From Henrik Palmgren, the Swede and founder of Red Ice Creations, a very high-caliber radio show (on Facebook:
On Red Ice Radio:
From his intro: John de Nugent was born in Providence, Rhode Island and descends from the first British settlers of America in 1635, with his very distant ancestors (hence “de Nugent”) having being Normans, that is Norwegian Vikings who conquered part of France around 900 AD, adopted the French culture and language and then carried out the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. John was a graduate of Georgetown University and he served with distinction in the United States Marine Corps and the Virginia Army National Guard. He began posting and blogging in 2007 on the ancient white Ice-Age Europeans who were called Solutreans. He speaks fluent German, French and good Spanish and blogs in three languages ( John has been featured on many TV shows, although attacked for his views. He’ll discuss the white Solutreans, now believed by many anthropologists to have been the true Native Americans, settling the Americas around 20,000 BC ¦.
¦but then losing a race war ten millennia later against the Amerindians, possibly after being weakened and nearly exterminated by a global environmental catastrophe, which may have involved a comet striking eastern North America and killing most of them.
He’ll tell the story of the Solutreans and discuss why it is relevant today. We also talk about the Kennewick Man found in Washington State and the legal battle for the remains as Indian tribes of northeastern Washington claim the remains are their own. Later, we hear about other White, blonde Indians and the Windover Bog people of Florida.
In the member’s hour [JdN: = hour two), we’ll discuss finds of the Solutreans, their relationship with other Indians and how they disappeared. John also talks about the mysterious disappearance of the Wa-gas in NW California. John tells about the politically incorrect side of Asian-American Indians [JdN = I discuss their culture of torture and cannibalism]. Later, we’ll discuss the theory of off-world origins of blonde hair and blue eyes.
First hour (Audio quality a bit off, volume fluctuating just a bit, due to the usual Skype interference; Skype runs through Tel Aviv )): (Video on left)
For the second hour, become a member of RedIceCreations! Here is the link to both hours on their members website:
Relevant links
Virginia Abernethy
Equinox: Homocide In Kennewick
Kennewick Man: Whites in North America B.C.
Paleolithic Giants in America (Solutrean / Clovis)
The tsunami that obliterated Doggerland
Swedish Divers Unearth äStone Age Atlantisä, Ancient Relics from 11,000 Years Ago
Settlers Forts of Western Pennsylvania
To the American Indian: Reminiscences of a Yurok Woman
Southern Television broadcast interruption
Uploaded on Jan 2, 2011
“Ice Age Columbus” (2002) from Channel 4 in England, also carried by the Discovery Channel
This is from a mainstream perspective so it doesn’t include other and extremely powerful evidencelike the Piri Reis map (which is stunningly shocking by showing the dry land under the Antarctic snow in 4,000 BC, not today ¦.. yet no one even knew Antarctica existed until the Russians found it around 1720!),, Oronteus Finaeus, Mercator and Buache maps, which were copied lost ancient source maps that show Antarctica ice-free, nor does it include other pieces of evidence, like the Olmec heads, that show that the Atlantic was crossed in the ancient world by Black Africans! [photo].
But this documentary does mention that there is genetic evidence that American Indians have DNA that isn’t just from the Mongolian region, but also from the European region as well. It’s well known that there was an ice bridge connecting Siberia to America during the ice age, but there was also an ice bridge connecting Europe to America.
“Homicide in Kennewick” (1998) from Channel 4 in England, also carried by the Discovery Channel
Published on Aug 15, 2013
One of the most important and controversial archaeological finds ever made, Kennewick Man’s remains were dated to around 7000 BC. Found on the banks of the Columbia River, his facial structure, however, was unanimously reported not to be a Native American by all the scholars who have taken a close look at the remains ¦ The implication being that at least one “Eurasian” was wandering around the Americas 9,000 years ago ¦ Aired on the prestigious Channel Four in England in 1998 and then by the Discovery Channel worldwide. You can also see the fear and FIERCE RESISTANCE OF AMERINDIAN LEADERS TO ANY EXAMINATION OF THE SKELETON IN ORDER TO DETERMINE ITS RACE!
¦..My video in perfect German (big English subtitles) on where we now must go
¦.Beautiful Lake Superior
Windy and bracing on Lakeshore Drive in Ontonagon
But let us go up to the beach and the surf!
The Porcupine Mountains in the distance ¦.in the foreground sand dunes and sea grass ¦. Lake Superior, formed when the glaciers of the Ice Age melted 10,000 years ago, is like an ocean!
If zis vas a German beach, all this sea shtuff vould heff been cleand up!
See my left foot “laughing because the right foot was safely on a log but a wave just got the left!
Margi took the pix above ¦..
¦.why did we move here?
ENGLISH After a month in Ontonagonäa new religion is coming
See also:
ENGLISH Why reincarnation usually wipes out memories of other lives
ENGLISH Why our Founding Fathers rejected ädemocracyä
Not grimacing just because his wooden teeth bothered him
And we just had an unexpected and sad bill ¦.. A ” ˜Close Encounter of the Deer’d Kind”!
Very sad ” killed a deer last night — and she killed my left headlight 🙁 ” scary to hit something big and alive at 50 miles per hour at night ¦ Deer, like rabbits, seem to have no brains, and when scared, become bewildered and just charge straight ahead, right in front of my car ¦
Like supermodels, beautiful, sweet and very dumb
Now I have to pay for repairs.
Others have been making big sacrifices.
I just received $50 from FRANCE. Merci beaucoup, camarade!
How about you?
John de Nugent
306 S. Steel Street
Ontanagon MI 49953
(906) 88 [of course]4-6689