BBC hitpiece on Britain First

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…..BF avoids both Jewish and racial topics, but still gets slammed by jewboy reporter


Even though the BF leave out the topics of Jews and race, and focus on Islam and pedophiles, they are still getting “the full treatment.” 

I am sure that Paul Golding’s prior activism with the BNP has been neither forgotten nor forgiven.


Britain First is an activist group that wants Islam to be banned and would hang their enemies if in power. The group have more followers on Facebook than any other political party in the UK and have just announced their leader is running for Mayor of London.The self-descrivbed anti-racism group “Hope Not Hate” say they’re “the most dangerous group to have emerged on the British far right scene for several years” The Victoria Derbyshire programme’s Benjamin Zand, a smirking Jew, finds out who they are and meets them at one of their protests in Rotherham.

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Dear John ,
Unfortunately, in the UK we have a media that is completely dominated by the “leftwing” of politics.
They twist, distort, fabricate and outright lie in order to slant every news story to fit their multicultural, pro-Islam, EU agenda.
Britain First and UKIP in particular are marked out for an incessant campaign of character assassination.
We always receive bad press and hostile coverage, regardless of the issue.
The likes of you and I, John , are constantly trashed by the leftwing media just for being patriotic.
Despite living in a Christian country, Jayda and I, along with our Christian comrades within the movement, are portrayed as Bible-bashing loonies.
Tomorrow, the heavily leftwing and biased BBC will broadcast a new “hatchet job” documentary on Britain First.
They will throw everything but the kitchen sink at us in order to destroy our reputation.
They will try their best to make us look terrible in the public’s eyes.
Here is the write up for the documentary:
“In recent months, Britain First – which says it wants to ban all trace of Islam from the UK – has emerged as a new name in far right politics.”
“With a 29-year-old-woman, Jayda Fransen, as the face of the party, and with an online following bigger than any other UK party, Britain First says that it is ready to become a household name and credible force in British politics.”
“Film director Miles Blayden-Ryall joins deputy leader Jayda and leader Paul Golding (ex-BNP press officer) as they embark on their first public national campaign to garner support.”
“With seemingly huge numbers viewing the provocative videos they produce and backing them online, they say that the British public is ready to turn out in huge numbers for them and that, as a result, the authorities view them as dangerous and want to shut them down.”
“Blayden-Ryall is with them on the streets of the UK as they attempt to rally big numbers around their cause, in the face of growing opposition.”
“But do they have any hope of succeeding? Have the British public really become so intolerant that they will get behind a party with such extreme views?”
Believe us when we say, this documentary will be horrific.
The only weapons our enemies have against us is lies, misinformation and deceit.
The media will drag our movement through the gutter every opportunity they get.
This “documentary” will be no different.
However, the good news is that when the BBC broadcast their smear report last week it led to 250 new members joining in a single day – the highest ever recorded.
Join Britain First today for only £2 per month, you will receive a membership badge, a membership card and a welcome letter.
Less than 50p per week is not going to “break the bank” and you have a duty to defend your people and nation.
To join up today, please click on the following link or ring HQ on 0208 914 8212 (lines open till 8):
Yours sincerely,
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First


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