of Iwo Jima. This is my country!

And this is your country.
As the Provisional President of the Americans, as the president, world-wide, of the Solutrean Agency, and as a direct descendant of the original white Americans, I hereby charge all law-enforcement officers of the United States, and all military officers and enlisted men who have sworn an oath to the United States, under no circumstances to obey any order declaring martial law against the American people .
I charge you to disobey any order to end freedom of speech, to arrest people because of their opinions criticizing this criminal government. I charge you to disobey any order to seize weapons that the American people need to defend themselves, and their freedom, and their bodies, and their loved ones, in the coming times.
I remind you of your oath, the oath I swore — back in the 1970s — when I volunteered for the United States Marine Corps.

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend (and here is the first sentence of your oath) the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign … and domestic.”

“Domestic” mean anyone who will rip up our Constitution, anyone who will take away our freedoms, anyone who will force us down on our knees, and any illegal alien, bisexual, jewish negro such as Barrack Hussein Obama!
You will not obey any order to declare martial law and enforce martial law. You will obey your oath to to the Constitution of the United States!
There is an other pressing matter.

This very month of August, 2010, a movie has appeared in the cinemas across this enchained country, in Spanish and in English.

The name of this movie is ‘’Machete.’’

Incredibly, this shocking movie is being distributed by the Fox News Channel, yes, the supposedly “conservative” channel, and its parent corporation, ‘’Fox.‘’
Yes, the crypto-Jewish billionaire Rupert Murdoch is supporting and distributing this movie. And what goes on in this movie? In this movie, an illegal alien — whose feelings are hurt — takes up a machete, like this, a steel machete, and he starts chopping up white Americans, who are citizens of the United States, who came here legally (they or their ancestors), and they learned the English language and resolved to fit in — unlike this people jabbering in their lazy Mexican version of Spanish.

This movie is going out into theaters in matter of weeks. In this movie, “El Machete” leads an army of Mexicans with machetes to slaughter the white people of the United States.

And incredibly, toward the end of this movie, you have this image:

Here we see the mass murderer, and look at this two sluts, baring their breasts to him in a swimming pool!

This is a sick parody of what happened 10 000 years ago when other people from Asia, non-white people, came and slaughtered all the men of our kinfolk, the Ancient Solutreans, and then took our women to be their sex slaves and their work slaves.

And here in this unbelievable degenerate, final stage of the United States “civilization,” such as we have come to experience it, we see these white women voluntarily putting their hands on this mass-murdering Mexican who has chopped up white people with a machete!

This movie is completely unacceptable; this movie should be an unacceptable to any white man, or any white women.

This is the time when white man need to be like bears, defending their blood. This is the time when white women need to lose their excessive compassion for the “poor, persecuted minorities” — and they need to become like she -bears.

What otherwise will be the future for white children, white grandchildren, white girls and white women? What will be future for white men if there is a race war and Blacks, Mexicans, Chinese and other hostile non-whites begin to slaughter us and the government steps aside and lets it happen?

This movie is completely unacceptable and this movie, the fact it is being distributed at all is the final indictment of this entire System as being racist, prejudiced, bigoted and anti-white — and aiming for the genocide of all the white American people on this continent.

This movie is indeed unacceptable! I as a Solutrean do not accept it! No Solutrean will accept this movie!

And this is what I think of this movie : [slash, crash with machete of photo].

You know, we white people invented steel. The Mexicans never had any metals at all; they just worked with stone.;-) They never, in fact, even invented the wheel.;-)

We white people invented many interesting things that have helped us to survive, such as this [pistol]!

I warn anyone who is dreaming or fantasizing about the genocide of the white people of North America, the white people of Central or South America,the white people of Europe, the white people of Europe and Australia,the white people of New Zealand and of South Africa, and of any other part of our white world, under no circumstances will they succeed in genociding our people.

This is a time when your soul and your conscience are on trial. This is a time when you can become a part of something great, when you can become part of something heroic, when you can be proud to be a man or a women and say I am white, I am Aryan, I am the bearer of a great civilization and the bearer of the finest genes in the world.

This is a time for heroes.

This is the time when YOUR soul is on trial.

I hope you will make a right decisions; I hope you will join the Solutreans, world-wide, and we will save freedom, dignity and prosperity for all our people.

[Solutrean anthem plays, saluting heroes of our race]


Should all become disloyal, yet we remain still true,

Thus always on this earth a banner stands for you.

Companions of our youth, recalling better times,

You stand for ancient truth, and sacrifice divine.

Companions of our youth, recalling better times,

You stand for ancient truth, and sacrifice divine.

Within the Aryan spirit there dwells a sacred shrine,

Steady as Nordic oaks, and moon and warm sun’s shine.

Again it shall be clear, in every brother’s mind,

They come in rue and love homeward to our kind.

Again it shall be clear, in every brothers mind,

They come in rue and love homeward to our kind.

They struck and fought and bled, the heroes of olden days,

Our victory was near, but devils had dark ways.

However life unfoldeth, abiding mystery,

You never shall grow old, oh dream of majesty!

However life unfoldeth, abiding mystery,

You never shall grow old, oh dream of majesty!

O Stars, you are our witness, silently looking down,

While the folk kneels in the darkness, applauding the evil clown.

Our tribe will never lie, betray our soul or die,

One aim directs our sparkling eyyyesss: Solutrea, ARISE!

Our Folk will never lie, betray our soul or die,

One aim directs our sparkling eyyyesss: Solutrea, ARISE!


(URL: http://blip.tv/realamericanview/episode-6339182)


============NEXT BLOG

Being a WN and male high school student…..in a world of liberal girls who want muscles, money and black music


  1. Lots of high pathos. Highly commendable, but this makes poor propaganda, as far as the vast majority is concerned. You need some pretty superior entertainments as your vehicle.

    Hitler and his NSDAP would have gotten nowhere at all, had it not been for Hitler’s unique
    gift as an orator.

    However, today, even Hitler would not suffice. What you need is a number of people who are nearly as good as Hitler — as entertainers. Perhaps The Young Turks — TET — could serve as a rather pale example.

  2. Dear John de Nugent:

    You are one of the toughest WN leaders out there and you raise very interesting topics, crucial to our survival, on your website.

    Keep up the good work.

    Best regards

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