ENGLISH White liberals liberated from self hate are often excellent white nationists

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I thank all visitors to this blog, which  now has four times more viewers than just two months ago!

And especially I thank one farmer, who said the flag should have some GREEN in it and so here it is, the main Solutrean flag:

It is green for mother earth, and yin, and plants, food, farmers, health and nature;

blue for clear, unpolluted skies and water, the oceans our ancestors have crossed with intrepid bravery, and for blue eyes and integrity;

white for our fair skin and our Ice Age snow that made us who we are, a northern race;

red for all the blood shed by our ancestors for our survival and for the blood of our dear children, and for the energy of yang, Mars and all unavoidable conflicts;

yellow for golden hair (genes which we all bear, whether recessive or dominant, and which make us blondish as children) and for the sun, the symbol of the sky god just as green means the earth goddess and blue the god of the sea….who must be furious at us now for the BP mega-oil spill.

Red and yellow together are fierce colors that also pay tribute to the service that guards the national leader. Who is now that leader of our nation? It is not the communist illegal alien and failure called Obama.

A Marine Corps boxer next to a yellow-and-red Marine flag. Marines guard the president, and have a three-month bootcamp that emphasizes obedience. They MUST obey first and foremost their oath, the first sentence of which reads since 1789:

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

As for the other flags, they can be used as well.

This will be the battle flag:

….and this the security service:

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I thank 1) my financial donors to the Solutrean cause, who dig deeply into their wallets and make painful sacrifices to keep me writing this blog and finishing my epochal book.

John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055 USA tel: 724-353-0154

2) and I thank also all who send me excellent emails bursting with important information that fuels this very blog you are reading now!

One comrade sent me this today:


There was a man”……

Below you can read about a recent example of white street courage, the kind of thing Rockwell would dare to do in the 1960s, he and a handful of white activists confronting hordes of screaming juze.

Once, as my late friend Spiro Lagoulis told me (himself a former storm trooper with Rocky), Rockwell announced that he would go to Boston to picket the première of the pro-Israeli hate film “Exodus.”

Ominously for him, almost none of the other storm troopers could make it at the announced time….. so Rocky went almost ALONE — just so the juze would not be able to gloat that they had intimidated him, and he made his way through fifty howling juze (and many Boston cops) to picket the theater SINGLE-HANDEDLY!

Spiro told me that he had never seen such psychotic spitting, cursing and hate-bulging eyes in his life! Like demons, he said.

Here is what this comrade sent me (source unknown) about a recent act of bravado in downtown Seattle, Washington, bastion of white liberalism and Third World immigration…..

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If anybody can tape the news tonight, I’m pretty sure S, R and I will be on it.

We’ve been so busy that we didn’t even know a mass march of Mexicans was planned today until a half hour into it, when we decided to rush our signs bearing the faces of Americans murdered by illegals to the Seattle center and remind the public of the human cost of the federal government’s nightmare policy of an undefended southern border.

As soon as we arrived, police moved us across the street from the marchers’ entrance to the stadium, where we stood and shrugged off with smiles and laughter (the psychological value of which can not be exaggerated) the most vicious abuse from creatures of such repulsive behavior, mannerisms and speech that even I was shocked and disgusted anew. The Marxist and Jewish Trotskyite ringleaders were infuriated by our presence and our nonchalant demeanor after a couple of hours of standing our ground. It was around then that we should have confidently folded things up, stood cooly chatting among ourselves for a while and departed. We owned the scene. But just as media asked us for interviews the Marxists were emboldened by a new wave of neck-tattooed Mexican thugs who bounced right through police-demarked lines to envelop us. We stood silently for the next two hours as these cretins shouted at us from mere feet away, one woman being particularly shrill.

It was an unusual scene when, after conferring with the others, I broke our silence to calmly tell her that if she truly wanted me to address her points as she claimed, she’d have to ask that her comrades not interrupt. We had been so silent for so long that they all seemed taken aback when I suddenly spoke. She obliged, and the crowd of hundreds stood remarkably quietly (as quietly as a crowd of hundreds of Mexicans can, which means we could actually hear each other) as I deconstructed, bit by bit, the slew of outrageous arguments that had theretofore emboldened them. It was clear that
these US-born, literate ringleaders had never heard these arguments (that all whites are “squatters” on “Native” land, etc. etc. etc.) addressed before. The most vocal among them just shut up after hours of squawking.

They couldn’t answer me, and it really discouraged them. [JdN: Having a great amount of Amerindian blood, mestizos score very low on IQ tests…..]

I’ve never seen anything like it. Unfortunately, the head policeman then announced that they were leaving and that we were on our own. I had never asked for their help, but this was an incredible decision on his part. Other police were visibly baffled and worried. When they suddenly ceased to divide us, the Mexicans surged forward, and I looked straight in the eyes of the main tattooed belligerent and invited them all to do what they are known for. I admit that I lost my cool, but the Marxists and Mexicans were pretty shocked that their terrorism wasn’t working on a physically unimpressive, neatly-dressed gringo as myself. Their confidence drastically waned after I darted throughout the huge crowd, fueled by a suicidally stupid frustration, inviting the most brutal of these thugs and self-mutilated, bedreadlocked Trotskyites to make good on the threats they’d been shouting for the previous four hours as they assured us that the police were all that were stopping them and emboldening us.

My admittedly reckless outburst worked. We could now leave without looking like we had been scared away.

I cannot stress that small victory enough. The police pleaded with us to leave, and after a few minutes of doing our best to appear totally unfazed by the crowd, we began to retreat slowly, moving backward down a fortunately narrow path, with our signs held high and a giant, insincere grin on my face.

We definitely “won” by the standards of the leftist rabble. But to be honest, it was not at all worth it, especially in light of our declining to be interviewed by KOMO 4 and KING 5, an unfortunate blunder. Only after my later debate with the intellectual Latina did I realize I could’ve held my own on camera without making too big an ass of myself. If I had prepared a short statement, it would have been a piece of cake, but this whole thing was a spur of the moment, “somebody’s got to take a stand” kind of deal. Caffeine definitely played a role in the decision to go down there.

In reality, we easily could have been killed or maimed, and 90% of the people who saw our signs were illegals anyway. There is another, far smarter, infinitely more efficient way to deal with this, and there is no denying that despite the demographic trends, we remain the majority, and could easily assert ourselves as a dominant force in honest politics, the kind that dispenses with fuzzy BS and addresses real problems, feelings be damned. It is time for us to stop obliging the sophisticated demoralization campaign that has decapitated and decentralized the cause of European existence and survival, the effort that has us all concentrating on personal trivia and behaving as though it’s suddenly every man for himself.

They cannot debate with us. We can still do this.

UPDATE!: we just moments ago saw ourselves and our signs on ABC affiliate KOMO 4, who could not have been kinder to us in describing what were were about.

Turns out it was worth it!


I once wrote about a white liberal woman on my blog who worked as an anti-poverty activist in a black country, got raped by one of her own negro beneficiaries whom she knew and trusted, and then — in a coping (and liberalism-defending) mechanism — wrote on her blog that oppression by white males had caused the trusted black to rape her!


To my surprise, this same woman (almost certainly after reading my blog; for how else would a liberal know about me except googling her own name and finding my blog mentioning her?) asked today to be my friend on YouTube! And she subscribed to my videos!

Maybe she is having second thoughts about blaming whites when blax rape, and just maybe she had read a good chunk of my blog too…… In any case, I salute her courage. I welcome all kind-hearted liberals who see that their own race is now the oppressed party that needs support! Any TRUE liberal will feel compassion now for suffering, raped, murdered, humiliated and denigrated whites!

I had also written in my blog about a negro in Chicago who had attacked a petite, sweet white Irish woman immigrant with a baseball bat (shortly after the juish hate film “Inglorious Basterds” with Eli Roth came out.

I was talking with Joe Fields last night, who is back here now in Pennsylvania and working in the area to feed his family. He pointed out to me the high racial caliber of many white liberals he knew in California.

I said:

* * *

I have seen this too, some really great-looking white men and women liberals……

…..and thought about it. But once I understood via a former white liberal militant in the 1960s named Stan and also George Kadar about the whole Solutrean-Kennewick Man issue with the Ice Age whites genocided by Asians in North America, I got it:

the whiter and more Nordic we are, the more altruistic we are. This is an Ice Age trait.

–the more blue-eyed we are the more NAIVE we are! This is why Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, German and Dutch languages all have the secondary meaning of “blue-eyed” as being “NAIVE,” that is, overly trusting.

And remember: ALL whites carry the blue-eyed gene even if our own eyes personally may be  brown — in our own “phenotype” — in our generation…..

Actress Dakota Fanning

What this means is that white liberals CAN be very noble-hearted and noble-gened people.

We need a specific outreach just for them. (This is also true of many Christian Zionists.)

We must understand that the yin energy of which they have unfortunately TOO MUCH is a vital part of the universe. Kindness, sharing, listening, compassion, fairness, equal opportunity, conserving and making (not destroying and taking) — these are vital universal energies.

I was appalled beyond words in 1984 when I moderated the National Alliance convention in Crystal City to see a 90% male crowd. I knew, and then told Dr. Pierce, that something was wrong or at least incomplete about a message that attracts 90% males.  I resigned from the Alliance (on good terms) later that year.

What is now Solutreanism is what I vowed to found back in 1984 — a holistic new concept of a tribe for men and women, and children, artists, grandparents, and sensitive people, not just the warlike males among us. (I do not count as such the warrior wannabees who pullulate on WN forums.;-))  We need a well-balanced tribe of whites, women and men, both the gentle and the rough.

John Kennedy — for all his personal faults –was the last real president of the United States, the last American head of state who was not a Zionist puppet, and a true Nordic altruist: noble-minded …..and naive…..

Look at those perfect Cro-Magnon/Solutrean/Aryan features: forehead straight up-and-down; strong but not excessive chin; sharp, straight, “4-shaped” nose (not a “6”-shape like semites), fair hair, and long face and head.

Kennedy in a video on the space program. At the beginning you see him with Wernher von Braun. Unlike the psychopathic germanophobe Eisenhower, John Kennedy promoted and supported von Braun to the hilt.

Kennedy and von Braun, May 19, 1963. His support of the “Nazi rocket scientist” was yet another of many reasons for the apiru to hate Kennedy, whose father was strongly antisemitic: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2009/01/03/irishmen-kennedys-and-englishmen/

Kennedy was murdered by the Israeli Mossad in collaboration with Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, the CIA, the Italian Mafia and anti-Castro Cubans, all of whom benefited greatly and directly from his demise. My friend Mike Piper has absolutely SOLVED the question who killed Kennedy.  The Israelis killed him because he was blocking their acquisition of nuclear weapons, and all the other parties involved  benefited from the hit and thus made sure that the investigation, like the 9/11 Commission, was a sham.

You can order this wonderful book here:  http://www.americanfreepress.net/Final_Judgment.pdf

(Say you support John de Nugent and would like Mike’s autograph.)

So, back to finishing my own book, Solutrea Arise.

John de Nugent, 213 Ekastown Road, Sarver PA 16055 USA tel: 724-353-0154


  1. I read Michael Piper’s FINAL JUDGEMENT a few years back, and found the book to be quite an eye-opener. Reg Orem had lent me the book (I’m sure he still has it) for me to read. The evidence Piper cites is so overwhelming it boggles the mind. When investigating incidents such as JFK’s assassination and the 9/11 attacks, it’s always best to ask oneself this very pertinent question: “Qui bono?” Translation: “Who benefits?” Now, that’s the best way to begin such investigations.

    JFK knew that Wernher von Braun was the key linchpin in his drive to surpass the Soviets in the space race and to eventually land astronauts on the moon (which was accomplished in 1969); so, this was the main reason he hired this former German rocket scientist to run NASA’s space program. Guess what? This was the best appointment JFK ever made during his short 2 1/2 years in office.

  2. As to `Who killed JFK´, to find out is comparatively easy; one must follow Arthur Conan Doyle´s axiom: `In order to solve a puzzle, one must discard all that which is impossible. Then, whatever remains, no matter HOW improbable, is the truth.”

    I did this a long time ago. I eliminated 1) the Mafia because why would they? and a) they did not nearly have enough clout to pull it off and b) they are known NOT to make waves but to `clean house´ only within their own families.

    2) CIA: a) Why? John Kennedy had never to my knowledge threatened the power of the CIA. There appeared to be no earthly reason for them to murder him.

    3) The Labor Unions = a) They have no way near the influence to pull it off. b)THEIR enemy was perceived to be Robert Kennedy, not John. c)John Kennedy was wildly popular with a huge majority of the `working people´.

    4) The Cubans. a) Get real b) Castro was dodging CIA Bullets as he was entering Havana. He was dodging CIA assasins ever since. c) He had NO powerbase in the USA; d) he had no powerbase ANYPLACE – well, within Cuba he did -, e) he did not have the means, f) he did not have the expertise; g)he was busy trying to re-built a shattered economy and bring some sort of order into a chaotic country.

    5) We can discount `The Nazis´(just a little joke here) and

    6) the MI5 had no motive.

    OK, WHO did?

    The only powerful group left is the The Jews, that´s who. a)The Jews were faced with an honorable man who was about to pull the plug on the Federal Reserve; b) he was about to pull the plug on the planned Vietnam War — MOST war profiteers are Jews as stated by Rabbi Reichorn – top Jew of France 120 years ago (!); c) they have the power, the influence to buy the entire American government; they have a massive support network (the Sayanim) all over the world, they lack ALL scruples and the most benign Jew has murder in his heart and will commit murder if it serves the Jews.

    The Jews have infiltrated EVERY organization in the USA, from the government, to the judiciary, to the local police departments, to the medical profession, to academia, to business, to banking, to the art world – museums and the like, they control every newpaper of note, radio and TV stations of note and even those not so important.

    They control absolutely all opinion-making positions, all movies and all news-productions; hence the massive amount of movies about this murder ALL of which accused everyone imaginable and carefully, skillfully avoided mentioning the word `Jew´.

    The icing on the cake was that John Kennedy was an admirer of Hitler´s policies and a real friend of the German people; THAT did it in the final analysis.

    Don´t bother to buy any books `explaining´ it; just think about what I have written. http://www.germancross.com Gerry Frederics

    • If we keep our heads we’ll have something to put our Solutrean hats on. 😉

      We will think ahead, in centuries, just like our apiru foe.

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