ENGLISH WEBHOST CAMPAIGN PARTNERS CANCELS JDN-FOR-SHERIFF WEBSITE; BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING; Cindy Steele on the new torments of Edgar Steele in Fedzog prison; Mark Kessler, heroic Pennsylvania township police chief

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[updated Tuesday evning, 7:30 pm EST, April 16, 2013]




From: Campaign Partner Support <support@campaignpartner.com>
To: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, 16 April 2013, 17:57
Subject: Termination of Service

Dear Account Holder:

By creating and using your Campaign Partner account, you agreed to abide by Campaign Partner’s Terms of Service (TOS). Pursuant to the TOS, Campaign Partner reserves the right to terminate your account or otherwise prohibit use of your account in the event that, among other things, we believe that you have violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the TOS. Your account has been terminated for violation of the TOS. [Et cetera…. ]

I wrote a supporter in Canada:


This is no big problem. Easy to set up another website, or even make the topic “JdN for Sheriff” the top half of every blog, at least for now.

It is a sign of how much the Jew icon_jew-nose fears me and what I can do specifically with a race for sheriff.

I note that adding the video of the Israeli bikini girl crucifying the Jesus monkey to the jdn-4-sheriff website was what immediately preceded this.


I have seen gentile jaws drop to the floor after seeing this video: “Stop whining, Yeshu, you are just a nazi, and a few nails don’t hurt.”

I also got a nasty jew comment on my permanent neanderthal webpage. These things reveal what bothers them the most.


The Irish-American I spoke with last night, Seth O'[xxx], was really bothered that the Israhellers would not let his group go to Bethlehem or Nazareth on a Holy Land tour, saying that the Jews told him the line that muslims would attack Christians! Ridiculous! The Koran itself says Jesus was a prophet, AND those villages need the tourism income. He really listened to me.


I lived in Boston 1971-75 and 1994- 2003. I know Boylston Street, location of the attacks in the Back Bay of Boston, like the back of my hand. I taught there (American accent for foreign scientists) for years.

The whole thing has to be ZOG…no one, not even a real terrorist of any shade, muslim, jew, Christian, Tea Party, nobody would want to attack the Boston Marathon; it is just a symbol of freedom, healthy people, and fun.

At least 10 people injured had limbs amputated, according to a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation.



It is likely a false-flag attack by the feds themselves, no matter who gets arrested.

It sounds like IEDs (improvised explosive devices), the kind of roadside bombs used in Iraq, were exploded here.


This poor young white man has his legs blown off………! 🙁


So I guess we better ban nails, hydrogen peroxide (where will Hillary get her blonde hair then?), and tin cans! 😉

Hollywood Jews hinted at the bombings in advance?

Here is a video, only two minutes long. The Boston bombing was alluded to on an “adult cartoon” shown the night before, just as Sandy Hook was mentioned in the Batman Movie. This edition of the popular but lewd adult cartoon “American Dad” was shown for the first time the night before the bombing.


They were talking about that the bombs were probably detonated by cell phone. Watch this clip. “The Boston Marathon” is actually mentioned.

I just watched it about the “two blasts” –yep

This is also damning….


This black anti-NWO activist is telling it like it is, and so is Cynthia McKinney, a former Congresswoman whose career the Jews destroyed:


===================As I read the below from Cindy Steele regarding her imprisoned, framed husband Edgar, my thought, frankly, is this:

Why did Steele surrender to the  feds, when those framing him are pure evil?

Why not just shoot it out, Mr Pro-Gun, and spare himself and his wife all this pain?

Steele knew as a lawyer for many framed people what the feds are capable of.

People are atheists, deep down, and really afraid to die and be gone and dead forever. That is why they prefer the most terrible prison to death, which for a real believer  should be a release from this painful, ugly, nasty jew world we live on to a better world.


Only a person addicted to wishful thinking and the Tooth Fairy gives up peacefully to the fedzog torture and death machine.

You have to be armed and ready to die at all times. I cannot imagine a high-profile WN activist (such as Edgar Steele, and I was on his radio show) who is not armed and ready to fire, with the pistol taken off safety, even during a routine traffic stop.  That is how I have lived for five years now.


…..See 2:48 to 3:24…..pistols cocked and ready to fire

…and this readiness to kill and die is why they have not come for me, why I am writing you tonight, and am not also framed and rotting in some black-mex-khazar prison for “something.”

The feds KNOW I will fight and die like Leonidas.

The khazar understands only pain and power.


——– Original Message ——–

Subject: April 12 update, Mr. Steele at Victorville, ESDF donations
From: “Edgar J. Steele” <steele@conspiracypenpal.com>
Date: Mon, April 15, 2013 12:25 pm

Dear Edgar Steele Supporters,

My thank you for your support is long overdue, but please know that in my heart I thank you every day and appreciate your support more than any of these words can express. Life has been relentlessly hard since Ed’s false arrest and wrongful conviction and when I lost my Mom it pretty much took the wind out of my sails.


My heart is still heavily saddened, for I’ve had to endure the loss of two best friends – my husband by a criminal government who went to great lengths to take him away and my mom through death. However, I’m pulling myself up to continue the fight to bring my husband home.

What I want you to know is that along with praying, it is your support through supportive letters and/or donations that helps me to stay strong, for I know that I do not stand alone as I fight for justice for Ed and for all of us.


I realize that I’ve been far too quiet on matters pertaining to Ed’s current situation, but I assure you that I’m out here fighting for my husband’s freedom. Unfortunately there hasn’t been a lot to report, as the appeal process is slow and a lot of time is spent waiting for filings, responses, replies and answers from the attorneys on both sides and the courts. It is just one of the many things that has been a source of frustration, but anyone in this type of situation is at the mercy of our un-justice or “Just-us” system.


In regards to the appeal, it has been in front of the 9th Circuit Court since January and we are waiting for their response. I’ve been told that maybe we would receive a response in 2-3 months, but that there is no set time and 6 months or longer is more likely. Though, because of a ruling on another case, we have already lost one of the appealable issues. Of course, we pray and still have hope that the remaining two issues will finally get Ed some justice and for starts, get him a new trial.


There has been a lot of concern about the lack of any contact with Ed, especially in regards to his mail. I can tell you that for the most part he is not getting most of his mail. I’ve had supporters contact me about their mail being returned. I’ve had mail I’ve sent him returned. Ed told me that he isn’t getting most of the mail that anyone has sent, including any legal mail. Apparently, most of that same undelivered mail to him has not been returned to those who sent it, either. If he does receive any mail, it typically isn’t given to him for 2 to 3 weeks from the time the prison has received the mail. It doesn’t matter that the federal prison’s policy states that they are to receive their mail within 24 hours. It is just one of the many ways that they utilize to inflict future punishment.


Until March 17, 2013, my main contact with Ed has been through email and phone calls about every 3 to 4 days. Each phone call is only 15 minutes long, but it is the best part of my day when I get to talk to him. I get to hear his voice and for that brief moment I get relief from the worry over his health and general well being. Unfortunately, now he will only be able to call me once a month due to being back in solitary confinement (the “hole”) for probably an extended period of time. It is for his own protection and by his choice that he is in the “hole” because of being punched by another prisoner and receiving threats. As he has requested, hopefully they will transfer him back to the west side of the prison where he felt safer or to a medical facility where he could hopefully get some proper medical care. Fortunately, he was recently able to send me a note, which is attached and which I share with you here [LINK TO .PDF SCAN], which basically tells you what I’ve relayed.


The Edgar Steele Defense Fund (non-profit) board and I have been working to produce a DVD, titled Witness to the Persecution; The Plot to Silence Edgar Steele. It was our hope to have it completed for release by now and to send a complimentary copy to those that have so generously donated to Ed’s defense fund. However, some technical complications have held up the completion of the DVD, so it will be sent out as soon as possible.


One last matter is the disclaimer that has been added to our website, which you may view below. Please take a moment to read it, for our family fully supports this disclaimer.


With this said, I again thank everyone for their support and I pray that one day Ed will come home and we all can enjoy his company. I pray for your safety as well because you have been sticking your neck out to support Ed. I pray that all of us can stay safe during these times of peril.

Cindy G. Steele




The Most Dangerous Man in America

Monday, April 15, 2013 3:46

(Before It’s News)

Johnny Cirucci
07 April, 2013; 08:26 AM EST

Check out Johnny’s exclusive interview with Chief Mark Kessler here

Mark Kessler could be the most dangerous man in America, but if you tell him he is, he’ll say he doesn’t care.

Yesterday, an interesting event was held in an obscure Pennsylvania town: the first meeting of the local “Constitutional Security Force”.  Spurred by a perceived overwhelming encroachment of the Federal government on personal liberty and private property, the meeting was a somewhat clichéd gathering of rural folk, some clad head-to-toe in camouflage.

But what keeps the “CSF” from being a bad episode of National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers is its founder: Gilberton Borough Police Chief Mark Kessler.

Kessler is a no-nonsense lawman whose primary influence in politics and values appears to have been his father, Joseph Kessler, a man who served with distinction in Viet Nam.

In January of 2013, Kessler made the national scene by submitting a resolution he sponsored for consideration by the Borough council.  Unanimously adopted, the resolution is quite astounding.  It essentially nullifies all Federal, state and local gun control measures.

All federal, state or local acts, laws, orders, rules or regulations regarding firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition are a violation of the 2nd Amendment along with Article 1, section 21 of The Pennsylvania Constitution and in violation of this resolution.

Further, the resolution proclaims that Gilberton public officials do not recognize said “unconstitutional restrictions” on the 2ndAmendment and requires those representatives to adopt or enact any and all measures as may be necessary to prevent the unconstitutional enforcement of any federal, state or local acts, laws, orders, rules, or regulations in violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States along with Article 1, section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution “The right to keep and bear arms”.

Yes, Gilberton Borough is a small province boasting a population of only 867 but a local resolution of this magnitude is brazen, indeed.  Not since the sleepy town of Kennesaw, Georgia made headlines with its 1982 ordinance requiring every household have a firearm in it has such an official statement been made in defiance of state and national authorities.

News of the Kessler resolution spread like wildfire and the police chief received calls for interviews from sources all over the country to include nationally-syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones.

The interview was such a success, Jones ran spots for Kessler on his news website as well as his nightly news program.

The impetus behind Chief Kessler’s bold move was a desire to defend against the deluge of gun control measures that were introduced by politicians after the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting.  The worst of these measures was a bill by Senator Diane Feinstein (D, CA)—the same politician who so instrumentally pushed the Clinton-era so-called “assault weapons” ban in 1995.

Feinstein’s new bill was such a draconian over-reach that some sources were liking it to the gun confiscation legislation of Nazi Germany.

Defenders of the 2ndAmendment put so much effort into stopping Feinstein that when the career public servant’s legislation was declared “dead on arrival”, they began to rest easy.  Sadly, there are still many more battles raging on such as a Federal push for more stringent background checks on gun purchasers.  With the support of key Republicans, this measure could very easily pass despite dire warnings that such data has historically been used as a precursor to gun confiscation.  Instead we are told that we should simply “trust the government”.  They would never maintain or abuse personal information they promised not to.

Meanwhile, dangerous politicians were pulling out all the stops to strip citizens naked:

*  In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, elitist son of former NY Governor Mario Cuomo pushed his radical gun control legislation through so fast it violated the NY Constitution which required a 3 day period to allow both citizens and legislators to know what was being considered.  Much like former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D, CA) stated regarding the several-thousand page content of “Obamacare”, New Yorkers were told that they would find out after it was signed.  And find out they did.

*  Colorado Democrats added fear mongering of the Aurora theater shooting to enact not one but three new gun control laws that were so odious to its citizens they have spurred drives to recall key legislators and even Democrat governor John Hickenlooper.  This is not surprising now that even common shotguns are “illegal” in the once-proud frontier state.

*  Connecticut, much like New York, already had harsh gun control laws but used the Newton shooting to make them even worse cutting down magazine size, naming more weapons to outlaw and making it ever-easier for the government apparatus to strip citizens of their rights.

*  Maryland went even further with their so-called “assault weapon” ban adding a fingerprint database of gun purchasers along with the obligatory new “mentally ill” loopholes for disarming citizens.

But according to Chief Kessler, one organization that showed no interest at all in his resolution was the National Rifle Association.  Kessler stated during his town hall and to me by phone that his first attempt to get advice from the NRA (including help in how to word a legal resolution) went completely ignored and when he put effort into keeping them informed via e-mail he was asked to stop due to supposed “death threats” the organization was getting as a result of being associated with him.  As of this writing my attempts to contact the official in question have also been ignored.


An idyllic-looking father and son…a bearded gentleman with “PASTOR” emblazoned on his ball cap…an elderly husband and wife…a handful of disheveled-looking people outfitted in Marine Corps woodland digital camouflage…the audience for Chief Kessler’s Constitutional Security Force meeting was as divergent as it was unusual and to his credit he appeared to treat all comers with equal respect.

The audience was no reflection on Kessler’s lineup of speakers which included childhood friend and defense attorney Joseph Nahas.  Nahas spoke on his involvement in the high-profile case of an illegal alien found dead after an altercation with three local teens.  According to the lawyer, Luis Ramírez was questioned by the boys for having a 14 year old girl with him after 11 PM and the contact devolved from there.  Nahas told the audience that the death of Ramírez was accidental and an earlier state court acquittal of Derrick Donchak and Brandon Piekarsky of murder seemed to be in line with his assertion.

Then the Federal government stepped in.  In an effort to please radical racist lobby groups such as LULAC and La Raza (“the race”) then Democrat governor Ed Rendell appealed to Federal authorities to act and re-try both the boys along with local law officers who were seen as “obstructing” the investigation.  In what some have called a “witch hunt”, Federal prosecutor Myesha Braden proceeded to use the Fair Housing Act to prove the boys had committed a “hate crime”.

The take-away for the audience according to Nahas?  “If the government wants you, they are going to get you.”  Truly, one powerful definition of “tyranny” is a government that has so many laws and regulations that any citizen can be targeted at will and the appropriate infraction can be easily found against them.  As we sit in the shadow of very unpatriotic warrantless wiretapping and unmanned surveillance drones flying overhead, the statist bromide of “if you aren’t doing anything wrong you have nothing to fear” rings ruefully hollow.

Nahas also stated that he has never met a more corrupt cabal than the “Civil Rights Division” at the United States “Department of Justice”.  Sadly, I’m inclined to agree.  When a government attorney is so repulsed by the decision of Attorney General Eric Holder to drop a clear case of black-on-white voter intimidation that he resigns his position, it’s clear that vendettas against “racism” flow only in one direction.

Chief Kessler’s audience was then treated to a second legal speaker, 2ndAmendment attorney Joshua Prince who has argued against the necessity of concealed-carry licensing before the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.  Unusual fare for what outsiders would’ve considered unvarnished onlookers, Prince shocked his attentive listeners with stories of how easy it is for a government to deprive a citizen of their right to own a firearm whether it was a “protection from abuse” order (granted with frightening ease) or a simple paperwork error at the local hospital who neglected to mark your self-admittal for psychiatric help as “voluntary”.

The legal advice ended with a disturbing warning of several gun control measures facing Pennsylvanians, none of which are getting media coverage.  State Senate bill 435 is a Democrat-sponsored attempt to reinstitute the Clinton “Assault Weapons” ban and a slew of House bills would do even more including making it a crime to use lethal force against a home invader when you can “retreat”, requiring neighborhood watch groups to register with the State Attorney General’s office and create general havoc for firearm shops across the Commonwealth.  It’s not surprising that a Leftist Philadelphia Democrat is behind them all.

After all of this repeated bad news, Mark Kessler revealed his trump card.  Reaffirming his commitment to maintain the law and not initiate a hostile action with any offending government agency, he assured his audience he would end one.  The police chief then put “truth to power” by introducing his guests Justin and Joe from Fast-Tactics firearms training academy.  They were present to discuss a future opportunity to make real-world firearms training available to the common citizen provided you could BYOG&A (Bring Your Own Guns & Ammo).

This was getting real.

Nowhere else was I aware of a constituted law enforcement officer with outstanding legal representation putting their reputation on the line to create a true “citizen militia” for protection against government tyranny.

Perhaps Mark Kessler was putting more on the line than that.

Less than 5 days ago, Mingo County West Virginia Sheriff Eugene Crum was literally assassinated as he sat in his squad car eating his lunch.  He had just taken office.  Most mainstream news agencies were claiming that the motive was Sheriff Crum’s hard stance against illicit drugs.  Tennis Melvin Maynard is currently being held as the primary suspect.

But rather than drugs, or even a criminal history of any kind, only mental illness is in Maynard’s past.  The assassination of high-profile targets by proxy is no Hollywood myth.  Such operations are made even more successful when unwitting dupes are backed up by trained professionals.

Before hanging up with him I mentioned to Chief Kessler that his efforts to legitimize citizen militias may have made him the most dangerous man in America, at least where the ruling power structure was concerned.  Had he taken precautions to protect his reputation and even his life?

Mark Kessler laughed and told me that, although he took all threats seriously (such as the death threat he received on the internet just prior to the meeting), as we listened peacefully to each speaker, well-placed confidants were watching inside and outside the building, ready for anything.

As I pondered the conversation, I thought with foreboding that “anything” may be right around the corner.

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