ENGLISH To a former donor

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….to a former donor

Dear [longtime donor],

It has been pretty much hell (https://johndenugent.com/english/english-emergency-appeal-robin-williams-murdered-and-mk-ultra-drugs) since I announced the Black-White alliance against Jewry (the only formidable enemy the white race really has, certainly not blacks or muslims) and my campaign for mayor (http://www.johndenugent.net/).


I think that the Jews grasp that my close and public partnering with a Black professional man (https://johndenugent.com/ebony-ivory-aryans-radio-show) gives my White supporters (who both genuinely reject hate and do not want this label stuck on them either) enough immunity from the defamatory “hate” charge to go public supporting me….esp. the many unemployed Whites in this town (or around America) who cannot be fired anyway. *;) wink


And with me and Jim Rawls calling the Big Jews  “the Pharisees,” this gives even the most southern and Bible-thumping of Christian Zionists pause for thought. Everyone admits the Pharisees killed Jesus. And I can tell you, this one video makes them absolutely speechless:


It is, in the end, not at all about me, but about — for the first time in my life as a hardcore WN — a winning formula, far more than the sheriff race of 2013, which was crippled by the lethal combination of 1) no car and 2) a big, big rural county to campaign in with houses and farms scattered far and wide.
I pledge to you that will be no abortive Don Quixote gesture to “get our message out.” Who needs more messages, more information and depressing facts?! I have had enough!
This is the ideal town, Hitler would say to WIN — 1) many already suspect the Israelis (with good reason — the NUMEC cancer epidemic), 2) it is dead-broke, in a full economic depression, and 3) it is, most of all, tiny enough (1600 pop., just 800 households) to leaflet the whole place in a day — and for $10 in paper and ink!
The NUMEC site, at the entrance to the town down Route 66 (also called “N. Warren Avenue”), is top-left along the river.



NUMEC was located at the entrance to the town in a prime riverside location, and now is just a field of hideous high weeds and rubble — which depress and embarrass this once-proud town. This photo shows the post-demolition phase in the 1990s.



I am in it to win it.

And yes, this time, after the endless harassment of the last three months, I expect the full fury of Zion.
The rage of everyone in this broke town, full of NUMEC cancer, black and white alike, will be the counter-fury.



John de Nugent


…..my new video

1) (French) Nous ne haïssons pas les Juifs mais est-ce qu’ils nous haïssent, eux?



Lead Awards 2014/ Foto des Jahres

(English) We do not hate the Jews – but maybe they hate us!


(German) Wir hassen die Juden nicht, aber vielleicht hassen sie uns!


(Afrikaans) Ons haat die Jode nie, maar miskien haat hulle ons!



2) Nous sommes libres de tout impérialisme, militarisme ou racisme!


We are free from imperialism, militarism and racism!

Wir sind frei von Imperialismus, Militarismus und Rassismus!

Ons is vry van imperialisme, militarisme en rassisme!


3) Je m’appelle John de Nugent


My name is John de Nugent,

Ich heiße John de Nugent,

My naam is John de Nugent,



4) et les rumeurs sont vraies que j’ai un certain lien avec Adolf Hitler.


and the rumors are true that I have a certain connection with Adolf Hitler.

und die Gerüchte sind wahr, dass ich in einer Beziehung zu Adolf Hitler stehe.

en die gerugte is waar dat ek in ‘n verhouding met Adolf Hitler staan.


5) Mais il y a une différence fondamentale entre la situation dans les années vingt et maintenant.


But there is a fundamental difference in the situation between the Twenties and now.

Grundverschieden aber ist die Lage zwischen den Zwanziger Jahren und jetzt.

Fundamenteel verskil maar is die situasie tussen die twintigs en ​​nou.


6) Tous les pays blancs sont entièrement sous la botte de l’ennemi!


All white countries are completely under the enemy’s boot!

Alle weißen Länder sind vollkommen unterm Stiefel des Feindes!

Alle wit lande is heeltemal onder die stewels van die vyand!


7) Et les pays pauvres du Tiers-Monde encore plus!


And the poor countries of the Third World even more!

Und die armen Länder der Dritten Welt noch mehr!

En die arm lande van die Derde Wêreld nog meer!


8) Cela explique leur émigration massive vers nos pays!


This explains their mass emigration into our home countries!

Deswegen ihre Massenauswanderung in unsere Heimatländer!

Daarom, hulle massa emigrasie in ons huis lande!


9) Compte tenu de la puissance [sioniste), il est impossible


Given their power it is impossible

Bei dieser Machtlage ist es unmöglich,

In hierdie posisie van mag, is dit onmoontlik


10) avec seulement des infos politiques de rééduquer les victimes du grand lavage de cerveau.


with politics alone to re-educate extremely brainwashed people.

mit Politik alleine extrem gehirngewaschene Menschen umzuerziehen.

alleen med politiek uiters gebreinspoel mense te transformeer.


11) Seule une nouvelle religion mondiale, fondée sur le national-socialisme


Only a new world religion of national socialism

Nur eine neue Weltreligion des Nationalsozalismus

Slegs ‘n nuwe wêreld-godsdiens van Nasionale Sosialisme


12) pour TOUS les peuples et toutes le races


for ALL races and peoples

für alle Rassen und Völker,

vir alle rasse en nasies,


13) puisse les unir contre le seul grand ennemi de toute l’humanité,


can unite them against the one great enemy of mankind,

die sie gegen den einen Feind der Menschheit vereint,

wat die mense teen die een vyand van die mensdom verenig,


14) malgré toute différence, et réussir.


despite all differences, and can succeed.

trotz aller Unterschiede, kann gelingen.

ten spyte van hul verskille, kan slaag.


15) Mais Adolf Hitler commit plusieurs erreurs:


But Adolf Hitler made several errors:

Adolf Hitler aber machte mehrere Fehler:

Maar Adolf Hitler het ‘n paar foute gemaak:


16) Il pensait naturellement d’abord aux intérêts allemands,


His first thoughts naturally were for Germany,

Er dachte zuerst natürlich an Deutschland, and nicht an die Slawen,

Hy het eers natuurlik na Duitsland gedink, en nie aan die Slawiërs,


17) et à ceux de l’Europe occidentale et centrale,


then for Western and Central Europe,

dann an Westeuropa und Mitteleuropa,

dan na Wes-Europa en Sentraal-Europa,


18) et non à l’Intérêt des peuples slaves,


but not for the Slavs,

aber nicht an die Slawen,

maar nie aan die Slawiërs,


19) qui aurait pu devenir nos partenaires contre le bolchevisme.


who could have become our partners against Bolshevism.

die unsere Partner gegen den Bolschewismus hätten werden können.

was ons vennoot teen Bolsjewisme kon gewees het.




20) Mais maintenant c’est toutes les nations qui gémissent


But now all nations are groaning

Jetzt aber stöhnen alle Völker

Maar nou kla al die volke


21) sous la torture des sionistes!


under the Zionists’ torture!

unter der zionistischen Folter!

onder die sioniste marteling!


22) Hitler resta en plus pendant toute sa vie


Hitler also remained all his life

Hitler blieb auch zeitlebens

Hitler het ook sy hele lewe gebly


23) uniquement un homme politique et chef militaire,


just a politician and military leader,

nur Politiker und Militärführer,

net ‘n politikus en militêre leier,


24) Cependant l’humanité pose


yet humanity poses

wobei die Menschheit

Maar die mensdom vra


25) des questions urgentes mais sans bonne réponse


urgent and unanswered questions

dringende und unbefriedigte Fragen

dringende en onvervulde vrae


26) sur le sens de la vie,


about the meaning of life,

nach dem Sinn des Lebens,

oor die betekenis van die lewe,


27) et sur l’âme et la mort.


about the soul and death.

der Seele und des Todes hat.

oor die siel en die dood.


28) Nous devons savoir


We need to know

Wir müssen wissen,

Ons moet weet


29) ce qui nous arrive après la mort,


what happens to us after death,

was aus uns nach dem Tode wird,

wat met ons gebeur na die dood,


https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking (1/3rd down: “The reality of God and the soul”)


30) puisque bien d’entre nous


because many of us

denn viele von uns

omdat baie van ons


31) au cours de la lutte pour notre libération


during the liberation struggle

werden bei der Befreiung[sschlacht]

tydens die stryd vir ons bevryding


32) devraient peut-être sacrifier nos vies!


may have to lose our lives!

das Leben verlieren müssen!

miskien moet ons lewens opoffer!


33) Qu’advient-il de nous après?


What happens to us after that?

Was kommt für uns danach?

Wat gebeur met ons dan?


34) Le néant éternel?


Eternal nothingness?

Das ewige Nichts?

Ewige niks?


35) Hitler laissait parfois entendre


Hitler hinted

Hitler deutete an,

Hitler deurskemer


36) que lui, comme son philosophe préféré Schopenhauer,


that he, like his favorite philosopher Schopenhauer,

dass er, wie auch sein Lieblingsphilosoph Schopenhauer,

dat hy, soos sygunsteling filosoof Schopenhauer,


37) croyait en la réincarnation.

يعتقدفيالتناسخ. ،

believed in reincarnation.

an die Reinkarnation glaubte.

in die reïnkarnasie geglo het.





38) mais il ne voulait pas de conflit à l’époque


but he did not want any conflict back then

Er wollte aber keinen Konflikt damals

Maar hy wou nie ‘n konflik dan


39) avec les églises.


with the churches.

mit den Kirchen.

met die kerke.


40) Et sommes-nous vraiment seuls


Also, are we really alone

Sind wir wirklich alleine

Is ons werklik alleen


41) dans ce vaste univers?


in this vast universe?

in diesem immensen Universum?

in hierdie groot heelal?



42) Est-ce que l’offensive ennemie fait partie


Is the enemy onslaught perhaps

Ist der Kampf des Feindes etwa

Is miskien die anval van die vyand


43) d’une guerre bien plus grande


in reality part of a much vaster war

Teil eines größeren Krieges,

‘n deel van ‘n veel groter oorlog


44) un conflit entre différentes espèces dans l’univers?


which is a war between various species in the universe?

der auch ein Völkerringen im All darstellt?

– ‘n konflik tussen verskillende spesies in die heelal?


45) Et Hitler prit-il des dispositions


And did Hitler make provisions

Und machte Hitler Vorkehrung

En het Hitler bepalings


46) pour la continuation de la lutte


to continue the struggle
für die Weiterführung des Kampfes

vir die voortsetting van die stryd


47) après 1945?


after 1945?

nach 1945?

nach 1945 gemaak?


48) L’Allemagne possèdait-elle des super-armes?


Did Germany possess super-weapons?

Besaß Deutschland Superwaffen?

Het Duitsland super wapens besit?


49) Mais bien sûr!


Yes, naturally!


Ja, natuurlik!


50) Est-il des races extraterrestres


Are there extraterrestrial races

Gibt es außerirdische Rassen,

Is daar uitheemse rasse,


51) qui auraient intérêt à ce que nous vainquions ? Oui!


who might have a stake in our winning? Yes!

die ein Interesse an unserm Sieg haben? Ja!

wat belangstel in ons oorwinning? Ja!


52) Pour remporter la victoire finale


To win the final victory

Um den Endsieg zu erringen,

Om die finale oorwinning te wen


53) il faut enfin tout repenser!


We need to finally do some rethinking!

müssen wir also endlich umdenken!

moet ons uiteindelik alles nuut te dink!


54) Qu’on n’agitate plus contre les autres races et peuples,


Keine Hetze mehr gegen andere Rassen oder Völker,


55) même pas contre les petits Juifs


not even against the little Jews!

auch nicht gegen die kleine Juden!

Geen agitasie meer teen ander rasse en nasies,


56) Le problème, c’est la caste psychopathe qui nous dirige!


The problem is with the psychopathic ruling class!

Es geht gegen die psychopathische Oberschicht!

Die probleem is met die psigopatiese regerende klas!


57) L’objectif est de sauver tous les êtres humains de bon cœur.


The goal is saving all good-hearted humans.

Es geht um die Errettung aller gutherzigen Menschen.

Die doel is om alle mense van goeie hart te red.


58) Dans une lutte dirigée contre le seul vrai ennemi,


In the struggle against the one enemy,

Im Kampf gegen den einen Feind

In ‘n stryd teen die een ware vyand


59) nous aurons la fraternité de tous les hommes!


All men shall become brothers!

werden alle Menschen Brüder!

Alle mense sal raak broers!



…..Canadian prime minister Mackenzie King on AH


His face on the Canadian 50-dollar bill

Mackenzie King , canada prime minister on a fifty canadian dollar bill


He served as the tenth Prime Minister of Canada from December 29, 1921 to June 28, 1926; from September 25, 1926 to August 7, 1930; and from October 23, 1935 to November 15, 1948.

…A survey of scholars in 1997 by Maclean’s magazine ranked King first among all Canada’s prime ministers, ahead of Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Wilfrid Laurier.

…He kept secret his beliefs in spiritualism and use of mediums to stay in contact with departed associates and particularly with his mother, and allowed his intense spirituality to distort his understanding of Adolf Hitler.[3]


ah_for-Palestine “He (Hitler) smiled very pleasantly and indeed had a sort of appealing and affectionate look in his eyes. My sizing up of the man as I sat and talked with him was that he is really one who truly loves his fellow man. His face is much more prepossessing than his pictures would give the impression of. It is not that of a fiery over strained nature but of a calm, passive man deeply and thoughtfully in earnest … His eyes impressed me most of all. There was a liquid quality about them that indicates keen perception and profound sympathy. Calm, composed and one could see how particularly humble folk would have come to have profound love for the man. As I talked with him I could not but think of Joan of Arc…”
A modern actor who powerfully resembles Hitler in WWI, except AH’s eyes were dark-blue


  • Liedbedeutung: “Mein Herz schlägt weiter,

  • weil ich ständig spüre, dass du auch nach dem Tode

  • mir beistehst.”

…..Remembering “the feared dictator” LOL! Judge for yourself!


(sung by Céline Dion of Québec, Canada)

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we’re gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold you
In my life we’ll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You’re here, there’s nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

…..JUST A FUN VIDEO: GERMAN GIRLS after the staggering military victories of 1939-40

….. The Friend of the White Worker

My 2010 video, shot near Brackenridge, Pa. shows why Hitler was loved by the Germans: He brought 1) JOBS, 2) made the streets safe again, 3) stopped drugs and alcoholism, 3) promoted strong families without divorce, abuse, homo marriage or molesting, 4) he demanded good books, music and movies, and 4) he promoted genuine national pride based on success and hard work.

(This video — repeatedly hacked by Jews — deals with the worries real working-class people have about economic and psychological survival TODAY.)

John de Nugent — The Friend of the White Worker

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