ENGLISH Mother Russia fires off Bulava, the “Mace”; God needed for miserable white masses

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I hope that you all have had a merry Yule!

Russia just fired off two of its new boomer-based ICBMs, scoring perfect hits on practice targets in Siberia. (A “boomer,” in military slang, is a huge submarine that fires nuclear missiles at another country, unlike an attack sub, which attacks an enemy submarine or a surface warship.)

A Russian boomer like this, the Yuri Dolgoruky, just successfully test-fired the new Bulava (“Mace”) missiles….(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSM-56_Bulava) The Bulava’s advanced technology allows it to carry up to 10 hypersonic, individually guided, maneuverable warheads with a yield of 100–150 kilotons each.

A Russian 1961 hydrogen bomb, the Tsar…four times stronger than any US hydrogen bomb, with a forty-mile-high cloud!

Here is an example of a medieval mace…..

Why am I, as an American (my family helped found America in 1635)  reluctantly glorifying the new Russian “Mace”?

Because post-communist Russia, for all its flaws…

(such as 1) corruption, and 2) the continuing existence of billionaire Jewish oligarchs, though they are so terrified of Putin they play ball with him) ….

….is the only major power left with white leadership, not traitors and THRALLS OF THE JEWS.

The blond, blue-green-eyed Russian leader Vladimir Putin with Iranian president Ahmadinejad. Putin very suddenly flew to Teheran in 2007 to become a human body shield, as the head of state of the Russian Federation, when Bush and Israel planned a sneak attack on Iran, a nation which, for all its muslim culture at present, due ONLY to a violent Arab conquest in the 700s AD, is an ancient nation with a large percentage of white genes and a fierce opposition to Jewry.

What patriotic Americans need to understand is why Russia is building up a new nuclear force.

The anti-missile missiles which the Jewnited Snakes regime (and its puppet, NATO) seeks to erect on the Russian border are NOT directed against Iran — a ludicrous lie. (Iran has neither nuclear weapons nor missiles for hitting the USA!)

The NATO anti-missile shield is directed against Russia — and designed to enable the Jewashington terror regime to annihilate most of Russia in a nuclear first strike and then survive the small Russian counter-strike.

Russia’s justified rage is based:

1) on the broken Jew.S.A promise to never station major weapons in any former Warsaw Pact country or bring any of them into NATO.

Poland and the Czech Republic were Warsaw Pact countries, and buffer states separating NATO from Russia. Putting US missiles in them blatantly violates the promise that jewpuppet president George HW Bush gave to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Gorbachev, GHW Bush and Helmut Kohl, chancellor of Germany. Russia withdrew from East Germany on the solemn US promise that NATO forces would never be stationed on former Warsaw Pact territory in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania or Bulgaria. This promise was flagrantly broken by the Jewnited Snakes, just as it also breaks promises to the American people.

Territory of NATO and the Warsaw Pact of 1955–1991 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Pact) and the number of soldiers in each country….

2) The real purpose of an anti-missile missile is this:

….the Jewnited Snakes launches a devastating first strike against Russia in the form of a sneak attack, like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, or Hitler’s sneak attack on Russia itself on June 22, 1941……

The first strike annihilates 90% of Russia’s missiles (as well as 75% of the people of Russia!).

The 10% of Russian missiles that are left and are fired by Moscow BACK at Jewnited Snakes forces are shot down by the Zionist-controlled anti-missile missiles in Poland.

In other words, very few of the very few Russian missiles that had survived the First Strike would get through the NATO anti-missile shield and hit US territory, and the NWO psychopathic elite, meanwhile, are down in their underground bunkers to survive the Russian ICBM missiles, while the American people, for whom the Jewnited Snakes regime cares not a whit, suffer the loss of ten or twenty cities and perhaps 1/3rd, but not more, of the US population.

Russia, having been lied to and betrayed, has zero reasons to trust the Jewashington terror state, which is so ruthless that it also mass-murdered even its own people on 9/11.


So I applaud the great Russian nation for its succcessful test-firing, designed not to cause a war with America but deter a war by Jewashington.

The Russian national anthem, certainly one of the most beautiful in the world. Note the white faces…. 

A sexy version with the striking, blue-eyed Russian lady athlete Yelena Gadzhievna Isinbayeva (Russian: Елена Гаджиевна Исинбаева, Elena Gadžievna Isinbaeva) (born 3 June 1982), a Russian pole vaulter. She is twice an Olympic gold medalist (2004 and 2008), five-times a World Champion, and the current world record holder in the event. As a result of her accomplishments, she is widely considered the greatest female pole-vaulter of all time. Daughter of a plumber, she is a captain in the Russian Army.


It is my fervent hope that because of the Eternal Solutrean movement, by next Yuletide, millions of white people will have a religion they can REALLY believe in, and stop being slaves and miserable herd animals. God knows the herd is unhappy.

My Russian-American video editor and I went to a beer store here in Pennsylvania (beer can only be bought by the six-pack in a bar and only by the case in a beer distributorship)…. and there was a Russian-American. We got to talking…. He was raised Russian-Orthodox, got sick of it being crammed down his throat at a church in New Kensington, Pa. (resentment at being forced to believe  was my editor’s reaction also to his own upbringing), then he was molested as a kid by a bus driver. “Where was God?”

This comic strip highlights the three big questions people have and that “regular” (anti-reincarnation) Christianity does not answer well….

(That is also what the waitress said to me on camera who was also abused, then married an abusive husband — often the case with women — then had a nervous breakdown and her kids were taken from her…. We saw her, btw, again on Christmas Eve, at her restaurant, doing a twelve-hour shift, and she was very interested in the video’s progress.)

This Russian began to drink as a teen, “dealing” with the molestation in that way…. He got into a terrible car wreck which crushed both legs… He told me: “When I stopped believing in God, I really started going downhill.”

Then he said: “As I crawled out of the car, after wrecking my car and my legs, I saw this being like an angel in flames staring at me. It really scared me.”

I have sooooo many people tell me these stories. They KNOW I will not laugh at them.

I swear I will be a therapist as much as a leader.

Out on a country road my car’s front end was making a nasty crunching noise, so I pulled in at a car repair garage, with Jeff, my cameraman.  A typical, big, beefy mixed-German-Slavic-looking Pennsylvania male came out, with nice blue eyes, and in 15 seconds we were talking about….. the government! (He later diagnosed the car. ;-))

He hated the regime and said “it is going to take another revolution, another George Washington.” I remarked that drugs were destroying even the small towns now out in the heartland. He looked at me and said (this was at about at the 50th second of the conversation with a perfect stranger who merely had a front-end noise 😉 ):

“My son just died due to heroin two months ago. He was 39.”

I expressed my shock and condolences…. and he said:

“Yeah,  his girlfriend sold his methadone for cash and he died of heart failure. He did not want to admit to the clinic or to me, as his father, that his girlfriend had sold his meds for the money. He called a friend the night before and said he thought he was dying….”

Last night my editor and I had a conversation with a local guy at his house, and after a “perfect Manhattan”….. he said (“in vino veritas” — in Latin, “in wine is truth,” that is, frankness):

“The stage for talking is just about over. I am ready to start going out shooting. F— this government and f— everyone in it!”

He had been in Vietnam, then was at the steel mill and saw workers being poisoned by toxic waste (which still is going on now…). He said, bitterly:

“I registered to vote for the first time in 20 years to vote for Obama! I thought he would be ‘the black Kennedy,’ like they said, and bring all this change!”

Betrayal = hopes lifted and then dashed.

I really appreciate the help of all good comrades worldwide this year.

Especially a Texan, a Finn, an Irishman, a Canadian — and once again, a Dutchman!

A donation from Cincinnati, Ohio…..

Somehow, I am going to compress everything I need to say now into one more short video. The time for the hardcore message on a blog to the WNs is over. It is time for the message to the masses.

The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably. WHAT I ALSO NEED NOW ARE BIG CONTRIBUTIONS!


John de Nugent




[25 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere — very easy to do: just give them the cash and my name and they give you a reference number to send me.)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account and are sitting on $228 in contributions for the most specious reasons.)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle.

THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR, the one creating a fearless, truly Aryan racial religion that will create fearless and immortal warriors for the surviving and the thriving of our people in a just new order!


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