ENGLISH YouTube videos JdN versus FOX host Alan Colmes

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My assistant, Jason Salyers, has been busy with much video work connected with my DVD-book Solutrea, Arise. Here is a snippet from that book, four videos based on my June 2009 radio debate with the FOX talk show host Alan Colmes.

I hope you will really ENJOY these fireworks as I came out punching from the first syllable.

Here are the four YT videos, followed by the actual transcript of the show. TRANSCRIPT: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/01/06/solutrea-to-prevent-more-von-brunn-tragedies/









If you compare this with David Duke’s appearance on the same Alan Colmes show in 2008, I think he had Duke a wee bit on the defensive over his Klan past, and I hate being on the defensive, but David, who has vast media experience, hit back fast, and got in some good points for white human rights and about Obama. I especially like Duke’s phrase “white preservationist.”

1 Comment

  1. Wow!

    A fantastic job, John !!

    This Alan Colmes is a professional communicator and is trained to play with the “novlangue” that is endoctrinated in american people’s brain in order to push propaganda and destroy resistants’ arguments. You have NEUTERED him !!

    He slipped when he asked you if you “believe” in the Holocaust ! Half a second later he was aware of his mistake, trying to erase his question. Indeed, the Holocaust story is a question of belief and not science ! It is not based on any evidence. It is THE new religion.
    If you dont “believe” then you are burned to the stake !

    You were simply GREAT !!

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