ENGLISH WHAT “WHITE NATIONALISM”? We need a John Kennedy for our times but wiser still and even more Jew-wise

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updated for Tuesday, June 11. 2013

A comrade wrote me to avoid praising the Kennedys, as per my blog below, because the Kennedys were for “civil rights.”

I replied:

Thanks for the friendly warning,  but I see that you and I have both persevered in our pro-Kennedy writings. The truth is as important to me as it is to you.

The Kennedys needed desperately to pose as liberals to get the presidency and set up their coup of abolishing the Federal Reserve, which is the source of untold trillions in Jew profits. With the profits the Khazars have bought up the entire media and all the US politicians from top to bottom.

The only thing that matters is to destroy these obscene and gigantic Jewish profits and thus destroy the Fed.

Secondarily, as people of Irish descent, I think they did feel some sincere and naive sympathy for blacks as fellow underdogs. But the real reason why the Kennedys supported “civil rights” was to masquerade as liberals so the Jew would not suspect that they were planning an anti-Jewish strike on the Fed.

This is also why they had a Jew, Pierre Salinger, as press secretary, to pretend to like the Jews. As my website has made clear, the Kennedys, especially the  father, had a long track record (https://johndenugent.com/john-de-nugent-for-sheriff-of-armstrong-county-pennsylvania/wikipedia-on-shapiro-and-numec) of despising the Jews and admiring Adolf Hitler.

As the motto of the Mossad goes: “By way of deception shalt thou wage war.”

I did in fact an entire blog on John Kennedy [below], because I spit on so-called WNs who really are NOT.

“Alienating WNSs”, my friend?  There are no white nationalists to alienate, just n–r-haters, jew-haters and hispanic-haters. White nationalism does not exist, because it is not about a white nation. It is about reading online about minorities. They read like a black on crack about the Jews all day long. 😉

When someone tries to actually run for president, or sheriff, or anything, as David Duke found out in 2010 when he went to the National Press Club to announce for president and no one showed up (as several reliable people have relayed to me), the pretend-WNs do zilch.

In fact, they do less than zilch. They tear down anyone who tries to do anything besides churn out yet more jew info.

The Cause is also at least 20% 1) infiltrators under COINTELPRO and 2) jail-turned individuals who get out of or stay out of prison by defaming potential leaders such as myself, and by breaking up all groups with real promise — under the firm guidance of a menacing FBI.

I am heading in a radically new direction, because whites are heading for total genocide, and neither facts nor logic work on them. And most whites today act even lower than ghetto blacks. And here is why I say that: If you call any black man a n–r, unless he is in a wheelchair he will up and sock you in the mouth, whether he is 16 or 66.

If on the other hand you call a white man a cracker, he will just look around sheepishly. (Not I, however, as a black kid found out in the Blue Line subway platform at the Government Center station in Boston who stepped in my path and called me a cracker right out of the blue. It is a bad idea to try to bully  a Marine and an Irishman at the same time.)

Speaking of which theme, enjoy this video. This guy is both a Marine and, yes, a Jew and a jeweler, and on all counts he ain’t taking no crap. Any fake WN out there who says “John, why are you praising a Jew?,” I am praising anyone of any background who fights back and defends himself like a man. Most of you pathetic, ball-less wonders reading this blog do not even own a gun or actually carry it. What will you do when the moment of truth arrives?

So yes, whites today, through physical and moral cowardice, are far lower than the worst ghetto blacks. We are in fact light years away, with the current approach, from a “white nation,” and the obsessive reading about the Jooze is not making us more Aryan, more noble or even getting us to simply make more babies!

Blue eyed rosy cheeksbaby flash

Btw, I spoke last night to a former Coast Guard man who returned from South Africa and he told me in no uncertain terms that blacks told him to his American face and in the presence of his Boer friends — while shoving older Boers around literally inside the store — that “the day after Mandela dies we will rise up and slit all your throats.” I had heard Afrikaners tell me this but this is new info that black Africans directly told him in person, in stores, at a gas station and in a shop.


So keep READING about the minorities and imagine that is building a white nation.

Read-read, read-read, read-read-read. 😉



=========young people today

An Eastern European comrade wrote me:

When you were interviewing local Apollo, Pa. people  about NUMEC , the older people knew what’s going on and the younger people had no idea.  The younger generation knows nothing today. 🙂

I replied:

Yes, and having a cell phone next to their growing and developing young brains for hours every day has been a neurological disaster. Many young people have no landline phone at all, just a cellphone and now not even a computer.

Texting Teen

So now they even look at their websites on their cellphone.

But the real issue is their bad karma. All these things affect them far more than they do you or me. The reason is their bad karma. Most whites are doomed and it is their own willful blindness and animal selfishness that makes them the cowardly, narcissistic  jellyfish that they are.

“White genocide”? I am in favor of it for 80% of them. They are a disgrace to the very word “human.”  And it is not that the poor dears are “misled.” They WANT to be misled. They are happy being misled. They embrace the comforting lie, the delusion and the illusion, and reject all truths that might affect the worship of their gods: safety, money, electronic gadgets, alcohol, car and sex.

Even the ancient Romans had a phrase for this: Mundus decipi vult — “the world wants to be deceived.”

Yes, there is anti-white brainwashing, and there are chemtrails, cellphones, HAARP, fluoride and Prozac in our water, and female hormones in our food.

But they affect some people a LOT more than others; they affect the doomed.


==============”Ave Maria”  by Schubert

André Rieu conducts as a gorgeous blonde sings—- Mirusia Louwerse, of  Dutch parents, was born, raised, and is residing in Australia.



–The movie “Thirteen Days” (BELOW) reveals the incredible leadership of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Can this level of leadership be attained for OUR Cause, and will a Kennedy for our times even be supported?


–The most important event of the 21st century for the white race will take place in the South Pole. More than surprised? No doubt. See the next blog coming up!

Astronaut Gordon Cooper (well-known to us Americans over 50) reports here on UFOs he saw while a fighter pilot in the US Air Force over Germany and later in space with NASA in the 1960s

–Without an Aryan religion, I have seen after 35 years in this non-advancing Cause, we seem doomed to craven surrender. Right now, I am already the ONLY person running for office of whom I am aware in the whole US of A! The religions of Judaism and Islam made the Jews and Arabs militant; it made them into the powers they have become. We whites, however, are now a race of functional atheists: We do not fear God; we fear the Jews. We obey them. And we keep our mouths shut. And now chemtrails are making us even more into zombies, and their sinister effect is far, FAR worse than we thought: http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2012/04/purpose-of-chemtrails.html

–Obama did not get his new federal anti-gun laws passed this time, despite his Aurora cinema shooting, Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing mega-frauds, but with each election more Hispanics pour in, they get citizenship, and they vote Democrat. I predict that within four years the Democrats in Washington WILL end up with the votes needed to pass British-style gun confiscation. It is just simple arithmetic.

Of course, only the law-abiding whites will turn their guns in, not millions of blacks, Mexicans and muslims. In South Africa, where whites are just 8% now, they still turned their guns in, even knowing about the genocide of thousands of white farmers and seeing the black crime in the cities. So Kai Murros is wrong: whites will NOT AUTOMATICALLY RISE UP when things get “real” bad. They already ARE unbelievably bad in South Africa, and still whites turned their guns in. https://johndenugent.com/solutreanism/race/white-south-african-tragedy

–And this is why my political struggle is so urgent, and also why I am thinking “outside the box.”

Get ready for a radical new way of thinking in the upcoming blogs.



========”THIRTEEN DAYS” and the great leader John Kennedy

“Thirteen Days” — the movie I will show below — is an extremely accurate, and mostly very exciting re-enactment of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, when the world was nearly destroyed in a Soviet-US nuclear confrontation over Russian missiles being set up in Cuba to launch at the US.


This Russian step directly violated the US “Monroe Doctrine” that over 200 years ago warned that no European power was to erect any new colonies in the Americas (as Cuba became for the Soviets) in the New World or threaten the USA from that colony.

McGeorge Bundy tells the President and O’Donnell (played by Kevin Costner as JFK’s top advisor, Kenneth O’Donnell) that the Soviets are setting up ICBMs in Cuba that, when ready, can strike the United Sates in five minutes.


The 2000  movie is based closely on the memoirs of those involved at that time and actual recordings inside the Oval Office itself, and the book . When you hear these men talk, you are listening to actual history! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteen_Days_%28film%29

Canadian actor Stuart Bruce Greenwood, son of a Princeton geophysicist, plays a John Kennedy who is masculine, on the ball and keeps a cool head despite the anguish of facing nuclear war.


Actor Christopher Lawford, as Commander William Ecker, is the real nephew of President and Robert Kennedy.

 Costner as O’Donnell, in a lighter moment, debates a party invitee list with Jackie Kennedy, who hates politicians. 😉


Jackie (played by Stephanie Romanova, a Russian actress) and John Kennedy attend Mass during the crisis.


And this superb film (2 hours 19 minutes) shows the greatness of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, our only president of pure Irish ancestry (he was actually both of Norman [Fitzgerald] and Irish [Kennedy] descent, like yours truly).


In fact, until 1963, my late, great father James Nugent was occasionally mistaken for Kennedy, albeit only in dark restaurants. 😉   My dad had that gift of the gab too, having of course kissed the Blarney Stone on a trip to Ireland. Here he was with some other politician; I forget his name…. 😉


My father was called up as a Marine Corps Reserve captain when the Cuban Missile Crisis reached its peak. Here, Marines embark on a helicopter on a helicopter carrier.


(I served briefly on the USS Inchon helicopter carrier in 1979.)


In my view, overall, and I now have lived myself under eleven presidents — Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama (that is, if you count Obama as one,an illegal alien ;-)),  JFK was by far our greatest president ever, the most intelligent, dynamic, charismatic, handsome, fearless (and a real war hero, unlike every president since the early 1800s) and a forward-thinking, profound man.


Despite his womanizing (which was a serious private flaw he certainly had, and this girl below, who became his willing mistress for years, implied he sort of overwhelmed her the first time) hundreds of millions worldwide loved him as she did, and she wept bitterly when he was murdered.


Why?  Because he was truly great as a man, as a speaker, as an inspirer, as the leader of an America that then still was a very great nation itself, and that was 90% white, a land of real men and real women, families without divorce and drugs, and a land of vision and hope.

I loved it when he announced that America would go to the moon, saying: “We s choose to do these things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” (Of course, he said in his Irish-Boston accent: “haaad.” 😉

As the great Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle wrote in 1846 with Keltic eloquence in his masterpiece Heroes and Hero Worship (which was Adolf Hitler’s favorite book, and this is a scan of my actual copy of the 1846 edition):


We cannot look, however imperfectly, upon a great man, without gaining something by him. He is the living light-fountain, which it is good and pleasant to be near. The light which enlightens, which has enlightened the darkness of the world; and this not as a kindled lamp only, but rather as a natural luminary shining by the gift of Heaven; a flowing light-fountain, as I say, of native original insight, of manhood and heroic nobleness;—in whose radiance all souls feel that it is well with them.

[…] In all times and places, the Hero has been worshipped. It will ever be so. We all love great men; love, venerate and bow down submissive before great men: nay can we honestly bow down to anything else? Ah, does not every true man feel that he is himself made higher by doing reverence to what is really above him? No nobler or more blessed  feeling dwells in man’s heart.

Before I give you the video on YouTube, this is in incisive comment I found underneath it.

Sum of the best presidential speeches ever came from JFK, well at least among the English-speaking leaders. Every time I hear his speeches, they sound like they weren’t just spoken but meant, and they resonated like someone actually trying to convey something to us from deep within his conscious — not just blurting out crap that needs to be said for a politician to gain or keep power.

Kennedy was the only true leader and peaceful American president for me in our lifetime. Nobody cares to talk about the reasons for his violent death or his achievements.

And now, the wonderful movie “Thirteen Days” about how John Kennedy defeated the communists AND his military-industrial complex, and saved the world from thermonuclear war by trusting his own judgment. I think you will be pretty choked up at the end. And you might just draw a lesson from it for today when another Irish-American asks for your support…. 😉


Kennedy was a Congressman in 1947-1953, and then served in the U.S. Senate 1953-1960, during which he won the Pulitzer Prize for his book Profiles in Courage, which inter alia lauded the antizionist US senator Robert Taft for opposing the Nuremberg “War Crimes” trials.

Profiles in Courage-jfk

It also notably praised a U.S. senator who courageously opposed punishing the South after the Civil War, and had voted against impeaching President Andrew Johnson, a Southerner from Tennessee, over Johnson’s noble desire (which had also been Abraham Lincoln’s) not to further humiliate the brave South after its defeat in a long and terrible war.

Kennedy’s enemies surely read with great suspicion both those politically incorrect chapters of the rising senator’s nationwide bestseller.

At the time John Kennedy visited a devastated postwar Germany, he was a recently discharged, former US Navy lieutenant, and recipient of the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for heroism in saving his crew when his PT boat had been cut in half by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri in 1943.

But talk about your Kennedy Irish charm — the Amagiri’s Japanese commander eagerly attended John Kennedy’s inauguration as president in 1961. Kennedy had a powerful magnetism that crossed all lines of race, religion and nationality, and that made him potentially dangerous to the NWO, were he to suddenly strike out against it with his huge national and international following, his presidential powers, his vast family wealth, and his Irish pugnacity as well as easy, self-deprecating charm.

JFK’s accompaniment as a lowly former lieutenant through Germany in 1945 was a most august Navy personage — the famous admiral James Forrestal, also pure Irish, who would soon become the first Secretary of Defense. Forrestal was also a closet antizionist, like John F. Kennedy and his father, the patriarch, Joseph Kennedy Senior, and, we are told, “committed suicide” while “depressed” on May 22, 1949 at Bethesda Naval Hospital, falling out a window to his death.

When the Kennedy clan antizionists were killed or maimed later on, the press misleadingly labeled it the “Kennedy curse”:

John Kennedy was killed on another “22”, on 11/22/63, his brother, US Senator Ted Kennedy, was nearly killed in a small plane crash in 1964 –suffering severe back injury, a punctured lung, broken ribs and internal bleeding — and US Senator Robert Kennedy and former U.S. Attorney General was killed on June 6, 1968 (which, for those who follow the seeming NWO penchant for numerology and Kabbala, was a 666 date, not unlike the D-Day invasion of Normandy by Eisenhower, 6/6 at 6 a.m.)


Joseph Kennedy, Junior, the oldest Kennedy brother, had already been dispatched, on August 12, 1944, when his experimental bomber “blew up in midair.” Interestingly, an Army Air Force unit flying directly behind Kennedy’s bomber when it exploded was under the command of the son of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (an enemy of the Kennedys), then Colonel Elliott Roosevelt.

More recently, John Kennedy, Junior, co-owner of a political magazine called George (as in G. Washington) and previously a prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney, with a 6-0 conviction record from 1989-1993, fell from the sky in a small-plane crash in 1999.

Robert Kennedy, Junior had better watch his step after his years of crusading against vaccines, which he blamed, in an interview with Joe Scarborough on MSNBC, for the tragic nationwide epidemic of autism, which now affects one in fifty children.


The “Kennedy curse” has been to be opposed to the zionist enslavement of our country and unlike others to have the money, charisma and Irish good looks to reach out to America — and inspire a crusade to do something about the zionist curse that is still resting on us all, and on all our children.

See https://johndenugent.com/john-de-nugent-for-sheriff-of-armstrong-county-pennsylvania/wikipedia-on-shapiro-and-numec for why the Jews murdered John Kennedy, and it has to do directly with MY TOWN of Apollo, Pennsylvania!!!!

Imagine if I can channel that rage over the Israeli-caused cancer epidemic here into winning this sheriff race!

If they say “Why are you against the Jews” I can answer “Because, my friend, they built NUMEC here in Armstrong County, and they are giving you and your loved ones all over this county CANCER.”





I thank a Canadian comrade who sent $10 using the Authorized.net online credit card system top-right or left of this blog.

Another donor sent me generously $100 by check today and a good letter. (I whited out certain details.)


This was the first page of the letter, which I transcribed below.


Dear John de Nugent,

I am not from Apollo, Pennsylvania. [But] I am glad that someone who is openly pro-white such as yourself is running for a local office like Sheriff of Armstrong Cty., PA.


I am from New York and of northern Italian and Irish descent. No matter what ethnicity we happen to be, we’re all of white heritage.

You want to talk about multiculturalism? You have that in the white race. You have Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans. You have Germans, Irish, Italians, and northern Russians, Swedes, Danes, French, Norwegians… The list goes on.

What our gov’t wants is multiracialism, not the same thing. They encourage an invasion from the Third World and the Middle East. THAT’s what these corporate wars have all been about from the Spanish-American  War to the present War on Terror.

We invade Third World countries and their inhabitants come here! I can’t think of a better way to pollute a people’s gene pool.

Good luck!


My email is XX@hotmail.com

PS I am enclosing a check for $100 for your campaign.


Send your donations to

John de Nugent

681 Canal Road,

Apollo, PA 15613




And when I ask for your support, it is not “just” about becoming sheriff, the supreme law enforcement officer of this county.


This will give me armed, paramilitary POWER to resist tyranny, gun confiscation and the round-up of patriots across America.

It is about enabling by your donation, and I need many more of them than I have heretofore received, the rise of a white leader to shepherd our race through the terrifying times ahead.

According to former Marine Corps officer Gordon Duff of Veterans Today, and also according to the investigative journalist Jim Stone, the Israelis already dropped a mini-nuke on Syria in the the beginning of May of this year. We are heading toward a nuclear Armageddon once again, as in Kennedy’s days. https://johndenugent.com/english/english-jdn-interview-with-leitheft-3-5-years-prison-for-a-law-abiding-texan-driving-through-new-jersey-toward-maine-with-guns


We need a white leader who will stand up to the war-mongering Jews and say that they have no right to destroy our planet or the future of our children.

And so I ask you urgently for your support, as the two gentlemen listed above have done today.

Go to the button, top left or right, that looks like this, and take action!

Stained glass in Grand Central Station
100 year anniversary of Grand Central Terminal
Hi!  Read today’s excellent blog.
Upon reflection, especially after you point out a number of Kennedy’s qualities, and given I have also studied him a bit, and have also read you for probably well over a year, I would say unreservedly that you are a man of the same caliber.  That is to say you are a highly educated man who served with diligence in the military, and continue to contribute to others’ lives as a matter of course.
You have continually ignored your personal interest during your decades of work in the public interest.  You have documented and exposed the ring of murderers who have occupied the US Government and culture for over 100 years.  You continue to defy them to use the government and other means to silence you.  Now you are running for Sheriff, which is to directly defend the county you live in against the criminal usurpers in DC.
Those are the reasons I send you a monthly contribution.  I hope the people of Armstrong County scrutinize your record, your writings and your commentary.  These clearly show you are on the right side, that of the American people, and that you understand our predicament and what to do about it.
Arbeit macht frei, 🙂
I answered:
Many thanks for that encouraging feedback!
What reincarnation means is we ALL come from the other side, as do angels, messiahs, avatars, prophets, wise men, earth mothers who gather herbs and know the mysteries of life, and the gods.We all are spirits on a human journey. So race and nationality, gender and other traits are only of relative importance. We have had millions of lives, starting as amoebae! But do we rise from them to become Aryan?

 Here is the true Aryan spirit of John Kennedy:
In September 1962, by which time two Project Mercury astronauts had orbited the Earth, …. Kennedy visited Rice University to reiterate his challenge in a famous speech that America should go to the moon:
“But why, some say, the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? …
We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.”

This spirit of excellence and this quest for challenge are innately Aryan. This is what the ancient Greeks meant when they demanded: “aristeuein, hypereikhon einai allón.” (“to excel, to be better than the rest.”)

And this is also why we need a new Aryan religion of heroes. The Greek word “hero” means both a human who has some divine genes as well as human genes, and who preserves his people. (The Greek word root “her-” as in “hero” comes from the parent language of  Indo-European, which I studied for two semesters at Georgetown, getting two A’s, and the original form was actually “ser-“. (The Greeks turned the “s” into “h”). Examples in modern Englsh are  “pre-ser-ve” or “con-ser-ve”).

A hero battles to preserve his people.


We need a religion of heroism, to be called ARISTEYA (prounounced “ah-ree-stay-uh”) , which in Ancient Greek means a hero performing a famous and devastating attack. (“Aristos” in Greek means “THE BEST,” and is also related to the word “Aryan.”)

Watch here how the blond Achilles at around 2:32-36 goes into a sudden whirlwind of lethal fury. This is an “aristeya”:

Achilles, son of the water goddess Thetis and descendant through his father, King Peleus, of Zeus himself, and whose name means “brings grief to the enemy,” performs another aristeya at 0:49

Here is another aristeya, when the hero fells the ugly, boastful, primitive, gigantic Boagrius, who seems to crave the crowd’s applause to fight:

ARISTEYA is the religion of heroes, and I will speak on it soon.



  1. Lieber Herr de Nugent,
    sicher war John F Kennedy in seinen Reden und im Handeln wegweisender als so manche andere US-Präsidenten. Kann aber eine einzige Führerfigur heute einen so großen Komplex wie die USA erlösen? Sicher sind positive Führerfiguren wichtig für die Prägung heranwachsender Generationen und zusammen können sie auch so etwas Großes wie die USA wieder auf einen geläuterten Kurs bringen. Doch ich finde, wir müssen auch überlegen, inwieweit die schlimmen Zustände im “Vorreiter-System der Freiheit” heute auch struktureller Natur sind. Diese Macht der Korporationen, Großbanken, Militärs und Polizeistaatsapparate ist doch auch deswegen so groß geworden, weil das politische Gebilde “USA” einfach zu groß ist und zu viel gleichschaltet. Da steckt nicht nur eine britisch-jüdische Verschwörung dahinter. Auch unter deutscher Flagge wären diese undemokratischen, verfassungsaushebelnden Machtkonzentrationen gekommen, wenn alle 52 Staaten derart gleichgeschaltet worden wären. Erst wenn jeder einzelne Staat so viel Unabhängigkeit bekommt, seine eigene Armee, Währung, Wirtschaft und Kultur zu bestimmen oder zumindest in einem Rahmen der Gemeinsamkeit eigenständig auszugestalten und Importprodukte großer Dumpingpreis-Konzerne aus dem Territorium zu verbannen, erst dann, wenn sich Volk und Volksrepräsentanten wieder kennen und austauschen, können die USA entkorrumpiert werden.
    Herzliche Grüße von Christoph

    • Lieber Herr Messner,

      Danke für den Kommentar.

      Alles schön und gut, aber da bleiben wir dann doch wieder mal an der Oberfläche.

      Es geht darum, dass Psychopathen jetzt überall an der Macht sind, jüdische wie weiße, schwarze wie hispanische, ostasiatische Psychopathen und indische.


      Und woher kommen solche Wesen, solche sadistische Tiermenschen, die man zu deutsch treffenderweise als MENSCHENTEUFEL bezeichnet?

      In Michael Winklers Buch “Die spirituelle Welt” wird das genau erklärt. Es gibt quasi höllenartige Welten, wo verbrecherische Seelen karmagemäß nach dem Ableben hinuntergeschickt werden. Dort können sie nur gegeneinander wüten, da solche Welten nur aus Ihresgleichen bestehen. Im Klartext: ES GIBT GANZE GAUNERWELTEN.

      Also kommen diese elenden Kreaturen liebend gerne da heraus 😉 und eben wieder mal auf die Erde, wo sie milliardenfach auf naive, vertrauensselige Menschen stoßen, Schafmenschen, Kuhmenschen und Hundemenschen, Wesen, die sie nicht durchschauen, junge Seelen, die sie eben sind, und diese Naivlinge rupfen sie aus und quälen sie nach Lust und Laune, oder wie bei den Juden, sie beuten sie ganz programmmäßig aus!

      Die Erde ist jetzt voll von diesen Menschenteufeln, die allesamt aus niederen Welten herkommen. Diese niederen Welten sind quasi ausgekippt worden und deren Inhalt an grausamen Seelen flutet jetzt durch alle Länder.

      Wenn ich diese Leute so sehe…..


      oder die Antifas, die auf ihr eigenes vermutliches Vaterland spucken, dann kann man zu ihnen nur noch MENSCHENTEUFEL sagen.


      Und deswegen muss eine neue arische Religion her. Das Problem ist längst nicht mehr nur politisch; es ist dämonisch.

      Und die Lösung ist heroisch. Die Lösung ist das Ausmerzen der menschlichen Dämonen aller Rassen und Völker durch die Heroen, die ein geistiges Auge habe, nicht nur Bizeps, und welche Menschenteufel erkennen, um sie hinzurichten.

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