Dylann Storm Roof and the removal of everything Confederate in New Orleans and elsewhere

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It all started with the bogus “Charleston Church Shooting” by the MK-ULTRA Dylann Storm Roof, who is really the Hollywood child actor John Christian Graas from “Star Trek: the Next Generation.” The purpose was to demonize the Confederacy, and why? Because it symbolized the freedom-loving, violent American patriot who does more than whine.
Dylann Storm Roof mindlessly holding a Confederate battle flag. In his FBI investigation after the faked shooting, he acted entirely like a zombie, because he is one, an MK-ULTRA.
Yeah, sure, WNs are always burning an American flag….. Part of our outreach to the masses…. 😉
I have blogged on the Dylann Storm Roof thing, and how it was a totally fictitious shooting that never happened — NO Southern WN would ever, EVER go into a church, a house of God, and gun down eight harmless church ladies merely studying the Bible –. and this “Charleston Church Shooting” was designed to eradicate all honoring of the Confederacy, because the proud, fearless, violent white man must be demonized.
WNs object to black gang-bangers, rapists, drug dealers and murderers, not to church ladies.


I actually had a supernatural experience exactly 24 hours to the minute before the supposed incident. The Roof thing was a very important NWO project to destroy white pride and harm both the Second Amendment and WNism.
I would recommend especially this blog:

Exact facial and ear match between “Charleston church shooter” Roof and Star Trek kid actor Graas

and this
Had Trump not won, and he has stayed very good at least on the gun-rights issue, I believe that Hillary Clinton would have used the fake Charleston Church shooting to push for massive  new gun bans. And once we have no guns, they can take everything else.
The Jewish sex fiend Leo Frank of Georgia raped and strangled the beautiful Mary Phagan on Confederate Memorial Day in April, 1913.
I have done immense work on the Leo Frank case:


I lived in New Orleans in 1989-90, where now all the Confederate statues are being removed…..  http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2017/04/confederate_monument_protest_j.html
After all, why should we not honor 300,000 men who gave their lives for whites to  be safe and not raped and murdered?
Lewis Powell, one of the members of the team that assassinated the tyrant Lincoln. He went almost crazy from the horrific jail conditions before his trial and hanging — 130 degrees, hooded, manacled, and held in a Union submarine below water for three weeks. Then his hanging was deliberately botched so it took five minutes for him to die. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis_Powell_(conspirator)
These men fought to the death for White American rights. Millions of Northerners called Copperheads sympathized strongly with the South.
We fought so white women would be safe in their own country.

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  1. Glad to see your comments on the Dylann Storm Roof hoax/PSYOP. I knew from the get-go that it was complete BS, just by his supposed name: “Dylann Storm Roof” Dil(do) An(us) Storm Front? Give me a break! I’m not convinced that he’s the child actor you referenced, even though they look very similar. I actually think he may be G.W. Bush’s autistic son, who looks EXACTLY like this “Roof” character. The Chicago Tribune posted a photo of G.W. Bush and his family at some gala party shortly after G.W. Bush’s reelection victory in 2004, including his apparently autistic or semi-retarded son, who I believe was named Jeffrey in the photo’s caption. I recall thinking that he looked rather “evil” somehow, but then realized he was probably autistic or semi-retarded, which is why they kept him out completely out of the public’s view, as if he doesn’t even exist. Apparently someone at the Tribune goofed, and let that photo be published. I wish I had saved that paper, and actually went to a library’s microfiche section one day to try to find that photo, but couldn’t, due to the fact that I can’t remember exactly when it was – too many lengthy papers to wade through. But I repeat – he looked EXACTLY like this “Dylann Storm Roof” character, and no mention was ever made of G.W. Bush’s son again. Did searches of the Internet, but there’s nothing about him to be found. I’m convinced that “Roof” is actually G.W. Bush’s autistic or semi-retarded son, who is playing a role for the JWO’s demonization of white nationalists. He will be snuck out the back door rather than executed, and will go back to wherever he was living before, or perhaps sent to another country where he won’t be recognized.

    Andrew Anglin fully supported this “Dylann Storm Roof” hoax narrative, and actually praised this character as a hero for supposedly gunning down those black church ladies. That should tell you all you need to know about Anglin and the Daily Stormer website.

    Recently, AA posted the video below of some fag-voiced sissy named “Paul Town” using typical Jewish “too clever for thou” mocking humor to belittle poverty-stricken white nationalists who try to educate themselves on white racial history by reading books. AA claims to not understand what it’s about, but then says it’s funny, meaning he does know what it’s about – namely, mockery of white nationalists in general. This “Paul Town” character is just another Jewish antifa fag trolling white people – probably one of AA’s numerous Jewish friends whom he mentioned in his radio interview with black host Paul Ironshore, and later offered Ironshore $6000 to delete that interview. Note also that the name of “Paul Town’s” YouTube channel is “Honeypot Studios” – putting it right in your face, “goyim”:


    This SPLC lawsuit of Anglin and the Daily Stormer is likely complete BS and a honeypot, too. DS has set up a website for donations which requires one to enter a credit card or PayPal account, meaning that it provides a record of who financially supports the DS site. Now, that donation site displays an “Insecure Connection” invalid certificate message, although it was viewable just the other day:


    Mark my words, eventually it will come out that Anglin and his DS website have been one huge trolling / honeypot operation targeting real white nationalists. Then, Anglin will have to flee back to Asia, because a lot of betrayed hardcore NS types will be looking for him.

    • I hope you are wrong about Anglin, whom I still see as very gifted and courageous, although he says provocative stuff that may really backfire. But young men do that.

      I also do not damn anyone for collaborating with anti-talmudic Jews. I know too many greedy, evil, and even child-molesting goyim personally to see everything as black or white.

      We are souls, not genes. Genes are the glove, not the hand. 🙂 A Jew who risks his life and freedom to fight Zion is a man I would have a beer with any day.

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