ENGLISH Disturbing university study on the “Black code” –“do not have White friends”; how Jewish actor John Wilkes Booth ruined America

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Major university study finds

many African-Americans

frown on any friendship with Whites


I found the following article on Michael Weaver’s website: http://news4whites.blogspot.com/2014/03/major-university-study-finds-african.html)

I will say — sadly — by way of introduction that this article confirms what Founding Father Thomas Jefferson warned about in the 1780s (see further below), that the two races, Black and White, have harmed each other so much over the last 400 years that a dangerous level of hatred exists and persists, even 50 years after the “civil rights era” and the end of “Jim Crow” segregation.




But a new study of 212 black college students made available to Secrets found little open-mindedness: Blacks don’t like it when other blacks associate with whites, to the point of refusing help to an African-American experiencing “a run of bad luck” — just because they have white friends.
The study in the April edition of the authoritative journal Social Psychological and Personality Science found the so-called “black code” alive and kicking, prompting blacks far more than whites to frown on one of their own if they associate with the other race.
“Having cross-race friends made black [examples] seem ‘less black,’” wrote two psychology scholars in their study of students at an unnamed historically black college. “However, having cross-race friends did not necessarily make white [examples] seem ‘more black.’”
Authors Leslie Ashburn-Nardo of Indiana University-Purdue University Indiana and James D. Johnson of the University of the South Pacific said the findings could undermine efforts by blacks to push into the corporate world if they are concerned about how their African American friends perceive them. The reason: “Their success will inevitably involve close associations with whites.”
They wrote: “Blacks sometimes strategically imply that they have connections to whites in an effort to increase their probability of success in the corporate world. Doing so may be a means of distancing themselves from negative group stereotypes or perhaps a ‘disarming mechanism’ to enhance their acceptability in the eyes of white employers or colleagues. Regardless of motive, such strategic out-group alignment may put blacks at risk for identity denial from fellow in-group members.”
The study tested the “black code,” in which

“relationships with whites must be kept at arm’s length maintaining a silent us-against-them mindset. Blacks who appear too friendly and comfortable around whites are viewed with suspicion; their blackness in question.”

It looked at how the 1,200 black college students perceived racial identity of blacks with white friends, and also their empathy for blacks facing hardship who have white friends.



The present experiment examined identity denial and reduced empathy for in-group (vs. out-group) targets as a function of the racial composition of their social networks. Black participants rated in-group (Black) targets as more weakly racially identified and expressed less empathy for in-group targets with cross-race close friends versus same-race close friends or no friends. Furthermore, the effect of social network composition on empathy was mediated by perceived racial identity. These findings were limited to the in-group target. Although the out-group (White) target was rated as more weakly identified when shown with cross-race close friends versus same-race close friends or no friends, neither social network composition nor perceived racial identity predicted empathy for the out-group target. These findings extend previous research on identity denial and suggest that, for Blacks, closely associating with Whites undermines the usually robust pattern of in-group empathy.


….Worth pondering



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….Feedback on “The Fourth Reich and Nordic Aliens”


A Swede wrote me today:

I’ve been scanning through these three pages you have written, and it blows my mind away. It connects with conclusions I have made through simply asking some hard questions about our existence and what goes on in our world.

There is one thing, or rather one person you mention that I need to ask you why you bring up. Alex Jones is, as far as I can see, a jew-pawn. I’m sure you’ve heard this before.


Since you are very interesting and I love your work I will not do anything else than kindly ask for your response on this. Maybe you’re even able to change my mind.

In reply to Nordic Swede.

Hi, and thanks for your comment.

I like Alex Jones for the truth he does put out, and I think he is just trying to stay alive by not bashing the Jews and instead bashing Hitler. If he did the opposite, the Jews would first ban his show and then kill him.

My calling, on the other hand, is to say the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 😉 My calling is to lead, and start a new and vibrant religion to end the degeneracy — so we once again act like human beings and not animals. Only then will we again start to love, care for, and respect each other.

If we are disgusted with each other, except for a few saints, we will not love each other. 😉

I get ridiculed for this (see below 😉 ), but there is no path to save us but to again act like children of God and not the Devil.


…..Against bashing others

I just deleted a post bashing Andrew Anglin and another with some Klansman bashing another, and another bashing me. My personal FB page is not YOUR forum to bash me, other comrades, Christianity, or Odinism, or anything else. The true enemy is not each other, but instead the psychopaths in all races and groups (including white nationalism) (https://johndenugent.com/psychopaths-in-power) and the most highly organized group of psychopaths in the world, the leadership of international Jewry. (https://johndenugent.com/racist-israel-seeks-to-genocide-whites-in-a-global-holocaust)

….Slander machine still trucking

Good old Jew-gle! 😉 It still shows, not my own website, but instead a six-month-old, closed thread attacking me at the top of page one under “John de Nugent” .. (with 242,000 hits on my name).

However, my counter-attack on Duke minions Jamie Kelso and Linda Falla for their recorded message — sent out to thousands — defaming me as a homosexual, pedophile, con man and girlfriend-beater is not on page one at all under the search term “Jamie Kelso”! This is yet another indication that Kelso is doing “the Lord’s work” — but it is the Dark Lord’s 😉



The Dukester (Kelso’s master) before and after cosmetic surgery that donations to his political campaigns paid for




…..Why the original Klan?


Black-On-White Crime Blog: Black Mob Brutally Beats Random White Man While Yelling Racial Slurs


john-wilkes-boothThis shocking crime explains in a way why the original Klan (tragically) arose after 1865 in the South and began committing acts of violence and intimidation against Blacks (usually miscreants, but not always) right after the “Civil War.” After the murder of Abraham Lincoln by the Jewish actor John Wilkes Booth (photo left), which eliminated a president interested in 1) reconciliation between South and North, and 2) solving the Black-White racial conflict, the “Radical Republicans” took power and demanded the White South be severely punished for “treason.” (They even impeached Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson, for being “too soft on the South.”)

The fanatic Southern-hater Thaddeus Stevens was a Pennsylvania Republican congressman. In examining his face, truly, as Confucius said, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

Thaddeus_Stevens_-_Brady-Handy-cropWhite Southerners who had fought for the Confederacy (“for the rebellion,” as the Radical Republicans called it) lost the right to vote or hold office, and literally illiterate Blacks got citizenship, the vote and then took over the state legislatures.

Former slaves who were (for partly understandable reasons) anti-White suddenly had ALL the power, and Northern Jews, called “carpetbaggers,” manipulated them, plied the former slaves with alcohol and money, and in reality ran the whole show. Huge chunks of the Southern economy (whatever was left after the “Civil War’s” destruction) were then bought up by these Northern Jews for ten cents on the dollar. (Their allies were white Southern traitors, called “scalawags,” who as locals helped them buy the conquered South up.)

Scene from “Gone with the Wind” of the Burning of Atlanta, by the Georgia author Margaret Mitchell


It was during this post-Civil War crime wave and chaos (ludicrously called “Reconstruction” because it was largely DE-struction and sowed a whole new level of bitterness between the North and South, not the national reunification that LINCOLN WANTED) that the first KKK arose, and, unlike later Klans, it was composed of mostly elite Southern educated men, many of them Confederate officers such as cavalry general Nathan Bedford Forrest of Tennessee.

nathan-bedford-forrestEvery kind of violence against Whites erupted after Appomattox in 1865, and the Union (federal) Army merely looked on. The Klan was created to (very ruthlessly) end anti-White terrorism, anti-White beatings, anti-White rapes and anti-White murders. It then caused Blacks  to lose the vote and helped bring about segregation (called “Jim Crow legislation.”)

(It should be noted in fairness that about 1/3rd of the lynchings by the Ku Klux Klan were of WHITE scum, such as these two child molesters, hanged naked to shame them further:)
Thomas Jefferson famously said the two races, White and Black, could not live peacefully together — and it would end up in one exterminating the other! (from http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Politics/ThomasJefferson/jeff1290.htm):
“It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the State [instead of colonizing them]? Deep-rooted prejudices entertained by the Whites, ten thousand recollections by the Blacks of the injuries they have sustained, new provocations, the real distinctions which nature has made, and many other circumstances will divide us into parties and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.” –Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XIV, 1782. ME 2:192 “
Jefferson wanted Blacks to have a new homeland or self-rule areas in America or return to Africa, because he was certain that the country eventually would be destroyed by a race war, particularly 1) after an economic downturn or even 2) the agents of a foreign power exacerbating the continuing racial tensions, especially during a war against the United States, thus causing America to fall from within while being attacked from without. (The colony of Georgia cited this as a practical reason to ban slavery, but the king of England ordered the Georgia law against slavery revoked.)
https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking This is my video on Jefferson and his clearly-stated racial views (Presidential video 3, 2/3rds down). Jefferson had hundreds of slaves for decades, and studied Black behavior carefully as 1) a scholar, 2) a humanitarian, and 3) as any employer (or any slave owner) would.
He was absolutely opposed to slavery, but also to releasing Blacks into White society because of the explosive tension between the two races.
He put the dilemma of slavery down South this way, where, lest we forget, some counties in the Cotton or Tobacco Belt were 1/3rd to 50% black:
“We have a wolf by the ears. We cannot hang on and we cannot let go.”
The real reason why Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by the Jewish actor John Wilkes Booth was he intended to repatriate Blacks to Africa or set up homelands for them in the Americas, which was also the explicit and clearly announced plan of the great Black leader of the 1920s, Marcus Garvey.
The Jewish plan, however, was to use Lincoln to 1) free the slaves, and then 2) put them right INTO White society.
For the first goal, crushing the South and freeing the slaves, Abraham Lincoln proved useful to the Jews, and was supported, but for the second, Lincoln had to be killed. He was no longer useful to the Jewish plan for America — which was permanent racial tension and hatred.
Lincoln alone, of all the presidents before and since, had the power, prestige and opportunity after his victory in the the War Between the States to repatriate the Blacks. The Southerners had no vote, and were under military occupation. The slaves were freed and, agitated by Jews, were causing trouble. This was the ONE moment to solve the race problem. So Lincoln, the potential solver, had to die.
Btw, the new estimate by “Civil War” historians is not that 600,000 White men died in North and South, but instead an even more horrible 750,000.
All this because the kings of England and their greedy sephardic Jew advisers FORCED the slave trade on the 13 white colonies.
Professor Tony Martin of the elite Wellesley College (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Martin_%28professor%29) exposes the key Jew role in starting, running and profiting off the slave trade, and says that 75% of Jews in the South owned slaves, far more than White non-Jewish Southerners!

In both Virginia and Georgia, the royal governors that represented the king vetoed laws passed by the White colonial legislatures banning further importation of slaves. Whites north and south felt slavery was
1) morally wrong,
2) WOULD DESTROY THE WHITE WORKING CLASS (because businesses, to stay afloat, would go with free labor over paid labor),
3) it would lead to masters committing both adultery and, in effect, rape (non-consensual sex) with their Black female slaves,
4) this would of course stir up a simmering rage in Black males,
5) all this could lead to a race war, and, related to that,
6) Spain and France could use the racial crisis to incite the Black slaves to rise up and slaughter their White masters and gain their freedom, while at the same time Spanish armies would strike the South from Florida or land up the coast, and French armies would strike from Quebec and the New France areas west of the Appalachians and also from the coast.
The majority of White Americans were very opposed to slavery as it began and even more as it spread and worsened — and anyone who reads Washington, Jefferson or Franklin can see that in public and in private they were extremely worried about slavery for many powerful reasons, moral and practical.
The vast majority of Whites never wanted the slave trade, and in 1860 only 5% even of Southerners owned slaves, and just 1% of Northerners, said the 1860 United States Census report. Most Whites today (especially of German, Slavic, Italian, French, Scandinavian or Greek ancestry) descend from Europeans who came to America AFTER the end of the Civil War, and never were slave owners. In fact, many of them descend from the SERFS of the Middle Ages! Their forefathers were unfree themselves!
In the Sixties and Seventies, if you had wild charisma and opposed the System, you were a marked man: Three Kennedys (JFK and Bobby killed and Teddy almost; his back was broken and his pilot killed in an instigated plane crash in Maine in 1964);
Malcolm X, MLK; Fred Hampton; and later Elvis (see this blog: https://johndenugent.com/english/english-elvis-another-hitler-and-nazi-sympathizer) and John Lennon.
Charisma means you don’t need Jew money; you attract crowds because of who you are, what you say and the timing of when you say it. You are no media creation; you make the headlines, you are a force of nature, and you become independent of Wall Street’s purse strings.
The animal charisma of these men, and the huge crowds they attracted, meant they were capable of rebelling and launching defiant mass movements of human liberation. To this list we must add in the 1990s Princess Diana and JFK Junior, both also murdered by the exact same Zionists. (Diana was about to marry a Muslim, and John-John had started an investigative magazine, George, had become a public prosecutor in NY, and was planning to run for the US Senate.)
God bless these special ones, wherever they are. 🙂 They fought the good fight for their beliefs. They go where God takes the brave.
There is a YouTube video where Louis Farrakhan speaks to, and actually sort-off apologizes to Malcolm X’s daughter for the hit on her father. This happened at a time when he had cancer and figured he was going to die, and I guess he wanted to come clean about some things. The Nation of Islam was and is very anti-White and Malcolm had dropped that. Of course, he stayed very much for the uplifting of his own people. His assassins got a mere six years for premeditated murder, same as the creep Patler, who carried out the planned murder of George Lincoln Rockwell, waiting for him with an M-14 rifle atop a dry cleaning store! No death penalty for those who do the Jews’ bidding! By dropping his white-bashing yet maintaining his insistence on black separation, Malcolm was on track to become a major national figure, and outshine MLK.
Martin Luther King preached integration, like the Jew-founded, Jew-run, Jew-financed NAACP. (Every president of the NAACP for the first sixty years, tellingly, was a Jew.) The FBI destroyed both major Black separatists: Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X.
I wish to salute the brave American of both North and South who sought a permanent solution to the Jew-caused race problem in America, and Marcus Garvey, a Black man who dedicated his life to creating separate black-ruled homelands for African-Americans, and was railroaded into prison by the homosexual scumbag J. Edgar Hoover.
Most Whites have no idea who Garvey was, a hero to African-Americans who, as the exact opposite of Martin Luther King, was AGAINST integration and FOR separation.

Muhammad Ali in 1971 puts a hook-nosed “Englishman” in his place about how all races naturally prefer their own kind. Lots of Ali humor too!


For more, see my: https://johndenugent.com/for-african-americans-part-1

My video on the Christian-Newsome murders in Tennessee:



…..Would you like to donate to the real deal?


I need your financial help to run for president and finish MY SACRED ARYAN SCRIPTURE FOR US AND OUR TIMES. Both must be done. Race is something, but it is not everything. Most of the scum-bags I know today are WHITE. How ’bout you?

“And so he [the Jew] advances on his fatal road until another force comes forth to oppose him, and in a mighty struggle hurls the heaven-stormer back to Lucifer. Germany is today the next great war aim of Bolshevism. It requires all the force of a young missionary idea to raise our people up again, to free them from the snares of this international serpent…

Due to his own original special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form. Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world. -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

jdn-facing-left-profile-b-w-sarver-garage-2011Others have been making big sacrifices. See my donations log: https://johndenugent.com/donations-log

–March 24, 2014 $40 by Greendot MoneyPak from B.H., USA

A comrade wrote me:

“John, here is the Greendot MoneyPak I promised. Sorry it took so long. I was worried supporting you may put me on the radar of whoever the heck is monitoring FB. But then I decided I was just being paranoid. Anyway, the number is […]. It’s just 40 bucks but I hope it helps.”

I replied: Dear Brad, thank you very much!

“Thank you for using Green Dot. Your request has been processed successfully. Date: 03/23/2014 Reload Number: 19660674839201 Amount: $40.00 Account Number Ending: […] ”
Well, you just took a risk to help a man who risks everything every single day of his life. We win as individual souls through courage and generosity, and we will win as a race when I start a mass movement!”


–March 21, 2014 $100 by check from K. in Pennsylvania

–March 17, 2014 50 Euros from A. in Germany


–March 13, 2014 $20 in cash from “Richard,” and an excellent little booklet from our British brothers on the Fourteen Words.

To thank Richard, I will run this photo again of a brave Afrikaaner girl:


–March 13, 2014 two books in French by Vincent Reynouard and G.-A. Amaudruz on the farcical Nuremberg “War Crimes Trial”

–March 10, 2014 $20 by check from L. P., Michigan

–March 7, 2014 $1,250 loan from W., Washington DC

–March 1, 2014 via Amazon: DVD “Chariot of the Gods” (von Däniken) and Joseph Farrell book, The Cosmic War from G., Australia


–March 1, 2014 $40 via credit card from Will S., Madison, Wisconsin

–February 28, 2014 $500 loan via Greendot MoneyPak from J., Tennessee

–February 25, 2014 $50 via credit card from Michael in Germany

–February 21, 2014 $400 via credit card from J., Australia

–February 21, 2014 $300 via MoneyPak from R., Washington DC

–February 18, 2014 20 Euros from H.W., Hofheim, Taunus, Germany


–February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak

–February 17, 2014 $200 from R. in Tennessee via MoneyPak

–February 13, 2014 50 Euros from Annette H., Leipzig, Germany


–February 12, 2014 $88.88 by Greendot MoneyPak from D., Arizona

–February 9, 2014 $160 by credit card from J., Australia

–February 5, 2014 from Darryl in Australia via credit card $50


–February 5, 2014 from Germany:


–February 3, 2014 $35 via Greendot MoneyPak from Peter in Florida

–February 1, 2014 $10 in cash from Mary, Tennessee

–January 31, 2014 $10 by credit card from Eileen in Maryland

–January 28, 2014 $10 from W.L., Oregon

–January 25, 2014 $50 from L.P., Illinois

–January 24, 2014 $10 from T.B. New York

–January 22, 2014 $25 from Theresa (California?)

–January 16. 2014 $250 via credit card from J.K., Australia

–January 15, 2014: spiral device, DVD, 10 Deutschemark coin, regular-sized book and thin book, from T.W., Germany

..January 15, 2014 Two books from Y.D., Miami, Florida

–January 14, 2014 50 Euros from H.S., Germany

–January 13, 2014 $50 cash from “B.N.” pseudonym, France



How about you?

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284

This is how you can help financially:

Easy click with a credit card!


Authorize.Net Merchant - Click to Verify
Online Payments

Or, if in the US, just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!



postal money orders and other money orders that are left blank in the recipient area, or made out to “John de Nugent”



sending valuable jewelry or gold coins

cash in an envelope, even with a fake return address (no risk there!)




PAYPAL (write me at john_denugent@yahoo.com for more details how you can do this, since PP banned me….)

checks made out to “John de Nugent” now that I again have a bank account, in fact, via STEALTH, I have now two.


John de Nugent

681 Canal Road

Apollo PA 15613


(724) 596-4284


Just buy a MoneyPak at any Walmart, Kmart, Rite Aid, CVS or other drugstore, put money on it and send me the amount and PIN number on the back (scratch it of like a scratch ticket) by email or phone call!


Whites ARE waking up but they are cowards. The gun sales and prepper movement show they do “get” it. But they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort. I have to get my movement off the ground as the IMO only man with presidential caliber. I have to be a counter-president.

Otherwise, this bolshevik bisexual will continue squatting in our White House, signing executive orders. The most ominous thing by far is his purge of admiral, generals, colonels and Navy captains. These are the men who take their oath seriously that he is sh–c—–g under specious excuses.


The day WILL come when it is too late.

It is like this:

1) The country is now (yes, now) majority non-white though Whites are still 60% of voters

2) Non-Whites vote Democrat

3) Dem politicians vote gun control and hate-speech laws

The day will come when non-white Dems permanently get a lock on the White House, Congress, Supreme Court and the governorships and state legislatures, then they will disarm the Whites and kill the men, boys, and older women, keeping the pretty younger women alive for rape.

Non-Whites smell weakness. Many are merely intelligent animals.

As Chesty Puller (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesty_Puller) famously said in Korea (where my father also served):

“Our country won’t go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won’t be any America—because some foreign soldiery will invade us and take our women and breed a hardier race.”[19]

(From: Davis, Burke (1991) [1962]. Marine! The Life of Chesty Puller. Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-27182-2, page 237)

It will take a United States Marine to do this, who is mentally tough and ready to wade through blood.



  1. A comrade named Tom wrote me that he liked my blog and asked why the Iranian PressTV bashed the Klan as a pro-White group. I replied:

    The Klan image almost everywhere is for illegal violence based 100% on hate. There is little understanding anywhere for the context.

    As for Iran, there are actually Iranians in exile in the US and elsewhere who reject Islam and embrace Iran’s original meaning, “Aryan-land.”

    A mega-hot babe I briefly dated was Iranian -. dark hair but creamy-white skin, a “ten” figure and a college degree in marketing.

    Another hit on me but I was already involved. Just gorgeous.

    If you want an Iranian to smile, tell him you realize that they are NOT Arabs and they speak an Indo-European language.

    Some Aryan-looking Iranians: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRNUwRC_uao

  2. Surely, there was no greater reason behind the assassination of Lincoln than his printing of the Jew-debt-free greenbacks, which clearly reveals the hand of the Rothschild banksters and the rest of their blood-sucking kosher cabal.

    • Good point — I have very mixed feeling about Lincoln, especially after “Sherman’s March to the Sea,” and other crimes, especially against the US Constitution, but it is clear the Big Money Jews hated his guts.

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