ENGLISH Lighting a fire; Brother Nathanael exposes Shekhina sex at Wailing Wall

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Six months ago, when advised to run for sheriff, I was skeptical, and retorted:

“Don’t people expect a sheriff to be an ex-cop or a deputy sheriff? I am a blogger and writer, and a former Marine with a fine military record, but that is hardly a typical resumé for a sheriff!”

But then in December 2012 came “Sandy Hook” (the false-flag supposed massacre, by a gun-toting loony, of two dozen school kids), and then the big Obama-libtard media hysteria began to immediately take away OUR guns.

Then came this incident (and video): cops, guns drawn, slamming a pregnant woman motorist to the ground, onto her belly, and kneeling on her neck as they hogtie her! After she had complied with their every request! (Watch the brutal cop’s dashcam vid and see for yourself!)


Full story here: https://johndenugent.com/english/cops-slam-to-ground-and-hogtie-pregnant-woman-for-improper-cellphone-use-who-had-complied-with-all-orders-immediately)

After this incident and the gun-control push, I realized that what people want TODAY (as opposed to back just six months ago) from their county sheriff is a law-enforcement officer who is first and foremost on THEIR side — against not just 1) the criminals but also 2) the out-of-control cops and 3) the gun-grabbing politicians!

They want nowadays a man who knows, respects and obeys his OATH to the US CONSTITUTION!

Who will “PROTECT AND SERVE”! Serve us, “the People”!

This is why I seek to run for sheriff, to use this race 1) to win, to get excitement going, and thereby also 2) to get a fire of white pride lit under the butts of our white people who currently have no hero, no leader, and no hope.

Also, you have to see,further below, the latest Brother Nathanael video — and the oh-so-kinky worshippers at the Wailing Wall!


The Israelis built the key, dangerous, toxic atomic bomb ingredient Uranium 235 right here in the southern tip of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, very illegally, in the tiny town of Apollo (pop. 1600),  smuggled the uranium out in violation of many federal laws to Israhell,   killed President John Kennedy when he found out, and dumped radioactive waste all over the area, eventually killing THOUSANDS!

(For “the Jewish War on the Kennedys,” click here: https://johndenugent.com/english/shocking-truth-about-israeli-run-numec-making-apollo-pennsylvania-a-cancer-kill-zone-and-on-israel-controlled-activist-patty-ameno and scroll down almost halfway.)

Here are our two completed videos on this huge local scandal which, as everyone here in Armstrong County knows, has killed THOUSANDS WITH CANCER! (Taken from my toned-down alternative website, JOHNDENUGENT.ORG)




1) The facts about NUMEC – “Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corporation” — created by the Jewish scientists Zalman Shapiro and David Loewenthal to illegally make 600 pounds of uranium 235 and then smuggle it to Israel;  the testimonies of the cancer-doomed about a callous neglect of safety for American workers

2) On November 27, 2012 the US Army Corps of Engineers held a public meeting in a volunteer firehall, but illegally prohibited the US citizen, investigative online journalist, and 2016 presidential candidate John de Nugent from filming it! But we captured all the fireworks as Israeli-paid goons tried to shout him down and failed to interrupt his exposé of the Israeli-caused cancer epidemic — and the half-billion dollar plutonium cleanup — while our servicemen, teachers, firemen, police and other citizens suffer nationwide budget cutbacks.

I confront the Israeli shill and pseudo-activist Patty Ameno, who sues everyone BUT the Israelis over the cancer epidemic.

Stop interrupting me when I have the mike — and read the Wikipedia article “the Apollo Affair”  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Apollo_Affair) and weep,” Patty! 

 Everyone did it but the Jews, John! And Ameno yelled out to one and all the same libelous line as the government-turned leadership of “Stormfront,” claiming that I was “dishonorably discharged from the Marines” (no) and “mentally ill” (double-no).



====================White Californian reacts to White South Africa Tragedy webpage
A comrade who is a white ex-Californian wrote me after reading my permanent webpage on South Africa (https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/race/white-south-african-tragedy):

Dear comrade Brian,

Thanks for your comment on California, which I approved and also responded to.

I was born in California in 1954. The years I grew up it was 95% white with very low crime and it was a beautiful place to live. Since around 1972 the illegal Mexicans started flooding into California and now it is a crime-ridden cesspool: with Mexican and black gangs, barrios, and white people are fleeing to neighboring conservative white states like Arizona and Idaho. Taxes have gone sky-high here to pay for all the black and Mexican moochers, and if you don’t speak Spanish you won’t get a job.

To this I replied:

John de Nugent March 2, 2013 at 1:21 pm [edit]

Right. As for me, I was in Cali on business (fundraising for our Cause) a lot between 1987 and 1992, and will add three things:

1) It was once a beautiful state for the whites who built it up, with a great economy, good schools and colleges, and high wages in aerospace, computers, etc.

Not to mention it has snow-capped mountains (like Mount Shasta)


and gorgeous beaches, miles of fields growing every veggie on earth, and spectacular deserts and cacti. (I was stationed in 1978 at the Marine base in the Mojave Desert, Twenty-Nine Palms: http://www.29palms.marines.mil/.)

Marine amtracs (amphibious, beach-storming, land-operating troop-carriers), near Palm Springa, California. (Temp. in August — 117 degrees.)


I remember once wading on Venice Beach near L.A. and seeing past a palm tree to Mount Baldy, covered by snow!

That huge state has everything for everyone. And whites built it into what it was. It was merely Third World when Spain and Mexico had it.

2) Every white person who sold his house as the Mexicans poured in lost money.

As a neighborhood goes down, so do real estate prices. What happens is the Jew buys up houses on the cheap, and then rents them out to Mexicans who live ten to a house while taking jobs from Americans.

In the 1960s and 1970s the Jews was also profiting off white flight from neighborhoods that were going black.

As a white man, you pay 18 years on a mortgage on a $200,000 house, adding up to about $400,000 with all the compound interest that the Rothschilds introduced, and then you have to sell it for $100,000 — because “the neighborhood is changing,” as the euphemism went.

Jews become fabulously wealthy off “neighborhoods changing,” buying low and renting high.

3) Only 5% of Mexicans in the US pick vegetables in the hot sun. The other 95% do jobs Americans are happy to do: roofing, construction, truck driver, factory work, maid, janitor, etc.

Oh yes, and these hard-working immigrants also form gigantic criminal gangs, sell drugs, and commit violent street crimes such as murder, rape and extortion.

If immigration and diversity are so wonderful, why does Israel not let in non-white immigrants too and become multicultural? They do not because the Jewish goal is to preserve their heritage and at the same time destroy ours.

I hope you also saw my very important blog on my upcoming sheriff race, and will consider a generous contribution at this time.


If people want action, this is action, for this sheriff race will light a fire underneath this white country that has settled into doom-and-gloom just when action is needed, not endless keyboard typing to other WNs and website reading.

Both economic and racial realities on the one hand, and the Internet’s massive information exposing the NWO on the other, are visibly waking people up.
I am convinced we would have had a second and worse 9/11 otherwise. The FEMA camps that Dick Cheney and his Halliburton Corporation built are just standing around empty, because the martial law and the dictatorship never came.
Why not? Because so many are now awake, angry and ready to fight if they have a leader who can get a movement going.



Just look how “Sandy Hook” in Connecticut, the supposed elementary-school massacre, backfired on the gun-control crowd. Gun sales are exploding, and only two of the fifty states — Jew York State and Mexican-overrun Colorado — just 2 out of 50 — passed any additional gun control!
But now our white people need to ACT. Or we WILL end up like the white South Africans, just as raped, just as murdered, and just as set on fire and writhing in agony.
This happened yesterday right here in western Pennsylvania, in Springdale (where my landlady 2008-2011 lives): WHITE MOTHER OF TWO SET ON FIRE BY BLACK EX-BOYFRIEND.
Maria Redman, from her Facebook page
Like so many “daffy dames” (AS NAIVE AS SOME WHITE MEN ARE, WHITE WOMEN TAKE THE CAKE) she got involved in a negro (with a Jewish name, Cohen….). When she threw him out, he set her on fire in the presence of her new baby!
Maria’s two white children; the baby saw her mother in fire.
The black-Jew perp, Clinton Cohen (mugshot)….
And as you know, the Mexicans are now pouring into Idaho, Oregon and Washington State as well. They pursue us even into our new “safe haven” states, because bullies always pursue cowards (which is our race today), just as all predators track prey and speed up as it runs away.
I am taking my stand for you, my own daughters and granddaughters,  and all white Americans and other whites around the world, at great risk for myself, and now — before it is too late.
Ingrid and Erika
My bio of 34 years of commitment and sacrifice for our race: https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn
John de Nugent
681 Canal Road
Apollo PA 15613
tel: (724) 596-4284
email: john_denugent@yahoo.com
Skype: “John de Nugent” (Pittsburgh)


I wish to thank a German who just sent me 100 Euros in cash!




This video is a gas, the latest from the good Brother Nathanel Kapner, the ex-Jew (religion-wise) who became an Eastern Orthodox Christian monk: (source: http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=798)

Look at this ridiculous and obscene spectacle — nasty-bearded, black-hatted Jews doing rhythmic copulation with an invisible goddess at the Wailing Wall! (… at a wall which, as Bro. Nathanael proves, is not even the remnants of the old Jewish Temple, but what is left of a pagan Roman military fort, Fort Antonia, that was not even built on the former Temple foundations but over a spring! In hot countries, forts are often built directly over a spring so, if besieged, they at least always have water.)

Settler Forts of Western Pa DeMay

(American pioneers actually also often built forts directly over springs in case the Indians besieged them. In any case, the “Wailing Wall” has NOTHING to do with the old Jewish Temple in either its stone substance or its location. The Muslim mosque called the Dome of the Rock is what is actually located where the Temple once stood.)

In any case, these scenes are unforgettable! What kind of sicko “RELIGION” is this???

They are screwing their secret female goddess Shekhina, these supposed monotheists; I happen to know this Shekhina stuff is true, because many scholars of Judaism have written about it, and I studied the Bible very carefully from 1970 to 1976.

But did you ever see the body motions the way Brother Nat shows them? 😉

Maybe I will take just this segment, add some mega-sleazy porn music to it, and do a separate video .. and then watch it go viral.;-) God’s deluded, ridiculous chosen people, f—g a Roman wall… (Talk about a dry f—k-.;-)) .

Notice especially the jewish kid’s questioning and dubious expression at as he refuses to participate…. ;-.)




03/02 @ 12:30 : Berlin, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
03/02 @ 12:30 : Vacaville, California, US
03/02 @ 12:27 : Berlin, DE
03/02 @ 12:24 : Ronchin, FR
03/02 @ 12:23 : Vacaville, California, US
03/02 @ 12:19 : Franklin, Tennessee, US
03/02 @ 12:17 : Central District, HK
03/02 @ 12:16 : Saint Catharines, CA[NADA]
in the Niagara Falls region of Canada

03/02 @ 12:12 : Muskego, Wisconsin, US

03/02 @ 12:12 : Brest, BY [BELARUS]
03/02 @ 12:12 : Franklin, Tennessee, US
03/02 @ 12:12 : Munich, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
Models present traditional Bavarian Dirndl dresses in football style
03/02 @ 12:11 : Muskego, Wisconsin, US
03/02 @ 12:10 : Dortmund, DE
03/02 @ 12:09 : Cramlington, GB
03/02 @ 12:08 : Villepinte, FR[ANCE]
03/02 @ 12:06 : Incheon, KR
03/02 @ 12:06 : Salt, ES [, CATALONIA, SPAIN]
03/02 @ 12:06 : Villepinte, FR
03/02 @ 12:06 : Walsall, GB
03/02 @ 12:05 : Salt, ES
03/02 @ 12:02 : Mexicali, MX
03/02 @ 12:02 : Avignon, FR
Palace of the Popes
03/02 @ 12:02 : Andradina, BR

03/02 @ 09:57 : New Delhi, IN

03/02 @ 09:56 : Apollo, Pennsylvania, US
03/02 @ 09:54 : Dresden, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
03/02 @ 09:51 : Bondy, FR[ANCE]
The resolute and rather attractive Marine Le Pen ran for president of France in 2012, defending the native French people against the black, muslim, chinese and jewish takeover(, and got a whopping 18% of the vote!  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marine_Le_Pen)   
03/02 @ 09:50 : Münster, DE
03/02 @ 09:50 : Sydney, AU[STRALIA]
The heroic, often imprisoned Australian revisionist Fredrick Toeben in front of the Sydney Opera House
The heroic, often imprisoned Australian revisionist Fredrick Toeben in front of the Sydney Opera House
03/02 @ 09:48 : Waterbury, Connecticut, US
03/02 @ 09:44 : Conway, Arkansas, US
03/02 @ 09:40 : Johannesburg, South Africa, ZA
A “beautiful” street scene in Johannesburg in now black-ruled, though once-upon-a-time white-built, Johannesburg, the business capital of SA.
03/02 @ 09:36 : Dortmund, DE
03/02 @ 09:32 : Scottsdale, Arizona, US

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