ENGLISH Norway murders, Jews and MK-ULTRA; festival of the black-haired politiciansK

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Everyone is now buzzing about the latest bloody massacre.

But before we start chattering, let us look at its infamous predecessor, the 1996 Port Arthur, Australia massacre of 35 innocent people by another supposedly blond-haired, blue-eyed killer. (WARNING: TOP-SECRET POLICE FOOTAGE OF THE MASSACRE SCENE, and it is RATHER GORY!)

And pay close attention to what the former Marine officer wife, Kay Griggs, says.


I just saw on Facebook this supposed photo(shop??) of the perp….Anders Behring Breivik……


Bombing of government building and mass shooting arrive as establishment seeks to manufacture “white Al-Qaeda” myth

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, July 22, 2011

Oslo Terror: Whose Agenda Does It Serve? 220711feature4

UPDATE: Oslo Police Conducted Bombing Exercise Days Before Terrorist Blast

Today’s bombing in Oslo and a related mass shooting that occurred just outside the Norwegian capital are already replete with inconsistencies and questions that demand further inquiry into whose agenda this deadly attack serves.

Authorities have already said that the man who carried out the shootings at a youth camp in a nearby resort has direct ties to the earlier bombing in Oslo of a government building.

– An eyewitness to the blast who was just 200 feet away from the explosion called into the Alex Jones show and stated that there was a “bomb sweep” of the area the day before the attack. Norwegian television also reported this story.

– According to a Norwegian who emailed us, his father who is an explosives expert has analyzed the bombing scene and states that due to the pattern of the damage and debris, the blast was clearly underground. There are also reports that the road was closed off in recent days for underground sewer works. This is inconsistent with the official story that the blast was caused by a car bomb.

– Friday was a public holiday in Norway and the building that was bombed was largely empty, which is why only seven people died. The Daily Mail reports, “Fortunately, it is a public holiday in Norway and the offices are less busy than a normal weekday.” Why would “terrorists,” who presumably want to kill as many people as possible, choose to bomb the building on a day when they know it will be almost empty?

– Reports that the culprit of the mass shooting at a Labour youth camp outside Oslo, who early indications show killed at least 25 people, was a blonde-haired Norwegian man, fit perfectly into the recent propaganda campaign to hype the “white Al-Qaeda” as the most deadly terror threat.Self-proclaimed security experts quoted by Reuters are already predicting the blame will “fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists,” in some form of alliance that led to a “hybrid assault,” which in an of itself is a ludicrous notion but does serve to link anti-government sentiment amongst the host population with Muslim terrorism, which has been the goal all along.

As Kurt Nimmo reports, the man accused of leading the group blamed by some for the bombing, Mullah Krekar, has had dealings with the CIA previously, having been approached to work with them in 2005. Members of Krekar’s group, Ansar al-Islam, are veterans of the CIA-ISI collaborative war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

– Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle. Specifically, Norway’s support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norway’s decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norway’s move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the country’s dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.

Check back for more updates as and when news breaks.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

On Facebook, various WNs and I myself posted the following:

  • a jew mason by the looks of it

    15 hours ago ·
  • A mason maybe, but not a jew.

    15 hours ago ·
  • John de NugentIf this photo is for real, the this is a major find. An overt Freemason as well as mass child-murderer!

    3 hours ago ·
  • Yeah, jews and Masons can’t stand it that Norway is anti-Israel and pro-Palestine.

    3 hours ago ·
  • Oh lol, You guys still think this is a Mossad conspiracy?

    3 hours ago ·
  • John de NugentThis photo may be a fake designed to make fools out of WNs as “conspiracy nuts”; it could easily be a photoshop creation.

    3 hours ago · · 1 personLoading…
  • Take a look at who was at the camp: http://www.facebook.com/ph​oto.php?fbid=1224183945194​91&set=a.104990229595641.8​891.100002539930564&type=1​&theater

    Looks like many at the leftist camp in Norway were muds. lol

    3 hours ago ·
  • John de Nugent

    Of COURSE this was a Mossad conspiracy!!! Were you born yesterday? Listen: I have been an activist in this Cause for 33 years: https://johndenugent.com/wn​-biography The child massacre was designed to tarnish anyone with rightwing views… blond hair and blue eyes (exactly as with the supposed perpetrator in the 1996 Port Arthur, Australia massacre with 35 dead) and to create sympathy for “poor immigrant children seeking a better life in our democratic and welcoming society.” Also, this creep, this MK-ULTRA swine, started his Facebook and Twitter pages just one week before the crime. This has “op” written all over it, “false flag” and Mossad-NWO.See More


    John de Nugent (b. Providence, Rhode Island July 14, 1954) is a white nationalis…t (or as he writes, a “Solutrean social nationist”) now headquartered in an exurb north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, and is an activist, leader, writer, radio personality,See More
    29 minutes ago · ·
  • I disagree with your conspiracy theory, on this particular event. Other events are not related to this, be they false flag or not.

    28 minutes ago ·
  • John de NugentHaving said that, just being a “kid” does not make these dark-skinned juveniles into saints. Pol Pot and Stalin were once kids, too, and vicious ones, according to the biographies. And so was Lyndon Baines Johnson.

    27 minutes ago ·
  • LBJ was one of the biggest traitors the United States ever had. Having said that, most of the politicians were and are traitors to this very day.

    26 minutes ago ·
  • John de Nugent

    You should read my webpage on psychopaths!!! https://johndenugent.com/ps​ychopaths-in-power This world is full of real, elaborate, vast and successful conspiracies, not conspiracy theories but conspiracy facts. Psychopaths live to conspire, they thrive and derive all their happiness from planning evil and harm, and they not only love lying and plotting, but they are 100% willing to rub out anyone who reveals the plot. People say “no one could keep a conspiracy quiet if hundreds know about it.” Well, they have vast training programs to create icy killers, they get them into satanic rituals and child sexual abuse, and they create individuals who literally cannot ever go back to an earlier and more innocent stage. They cannot back out, even if they wanted to.See More


    Psychopaths in Power Does psychopathy enable world leaders to become mass murder…ers? PSYCHOPATHS: RUTHLESS SOCIAL PREDATORS who manipulate and plow their way through life—leave a trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations and empty wallets. They selfishly take what they wantSee More
    21 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading… ·
  • Thanks John, I will.

    20 minutes ago ·
  • John de Nugent

    You must always ask yourself, when appraising any crime, as did the ancient Roman detectives: “Cui bono?” In Latin, “to whose benefit?” to whose BENEFIT did the crime happen? Who comes out ahead from such a crime and the PUBLIC REACTION? The Jews and NWO. Btw, the three Bourne conspiracy movies (well-played by Matt Damon) are fictional versions of the actual MK-ULTRA program, and they even reveal a Jewish-named psychiatrist at the very end of the final film as being the mastermind, just as the Jew psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Gotlieb was in fact the REAL founder of MK-ULTRA.
    16 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading…
  • I watched the Bourne Ultimatum the other day, strangely enough. Brilliant film.

    15 minutes ago ·
  • John de Nugent

    What MK-ULTRA is is the use of extreme physical and emotional trauma to deliberately create a split personality, a person who seems normal on the outside, a loner, odd, yes, but not infamous and feared by everyone around him, but he has a killer INSERTED and hidden inside him who, on command, goes out and executes his killing program while in the killer personality, and often he cannot even remember anything he did. That is called “dissociation” or (the older term) “split personality,” and extreme trauma can create this.
    11 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading…
  • John de NugentInterestingly, this guy let himself be captured, and presumably will either 1) spout “white supremacist” rhetoric to discredit us all, or 2) shut up and plead guilty, then be whisked off to some violent-criminal psychiatric hospital prison, and then be released from that hospital quietly.

    9 minutes ago ·
  • John de NugentTimothy McVeigh is another classic MK-ULTRA, and he was never executed at all. I met at the American Free Press office in Washington DC in 2005 a former reporter who attended the lethal-injection execution, and he personally saw an absolutely EMPTY hearse back away from the prison after the faked “execution.” And that is why McVeigh was “cool as a cucumber” during both his trial and his “execution”.

    7 minutes ago ·
  • We shall have to wait and see how the situation plays out, I think it’s too early to say that this was a Mossad operation or that there is some other conspiracy in effect. It appears to me to be exactly what it looks like, in this case. And I’m not a man who usually accepts the given story and motive behind an event like this.

    7 minutes ago ·
  • John de Nugent Look at this video of this high-level, active Freemason at a Masonuic convention admitting proudly he worships Lucifer:

  • 5 minutes ago ·


  • John de Nugent‎(Forget the born-again interviewer here.) This Luciferian does not look Jewish at all. He is likely a 33rd-degree Mason, an icy-cold liar, angry and mean, and one of the many people who make the whole Jew-NWO “op” work.

    2 minutes ago ·
  • John de Nugent Look at this video of this high-level, active Freemason at a Masonic convention admitting proudly he worships Lucifer:

* * *

In January 2011 [approx. Jan. 17 or 18] Russia reaffirmed recognition of the Palestinian State. January 24 – bloody terrorist attack in Moscow` airport Domodedovo.

In July 2011 Norway backed Palestine` bid for the UN recognition


July 22 – bloody terrorist attacks in Oslo.

In his recent broadcast


Michael Collins Piper told us he is pretty sure about new terrible acts of terrorism in near future. He added that the mass media would declare, “the killers are White nationalists and/or Muslims”. OK. This morning I watched Euronews TV [an openly propagandistic TV-channel of the EU; although obviously anti-Putinist, Euronews has free hours on the Federal Gvt-owned channel Kultura], and they proclaimed, culprits are “rightist White radical” and/or “Islamists” – “Al Qaeda” [oh my God Almighty….again…..] or Qaddafi` operatives……Interestingly also, Euronews admitted, “American specialists were on the spot in Oslo almost immediately, assisting Norwegian colleagues’. Yes indeed, “American specialists” are very quick guys…..doing what, waiting for “the event”?????

Although Mister Piper personally thinks the aim of future act of terrorism will be Obama…..well, so far, so good………….. Let`s wait?…..

P.S. Checkk out btw




Israel Shamir: Norway – Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik is anti-racist, pro-homosexual and pro-Israel
Some comments about the ideological background of the Oslo bomber and Utoya shooter.
Norwegian sources have identified the man who dressed up as a policeman shot perhaps as many as 80 or more innocent young people on the island of Utoya [Utřya] as the 32 years old Anders Behring Breivik. He is also alleged to stand behind the bomb in Oslo, which so far killed seven people,
The perpetrator was a regular poster on several Norwegian Internet media, notably the blog document.no, which is run by Hans Rustad1), a former left wing journalist. Hans Rustad is Jewish, and extremely pro-Zionist, and warns against islamization, violence and other problems connected with Muslim immigration. Many regular contributors on his blog naturally more or less share his views.
They represent an ideology where the importance of ethnicity is played down or dismissed completely, and the need for the preservation of Western cultural and democratic values is commonly used as the substitute key argument against immigration. Their rhetorics and activities are almost completely focused on Islam and Muslims; other immigrant groups such as Vietnamese, Chinese, non Muslim Africans and other groups are routinely painted as ‘harmless’, or even as ‘positive contributors to society’.
This is the currently most popular strain of the anti-immigration movements in Europe, as represented by Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party, the Danish People’s Party, the Sweden Democrats, and in Germany the so called ‘Pro-movement’, of which Pro-Cologne (Pro-Köln) is one of the most active, as well as several recently new established parties with a similar ideology . In England the EDL is connected to this ideology, together with groups such as SIOE and its local chapters, The Danish Free Press Society and their magazine Sappho, and some others. Note that the SIOE uses the slogan: ‘Racism is the lowest form of stupidity! Islamophobia is the height of common sense’.

=================REACTION TO MY WEBPAGE

reaction to:


Dear John:

I found this web site completely by accident, and I must say “WOW!” Growing up in Southern California and remembering when it was majority white, it was cleaner, with low crime, the best schools in the U.S., not overcrowded, most everyone spoke US English, people were patriotic, things were affordable, we had the feeling of having freedom, etc….Now it’s the complete opposite. I mourn the California I grew up in. It is not the way I envisioned my home state’s future.

I’m heart-broken that the US has been invaded by non-whites from all over the world. Much of this started with President Johnson and continued with Sen. Ted “The Drunk” Kennedy – what haters of whites they both were!

Three Decades of Mass Immigration
The Legacy of the 1965 Immigration Act

=========================DOWN WITH SURRENDER, UP WITH LIFE!

Found on Facebook (from a hard-core French WN comrade), with the English translation following it:
* * *
« Comment un officier pourrait il être bouddhiste ? Comment pourrait il servir cette étrange religion où il ne faut ni comprendre, ni savoir, ni penser, ni agir . Pour les bouddhistes , l’intention d’agir est déjà un mal . Le Bouddha est l’antithèse du Héros. Dans ma solitude et ma volonté , je mène un combat contre des forces hostiles. Je hais la résignation, la pseudo sagesse des faibles, le triomphe de la pensée sur l’action , de l’âme sur le corps, les prêtres qui transforment les défaites en victoires et finissent par vous prouver que la mort c’est la vie. Les lamas sont bien de la race des popes, avec leurs formules absurdes. Ils disent que la souffrance est bonheur, qu’il faut disparaître pour exister et que seul l’invisible est réel . Dire que c’est moi que l’on traite de fou.. »
Le Dieu de la Guerre . Jean Mabire (http://www.feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1159) (He was a combat officer in Algeria against the Arabs, and a devotee of the Waffen-SS and writer about them….


“How could an officer be a Buddhist? How could he use this strange religion that does not understand or know or think or act?

For Buddhists, the intention to act is already bad. The Buddha is the antithesis of the Hero. In my solitude and my will, I lead a fight against hostile forces. I hate resignation, the pseudo-wisdom of the weak, the triumph of thought over action, of the soul over the body, the priests that turn defeats into victories and eventually prove that death is the real life. The Llamas are from the race of padres with their absurd formulas. They say that suffering is happiness, we must disappear to exist and only the invisible is real. And they say that I am the fool!”

The God of War. Jean Mabire (http://www.feldgrau.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1159)

My comment:

As Nelson1805 has pointed out in an excellent essay, Siddhartha, “the Buddha,” arose at a time (500 BC) when the Aryans of India were already race-mixing and deeply pessimistic about their racial survival. It is noteworthy that an ancient biographer exclaims that “his hair was all-black [like a young man], with no gray in it” (while also noting his striking blue eyes).

In other words, the nordic features were almost gone. The author thought his black hair (not gray, gee!) was just great….;) wink

This is all I see now in England, black hair…. and our own last president who had fair hair was Gerald Ford, way back in 1976, 35 years ago. The Jews killed the Aryan-looking Kennedy (blond via the father, with Norman blood via the mother, a Fitzgerald).


Johnson (his irises were as black as his pupils)

File:37 Lyndon Johnson 3x4.jpg



Reagan and then Bush I


C584-12 -- Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan, 1981.


George HW Bush Picture



Bill and Hillary Clinton at his first inauguration as governor in 1979

Bush II

(as a boy with his CIA papa)


Even Obama has black hair! ;) wink The Obama-mama, Stanley [yes!] Ann Dunham (from nude glamor shots taken by the communist, porn writer and black militant Frank Marshall Davis)


HER father, Stanley Armour Dunham


Now they are pushing Minnesota congresswoman Bachmann

or Governor Perry of Texas…..


With Mitt Romney as the backup


or Huntsman


I guess Aryan looks give Jews the creeps.;) wink


>==================DONATE, PLEASE


Contact the man the Jews and white psychopaths rightfully hate most…

John de Nugent

213 Ekastown Road
Sarver PA 16055 USA

[20 miles north of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]



(or solutrean1@gmail.com or solutrean1@hotmail.com)

Telephone: 724.353.0154

Skype: John de Nugent (Pittsburgh)


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

–Paypal (to “john_denugent@yahoo.com”)


07/23 @ 03:24 : Villeneuve-saint-georges, FR
07/23 @ 03:24 : Tualatin, Oregon, US
07/23 @ 03:23 : Porto Alegre, BR
07/23 @ 03:20 : Barrie, CA
07/23 @ 03:18 : Hamburg, DE
07/23 @ 03:15 : Brunswick, Maryland, US
07/23 @ 03:10 : Balingen, DE
07/23 @ 03:09 : Vienna, AT
07/23 @ 03:09 : Silver Spring, Maryland, US
07/23 @ 03:08 : Frogner, NO [Norway]
07/23 @ 03:08 : Cape Town, ZA
07/23 @ 03:08 : Silver Spring, Maryland, US
07/23 @ 03:07 : Curepipe, MU [Mauritius, a French tropical island]
07/23 @ 03:22 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
07/23 @ 03:01 : Nashville, Tennessee, US
07/23 @ 02:55 : Cottontown, Tennessee, US
07/23 @ 02:25 : Gibsonia, Pennsylvania, US
07/23 @ 02:25 : Paris, FR
07/23 @ 01:32 : Calabash, North Carolina, US
07/23 @ 01:09 : Nuremberg, DE
07/23 @ 12:37 : Calcutta, IN
07/23 @ 12:18 : Mountain View, California, US
07/23 @ 09:28 : Brunswick, DE


I am creating a movement, and therefore, as a matter of policy, publish comments only from donors and volunteers. We do not primarily need more facts on Jews and race –the Eternal Solutreans need money and volunteers. Less talk, more action.

I joined the WN movement in 1978, 33 long years ago. The Jews were bad then, and they are much worse now. In addition, now there are 70 millions Mexicans in the country, some of them heavily armed and extremely dangerous, there are 500,000 non-white gang members, and worst of all, we have a black bisexual communist as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, a black bisexual communist as Attorney General and a Jewish lesbian running Homeland Security.

This is my white-nationalist biography: https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography

…..and my regular biography, from Wikipedia (before Wiki deleted it): https://johndenugent.com/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent

These are the “Solutrea Arise” videos (scroll down one-fifth at this link): https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking

My plan is to put all ten videos on a DVD, targeting NOT white nationalists but instead the best of the Tea Party and other white conservative people.

The goal is the creation of a large white tribe — across America and our globe — that will survive the end of the USA and the chaos ahead.

Please do NOT send me more info that the Jews are rats. I knew that 33 years ago. 😉 The time is ripe now to launch a new movement.


A white sister in Massachusetts wrote me that it was uncanny how I had just answered in my blog a question that was burning inside her. I replied:

Around the year 2000, I ran into a cute French girl ( could tell by three words she had said in English with an accent) in Boston, just standing in line at an ATM machine. Suddenly it popped out of my mouth to ask her in French “Êtes-vous de Lille?” (“Are you from Lille?” a city in northern France on the Belgian border.) She was as dumbfounded as I was that I had guessed her exact city of birth and upbringing just by looking at her. Soo… I think I am perhaps an older soul and somehow the gods are helping me, and give little hints that if I do my job, they will be giving me some help along the way. 🙂

Sophie Th.[] was her name, and we had a few dates (she worked at the front desk at a hotel in the Back Bay), but it never amounted to anything. But this was just a way I felt that God was somehow saying “I am watching you. “ 😉


Saying “Namaste” (in Sanskrit, “I worship the god within you” to the brave audience at a conference the Jews were harassing, October 2007



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