ENGLISH Third Reich schools made kids happy, tired, fit and useful; the wicked sin of gossip and the spreading of lies against comrades; Canada commits to war for Israel

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This is the link to the show Thursday night!


I will be discussing narcissists. To be a narcissist is not to think you are special (a few, very few, indeed are), but to imagine that others are nothing.

There is no point in even trying to save selfish narcissistic whites just because they have pale skin. I have had truly terrible experiences with young whites who were absolute, treacherous, thieving, liars and manipulative users — worse even than the “oldies.” 😉 And they all thought they were special and I was nothing, although I did everything to help them. Now they all are out there in the hard, cruel world looking for someone new to use. In the end, several of them will so enrage their next victims that they will end up with a bullet in the head and that is my prediction. Not everyone is calm, understanding, and reasonable after being betrayed.

White does not equal Aryan. And only Aryans (= the truly noble in Sanskrit) can win this.
I am asking everyone now to not just tune in to the radio show (or listen to it in the archives afterward) but also to “like” the Facebook page by the host. He is a young black paleo-conservative college man named Chad Josiah who is keeping it real and not playing the white-bashing race card.  No “Uncle Tom,” he nevertheless seeks a new black-white understanding against the psychopaths and scumbags that exist in all races, and he is interested in hearing out white nationalists and their critique, while being aware of the many scumbags in white society as well as black.

He was recently exposing the black version of Skull and Bones, called “The Boulé,” and which has roped in much of the black “élite”:




Here is Chad’s Facebook page:


Chad has major guests on his radio show, such as 1) Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (a few days ago), who is much more radical about gun rights than the NRA, and 2) (upcoming) the very courageous Pastor James David Manning, who on his videos from his church in Harlem has been ripping into Barack Obama for the CIA and birth-certificate fraud that he is.

Pastor Manning confronts the moral and spiritual problems the black community itself must honestly face, JUST AS WHITES MUST FACE THEIR OWN SPIRITUAL DOWNFALL!

How could the Jew (whom we correctly blame) corrupt us if we were not already corruptible?

I will be Chad’s guest this Thursday at 9:30-10 pm (USA Eastern Daily Time) to talk about the narcissists, psychopaths and satanists pullulating like maggots in our society!

Narcissists are a very, very widely distributed form of psychopathy. As it turns out, I was feeling an extremely evil vibe in the air yesterday from three different people I ran into, a real Illuminati energy of pure narcissism.
Look at this video of a schoolgirl who announces she is with the Illuminati and threatens to kill all the other kids! The vid then shows all the “entertainers” (and a pope!) flaunting their (fake or maybe real) Illuminati connections!
I will be going vigorously on this show into narcissists and psychopaths (psychopaths being sadistic narcissists). Narcissists do not see anyone else as having legitimate needs such as respect and help; you and I exist only to be there for THEM. It is far beyond vanity….
A vain person can think he or she is “special” but still also care about others. But for a narcissist you and I are absolute, contemptible nothings; we have no legitimate needs or rights; we are here, we were born, just to do things for the selfish, heedless, others-despising narcissist. The percentage of young people today who are that way is now HUGE, and up 30% in 30 years!

The real MIS-rulers of America


I was shocked once – even at the words of Jesus Christ! – when I read once in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 44 when Christ said to the Jewish Temple leaders: “You are from your father, the Devil! Lying and murdering are his nature – and yours!” It sounds extreme, but modern science and medicine fully supports the diagnosis that some people are truly wicked, bad to the bone, and they cannot be changed, nor do they want to change. They are quite happy hurting others. They thrive by backstabbing and lying. They get rich while others starve. Why change?

Such people are called sociopaths or, even worse, psychopaths. In 2005, Harvard Medical School psychologist Martha Stout wrote a bestseller, now in eleven languages, The Sociopath Next Door. The key traits of the psychopath are that he (usually it is a male, unfortunately) is radically self-centered, slick, lying, charming, manipulative, yet ruthless, sadistic, focused and, sometimes, insanely dynamic. Alarmingly, Dr. Stout of Harvard says, they are far more numerous than we thought. One American in 25 – a full 4% — may be a full-blown psychopath (no conscience at all), and another 15% are partial psychopaths (with an extremely weak conscience). Worst of all, they cluster upward into leadership positions in media, government, politics, finance, religions, cults, and all other positions of power over others (including the minority of rotten apples within our CIA, FBI, military, and police).



And narcissism, which we see in Barack Obama, this feeling of entitlement, is an offshoot of psychopathy. Narcissism is psychopathy without the sadistic element, but the person in both cases is still the center of the universe, “a legend in his own mind.”;-)

This is the link to the show Thursday night!






the homosexual Abraham Foxman, capo of the ADL

AbrahamFoxman ADL logo




===============WHEN I AM SHERIFF

…such kittens will be severely punished! No one is above the law! 😉



==============public education to make zombies out of the people

This video is about how public schools today are full of obedience training, excruciating boredom, busy work, and drugging kids with dangerous meds who naturally get bored by being forced to do or listen to boring things. Most of all, it creates worker bees trained to follow orders.

The valedictorian girl at the beginning of this video (showing a high-school graduation ceremony)  must have given the principal a heart attack. 😉 Her delivery itself  is too much as if read from a script, but what she says is dynamite. I can attest as a former high-school teacher that every word she says is spot-on.

The British education critics tells of a study where kids suffer a huge drop in creative and divergent thinking between kindergarten and the fifth grade. And this is intentional! Stay inside your box; do not think outside it!

He also says that most great learning happens in groups (which made me think of brainstorming sessions). The French master psychologist Gustave Le Bon also said that most action happens in groups, and he became through his 1895 book The Psychology of Crowds the mentor in effect of Hitler. Hitler’s Mein Kampf uses many insights of Le Bon.

Mein Kampf, a deluxe edition with a decorative real-silver cover

Mein_Kampf-Silberbeschlagene_Prunkausgabe Hitler ordered two hours a day of PE (physical education), which I as a longtime teacher always thought would be great for our kids too! Get those hyper youngsters and adolescents tired out, happy and relaxed!  Stop the obesity epidemic! And at night you will have kids eager to hit the hay at 9 pm and have a real good night’s rest.

Hitler also, in bigger school systems, segregated boys and girls into different classrooms and even schools, and many experts today agree with the concept. Boys are rowdier than girls and after puberty they become far too obsessed with dating, impressing chicks and even fighting over them.


Even or especially many feminists today agree (unknowingly) with the Germans of the Third Reich that boys and girls also have different styles of learning as well.

And the purpose of school is to learn something useful, not date, gossip, and get terminally bored and then in trouble.

Furthermore, in the German system, after junior high school those best suited to the trades went to a trade school. They were not sitting there until almost age 18 hearing stuff about ancient history that they could not care less about, getting Cs and being disruptive. They were learning practical skills that made them proud and benefited their nation.

Here is a nice video about the Bund deutscher Mädel, the high-school-girl organization, keeping female teens happy and busy doing wholesome things!






The Paris soccer (“football”) team won the French national soccer championship and black and Arab fans (and, yes, some white trash) “celebrated” with a looting and smashing spree, burning cars, with 32 injured, invading restaurants, grabbing food from and terrorizing white diners in a gorgeous area along the Seine river near the Eiffel Tower.



I just had a very nasty experience with a European comrade who was totally taken in by the slanders published online against me by trolls, government infiltrators and prison-turned WNs, of whom there are now three blasting me day and night so as to stay out of prison.

I was raised by a Marine and became a Marine.


The worst of their lies are being translated now into German and French, because I am getting much money in from Europe.




Keep this in mind the next time you are about to repeat a rumor or gossip. In Ancient Greece, Socrates was widely lauded for his wisdom.


One day an acquaintance ran up to Socrates and said, “Do you know what I heard about Diogenes??”


Socrates said, “Before you tell me that I would like you to pass the triple filter test.”


The first filter is “truth.” Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true???”


No,” the man said, “Actually I just heard about it.”


Ok, now, let’s try the second filter test.


Is what you are about to tell me about Diogenes, good???


No. on the contrary.


Socrates: “You may want to tell me something about Diogenes which is not good and certainly not true????


The man shrugged in embarrassment but Socrates gave him the third filter test.


Socrates: “Is what you are about to tell me about Diogenes, useful to me??? Or anyone????”


Now the man was ashamed.


This is the triple filter test which we can use in our daily lives.



I had an exchange with some comrades on Facebook about Glenn Miller. Here is the Metapedia article (Metapedia is the WN version of Wikipedia), pretty factual and accurate (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Miller):

Glenn Miller

Glenn Miller

Born November 23, 1940 (age 72)
United States
Occupation activist, politician, writer
Political party Democrat (1984)
Republican (1986)
independent (2006-2010)

Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr. (born November 23, 1940), also known as Glenn Miller, is the former leader of the White Patriot Party (formerly known as the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan). Today he is known as a White nationalist perennial political candidate.



Early Life

Miller was born in 1940 in eastern North Carolina. He joined the military in 1959, serving 20 years with two combat tours in the Vietnam War. He is married with five children.

Racial politics

By the later years of his military career, he was denied promotion because of involvement in racialist politics. He was present as part of the Klan delegation at the Greensboro incident in November 1979 in Greensboro, North Carolina where four members of the Communist Workers’ Party were killed in a shoot-out with Klansmen and American National Socialists.

In 1980 Miller founded the White Patriot Party (WPP), which developed from the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. The WPP was a paramilitary organization with an ideology strongly influenced by Christian Identity theology. The White Patriot Party became one of the most successful populist racial nationalist groups in the 1980s. The WPP regularly held marches through North Carolina cities involving hundreds of Confederate flag-carrying members. The WPP published tens of thousands of tabloid newspapers per month, distributing them to the public.

During his time as leader of the WPP, Miller unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party ‘s 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina,[1] and the 1986 Republican Party‘s nomination for a seat in the United States Senate.[2] He appeared on numerous television programs including 60 Minutes. Miller was the leader and principal spokesman for the organization until his arrest in 1987, after which the organization soon dissolved.

Glenn Miller, 1985, White Patriot Party rally

Arrest and conviction

After going underground, Miller was arrested on April 30, 1987, on numerous Federal criminal charges in the company of three other men (Tony Wydra, Robert “Jack” Jackson, and Douglas Sheets), who were also taken into Federal custody.[3] After his arrest, Miller agreed to testify against several other defendants in a major Federal sedition trial in Arkansas. He served three years (1987-1990) in Federal prison, following his conviction for weapons violations, as well as for violating the injunction proscribing him from engaging in paramilitary activities.

Subsequent activities

After his release from prison, Miller wrote an autobiography, A White Man Speaks Out, which was privately published in 1999.[4] By 2002 he had moved to Aurora, Missouri.[5] Miller has since become affiliated with the Vanguard News Network run by Alex Linder.

In the mid-2000s, he got involved again with racialist tabloid newspaper distribution, both as a major distributor of “American Free Press” and spearheading efforts by Vanguard News Network to publish its own tabloids, which he called “The White Patriot Leader”.

In 2006, Miller ran as an independent write-in candidate against Congressman Roy Blunt, in the 7th Congressional District of Missouri.[6] As a perennial candidate, he ran in the 2010 Senate election in Missouri, again as an independent write-in candidate.[7] Miller’s 2010 radio campaign advertisements were controversial in Missouri,[8] and nationally. People disputed whether Miller was a legitimate candidate or using his purported candidacy as a way to get air time, based on his comments on the website of the Vanguard News Network. He noted that “stations are required to run advertising for candidates” and that he would declare a candidacy and then start running ads. He said, ‘Federal elections offer public speaking opportunities we can’t afford to pass up, and come only once every 2 years.’”[9]

The controversy led to Miller’s being interviewed on The Alan Colmes Show[10] and by phone on The Howard Stern Show.[11] Despite legal challenges from Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster and the Missouri Broadcasters Association’s disputing Miller’s status as a bona fide candidate for office, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) determined there exists no lawful recourse for stations that preferred not to air Miller’s ads because of their offensive content.[9][12]


===============MY AND OTHER COMMENTS ON MILLER (on Facebook)


D: I like Glenn Miller, but he did rat out the Order and he has mixed-race kids.
20 hours ago · Like · 1
W: Yeah, 1st wife from Hawaii. But who ratted out whom, Glenn or the Order?
20 hours ago · Like
F: I don’t think he “ratted out” the Bruders.. He was in a tough spot, and it’s very commonly accepted that he said NOTHING that was harmful or that the Federals didn’t already know..
20 hours ago via mobile · Like
D: There was an old episode of Truth Militia and my friend Siegfried interviewed him and he laid it all out. That’s basically what he said. Whatever he did, I don’t hold it against him, but he’s from the old guard, and we do need a new movement
20 hours ago · Like · 1
F: True. ^
18 hours ago via mobile · Like
W: true. GM says that too.

GM says also, when his group did a demo, they did it in numbers of many 100s with a protection force; compare this to that:

White Supremacists clash with May Day protesters in front of White House
On May 1, a group of White Supremacists [about ten!] gathered in front of the White House to …See More
7 hours ago · Like
A: If he didn’t accept Order money to begin with he wouldn’t have put himself in the position. I think Dr. Pierce was the only intelligent person who likely money-laundered Order money into his organization, which was a bit easier pre-Internut. 😉
7 hours ago · Like · 1
W: yep. without money, nothing. The NS figured that out soon in the 1920s!
7 hours ago · Like
D: Yeah, it was impressive that Miller managed to get all those people back in his day.
5 hours ago · Like · 1
J: In my every dealing with Glenn he has been a courageous and stand-up friend. Having been maligned by infiltrators and turned comrades myself, I could understand if the guy just left our Cause in disgust, but he has not. He fought in Nam with the Green Berets, he got demoted after a fistfight with a black soldier with a blonde wife, he was approached by the Order and used the money wisely they gave him to do his side of the deal, namely start a grass-roots organization in North Carolina.
After 49 Order members turned state’s evidence, he was arrested. He was facing 200 years as a man with a wife and many kids. He gave harmless evidence that resulted in no one at all being convicted at the Ft. Smith trial. (All comrades under indictment got off!) Btw, Miller did three long years in the slammer for helping the Order, which people seem to amazingly forget! “Just three years”!
Now I, John de Nugent, worked for Dr. William Pierce 1981-84 (and wrote part of his newsletter and emcee’d his 1984 convention) and if anything was suspicious it was how Pierce got away with taking $70,000 from the Order (to buy his WV HQ) and then was able to take the Fifth in a California federal courtroom. That was clearly stolen bank money. Pierce was poor as a church mouse before Mathews came along. (I know, I was at his HQ in Arlington, Va. He had just 200 members in 1984.) Yet Pierce got off. We should never falsely accuse comrades, and I am not accusing Dr. Pierce, whom I revered.
But we should also never jump to conclusions and think we know everything about what is really going on behind closed doors and behind prison walls! And as for Miller having a non-white wife way, way back there, many decades ago, well, a lot of current WNs (such as the excellent comrade John Friend) once had interracial relationships at one time, before they became WNs, back when they were liberals on race, and before they woke up.
44 minutes ago · Like · 2
W: Thanks, John. i posted this with the intent of answering questions. i have often asked about this matter, but only got silence.
37 minutes ago · Like · 1
J: If anyone got dumped on unfairly (besides me for the last five years) it was Glenn Miller. I love it when keyboard commandos dump on a two-term combat Green Beret and high-profile WN activist who did three years in the fed slammer, when 90% of the “Order heroes” gave up everyone else to reduce their prison time. And btw, I met and talked with Robert Mathews, one of the very few who did not and who was a total hero. I spoke after him at the 1983 National Alliance convention in Chicago. Mathews was the real deal.
32 minutes ago · Like · 1
F: Thanks for the clarity in this matter, John D. Nugent. I have known this for some time, but many others need to know it, too
18 minutes ago via mobile · Like
J: What I need now is your donations like any candidate so I can make this sheriff race into a winner! This is a 98% white, rightwing, Obama-loathing county in western Pennsylvania, and I am an experienced candidate with a very good track record! (I nearly won the GOP nomination for US Congress in 1990! https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn) This is my sheriff page on my hard-core blog: https://johndenugent.com/john-de-nugent-for-sheriff-of-armstrong-county-pennsylvania
7 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1
F: I have very mixed feelings about trying to affect change from “within” the ZOG System, but I do appreciate your efforts.
6 minutes ago via mobile · Like
J: There are two kinds of people in the WN Cause, Fuller, those who love wicked gossip and eat it up, enjoying putting others down, and those who believe that all real comrades should be treasured for the sacrifices they have made, and their human frailties forgiven. As Jesus said: “By the harshness with which you judge, you shall be judged.” I wonder how many “comrades” who rag on others remember this warning from Christ?
2 minutes ago · Like · 1




A Canadian comrade sent me the following.


John, I sent this to a guy in town who has run for political office and this was his reply to the Harper treason.

The article you provided appears to be written by Yves Engler and published by the Palestine Chronicle.

Who is Yves Engler? Can we be sure he is providing accurate information? It would be adviseable for you to contact Tim Uppal’s constituency office to see if they would be interested in meeting your request for a town hall meeting and not myself as the publisher of the Sherwood Park Independent Weekly. My job is to print news not make it. If you were to convince Tim to hold a town hall meeting I would certainy publish a story emanating from it.


On May 13, 2013, at 9:29 AM,[….] wrote:

Dear Jim,

I am forwarding this article to you because it indicates a serious problem. Why is Harper integrating us with the Israelis, a foreign government??? Are we not independent??? Would you contact Tim Uppal and ask him to call a town hall meeting and explain this to the people of our constituency???


Subject: Canadians Should Be Concerned: The Harperites’ Love Affair With Israel

Canadians Should Be Concerned: The Harperites’ Love Affair With Israel – OpEd

Published: May 10, 2013
By Palestine Chronicle
By Yves Engler
While the Harper Conservative government has loudly proclaimed its close ties to Israel, most Canadians would be surprised to learn the Tories have decided to make the two countries blood brothers. In the international affairs equivalent of a Mafia initiation ceremony Canada has sworn undying loyalty and to be a faithful soldier in Israel’s cause.


Think that’s an exaggeration? Consider the following:

• Since Stephen Harper took office the two nations’ defence ministers and top generals have repeatedly visited each other’s country. These visits have resulted in various accords and “the [two] countries have agreed to exchange secret defense information,” according to a June 2012 CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation] summary of government briefing notes.

Canadian prime minster Harper


• The week before last the head of Canadian Forces visited Israel to deepen “cooperation between the two militaries.” Reportedly, Thomas Lawson met his Israeli counterpart, the Defense Minister and various other senior military officers. According to a Jerusalem Post summary, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon called for Canada and Israel to “further increase their cooperation in the fight against terror in light of the upheaval in the Middle East and Iran’s role in fueling the region’s conflicts.”

• In 2008 Canada and Israel signed a wide-ranging public security agreement and for the first time in its history in 2011 Israel named a defense attaché to Ottawa. Until at least the end of 2010 the Canadian embassy in Tel Aviv served as Israel’s Contact Point Embassy to NATO, the military alliance of Western nations. The embassy served as the liaison between Israel and NATO, assisting with visits of NATO officials to Israel. According to internal government documents examined by The Dominion, Ottawa worked to strengthen Israel’s partnership with the military alliance, helping its “pursuit of a Status of Forces Agreement, getting access to the NATO Maintenance Supply Agency, [redacted].”


• In February 2010 deputy foreign minister Peter Kent implied that Canada already considered Israel a member of NATO, which operates according to the principle that an attack on any member is considered an attack against all members. Reflecting the alliance’s purported principle, Kent said “an attack on Israel would be considered an attack on Canada” and in July 2011 defence minister Peter MacKay reiterated this position privately. According to briefing notes uncovered by CBC he told Israel’s top military commander, Gabi Ashkenazi that “a threat to Israel is a threat to Canada.”

• At the same time as official military relations have intensified there has been an increase in weapons sharing and relations between Israeli and Canadian arms manufacturers. At a November 2011 press conference with his Israeli counterpart defense minister MacKay described the two countries’ “growing relations in the defense sector.” Among the more significant examples, the Canadian military bought the Israeli-made Heron drone for use in Afghanistan and Israel’s Elisra Electronics Systems is working on upgrading a dozen Halifax-class warships.

• Despite the Israeli Defense Force’s many human rights violations, many Canadian companies sell weapons directly to Israel. According to a 2009 Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade report, more than 140 Canadian weapons makers export products to Israel. Last year British Columbia-based MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates won a $90+ million contract to supply Israel Aerospace Industries with satellite technology. The December 2011 Washington Report on Middle East Affairs detailed some Canadian military exports to Israel. “Ottawa’s Allen Vanguard Corporation provides ‘counter-terrorist’ equipment and training. iMPath Networks of Ottawa and Halifax design solutions for real-time video surveillance and intrusion detection technology. Mecachrome Technologies, based in Montréal and Toronto, provides components for military aircraft. And MPB Technologies of Pointe Claire, Edmonton, Airdrie and Calgary manufacturers, among other things, communications equipment and robotics for [Israeli] military use. … British Columbia-based 360 Surveillance sells technology for Israel’s apartheid wall and checkpoints.”

• Taxpayers often underwrite ties between Canadian and Israeli military companies. The multimillion dollar Canada-Israel Industrial Research and Development Foundation funds research projects (including many in the “security” field) between the two countries’ corporations. (For details see Kole Kilibarda’s Canadian and Israeli Defense -Industrial and Homeland Security Ties: An Analysis).

To the extent that the dominant media questions the Harper government’s pro-Israel policies they focus on public pronouncements, UN votes and other diplomatic moves such as foreign minister John Baird’s recent meeting with Israeli Justice Minister Tzipi Livni in occupied East Jerusalem (a rare occurrence designed to further legitimize Israel’s illegal control over that part of the city). But, deepening Canadian security ties with Israel may be more significant than the Conservatives anti-Palestinian public statements and UN votes.

For instance, what role do growing ties between the two countries’ military leadership play in the Conservatives extremely hostile position towards Iran? Or, is there a connection between the Canada-Israel public security agreement and the RCMP’s highly suspect recent claim that two operatives with “direction and guidance” from “al-Qaeda elements in Iran” planned to blow up a major Canadian bridge? Finally, what role do growing military ties play in spurring the Conservatives’ anti-Palestinian diplomatic moves?

RCMP: Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Though little discussed, the military is an important element of the Conservatives ‘Israel no matter what’ policy. In addition to the Jewish establishment, Christian Zionism and the role Israel plays as a Western outpost in the Middle East, the Conservatives militaristic tendencies lead them to support that country. Harper’s government, for instance, is close to the Canadian military companies that sell to Israel and do business with that country’s top-flight weapons industry. Additionally, Canadian military leaders appreciate the tactical information and expertise Israel’s well-practiced military shares.

Like a wanna-be gangster looking up to a Mafia boss, the Harperites are impressed by the large role Israel’s military plays in the country’s affairs.
Ordinary Canadians should be concerned. Very concerned.

Yves Engler’s latest book is The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper’s foreign policy. He’s also the author of Canada and Israel: building apartheid. He contributed this article to http://PalestineChronicle.com


===============MY COMMENT


I can say that X [you Feds  reading this know who X is] hopes the US (and let us add Canada) attacks Iran.

It will be the END of the United States.

Millions in North America will starve, the whole USA will be ruined by this war for Israel, and X will then act to finish the Jewnited Snakes government off.

Barack, you know who the main threat is. You just testified to it before a secret Congressional hearing in April.


America after a jew-guided war with Iran and its many allies (Russia, China, etc., etc, etc.)


.the-road-1 .






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==============response by email to this blog

From a TGB, New York:


Here is a note of appreciation. I cannot help but note that your fairness towards others is what’s missing from the majority of other commentators’ work. Here’s one that says why you are more a Paisan [New York Italian expression for a “good guy”] than some others.
Nearly everyone else who is telling what’s going on is yelling about how rotten America has become.  The reason the place has gone rotten is that people no longer learn the rules of basic decency we once relied upon to provide good jurors.
Your writings about Glenn Miller reflect the second or the third time I have seen you methodically refuse to be tricked by the Jews’ system of libels and slanders.  Where the society has degenerated into shrieking, or casual decisions that a colleague was “no good, after all,” you maintain a sense of kindness and respect towards others.  And when examining an accusation, you methodically attempt to find out if it’s true, taking into account the circumstances.  You are the sort of man we once trusted to be a good juror.  It is an American tradition, perhaps owing partly to the Midwestern Germans, as you have said.  (My maternal grandmother was of German ancestry and was certainly of that disposition.)
That’s why your work has had a subtle effect on me.  It’s in combination with your talk about our ancestors and how we have lived on this land for so long.  I have decided that I can get behind your efforts more than those of others.  It’s partly because you are a colonial descendant.  Were you Italian, but one of those who respects the English we’re descended from, that would be fine, too.  In fact, because you specify the contributions of other groups of people, and seek their help in defending the country together, you prove all the fairer and more moral. I’m tired of the casual, general sense of ingratitude for the unseen things each of us and our ancestors did to benefit the larger world.

Take care,



================ show link

This is the link to the show Thursday night!





  1. Greetings,

    What you have to say about say about schools under Hitler is absolutely refreshing. Today, in Canada, the USA and the UK, we have a cesspool of perversion forced on the children, which is called sex education. In the UK there is now a process in place to introduce the teaching of pornography to children and the perverts running the cesspool show say that even children as young as 5 years of age can benefit from this perverse teaching.

    It’s time that parents understand that schools are not academically based and that the curriculum is based on changing the values of the children and thus, our society. If parents want to save their children from moral and spiritual death, they must take them out of the school system and teach them at home. Parents in a given community must organize and shut down the schools by not sending their children.

    • Thanks for this comment. Ironically, for once I agree with the black communist Frank Marshall Davis, who was Barack’s real biological father. According to one of Obama’s own books, Davis said to Barack (to his son):

      “College is not about education; it is about training.

  2. Hello,

    Why is there such an explosion of teaching graphic sex education in schools??? One explanation can be found in a document, “Communist Rules for Revolution,” found by the Allies in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1919 in which it is stated:

    “Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.”

    We must stop cooperating with this evil assault on our children. STOP CO-OPERATING; make the move and keep the children home or form parental co-ops and do your God-given duty to instruct the children in Godly ways. If you send your children to a cesspool of filth 5 days per week, do you really think they will not be affected???

  3. I agree with Teamplayer wholeheartedly. What the public school system in the US today is nothing more than a cesspool of wickedness and filth. Not only is “sex education” taught, but also perversion at all levels.

    All parents must ensure that their children be taught moral values as well as the practical skills needed to survive in this tumultuous world. The German School System – especially under Adolf Hitler – pushed not only practical skill learning, but also physical education, to keep students from getting bored; and, thus, keeping them out of trouble. Too bad, the school systems in the US, UK, and Canada are more tilted toward indoctrination (as was in former Soviet systems and continuing in, along with the three nations just mentioned, China and North Korea). As a result, the younger generation(s) will enter this harsh world totally unprepared for life. There won’t be any worthwhile jobs waiting for these indoctrinated “Commies” once they graduate from either high school or college – if they even graduate. In other words, life out of school will be quite grim.

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