ENGLISH Neo-Confederates and the pipe dream of a White-Jewish alliance and “Shipping the Blacks back to Africa”

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…..Masterpiece of a song from “Gladiator”

Amazing music by the German composer Hans Zimmer and the Irish-Norman-Australian composer Lisa Gerrard

As a firm believer in life after death, I also love this song because it is about how the gladiator is reunited in death (after slaying the wicked emperor in combat!) with his beloved wife and child in the next world.

See my https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking and scroll down 2/5ths to “Video series “Are God and the soul real?”

I also like this movie because the gladiators, who are slaves forced to kill each other for entertainment, learn to united!


  • Miryana MaríasThanks, John, for the link to the video, but I don’t need a scientific demonstration of the existence of God. I can feel Him in every beat of my heart.
  • John D. NugentWell, Miryana, that is great. Sometimes old souls and also women, who often are more intuitive, feel God without any “science.” Many men unfortunately over-use their logical side, their yang side, and imagine religion is for old (or young) women and superstitious, uneducated people because they cannot “see” God or the soul. But neither can they see cell phone frequencies, TV or wireless Internet signals!
    11 mins · Edited · Like · 1
  • John D. NugentAs I have often written, Adolf Hitler was extremely opposed to atheism. He believed in God or Divine Providence (his word), in reincarnation, and in the soul as an immortal part of us that is judged at death. He also believed that a healthy religion is good for society, morality and the family, and that the masses need organized religion, because they will never be guided successfully by a mere philosophy or theory. They need Do’s and Don’ts! Thou Shalt and Thou Shalt NOT! Or God will GET YOU!
  • John D. NugentAND I AGREE 100% WITH HITLER.
    Great image, and he will be back!


….Neo-Confederates attack the new thinking

Blast from the past (many Facebook friends of mine received a poisonous message from this woman): https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jamie-kelso-and-wife-linda-falla-defame-me-as-a-homosexual-and-pedophile-jared-taylors-jewish-wife-evelyn-rich-david-duke-and-i



….My key writings on a Black-White alliance against the true and common enemy, the Pharisees


In 1994 during a break in my demonstration at the opening of the Holocaust Museum with a Black reporter and author; I said to him then and I say to everyone now: THE ENEMY IS THE PHARISEE.


The Jews have killed hundreds of millions of Gentile people through wars, slavery, drugs and communism.



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ENGLISH Black cab driver wears swastika and stands up to jew-york tv station (WCBS) to defend national socialism


…..Can you donate?

John de Nugent
POB 43
Apollo PA 15613

(724) 596-4268


For PayPal, please write me.


Thanks go out to two German comrades:
–June 3, 2014 $91.55 from F. in Germany via Western Union and
–May 31, 2014 $200 from W. in Germany via Western Union …
What is it that Germans understand, when they donate to me, about the misery of having NO FREE SPEECH OR GUNS that Americans still do not get? 😉

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