ENGLISH God video 3-c — Harvard Medical School professor and brain surgeon stops his atheism after reviving from a coma

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Jdn God Video 3d 3e 3f

First review (from Canada):

The newest God Video was excellent, and your voice was most soothing, and people need that, not just unpleasant truths.

Your profound comments should stir the hearts and minds of our people. With all the videos you have done, they will now see them and realize you have been there all along for them, and that you are genuinely concerned about their welfare as well as the welfare of their children and grandchildren. We must make and leave this world a better place than it has unfortunately become.

Thank you for your diligence and never-giving-up attitude. I still remember the first time I read your blog and I wondered why we had not met earlier, since we both had worked in the Cause of white civil rights for about the same length of time [JdN: since 1978]. I knew of David Duke but not you, except I heard someone mention your name re The Barnes Review as a writer and editor there [JdN: http://www.barnesreview.org] but that was it.

The plan:

1) This video above is the final segment (for now) of the mission-critical “God video” before

2) the short “Solutreanism in Seven” (seven-minutes) video comes next. It is designed to drive people to my website and previous videos.

3) Then all the videos goes on one DVD, and with it

4) I begin going door-to-door and training others to do the same, to promote this new ethnic-religious-racial tribe of whites determined to survive the doom of the corrupted nations of the West in the coming cataclysm.

This will be the long-awaited launch of the Eternal Solutrean movement, of the worldwide Solutrean Agency…….


I feel for our suffering people….

I was just at a nice local bar in Natrona Heights, on the hill above my “new home” next to the steel mill, for a quick burger. I was talking with a nice and thoughtful waitress there, who mentioned she was from Apollo……..Apollo, Pennsylvania, home of the infamous Israeli-run NUMEC plant (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apollo_Affair)….as in my video (which the enemy, who owns YuoTube, deleted and my video editor is now restoring). This video is about how the Jewish State of Israel arranged the murder of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Texas, and then, under the Texan and half-Jew Lyndon Johnson, these foreigners stole at least 200 pounds of enriched uranium to build their first atomic bomb. (In reality, 600 pounds of bomb-grade uranium at NUMEC “went missing”!)

Guess what this waitress told me?

Her own 19-year-old brother was diagnosed in Army boot camp as having testicular cancer (and had to have one of the family jewels removed 🙁 ) and his then-girlfriend, the mother of his child, contracted thyroid cancer at age 24!!!!

The lesson from this is that even if you want a quiet life, an apolitical life, you cannot. The secret government over our country is killing people, by direct murder, by toxic pollution and radioactivity, by terrible vaccines (see the end of this blog, about the 12 girls with Tourette’s syndrome), by wars, by economic theft, by drugs “our own government” is bringing in, and by creating a deadening, meaningless, empty life where more and more people just give up and directly or indirectly, via drugs, alcohol or crazy driving, commit suicide.

This secret government has to go.

The previous God videos (and eight Spiritual Videos) can be found here:


In the last week I got two $30 contributions from high school kids, btw…. and that is really touching from such young people. Kids get that from babysitting, or from wages in a fast-food restaurant…….Thanks also to a radio engineer in Washington, D.C who just sent $40.


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



–Cash in an envelope (It arrives just fine.)

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–Western Union (also found at Woodforest banks inside Walmarts) ….or MoneyGram (send from a Walmart service desk or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

I am working on a replacement for PayPal, which froze my account, stealing $228 on a bogus technicality, and, I just heard, also stole $40,000 from the patriotic activist and gun-rights champion, Sheriff Richard Mack.

* * *

Sheriff Mack – Paypal freezes contributions

I just spoke to Sheriff Mack and was advised that PayPal has frozen that portion of the funds donated through PayPal ($40,000+) for the Constitutional Sheriff’s Conference. PayPal has refused to release the funds and have stated that they may refund the donations to the donors. They have cited no violation of law or online regulation. They inquired if CSPOA.org was a 501C(3) and excused their actions on fear that the IRS would fine them. Apparently someone opposing sheriffs learning they are not alone in their desire to live up to their oaths of office is involved.

Support those whom the Jews target, hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

Support the man talking to the real people, and creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion — for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!



This is the second spiritual video of the Eternal Solutrean movement, and discusses the secret rule of the world by outright PSYCHOPATHS. This reality of a psychopathocracy is the central Solutrean insight about the problems of the world.


This sets the groundwork for understanding the literal human devils who are incarnating at a huge rate at this time.

I was just watching on the Today show a report about 12 white girls at a high school in Leroy, New York State, all suffering from something resembling Tourette’s Syndrome.

http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/26184891/vp/46022735#46022735 (six-minute video)

Note that the female doctor, Saltz, a kinky-haired Jewess (probably with a nose job like most Jewish women), tries claiming, every inch the government-expert-type, that the TWELVE girls suffer from some kind of psychosomatic disorder….(They’re crazy, doncha know, all twelve of them!)

But these were popular, well-adjusted, and attractive kids! Even cheerleader types!

In reality, at this early stage I simply have no idea what is going on, but clearly something very sinister is at work here.

One of the girls was especially pretty, a cheerleader, and it was just stomach-churning to see her limbs twitching and her mouth making noises without her permission.

Now what was this from?

The government’s Gardasil vaccine for girls “so they do not get cervical cancer”?


A secret-government experiment to test a new biological weapon before mass release of the weapon?

Two of their mothers appeared on the Today show to say the authorities are releasing NO information, but instead braying that “research” [what research??] shows there is nothing at the high school causing this.”! WTF!!!

So HOW DID these twelve girls get Tourette’s all of a sudden? As the father of two adult girls myself, I have never been more LIVID.

I wrote a news reporter who had written an article on how the Pennsylvania courts had dismissed a court case over vaccines causing autism. It seems the US Supreme Court has ruled that vaccine makers cannot be held liable for anything they do. You see, they will have no “financial incentive to develop vaccines if they can be sued.”!!!!

I wrote this reporter:

* * *

is this outbreak due possibly to the Gardasil vaccine being administered to young high-school girls?

I saw your article on “Pa. justices vacate vaccine case” in the 1/16/12 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

As a father of two girls myself, I am just beyond livid.

Clearly something here — what I do not know — is being covered up.

In the end, The People are going to start hanging someone from the nearest tree.

I spoke recently with the husband of a special-ed teacher in my area (northeast of Pittsburgh). He told me that when his spouse started teaching autistic kids eight years ago at Freeport High School, there were just two suffering from autism in the whole (large) high school.

Freeport High School cheerleader and band practice

Now there are TWENTY-TWO kids with autism!

http://www.patientsville.com/vaccines/hpv4/tourette%27s-disorder-hpv-gardasil-2009.htm Gardasil-Tourette’s connection

http://www.prisonplanet.com/government-refuses-to-release-cause-of-tourettes-like-outbreak-in-school.htm (Very interesting reader comments)

==============FINAL COMMENT

I realized decades ago three things:

1) facts alone do not make people act

2) emotions make people act

3) the best, however, is a conscience that is alive and kicking, and a deep, true knowledge that God is our parent and creator, and He demands we ACT

4) Finally, people will not act on their own, but need a leader and a group to join.

And that is why soon the Eternal Solutrean movement will be launched.

At Freeport Beach

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