Beautiful red head and gifted cellist bullied to death –what is WRONG with white people?

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  1. She had also had an eating disorder since she was sexually assaulted on a school trip the previous year. That’s often how the downward spiral begins huh?

    She had Coldplay’s “The Scientist” song on replay at the site of her suicide. Tragic and heart wrenching. But she was brave to put herself through the agony of asphyxiation with a slow hang. Sadly she felt her life came to the point where she had to “go back to the start”.

    More information below about this sad case some time after this initial article.


    May – July 2011: Helena goes on an exchange trip to Germany and, as part of that, spends a week in France. During this week she is sexually assaulted by an older man

    September 2011: Helena leaves Windermere School and begins studying at Kirkbie Kendal School

    October 22, 2012: She begins a short relationship with local boy Billy Williams, who leaves her ‘heartbroken’ when he breaks up with her

    November 30, 2012: Helena and now ex-boyfriend Billy reveal to teacher Mike Bousfield that Helena was sexually assaulted and has been suffering from bulimia ever since

    December 3, 2012: Mr Bousfield refers her to the school nurse. That night she takes an overdose of paracetamol, saying she ‘wanted it all to go away’

    December 4, 2012: School nurse Donna Moore meets with Helena’s parents. She says she will refer Helena to CAMHS. Meanwhile Helena is referred to school counsellor Siri Morgan

    December 9, 2012: Billy’s father, also Billy Williams, contacts Mr Bousfield at home, saying there have been ‘worrying’ text messages from Helena

    December 10, 2012: Helena is referred to CAMHS by Donna Moore

    December 13, 2012: Helena visits her GP at the Captain French Lane surgery, where she is assessed as being a low suicide risk. Her case is triaged at CAMHS for the first time and she is assessed as an ‘urgent’ case

    December 15, 2012: Helena goes to a party. She self-harms with scissors after Billy is seen kissing another girl

    December 16, 2012: She tells Billy she has written ‘some letters’

    December 17, 2012: Billy and another friend tell Mr Bousfield that Helena has written the letters, which he finds in her bag. Her parents are informed and the letters are put, unopened, in the school safe

    December 19, 2012: Ms Morgan tells Mr Bousfield to ‘bin’ the letters

    December 28, 2012: Helena’s case is triaged for a second time at CAMHS

    January 2, 2013: Mrs Farrell contacts CAMHS and asks for an update. She is offered an appointment in Kendal the following week or in Barrow the next day. She takes the appointment in Barrow

    January 3, 2013: Helena is assessed at CAMHS in Barrow by social worker, Anna Wiodarczak, who also failed to spot Helena was at risk of suicide

    January 4, 2012: Helena is found hanged behind Kendal’s Castle Green Hotel

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