ENGLISH Young American urges me to take power……Chittum’s Civil War II

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This email appeared in my Yahoo inbox:

* * *

My name is Cameron [] and I’m a young, 29-year-old real Native American [Editor: meaning a white American, Solutrean in blood and concept].

I am of German and English ancestry. Actually as no one in my life cares…..I am a direct descendant of Chief Justice John Marshall on my mom’s German side and I’m a descendant of the bank robber Jesse James on my father’s side, so I stem from the man that created our judicial system and a bank robber that helped instigate the Civil War.;-) …..

As of this morning I had no idea who you were. I posted a thread this morning on a forum where I stated through intuition that the Jewish extremists were starting all the wars around the world ONLY to get their hands of ancient Aryan monuments and artifacts. So, I went ahead and attempted to research my intuitive thoughts by typing a search “Jews destroying ancient Caucasian history”. This is where your website popped up. I quickly you-tubed your name and found your videos on the very subjects that I’ve been studying.
You and I seem to be on the exact same page. I am disturbed that white “nationalists” are so against African Americans and the other so called deadbeat enemy races. White nationalists tend to focus too much attention on the obvious effects of the jewish blueprints. They focus on the immediate dangers. The dangers of African-American mobs and illegal immigrants. They are all like moths attracted to light. I am personally not so upset with the actions of the Afro-americans etc. I understand them. They just want to survive. I fully understand that people are going to do what they can to survive. If that means they only have two choices, then rob a liquor store or eat out of the garbage.
The problems with these races doesn’t lie in their inherited faults. The psychopathic jewish snakes target and manipulate these primal races and subconciously direct these races to murder and rape by starving them of social status and financial security. Attack a race#s financial security and social status and watch them destroy everything around them. I feel no hate towards Africans and Mexicans — I feel more so sorry for them, being so controlled by jews….
So these races point a finger at compassionate gentiles (gentle). They point the finger and they say “the white man has held us down”. This frightens me. This almost enrages me. Caucasians, as a whole, the upper portion of Caucasians that inherited great morals, are not the enemy. We moral gentiles are nothing more than teachers, creators, inventors and generally darn-near divine!
So over time I found out that our fall from grace was the invention of porneia [Editor: New Testament Greek for “filth”]. Not the video and not the magazine but instead the idea. The shunning of virginity and the shunning of the idea of mating for life and shunning the idea of bearing a child together under the law of a moral code. A built-in code that is sharply defined. Sharply defined in our ancient ancestors of England, Sumer, Germany etc. Our fall from grace was the Jewish elitists targeting our morals.
We are currently a poisoned race! Our young men masturbating daily and obsessing with homosexuality, fantasizing about rape and the general pornographically manipulated thoughts the jew has brought to our lands. He is targeting our morality.
You, sir, are right in your accusations of the jewish extremists. I need you to not run for president but instead I need you to swell up and just come to power! I unfortunately do not put too much trust in the likes of the David Dukes of this world. I do not believe that DD should lead a people. I feel like he can’t be trusted. When I watched your youtube videos, I felt a trust. I shed a tear as you touched my heart with your truths.
Our political system has been injected with too much venom. Our ideal leader/leaders of our future cannot come from our current “system”. To create a new one, you need to simply hold a news conference and stand on a podium — and tell the American people that everything is going to change over night. We are going to deport every jew. Every society in history that has put faith in jews, lost faith in jews and then a great exodus began.
This is no different. Last time was in 1940’s Germany but this time America itself is going to jettison its jews. China is not going to save the jews. You must intimidate China and put China in its place, sir. China is the extremist jews’ last chance to survive.
I believe you have a natural magnetism and charm that can affect the hearts of Americans. It’s funny that my first reaction when I saw your picture was that you look like the ideal Aryan. You look like a statue that Arno Breker created…..
JdN: Which one did he mean? “The Party”?

Or perhaps “The Calling”?

Honestly, my second reaction to seeing your videos was that you are our next president. The look, the calm, witty sternness. Not a closed-off sternness but an open-palmed sternness, a true teacher who has seen it all. You’re not a falsely boisterous imaginist like Obama. He would be scared to death to confront you in a debate. But like you said, elections are rigged, we all know that.
Good luck, sir!



==================CIVIL WAR II by Thomas Chittum

Major Bill Fox of FirstAmendmentBooks has been promoting for years his e-book of Thomas Chittum’s Civil War Two. http://www.amfirstbooks.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=18

I heartily recommend the book, having just finished it. Basically, this mid-1990s book predicts a race war and the breakup of the Jewnites Snakes, with black, white and Hispanic regions emerging.

What is particularly chilling is its logic, saying that the USA will break up for the same reasons as Yugoslavia did:

People who cannot stand each other, three groups, each of which has pockets of their ethnicity inside the main regions of the other groups.

In Yugoslavia, you had Serbs, Croatians and Slavic Muslims, and pockets of them sprinkled throughout the other areas.

We have whites, blacks and hispanics.

Those people living in those Yugoslavian minority pockets came to great harm.

They were seen as the fifth column of the mother ship.

And they were weak, cut-off, then overwhelmed, slaughtered or driven out.

Chittum does not advocate a race war; he simply predicts it.

I wrote a comrade who urged me to read this book:

* * *

The Chittum scenario ignores the whole martial law scenario, called “REX,” that Colonel Oliver North and his jew string-pullers originated in the 1980s while the oblivious Reagan snored at Cabinet meetings.

The purpose FOR THE JEWS in having these minorities flood in and take over is not chaos, race war, and the breakup of the Jewnited Snakes, but instead a short flareup of racial conflict, which would “justify” (and be followed) by martial law — and the gulag specifically for all suspicious white male rightwing gun-owners, and that means you and me especially. You are now WAY up on the target list, on which you were already located before we met.

I see the Jews as instigating both economic collapse and also race conflict to achieve the goal of martial law, a national gulag system, and what Alex Jones aptly calls a ” prison planet.”

Very ironically, I actually see the Solutrean movement under my leadership as what will bring those two evil Jew plans to full fruition despite my own deep empathy with whites:

–the economic collapse

–the race war.

The Jew goal is not the destruction of the USA, which is their main and favorite bully boy, enforcer and source of riches. The Jew goal is a powerful Soviet United States.

(They know they can never trust the Chinese to be their next lap dog; the Chinese are far too wise and psychopathic themselves for that, and their leadership doubtless knows who instigated the Opium Wars. Were it not for China, as well as Russia, Israel would already have nuked Iran, and the US would have pacified Afghanistan and enslaved Pakistan.)

Chinese Marines

My goal is to let the Jews trigger their desired economic collapse and race war, the things THEY want, but so as to thereby make the Solutrean movement arise as a massive social force.

Let whites thus finally awaken, with their pudgy backs to the wall, and then use the chaos to win the survival of (the best, at least) of our people. We all know the llluminati slogan: “Ex chao ordo,” that is, in Latin, “from chaos order.” Well, two can play that game of getting power through chaotic conditions.

The Jews triggered the 1929 Crash and yes, they got their Franklin Delano Roosevelt out of it, who was part-Jewish through both mother Delano and also father Roosevelt (< Rosenvelt < the sephardic Rosso Campo. The current mayor of Paris, the open homosexual Delanoe, is a sephardic jew.)

But an Adolf Hitler also arose from the chaos.

And had he been MORE RUTHLESS, he would have gone all the way.

1) he should have captured all 300,000 Brits and Allies at Dunkirk, and shot one prisoner for every German civilian killed by the war crime of carpet bombing.

2) he should have embarked on a Manhattan Project to build a German Bomb by 1944, and executed relatives of Werner Heisenberg for that physicist dragging his feet, as he admitted to Der Spiegel after the war.

3) he should have built heavy bombers to carpet-bomb Britain as THEY were doing to HIM, and threaten to anthrax the whole population, which is what Churchill threatened him with after Germany built the “air bomb.” (It was a bomb that blasts all the air out of a given area, causing enemy soldiers to faint, and be capturable when unconscious.) Churchill said if Germany used its new air bomb, he would anthrax all of Germany using his own Lancaster heavy bombers.

3) Hitler should have executed, exactly like Stalin (who WON), any armaments factory manager (and then imprisoned his whole family in a labor camp) who failed repeatedly to achieve his production quota.

Both Leon Degrelle in his My Revolutionary Life ….. (See my translation from the French of this Waffen-SS general of one of the  chapters….)

Degrelle Remembers

Degrelle Remembers

……and Otto Ernst Remer in his Verschwörung und Verrat um Hitler (“Conspiracies and Treason surrounding Hitler”) ……..

….have written about shocking production failures in bombers, jets and tanks, all of which Hitler (in his sickening kindness that proved to be cruelty in the end) pardoned. (I translated this part of Degrelle’s memoirs.)

4) he should have executed a few hundred Prussian aristocrats with monocles who despised Hitler’s common-people movement and were in treasonous contact with the enemy of not just national socialism but of the German nation itself.

Remer’s book details shocking failures (deliberate failures) to dispatch German troops to the Normandy hedgerows and cities so as to nip D-Day in the bud — even after Hitler had given the green light, having grasped that the main Allied landing was not to be at Calais –hundreds of miles closer to Germany — but indeed was at Normandy.

I met Remer in 1987 and Roy Armstrong-Godenau was close friends with him for years. Remer was spot-on about massive treason by the aristocrats.

(He died in Spanish political exile, an advocate to the end of a German-Russian alliance.)

No more Mr. Nice Guy. If Hitler never did, I myself have learned this lesson.

We will win because I have changed. I have had to, because otherwise we will end up like the white South Africans, horribly murdered one by one.

South Africa: A white farmer tortured and murdered in his field. Note how he was burned. This was post-1994 when R. S.A. was handed over to black majority rule



Hanged Schoolboy. They broke into the house, killed the mother, waited for the children to return from home, killed them, then waited for the father to return, and killed him too. Nothing was stolen. This is typical of the killings that have been going on in South Africa while the US jewsmedia breathes not one peep to white Americans.


My vulnerable “inner child,” remembering my own misery as an abused kid, and always ready thus to help-and-help-and-help the down-and-out, has simply died. I am ready to rule and smash. That is the Kalki mission, and let the executed and the other dead just reincarnate; they will have many more lives, where they might actually learn something for once, though they now are obtuse and useless if not actively treasonous.

The infamous Kalki video (caution: gruesome scenes)

A Florida comrade called me yesterday to say that his relatives slam the phone down if he even breathes the word w-h-i-t-e. They love their violent blax, violent hispanix, criminal jews and fisting gays. Then let those subhumans whom they love, while hating us (who speak truth to them with as much skill and love as we can muster, and get rejected with contempt), let their homies kill them off, every last one who disgraces the word “white.”

I think the Georgia Guidestones will be fulfilled by the Jews, but the elite in the end will be we, the Solutreans.

The Jews will not get this planet. God will aid His servants who commit absolutely everything they have and are to the inevitable, merciless victory.

And those who deliberately corrupt young white souls in our Cause, feeding them every malevolent lie, working with the feds….well, let them recall what Jesus said:

(Matthew 18:6)

But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me [or any genuine white leader] to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.


=========================GIVE ME THOSE DEAD PRESIDENTS 😉
As usual, it is Europeans and other non-Americans who send contributions to our AMERICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE. They understand that our white race will be saved if the superpower AMERICA changes.
What a shame that American WNs do not contribute…..to the salvation of their own country.

Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)Donations:


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

Contact John de Nugent, the man the Jews and white psychopaths hate most….


213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



Telephone: 724.353.0154Skype: 

John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


Cash in an envelope

Blank money order

MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)

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