This blog was written to South Africa White friends, and also to ALL White combat vets around the world who feel bitter at being betrayed, and who grieve for fallen comrades in wars that the politicians alone made us lose. What struck me in seeing the touching video below was that our vets of Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan feel exactly the same way as the Border War vets. So this led to a major essay on death, God, betrayal and grief. I saw all these things in my own father.
This was my email to a Border War vet who has left RSA with a heavy heart over many things.
About 2,000 White South Africans died far from home in this terrible conflict from 1966-89, fighting communists Black Africans and communist Cubans backed by the USSR.
He sent me this heart-rending video about how members of an elite combat battalion were scorned by the “New” South Africa….
Summary in Afrikaans:
‘N Afrikaner wat nou in Europa woon het my ‘n lang en hartseer video oor die verraad van die beroemde 32 bataljon gestuur. Ek bespreek dan die mislukking van die Kerk in RSA ‘n geloof in God te behou. Die voormalige soldate praat beslis en ongelukkig oor hoe hul swak kamerade is dood. Maar hulle is nie dood nie! Maar dit blyk daar is nie meer werklike geloof in God of die siel. Ek sê dit hartseer manne is duidelik funksionele ateïste.
My pa het in God geglo totdat die Koreaanse Oorlog. Hy het baie verskriklike dinge gesien.
Vir baie mense ‘n oorlog verander hulle in ateïste.
So dit is my stryd – om te wys dat God ‘n werklikheid is en ons moet die bose, die dood en die lewe verstaan en nie moed opgee nie.
Hierdie artikel is eintlik oor my geestelike verduideliking van waarom gevegs-veterane kontrak hierdie verskriklike siekte. Ek het my pa sien treur 50 jaar nadat hy Korea vertrek het. 50 persent van sy akademie vir jong offisiere van die Marines is dood of gewond in 1952-1953.
As ‘n man of ‘n vrou regtig glo in die werklikheid dat die siel onsterflik is hy nie bang vir die dood of treur wanneer ‘n geliefde sterf.
Natuurlik jy mis die persoon wat die oorgang na die volgende wêreld gemaak het, maar jy weet dat hy of sy is nie dood nie, net besig in ‘n ander wêreld.
‘n Die Afrikaner het aan my geskryf:
Verseker! Uit pure wetenskaplike oogpunt, weet ons, materie kan nie vernietig word nie, alleenlik van form verander! Die siel kan nie vernietig word nie! Jy weet, John, ek ontdek my gesterfde geliefdes orals waar ek kom. Hulle gee my soms die krag wat ek nodig het om an te gaan, hulle herinner my wat belangrik is in die lewe! Dit klink dalk vreemd, maar ek glo verseker daarin!
*** (Back to English)
Discovered this on youtube, John, and it is the blunt truth. When I see this, I get a tear or two in my eyes…
“This video is private,” it says now….hmmmmmmmmm.
I replied to this Afrikaner
I watched it, very moved.
The problem with the grief these men have is that it is totally unnecessary if people just understood God and Life accurately.
At 25:18-28:08 one Afrikaner says:
“I had one big issue that I battled with. I feel guilty about my friends who were left behind….who were killed. I wonder why the good guys were killed… and some of us who didn’t deserve it are alive today. I feel it’s not fair.”
Then another:
“Many of our friends were killed here. When I face difficult situations, I always think back…. to those who had lost their lives here. They would have loved to be alive to face these situations.”
Now this, which is the same thing that bothered my father after WWII and Korea, reveals that despite the Christian veneer, all these good Afrikaner men, like my father, a Calvinist elder actually in his church, are really functional atheists. Oh, maybe they sort-of believe in God, and maybe go to church sometimes. They sit in a pew… and they are anything but militant atheists crusading against God! No, they like the “idea” of God, and that “God is love,” and Jesus, Prince of Peace, and “all that good stuff” . They WISH it were real but do not believe it IS. War has taught them another lesson, or at least the lessons they drew for being in a war were atheist-izing for THEM. It is just as obvious as the sun in the sky that they do not really believe it, not in a way that hits home. It has no real impact on their underlying thinking, which is DREAD.
As the great American commentator Henry David Thoreau said: “Most men live lives of quiet desperation.”
But the way they talk tells you they do NOT believe in life after death, not REALLY! And so their “Christian nationalism” (which the film says was the basis of RSA-Afrikaner identity, and NOT race, as it SHOULD have been…..) is weak at its base. Their Christianity is for them just a nice-sounding fairy tale. “When you’re dead, that’s it. It’s over. too bad my chums are dead.”
And if they do not truly believe in the reality that life goes on after the body dies, they do not believe in the soul. Life is for them just neurochemicals and electricity, a pulse, a heart beat and breathing. And when those end, YOU end. This is what these poor soldiers really mean. It produces the feelings of grief they have.
And if they do not believe in the soul, they really do not believe in God either, because their Bible says the soul goes on.
Or, worst of all, they believe as many do, secretly, that their “God” is cruel. He can live forever, being a god, but His human worshipers, however good and faithful, do not!
The underlying premise behind the misery these men now feel is that the fallen comrades are well and truly “dead.” The dead comrades are missing out on life. So their buddies feel guilty.
But those who believe in reincarnation KNOW, unlike superficial Christians, that no one is ever dead. JUST your body stops functioning and then you leave it!
In fact, many men alive now have died 20 times in combat and then came back, again and again and again and again!
In fact, an angel can help a good man while dying and his soul leaves his body as it is dying. He looks down and sees it below him.
If you are wicked they may let you stay in that body until the last twinge of pain is over. There are many, many NDEs, Near-Death Experiences, where good people have left their body and seen it twitching in pain but they are feeling nothing but peace. They are seeing the tunnel of light, and a loving being is talking to them telepathically as they rise through it.
This is why my new religion is so important. The fear of death is paralyzing our will to fight, kill and die — leave our body behind if it is shot and ruined — for the survival of our race and nation.
Those brave Afrikaner boys, as one says, the best of us, who died as heroes for their folk are now in a better place. They never saw the betrayal of the Afrikaners in 1994 and the black takeover. They did not live in a land of plaasmorde [farmer killings], or Boer girls selling themselves on the streets for drugs, or beautiful white women marrying men like Tokyo Sexwale.
And when one Afrikaner says it was terrible to find the body parts of a comrade up in the trees (22:52) after a land mine went off, why is it so terrible? The body parts are not suffering!
Louis Bothma, now an economist with a PhD
Bothma says this because of the shock a functional atheist feels: “One minute you are alive — and the next you are just pieces of meat hanging in a tree.”
And then this functional atheist feels: “There is no God, there is no afterlife, and I might be the next one to dieand then it is my arms and legs that will be up there in a tree.”
That is when the PTSD, the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, really kicks in. THE HORROR.
The horror every atheist feels. “My body and brain — that is all I am. When they are gone, I am gone. Forever.”
It is ATHEISM and the fear of DEATH that traumatizes people.
Not seeing what a bullet or landmine can do! How can a man go through high school and college and drive a car and use a knife and fork and not understand what metal does to softer tissue? Why should it surprise him if it cuts and tears tissue? The purpose of a rifle is to kill and so our rifles kill “them” and theirs kill ours. Big deal! We are trying to kill bodies and win wars! BUT WE ARE NOT KILLING ANYONE’S SOUL!!!
Every buddy that died, and every enemy that fell, went on to their next life in a new body, aged 30 at birth, a full adult at their physical peak, not old and not young.
Cry not for the dead, for they are busy and not in kaffir world! Not in Turkworld, not in Jewworld!
His body died too… but he got to see Adolf Hitler. And he will be back.
My father once said to my mother: “I stopped believing in God after Korea.” This is because regular Christianity does not explain in a truly satisfactory way inm a crisis, such as combat, or when a child is killed, the persistence of evil in a universe supposedly created by God. Most Christians, because of this inadequacy, are thus FUNCTIONAL ATHEISTS.
That is why death traumatizes them. That is why most are cowards, afraid to die. That is why we are reluctant to kill when we are only putting a body out of commission, not the soul of the man.
Every man you kill in war, you did him a favor. The war for him is over.
At 34:42 an Afrikaner psychologist who deals with veterans with PTSD says that the horrors of war drive many to alcohol or other forms of abuse.
It all comes from not understanding death as not “THE END” but merely a transition, and that, as Vedanta says, we are literally billions of years old. We have been rocks, amoeba, plants, trees, insects, lower animals, higher animals and now human beings. We have died millions of times….and been reborn as well! This is both true and profoundly consoling.
“The truth will set you free,” Christ said in John 8:32. But ONLY IF YOU EMBRACE IT! Pray for the courage to see everything in a fresh way. Go for a long walk with God, as I did in December 2011, a six-mile walk in the mountains, and pray that His angels (for it is they who respond, not God Himself, who is running a trillion galaxies and is Cosmic Law) will answer your plea.
If you are sincere, and they read your heart like an x-ray, they will open your heart. But if you are still scoffing and bitter, still in your shell, semi-comfortable in your skeptical alienation, then please do not be surprised if angels decide: “He is not yet ready. He needs to go through more mental and physical hell of his own making.”
Free will is the most sacred principle of Aryan life. You decide when you are ready.
When the student is ready, the guru [your sacred teacher] appears.
This is why we need a new Aryan heroic religion.
Someone said: “John, you cannot talk to the Boers about all this; they have their Dutch Reformed Church. You are violating their traditions.”
I answered: “Yeah, and look where the Boers are now…. loving their Old Testament, loving their Jews, loving their blacks, loving their enemies. Their Bible contains much truth, but also toxic stuff was mixed into it by religious leaders to control the people, and make them into sheep. If the shepherd is evil, the sheep will be sheered and sheered and then finally slaughtered.”
At 35:03 this Afrikaner claims:
But does he look like a “man” who understands God and Man, or (not to disrespect him) instead a grieving, confused, aging kid?
He still does not understand why the world is as it is.
He is 50 and his head is still whirling with unanswered questions about the fundamental things of life. This is not right. Something in the culture is missing, in his and in all white cultures that rely on regular Christianity, an import from the Middle East that replaced our indigenous Aryan religions. Only one White country, Ireland, accepted Christianity, or should I say Churchianity, willingly. It was imposed by the State in every other White nation, by the sword and the order of some king or emperor — as advised by some priest, eager for more power. Check it out. It is true. Churchianity was imposed by the sword in every single White nation. This is what Jesus wanted, a man who told Peter to re-sheathe his sword in the Garden of Gethsemane?
And so the elite men of 32nd Battalion who had fought as heroes, as lions, saw their unit treacherously disbanded by the traitorous “President” F. W. de Klerk to please the Blacks….
…but naturally this did not appease the hatred of the Black communists for the Witman (the White Man). This symbol of his power had to be destroyed.
A sad day? A happy day for human devils, but people do not understand about human devils, and that THEY MUST BE DESTROYED AT WHATEVER COST TO YOU AS A TRUE MAN TO SAVE YOUR FOLK.
Reincarnation teaches that among the world of humans literal human devils incarnate from netherworlds.Their treachery is simply unimaginable to normal humans. But it is as Jesus Christ said (speaking to a group of Jewish leaders) in John 8:44: “You are from your father, the Devil.” This was not an exaggerated remark by an angry man; this was a statement of literal fact. Some people are human DEVILS, they are demons incarnated, and their pleasure in life is to lie, defame, harm, betray and KILL.
What this woman cannot possibly realize is that the belief in “reincarnated humanimals” explains that what she is saying on the poster is more or less literally true. Here is a video I did with an excerpt you should really see, raising the whole issue of humanimals. As this video (see below the segment 26:39 to 28:01, letting the video spool forward for a minute, then going to that time period) shows, a huge percentage of the people living today are on their first or second human life, and resemble in behavior the exact kinds of animals they were in their pre-human stage. What is typical of a humanimal who was a prey animal in a recent life is inexperience, naiveté and on in many cases, running from reality, acting like the animals they recently had been.
…..please support my religious mission
It takes time to write and plan a new Aryan heroic religion. Meanwhile bills come in.
…..Our Monday show on respect
Our radio show tomorrow (Monday) night, 8-9 pm: respect, the circle of life, and the tension between young and old. Jim and I are amazed, taken aback, and yes, horrified at the lack of simple, basic respect in word and deed for older people in young’uns today — not disrespect for old fools or winos, but even for men and women with achievements and experience in life. What is behind this development? Lack of a father while growing up? The near-total lack of military training in young men? Focus on me-me-me? Jim and I report on some of our own experiences and dig deeper into this phenomenon of today’s narcissistic youth.
John D. NugentFrom “the Lion King” this great song “the Circle of Life”:
John D. Nugent“The need for personal specialness — which is fundamentally a desire for SUPERIORITY to others — is not only an active resistance of equality, it is a denial of REALITY.”
John D. Nugent“”The trouble with my generation is that we all think we’re fucking geniuses. Making something isn’t good enough for us, and neither is selling something, or teaching something, or even just doing something; we have to BE something. It’s our inalienable right, as citizens of the twenty-first century. If Christian Aguilera or Britney or some American Idol jerk can be something, then why can’t I. Where’s mine, huh?” –Nick Hornby’s “A Long Way Down””
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