ENGLISH Three rapes an hour in the U.S. military; credit card donations now possible! the Pennsylvania governor who protected a pedophile for eight years

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When a US Soldier, Marine, or a Sailor is killed in the line of duty, his family eventually gets a flag and a note conveying sympathy and respect and from the United States Government.
When a professional basketball player announces he is gay, he immediately gets a personal phone call from the bisexual, half-Jewish president, congratulating him for his “courage.”
A real cover of Newsweek magazine; what readers thought was a joke is in fact reality.

===================rape epidemic in the military

[source: http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/05/09/302658/3-rapes-occur-every-hour-in-us-military/]

Many victims fail to report sexual assault out of fear of vengeance or lack of justice under the US military’s system of prosecution.
Thu May 9, 2013 3:46PM GMT

A new report by the US Defense Department, the Pentagon, says almost three rapes occur every hour in the US military, raising serious concern about the soaring rate of sexual assault among US servicemen.

According to the Pentagon, sexual assaults in the military have increased to the alarming level of 70 per day or three every hour, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

The report added that 26,000 service members were sexually assaulted in 2012, a 35-percent increase since 2010 when 19,000 such cases were reported.

However, the overall rate of sexual assault in the US military may be higher, as many victims fail to report out of fear of vengeance or lack of justice under the military’s system of prosecution, the report added.

“The more closed and hierarchical an institution is, the more the victim is stigmatized and the rapist gets away with it,” said Susan Brooks, pastor and volunteer rape crisis counselor.

Brooks went on to condemn the US military for maintaining a culture of gender and power relations, which she says produces the rape culture among service members.

Many high-ranking US military commanders have recently been convicted and relieved of duties for multiple sexual offenses and corruption over the years.

On May 6, authorities said Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Krusinski, director of the sexual assault prevention program for the US Air Force, has himself been detained for sexually assaulting a woman not far from the military headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.

usaf-lt-col_jeffrey_krusinski-arrestedIn 2012, over 30 male Air Force boot camp trainers were cited for sexually harassing, abusing and raping at least 59 military recruits at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

Staff Sgt. Eddy Soto (middle, between his lawyers) got four years for raping two female recruits. Since when are men drill sergeants in female bootcamp units???




As a former Marine I can say that part of US boot camp is a kind of deliberate animalization, “crudization” and brutalization:

“Take what you want. Kill what resists.”

And lest I forget, a lot of nasty sex talk — and an ocean of seriously foul language day and night.

This movie clip says it all:

It goes without saying that the evil German Wehrmacht had none of this. I have known many German vets and this kind of sicko abuse and animalization was unknown. Germans were trained fight for their country and its honor. Rape was virtually unknown and punishable by death. In Finland, allied with Germany, two German Waffen-SS soldiers,  just for flirting too insistently with Finnish girls, were shot the next morning!

And why are we teaching women to be killers? Are women — in body, mind, feelings and hormonal chemistry — cut out to be killers?

In the Stone Age, the “division of labor” was that men were the hunters and women the gatherers.

Jeremiah Johnson bear head

Are women not better at giving LIFE and making the world more harmonious, loving and beautiful?


==============SEE ALSO



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