ENGLISH Serious attacks on dissidents prove their authenticity; How ZOG hounded Ted Gunderson and Clarence Malcolm

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================OBAMA IN EARLY 2008


Obama is the eighth term of the neo-CON Ronald Reagan administration in cafe-au-lait skin.


The wars continue, the torture continues, the Wall Street enslavement.

==============a comrade advises not to advertize cyberattacks on me


A comrade with the National Alliance suggested I not discuss publicly cyber-attacks on my site, citing the National Alliance under Dr. Pierce, which never did. I replied:

* * *

Thanks for your comments. At this stage, the blog is being written exclusively, and obviously, in fact, with Jew-this and Hitler-that ;-), for a ultra-hardcore WN audience ONLY, a group that understands from experience that the more the Jews attack someone, the more they show their real fear of that person’s outreach. (Zundel is a perfect example of a giant, a man who suffered every kind of attack — cyber, physical and legal.)

The blog as it stands now, I repeat, is not intended for newbies, or moderates or people vaguely trending our way who lack basic info on the Jews and race.

I am planning a modification of the site to have a portal where new people can go to the left to get watered-down info (a quasi-Duke approach) and a right side of the portal for hardcore people.

Dr. Pierce was a good man, and I knew him well and worked for him 1981-84, spoke at his 1983 NA convention in Chicago (where I met Robert Mathews, I ran the fast-growing Washington-Baltimore Alliance unit, and I emceed Pierce’s 1984 convention in Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia.

But when I was there, after almost 20 years of work, in the year 1984, he had just 200 members, and even at his height later on he had about 2000 activists at best, and about 10,000 on his list (I know this), this out of 180,000,000 white Americans, and that modest achievement came after 35 years of work…….

Pierce was a scientist by temperament, and was not good at “stroking” people (his admission and wording directly to me) or at understanding or seeking to reach out to the non-cerebral masses. He wanted to attract an elite and to some extent he succeeded in that. The NA sure had some serious brainpower, good writers and dedicated activists.

Dr. William Luther Pierce (September 11, 1933-July 23, 2002)

A shame only that Pierce could not hand off the baton after he contracted cancer to a successor who could keep the organization together and grow it further. I last saw him in mid-August 1990 after my Tennessee congressional primary race (https://johndenugent.com/news/english-kitten-hitlers-kitlers-stalk-america-tennessee-1990-mir) up on the mountain in WV, and we had a nice reunion and conversation. He was absolutely alone that day — a big building with a trailer alongside, and only he and his ever-present kitty-cat were in it. 😉

LOL– LIFE magazine took the weirdest shot possible of Pierce and his Siamese and ran it.

This showed me once again that I made the right choice to resign — on friendly terms — from the Alliance in 1984. Pierce was just not the man to attract the masses, or women for that matter. (The NA was literally 90% male when I was there, and Pierce got most of his several wives, one after another, by mail order from Eastern Europe…)

Frustratingly, neither I nor the white masses were ready either in 1990 for leading or following a new white organization. The economy was still good, the Reagan-Bushers had conservative support, and the Mexican threat was still off most folks’ radar. I knew that a completely new approach would be needed, a total reworking of national socialism for 1) a very different country, a freedom-loving, individualistic and heavily Keltic America, not a disciplined, military-minded Germany that Hitler had, and 2) a very different situation — whites not as 99% of their own country, facing 1% Jews (as in Germany in 19330.


Supermodel Laetitia Casta

(Here are some interesting maps of white and minority control in various major US cities: Article shows about 7 maps of US cities – including DC, Detroit, NYC, LA, SF, etc. http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkingsf/sets/72157624812674967/detail/ The maps that show the racial breakdown of America’s biggest cities:

I would have to say that the most memorable thing that happened in my NA years was the Robert Matthews speech at the Chicago convention about standing up and fighting like men. Then Matthews “walked the walk,” resigned from the NA, a non-violent, above-board operation, and went underground to begin his armed struggle.

There was no doubt in anyone’s mind hearing him that Matthews was about to do something momentous by the way he said the wored “fight.” And the fact that he died just as he had lived, fighting, is to his eternal glory as a white man. Pierce sure gets my gratitude for that special moment in Chicago.


A comrade with the Pacific Northwest movement got this:

The following video(s) from your account have been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines:

* Radio Free Northwest 05272010 – (TheColonelHouse)

We encourage free speech and defend everyone’s right to express their points of view even if unpopular. But we don’t permit hate speech. “Hate speech” refers to content that promotes hatred or violence against members of a protected group (race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity). Sometimes there is a fine line between what is and what is not considered hate speech. If you’re not sure whether or not your content crosses the line, don’t post it.

This is the second Community Guidelines warning strike your account has received within six months. Accordingly, the ability to post new content to YouTube from this account has been disabled and will not return until two weeks after you acknowledge this message. Please review the YouTube Community Guidelines and refrain from further violations, which may result in the termination of your account(s).

* * *

The answer is to post on SolarGeneral’s WN-controlled video site, WNTube, and then of course to promote that.


We cannot expect the Google jewboys, Page and Brin, who own YouTube, to support antisemitism. Nor would we support their agenda.

The only reason they allow any of it now, or Facebook’s owner Mark Zuckerberg allows it, is data mining.

…to get information on who thinks what, and who his/her friends are.

Answer: we need our own Google, Facebook, YouTube and email services, and the Net must not go down under any circumstances. That means political clout.


Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), which belongs to the infamous Christian Zionist and Yalie Pat Robertson, has an accurate yet totally misdirecting video here on the Muslim takeover of once white, once Christian Paris:

Notre Dame cathedral can hold a whopping ten thousand faithful — but the city is filling up with violent, intolerant Muslims of intrinsically anti-white, neanderthal ancestry.

Notre Dame at the blue hour…. Will this someday be a mosque, as happened to the Hagia Sophia church in Constantinople?


I have made it crystal-clear that both Jews AND Arabs AND many Sicilians AND many Armenians and Pakistanis, etc. are genetically of neanderthal genealogy.

A plague on all their fanatical, hostile houses!

Sacré-Coeur (Sacred Heart) Church in Paris

But just WH0 took over our media and politics and changed the immigration laws so as to let these muzzies in?

The Jews. And why? As a strategic diversion: so whites would fight muslims instead of the real instigators, the Jews, and so muzzies would start terror groups (or join ones Jews had secretly founded) and this would justify a police state that would then be applied to us WHITES.

Further, by making whites degenerate via Jew TV, Jew movies and Jew “music,” stupid white girls are motivated to “date” muslim men and end up pregnant (via rape or shacking up) with them.

This destroys our genes as neanderthal DNA enters white nations.

White Frenchmen built the Petit Palais in Paris in 1900 for an exhibition.

=================American Third Position

A comrade asked about this new group. I answered:

* * *

I honestly think, with 32 years experience in white nationalism (https://johndenugent.com/wn-biography-of-jdn/), that they will go nowhere, because they have no charismatic leader or fresh new approach. They have excellent supporters, however, and a nice website.

I feel that I must gulp, swallow hard, and step forward as the leader, and take the terrible risks entailed. My book will emerge soon and then I will take the offensive. At that point I expect many A3P individuals to leave that and come to my organization.

That is my honest assessment. They have been up and running for a year now and I have not seen them make one single major headline. It has always taken a leader and a fresh new world view to excite the masses.

A3P is basely the Duke approach of the 1980s, “equal rights for whites.” All very good, and not enough.

I believe fiercely in the reality of karma. Our race will survive because we will again believe this: that we Aryans are spirits on a noble and dramatic human journey. We will awaken to who we are, nature’s nobility.


=======My tribute to Ted Gunderson, former top FBI official, and his protege, whistle-blower Clarence Malcolm

Unbowed by constant mayhem — AFP Reporter Ted Gunderson and assistant Clarence Malcolm

The word “diabolical” (from the Greek) means “devilish, cunning, devious and sadistic.” From recent reports to this newspaper, it seems a perfect descriptions of the Washington government’s covert actions against those few dissidents and whistleblowers in America whom the government truly fears and hates.

Beyond this, the Greek word “diabolos” first and foremost means “a defamer,” and, interestingly, this word literally means a “piercer,” that is, someone who runs your reputation through – spears it — with vicious lies. Even if one is eventually vindicated, one’s honor remains wounded, and question marks and mental reservations remain in many who heard the rumors. This is true especially among the gossip-minded, among the naïve who still somehow trust “our elected government” [sic] and those looking for any excuse not to get involved on the whistleblower’s side and thus suffer a similar fate.

Recently I again met with Clarence Malcolm, assistant to Ted Gunderson. The latter, who spoke at the overflow-crowd American Free Press/Barnes Review conference in September 2006 in Washington, and is a former high-ranking FBI official of 27 years’ service, has spent his retirement years since 1979 heroically crusading for justice. The media and celebrities used to beat a path to his door for his whistleblowing and investigatory acumen – until he delved into the very politically incorrect.

Ted Gunderson, former FBI station chief of Los Angeles; was interviewed for FBI Director in 1975

By far Gunderson’ s most shocking expose has concerned rogue elements in the federal government he accuses of committing (or covering up) the abduction of thousands of Americans, both children and adults, for annual satanic ceremonies, involving molestation, torture, murder and outright devil worship.

I had Ted Gunderson aa guest on my radio show at “www.enationalist.com/radio” on May 27, 2008, and as hair-raising as his accusations sound, any listener to this show may conclude that he sounds very credible.

And credibility is the key, since the stories that both Gunderson and his assistant Clarence Malcolm tell of diabolical government harassment all share one unifying feature: the specific details of the government victim’s story actually triggers your skepticism, and you end up involuntarily suspecting the victim, not the government.

Clarence Malcolm of Texas

This ensues even if, in general, you know that evil and rogue elements are now rife in Washington. When a Ted Gunderson, as distinguished as his FBI and subsequent careers have been, tells you, or his assistant Clarence Malcolm tells you of poisonings they have suffered, other attacks, of sabotaged cars, and of high-tech weaponry enflaming their skin with burns, a motivated skeptic can always react with: “That is all easy to fake; I think they made it up themselves — to get attention and seem important.”

Because of my own experience, however, in November 2007, when my home in Alexandria, Virginia was invaded, I am no longer skeptical.

In the fall of 2007 year a Republican congresswoman from the Quantico, Virginia area suddenly died, leaving an open seat in her overwhelmingly white, conservative district, located south of Washington DC along the Potomac. Reacting quickly, I prepared in mid-November to announce my own candidacy for that office at a gathering on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 of the Washington Region “Council of Conservative Citizens.” VNN radio was ready to carry my announcement and speech live.

I stepped out for just 90 minutes from my high-security apartment to buy some klieg lights, video camera supplies and a special speaker’s stand. When I returned, the first thing I noticed was that my apartment door was swung wide open, with a clear path to my two computers. The second thing I noticed was that an inane pattern of red paint squiggles had been sprayed on my carpet in front of the door. The third thing I noticed was that a giant document of 168 pages — “posts” on an important Internet discussion site which I had “saved” (made a copy of) many times — was missing off both computers. The fourth was that my announcement speech had been entirely erased.

My then apartment was in the Glebe House in Alexandria, Virginia — $950- for a studio apartment, a real Wash DC-type price, but with security.

I immediately posted the entire incident on several websites — primarily in case “whoever” had invaded my high-security home had also placed “child porn” images on the hard drives of my two computers. I then had a computer security expert, a patriot, come immediately from Maryland to erase the hard drives and reformat them.

Sure enough, a skeptic then wrote me, upon reading online my “post” on the incident, that: “Anyone can spray-paint stuff on their own carpet,” “You probably just forgot to save your document,” and “The door was open when you returned because you probably left in a rush.”

All possible; all plausible; but untrue. But that is how “whoever” wanted it to appear – that it was I who was making up stories, I the false accuser and attention-seeker who wanted to seem “so important that the government would bother me.”

It is called “blame the victim.”

The other “success” in all this for “whomever” was that I was — of course – taken aback by having my home, my “castle,” invaded by a hostile stranger. The message was clear; your high-tech key did not slow us down for a minute (in a very high-tech building with a monthly rent of $950 for a studio apartment), and “we clearly know when you come and go from your apartment.” The purpose is none other than intimidation — of both me, the victim and of those readers who chose to believe my story – because “it could have been them.”

And they succeed if they can infuriate me, the victim, against all who doubted my word. “Divide and conquer.”

(By the way, I did not run for Congress — as I had done with remarkable impact in 1990 in Tennessee – but only because key volunteers could not descend immediately in time to gather a massive amount of certified signatures to get me on the ballot as an independent candidate for the special election. But there are other offices to run for, and other districts than that very conformist and heavily military district.)

Having written this preface, I have just received alarming new reports from Ted Gunderson and from his assistant, Clarence Malcolm, of sadistic and even potentially lethal new attacks on them – all done in ways that make the victim look like a teller of tall tales and that make guilty government agencies look innocent and defamed.

What also struck me as a former Bostonian is how many new and refined weapons from Boston can now be used against patriotic dissidents here such as Gunderson and Malcolm. They are developed in the greater Boston area, and can be used not just against urban Iraqis but also, with our own taxes, against suburban American dissidents.

MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts has its “Media Lab” with its off-book projects valued in the millions; in Lincoln (in suburban Boston) there are the secretive “Lincoln Labs,” and in Natick, Massachusetts, at the “U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center,” soldiers test so-called “non-lethal crowd control weapons” — such as skin-roasting weapons, blinding weapons, and a “spiderman”-type glue that sticks demonstrators together. Your tax dollars at work.

Labs makes “Homeland Security” tech for the US Capitol

Also, and as comical as it is bizarre, the Army shelved an already developed chemical weapon (after “gays” protested) designed to induce male enemy soldiers to become violently attracted to each other — and start squabbling in the trenches.

As a former instructor in German at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland, I recall how when I exited the campus out the north side of the campus, I was facing the front gate of the sinister Fort Detrick, Maryland, where poisons are said to be developed that can simulate “normal” diseases. The point is to sicken or kill someone in such an insidious way that skeptics (either cynics or government shills) can laugh at the dying victim’s accusations as far-fetched. Then you die as a defamer of good old Uncle Sam.

One person who suspects the government is Captain Eric May, a false-flag alerter and former Army intelligence officer I have had on my radio show (along with Major William Fox, USMC). May, a valiant Texan who redeems the Lone Star State after George Bush, has come down with the rare Lou Gehrig’s disease — at the height of his activities exposing the government. May is now nearly paralyzed, and cannot even move a computer mouse with his hands. Only his head still has movement.

Captain Eric May, hero of Ghost Troop.

Some incidents involving Gunderson and Malcolm:

— May 21, 2008. Gunderson flies from L.A. to Lafayette, Louisiana, passing through several airports, and hours later feels a fiery burning on his back; he suffers violent rectal bleeding, confirmed at a Lafayette emergency room. He and his assistant suspect one of the “heat beams” (or radioactive weapons) the mainstream media now says the Pentagon possesses;
–May 10, 2008. Clarence Malcom and family were relaxing along an Oklahoma river, called the “Illinois,” at a private Christian campground (and off-season). While his family was swimming, an unidentified male appeared sans automobile, sought to engage Malcolm in a bizarre discussion of UFOs, then commanded: “Hold still! You have a fly on your head!” — and slapped him hard with an open hand on the back of the head. The man left quickly, and Malcolm developed neck and head pain, dizziness and a severe headache. An examination at an emergency room revealed a small dried blood spot –possibly from a poisoned needle-tack glued to the stranger’s finger.
–April 30, 2008. Ted Gunderson, Jr. of eastern Pennsylvania, the former FBI official’s son, catches a stranger in a coffee shop in the act of dropping a pill into his coffee cup. After confronting the man, who quickly left, the son empties the cup and (imprudently) pours himself more coffee into the same cup. Immediately blisters form on his lips and chest pains begin. If a man will not relent, attack his loved ones. It often works wonders.

I had met and then sheltered Clarence Malcolm for two months (December 2005-January 2006) in my home while I was writing for The Barnes Review magazine, a historical journal that is the sister publication of AFP.

At first, Malcolm’s story of government harassment and mayhem seemed incredible, and my skepticism was enhanced by his literally blue face.

Malcolm had ingested colloidal silver, which later turned his face grayish-blue, a condition known as argyria. (Silver can bind with and neutralize poisons and other toxins, a very effective yet drastic remedy.) Malcolm told me that on the freeway in Las Vegas, two cars, one a Mercedes with NY license plates, boxed him in in the right lane, then the front car emitted a huge blue cloud out the tailpipe, sickening him for months with symptoms no doctor could explain or cure. It was at that point that Malcolm took the colloidal silver that still colors his face.

There have been other incidents, all involving sadism and crimes that make the victim-accuser look as if he “made it up” — thereby defaming the victim, denying his suffering, and subjecting him to ridicule instead of earning him support.

The stakes are high: If Ted Gunderson is right, and even the cautious Pat Buchanan confirmed it recently on the McLaughlin Report, there is a “Republican pedophile ring on Capitol Hill” (Buchanan) – and around the nation – that will do anything to cover up crimes of molestation and satanism that are beyond description — desperate men who will never willingly go to jail for crimes that even other felons execrate and savagely punish. By making whistleblowers look foolish even as they continue to savage them and other victims, they hope to continue getting away with murder.

* * *
Gunderson’s websites are www.tedgunderson.com and www.1-free-dvd.com


Event: Criticize Israel, Go to Jail?

Criticize Israel, Go to Jail?
with Professor Michael Keefer, author of Antisemitism Real and Imagined
Monday, September 27 (7:00 pm)
Telus Building Room 236/238, U of A Campus (111 Street & 87 Avenue)

Help us spread the word: invite your friends on Facebook.
In the face of mounting international pressure on Israel to end the occupation of Palestine and respect Palestinian human rights, pro-Israeli organizations are attempting to brand any criticism of Israeli policies as “the new antisemitism” in an attempt to counter the growing movement against Israeli Apartheid and in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel.
The Harper government has been one of the staunchest defenders of Israel’s illegal policies, defunding respected organizations such as the ecumenical organization KAIROS for its supposed support of BDS. On campuses across Canada, pro-Palestinian events such as Israeli Apartheid Week have been met with censorship in a troubling attack on free speech and academic freedom. Toronto’s Queers Against Israeli Apartheid became the first group to be banned in the history of Toronto Pride before a massive public outcry made Pride organizers reverse its decision to ban the group.


In Canada, this effort to brand legitimate criticism, debate and activism around Israeli policies in the occupied territories is being spearheaded by the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (CPCCA), an ad-hoc coalition of MPs from the Conservatives, Liberals and NDP which, despite its name, has no mandate from Parliament. Since March of 2009 the CPCCA has carried out a biased hearing process which has excluded practically all voices which criticized CPCCA’s mandate or the notion that criticism of Israel is a new form of antisemitism.
The Harper government recently gave $450,000 to support an international conference that in November will bring together Israel supporters from parliaments around the world. Their goal is to expand the definition of antisemitism to include criticism of Israel. The CPCCA, which will release a report at the conference in Ottawa, is expected to recommend changes to the human rights legislation or hate laws that would make it illegal to criticize Israelm speak out against Israeli Apartheid and challenge the illegal policies of the State of Israel.
Responding to this threat to free speech, Michael Keefer, a University of Guelph professor, has written an important book, Antisemitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism, that provides an in-depth investigation of the extent of antisemitism in Canada, the ideology of the “new antisemitism,” and the role of the CPCCA as a mechanism to protect Israel and “to curtail freedom of speech and academic freedom across Canada, and to stigmatize, even to criminalize, certain kinds of human rights discourse.”
Presented by Palestine Solidarity Network-U of A and the Seriously Free Speech Committee, sponsored by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW).
More information on the CPCCA, including extensive links, is available on seriouslyfreespeech.ca
Vancouver’s Redeye program on Vancouver Cooperative Radio recently interviewed Professor Michael Keefer. You can listen to the interview on rabble.ca.
A Globe and Mail review of Professor Keeler’s book is available here.

.Michael Keefer Bio
Michael Keefer, who studied at the Royal Military College of Canada, the University of Toronto and Sussex University (England), is a Professor in the University of Guelph’s School of English and Theatre Studies, and a former President of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English. His publications include Lunar Perspectives: Field Notes from the Culture Wars, two new editions of Christopher Marlow’s Doctor Faustus, and many book chapters and articles on Renaissance literature and philosophy, on literary and textual-critical theory, and on issues of contemporary cultural politics, including electoral fraud in the United States and Haiti, false-flag terrorism, and the implications of ‘war-on-terror’ politics for Canada. He is a member of The Canadian Charger editorial board. His latest book is Antisemitism Real and Imagined: Responses to the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism.


Another Jackie Evancho video to end up — this is what we are fighting for, a world where such Aryan talent and beauty are still possible. This is her singing of O Mio babbino caro


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