Courageous Greek women who chose death over rape in a muslim harem; Trump as a chess piece to guarantee a President Lesbillary

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Death before dishonor as the muslim turks closed in

A Greek-American friend was bothered, as was I, by the pretty anti-woman message of this video by “Black Pigeon,” though it certainly contains some truth about women being more likely to race-mix than men — but it is a matter of degree. I know LOTS of men who have race-mixed.

So we were discussing it. He wrote me:
Here is good evidence that women have been faithful to our race, unlike what that “Black Pigeon” guy was claiming.
This is a very popular story in the Greek culture. Rather than to be enslaved by the Turks or end up in a harem, the women of Souli chose to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff while dancing and singing about freedom.
Their song is still sung today. We used to sing it in school when I was a kid.
I replied:
This is a very touching and inspiring story, indeed — thanks — esp. when you consider how many women have not taken this path throughout history!

The women of Souli
Have not only learnt how to survive
They also know how to die
Not to tolerate slavery

Btw, after that very nice video of the song, this one came up after it on Youtube:


Btw, the women of Okinawa, Japan also threw themselves with their kids off cliffs as the US Marines approached in 1945, after having been told by lying Jap propaganda the Marines would do terrible things to them.

.  (Very sad…..)




This is the popular dive site and surfing site known as suicide cliffs. It is located on the southern tip of Okinawa Japan. It got its ominous name from the battle of Okinawa in WW2 when many Okinawan civilians jumped off the cliffs due to Japanese propaganda. Many mothers jumped these cliffs holding their babies and children. The cliffs tower high above the water and there is now a beautiful waterfall that flows continually over the edge into the ocean. This was shot on my GoPro HD hero 2.

This massacre did not happen. My father fought the Japanese and the Marines did not do anything to women or children, but they took no prisoners of Jap male soldiers as a result of terrible, terrible Jap atrocities to captured Americans. The HBO series “The Pacific” has one grim scene of what they did, and so does the movie “The Thin Red Line.” Something about the mongol race — which of course affects Turks — makes them want to torture prisoners, which is both wrong and so stupid as a war policy.
Yes, the Zalongo death-while-dancing thing is great. It is dying with style, dignity, and defiance. 
It is like the Spartans joking to the Persians, who had threatened a sky dark with arrows,  “Good, then we shall fight in the shade.” *:) happy
Well, I would say as to the motive of the women that it is , in order of importance:
1) dread of a horrible existence as sex or work slaves
2)  belief in life after death
3) hatred of the Turks and pride in being Greek
What I seek to do is enhance tremendously Point 2 so one does not have to be so heroic, proud or defiant. 
We don’t die anyway. It is much easier to be courageous and all that when you know by reading boo after book about people who have come back, and then get it that you will just drop your body like a glove on the floor, look at it with all the pain and fear gone, and move through the tunnel of light.
In fact, good people often leave their body — astrally project — before any injury.
Bad people are really tortured and stay in their body as it happens.
In the path-breaking Life after Life by ER physician Raymond Moody (who borught back dozens of people from the dead — via electroshock, heart massage, direct injection of adrenalin into the heart muscle and/or punching the chest with the fist to restart the heart) he reports on people who left their body as their car went over an embankment, down a hill and hit a tree.
Strangely, even uninjured people can leave their body. At that house in Sarver, Pennsylvania that I and Margi rented and you visited,  [a neighbor]  was a David K[], of German ancestry, a solid guy. He had been a Marine in Vietnam, came back, became an electrician and worked at this steel mill seen behind me (with the big black roof) in Natrona.
Anyway, one day there was an explosion there and fire, flames, deafening noise, sirens going off, and all the massive soot on the rafters came showering down.
Dave said to me: “It was like hell. So suddenly I realize I am seeing myself from fifty feet away climbing down the emergency ladder, floor by floor.”
When good and noble people like Joan of Arc….
….were burned to death – it could take 15-20 minutes, because the body is 80% water and not a dry leaf — they were not even in their body any more…
…or when the Jew sex fiend Leo Frank was anally raping Mary Phagan, she was not in that body, but already gone to the higher world.
But selfish pricks are conscious and in their body to the very end. God ain’t no senile old fool that one can suddenly claim to love.
So a guy like [a WN acquaintaince who just killed himself] was not all bad, but certainly not all good either, and nothing external sustained him, no angel, no higher strength, just booze, a depressant.
*;) winking
And Jared Taylor with the leftist, Jew wife

….will face his some day for telling William Johnson of the American Freedom Party in 2013, when I was trying to run for sheriff – in a 98% white, very anti-black county, and with an open seat —  that I was a pedophile.

Taylor was on the AFP board. This was when they were looking for good candidates and races in 2013, as board member Hank Bertram told me when he called me from West Virginia, and I was in the ideal situation to win one for our race.
Today, instead of having the overtly narcissistic Trump, the one with the Jew daughter, we would have a genuine WN as a political leader.
Trump and friends 
Maybe Trump, knowingly or unknowingly, is there to hand the White House to Hillary.
If he does a third-party run here, the Democrap will become president for certain, as with 1912 and 1992.
When Teddy Roosevelt ran for president in 1912 as a “Bull Moose” (his own new party), it split the conservatives and put in Woodrow Wilson, who then gave us the Federal Reserve, the IRS and WWI.
When billionaire businessman Ross Perot ran in 1992, it gave us Bill Clinton as president, who enterted the White House with a mere 23% of all eligible voters.
Anyway, here is the direct link:


I took some more notes on the Epstein case last night:

Epstein case  Two Jewesses against Epstein, interviewed by Sean Stone, son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone

Pedophile Billionaires: Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton & Sex Slave Island Cover-Up

Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his relationship with Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew and other famous names, and their connection to a high-level sex scandal is exposed by Conchita and Cristina Sarnoff. We also look at slavery and human sex trafficking in the modern world, and more, in this uncensored Buzzsaw interview, hosted by Sean Stone.

Conchita Sarnoff is Executive Director at The Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking WWW.ATRVT.ORG; a Washington D.C. foundation to help rescue trafficked victims. Ms. Sarnoff is also an author and crisis communications advisor.

Cristina Sarnoff is a director, producer, and the founder of Atila Films.

00:01 Welcome to Buzzsaw.
00:18 Introducing Conchita Sarnoff and Cristina Sarnoff.
00:50 Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, high level sex scandal cover-ups, and sex trafficking in America.
12:50 Slavery in the modern world and human trafficking.
18:00 Censorship and repression in trying to expose the truth.
22:00 The Clinton family’s relationship with Epstein.
27:50 Why wasn’t Epstein prosecuted, and what can be done about pedophilia and human trafficking?
36:30 Thanks and goodbye.

Virginia Louise Roberts came out Dec 2014

Conchita Sarnoff said:

US fed minimum mandatory sentence is 20 years trafficking children “ but Epstein got 18 months for solicitation of prostitution of a minor; of which 13 months was house arrest at his Palm Beach mansion!

24 children testified against Epstein for molesting them at his  US Virgin Islands rape island. Two 12-year-old girls were brought over from France for his birthday orgy….

Epstein committed 11 parole violations, and never took the mandatory state psych exam for sex offenders, which a Level-3 pedophile (the highest degree, for trafficking in kids) must take.

There are actually 30 million slaves today in the world, the most ever. Humans are trafficked for sex, and in the garment industry, mining, and agriculture. They are literally paid nothing and held prisoner.

Conchita Sarnoff’s book on Epstein was finished in 2010, and 12 publishers in US would not touch it out of fear of a Clinton presidency.

Epstein apparently started his orgy-island with kids in 2001.

Epstein to plead guilty to only two lower-level state crimes, soliciting prostitution and soliciting a minor child for prostitution.

Palm Beach police chief Reiter sa id in a deposition that he heard from local private investigators that Alan Dershowitz had launched background checks on both the police chief and Detective Recarey. Dershowitz denies all of that. According to Reiter, both he and Recarey also became aware that they were under surveillance for several months, without knowing who ordered it. And the Florida victims began to complain that they and family members were being followed and intimidated by private investigators who were then linked to local attorneys.

Epstein has been a serious and respected player in the highest reaches of politics and philanthropy. He has made substantial contributions to Democrap political candidates, he served on the Council on Foreign Relations, and donated $30 million to Harvard University.

Chris Tucker being investigated as a pedophile

Chirlaine Maxwell, daughter of the billionaire Jew and Mossad agent Robert Maxwell (whom the Mossad later murdered), procured girls for Clinton and Epstein and was invited to Chelsea Clinton’s wedding to a Jew, the son of an convicted swindler.

Epstein was a generous Democrat donor; donated $3.5 mio to the Clintons;

Ken Starr, who was special prosecutor against Clinton, got the 18-month state sentence for Epstein instead of a ten or 20-year federal sentence.



Epstein then did 13 months of his measly 18-month sentence in a private county building on a “work-release” program. He slept in the comfy jail at night only, and was at his mansion during the day.

One of Epstein’s buddies was George Soros’s nephew, Peter Soros…..

As I wrote earlier on this blog,  the Greeks and Romans correctly believed the gods and goddesses, especially the Erinnyes, or the Furies, would be furious at any clan where the menfolk did not avenge crimes against the women and children.



People think: Oh, I feel sorry for this women who got raped or this child who got molested.

No, feel sorry for yourself for being such a pussy that you did nothing  to physically avenge them (and posting shit on Facebook about pedophiles is not “doing something”).

For the Gods see your putrid cowardice.

THIS is doing something.









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