ENGLISH Mike Ruppert to cops on true warrior honor; WN Biography of John de Nugent (updated)

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About Mike Ruppert, who seems like a really sincere, intelligent, valuable activist (of very German name, appearance, and integrity) HERE IS SOME GOOD INFO: http://www.fromthewilderness.com/about.shtml (The Wiki article “on” — actually AGAINST — Ruppert is full of slanted, hostile and negative innuendoes.)

==================================WELCOME TO MY MIRROR SITES

Interesting times: 1) my main website (johndenugent.COM) hacked for three days now…. 2) PayPal blocks all further donations to me, confiscating $228; 3) a new wave of character defamations…..(I am now a “mentally ill con man”…..)

Someone who understands THE POWER OF RELIGION fears the video I am currently completing, the GOD VIDEO.

I realized back in 1984, when I resigned from Dr. William Pierce’s National Alliance, that only a religion can save us, a FANATIC, FEARLESS FAITH — FAITH IN OUR IMMORTAL SOUL,S, OUR GREAT DESTINY AND OUR INVINCIBLE ARYAN ABILITIES.

As I complete this specific video, the “God video,” the persecution spikes.

For all those who are new to my three mirror websites (of which the main one, democratic-republicans.us, is being hacked by Jews who hate free speech and truth), below is the WN-oriented biography of my life and white activism since the year 1978.
The Jews are hacking the whole (pro-white) server where democratic-republicans.us is hosted…. My two mirror sites, on other servers, are of course up, but most are unaware they exist despite the fact they are listed top-left, right underneath the banner, AND HAVE BEEN FOR YEARS. (EVEN WHEN I HIGHLIGHT THE EXISTENCE OF THESE MIRROR SITES, PEOPLE TAKE NO NOTICE.) …If the main site is down, my readers, who never contribute any donations anyways, despite incessant and urgent appeals, always give up looking…..They almost NEVER go to the mirror sites….Just one in six makes the exhausting effort 😉 ……..

I am always astonished by what creatures of sloth and habit people are….You should go to this website AUTOMATICALLY if the Jews hack the main website. That is why, at great effort, I and my webmasters have created these mirror sites, to defeat the Jew and his hacking teams.

I am fine, though desperately poor and hacking with a cough from mold in my motel room. But there is nothing that will motivate primitive racists to donate to a guy who does not blame EVERYTHING on the minorities, nor to a guy whom the Jews, by hacking his main site, and by INCESSANT CHARACTER DEFAMATION, and by freezing his PayPal account now for three weeks, obviously are showing they fear.


Scenes from filming of the all-important God video….
This filming occurred during weird and wonderful weather: we had a snow squall (seen as a foglike haze over New Kensington below, to your right behind me), then brilliant sunshine, all within seconds….
Screenshot from the iMovies video editing software. The Jews fear THIS video, so, logically, why not support the man they FEAR?
John de Nugent (b. Providence, Rhode Island July 14, 1954) is a white nationalist (or as he writes, a “Solutrean social nationist”) now headquartered in an exurb north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, and is an activist, leader, writer, radio personality, religious figure, and public speaker via radio, television and videos, and a former teacher and US Marine NCO.
“JdN” in western Pennsylvania in April 2011

Descended via both parents from Thomas Angell, one of the co-founders in 1636 of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (now called “State of Rhode Island”), de Nugent grew up in his ancestral Providence, Rhode Island area. His distant ancestors were Vikings who, after conquering Normandy (“Northman-land”) in northern France, went on to conquer England in 1066 and then settled in Ireland in the 1100s.

Coat of arms of Nogent-le-Rotrou in Normandy


At the Abby for Men (“L’Abbaye des Hommes”), built by William the Conqueror in Caen, Normandy


A relative, Count Laval Nugent, field marshal of Austria, who bore a striking physical resemblance to de Nugent.

The Norman-built Castle Nugent in Delvin, County Westmeath, Ireland


In the wake of his parents’ divorce when he was 15 in 1970, which gave custody to his mother Constance, he was induced to join the religious group “Jehovah’s Witnesses,” and from 1970-76 was a member, serving even at their world headquarters in Brooklyn Heights, New York, and meeting with both the president, Nathan Knorr, and the vice-president, Frederick Franz.

Thoroughly disillusioned with what he sensed was a sect that was in reality a mind-control psy-op — especially after the cult’s broken promise of the “end of the world of evil” in 1975, which it blamed on the JW membership! — de Nugent broke away from Jehovah’s Witnesses, his “spiritual home” for six years, at the age of 21 in 1976.

He was married to Gerda Atzl of Brandenberg, Austria from 1975-1990, having two daughters. (A second marriage, 2002-2005, to a French citizen was annulled on a technicality in 2006.)

His daughters Ingrid and Erika in 1989

Ingrid Irigoyen today, née Ingrid Atzl Nugent, holding a master’s degree from Duke University (now a mother, and married to a Basque)

Erika Atzl, a nurse and artist, who graduated from the University of Virginia

In 1976, de Nugent volunteered to join the United States Marine Corps Reserve, and after basic training at Parris Island, South Carolina he served in a Marine Reserve unit, the 35th Interrogator-Translator Team at the Washington Navy Yard (and later at the nearby Anacostia Naval Air Base), led by the Jewish captain Harvey Philip Gold. He received three meritorious promotions within approximately one year, but after his white nationist politics became known, he was nearly murdered by hate-crazed, “Nazi”-loathing Dutch Marines (as confirmed by an article by the Jewish captain), and de Nugent was transferred by Gold in the fall of 1979 to an all-black supply unit.

He then requested an inter-service transfer to an infantry unit of the Virginia Army National Guard, where he was named “Guardsperson of the Year” for 1980 by his commanding officer, Captain John Holt. He left the Active Reserves in 1981 and received an honorable discharge in 1983.

De Nugent maintains close ties of communication and comradeship with both many active-duty and former Marines and US Army and reserve soldiers.

With former USMC major William Bates Fox (MOS’s in both interrogation and logistics). Fox is also an honors Harvard Business School graduate, and a 6-foot-5 American of German and Norwegian ancestry and former Marine riflery instructor

In 1981 de Nugent graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.


He earned a 3.702 average, immatriculating with the designation magna cum laude (in Latin, ”with high honors”). He was also admitted to the national honor society known as Phi Beta Kappa. He had majored in German and minored in French.

“White nationism”

John de Nugent’s career in white nationism began in 1978. He was assigned as part of his major in German at Georgetown to read some passages from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf dealing with Hitler’s views of the Jewish question. Perceiving parallels to the situation in the United States of the 1970s, de Nugent visited the Arlington, Va. headquarters of the National Socialist White People’s Party, founded in 1967 by former US Navy commander George Lincoln Rockwell (another quasi-Rhode Islander) but headed after Rockwell’s 1967 assassination by Matt Koehl, a former Marine who now directs the Wisconsin-based “The New Order.”

Former US Navy Commander George Lincoln Rockwell; he was assassinated in 1967, part of a series of FBI-related assassinations in the Sixties (Malcolm X, John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King)

After some activism with the NSWPP, de Nugent met Dr. William L. Pierce in 1981, a former physicist and chairman of the National Alliance.

He wrote several articles on recruiting new members for the National Alliance, spoke at the 1983 NA convention in Chicago, moderated the 1984 NA convention, and built a rapidly growing “Washington-Baltimore Unit” of the NA. He left the NA on good terms in 1984, viewing it however as lacking both 1) a true religious base and 2) an adequate number of women members for a viable long-term movement.

In 1985 de Nugent worked with former West Point graduate and lawyer Gary Gallo of Maryland (now a practicing medical doctor) to raise funds for the legal defense of Bernhard Goetz, a white New York subway crime victim who shot several young blacks who had threatened him in the New York subway with a sharpened screwdriver.

In 1986 he worked with Hans Schmidt, a former member of the Waffen-SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” (and later a successful manufacturer and restaurateur in California) on a project for German and German-American heritage in Washington, D.C.

From 1987-1992 de Nugent was an independent contractor who promoted the use of revocable trusts by those who wished to leave a bequest to Liberty Lobby, a Capitol Hill-based “populist” organization founded and run by Willis Carto.

A 1970s photo of Carto, a descendant of one of Napoleon’s generals named Carteau

Around July 1989 de Nugent moved to Metairie, Louisiana to study the electoral victory of pro-white State Representative David Duke, staying in Louisiana until the late spring of 1990, and was in a relationship 1989-91 with one of Duke’s former lady friends.

David Duke in the 1990s

In June-August 1990, de Nugent, using the campaign name “Jack Nugent,” ran in the Republican primary for Congress in the Sixth District of Tennessee, south and east of Nashville, on a pro-white platform. He achieved 26.7 percent of the vote, albeit de Nugent suspects that massive elecronic vote fraud denied him an outright victory on primary day, August 10, 1990. He received extensive local publicity and references to his race were made by Time and the op-ed page of the New York Times. (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/2010/07/31/english-kitten-hitlers-stalk-america-tennessee-1990-miracle/)


WMZ-TV, Nashville, the then largest TV station in Tennessee, seen also in Alabama and Kentucky, broadcast stories constantly about the race. (See also his 11-part video analysis of that surprising, vote-fraud-sabotaged campaign: http://www.youtube.com/user/JohndeNugent?feature=mhum#p/u/41/zhrS9DjgDHI)

From 1992-2004 de Nugent wrote occasional articles on pro-white or anti-Zionist topics for various publications, including the magazine The Barnes Review. Three of the most noteworthy were on 1) Adolf Hitler’s “Madagascar Plan” to resettle European Jewry on that huge French colonial island (); 2) Kennewick Man; and 3) “The Great Patents Heist,” the Allied seizure of thousands of vital German patents after 1945.

On April 20, 2005 de Nugent returned from the south of France to Washington, D.C. to become a writer occasionally for the weekly newspaper American Free Press (http://www.americanfreepress.net)….



….and a principal writer for The Barnes Review magazine (http://www.barnesreview.org), of which he was the associate editor from 2005-06. (See many of his articles for that bimonthly periodical here: https://johndenugent.com/important-articles-and-threads)

De Nugent translated from the German, with help from Roy Armstrong-Godenau of Washington State and Hessen, Germany, a 55-page critical review by historian Udo Walendy, of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s harrowing and appalling 2002 book Two Hundred Years Together (a book by a best-selling Nobel Laureate that still is not yet translated into English!…..) about the genocidal relationship between Jews and the victimized Russians under Bolshevism and Stalinism.


De Nugent also translated many articles from German and French, including his work, together with translator-linguist Margaret, on the French-language memoirs of General Léon Degrelle of the Waffen-SS. (Degrelle Remembers)

In the summer of 2006 he spoke in Barcelona, Spain, in the Spanish language, on the topic of psychopaths in politics and the Jewish population. His audience was white nationist publisher Pedro Varela (now serving a 15-month prison sentence in that unfree country) and his many followers.

Book publisher Varela in 1989

In March 2007 de Nugent spoke, in German and in Germany, to gatherings of the prominent German activists Gunter Deckert and Manfred Roeder…..

De Nugent, left, and Roeder, center, with a Munich comrade.

…and met with Vincent Reynouard, the French revisionist then living in Belgian political exile (recently released from French prison)….

Reynouard leaving a court session in France

….and conferred with David Duke, who had become a prominent pro-white writer after his political career had ended. In April 2007, he spoke in East Lansing, Michigan to a gathering organized by young activist Evan Thomas.

JdN, translator-singer Margaret, Canadian civil rights leader Paul Fromm of Ontario, and Evan Thomas

In 2007 he began posting on a discussion “thread” called “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” on an originally libertarian forum called “LibertyForum.org.” The thread grew by April 2011 to 86,000 views. In early 2008 he began posting also actively on several other pro-white fora such as ThePhora.net, Stormfront.org and eNationalist Forum. His thread on Stormfront (also called “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths”) grew by April 2011 to 254,000 views.

In October 2007 de Nugent was a major speaker at the anti-Zionist conference “No More Wars for Israel” in Irvine, California, and helped secure new venues after several hotels refused to host it. (See his YouTube channel, http://www.youtube.com/johndenugent and this specific clip:


In February 2008 de Nugent moved to greater Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, an area he considered ideal for pursuing further pro-white activities. There he began preparing a possible re-entry into political life. He was joined there by other white activists, and through his writings and videos online began to become known worldwide in the pro-white community.

In August 2008 his thread “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths” (86,000 views) on Libertyforum,org disappeared when the entire forum was canceled.

In November 2008, de Nugent, his personal assistant and political asylum applicant, Henrik Holappa of Finland, and his fiancee Margaret, all spoke at David Duke’s beleaguered EURO conference in Memphis, Tennessee.

In March 2009, five minutes after Holappa gave him the first installment of a large donation from Scandinavia, Holappa (https://johndenugent.com/henrik-holappa/) was arrested by Homeland Security (using three squad cars) on a claim he had overstayed his visa.

Holappa, an outspoken foe of Muslim gang rape of Scandinavina women in his homeland, spent 87 days in solitary confinement before being expelled to Finland and placed on the no-fly list as a potential terrorist. Three days later, the owner of the largest WN forum, Stormfront, banned de Nugent after a fiery exchange over charges by SF moderators that de Nugent — twice married and with two kids — was a homosexual, an embezzler who would pocket funds for Holappa’s defense, and “delusional,”all of which de Nugent vociferously denied. (His thread there, also called “Apocalypse of the Psychopaths,” also had attained 86,000 views, and as sated above, stands currently at 254,000+ views: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t469441/)

In June 2009 de Nugent was interviewed by major media worldwide (Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and carried by BBC, CBC [Canada], etc.) in the wake of the James von Brunn incident at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, having had some telephone and e-mail contact with the alleged shooter.

In February 2010 de Nugent was featured in a Discovery Channel show entitled “Hitler’s Mummies,” ridiculing his belief that there was a genocide of prehistoric whites of the Stone Age Solutrean culture in Ice Age North America. (https://johndenugent.com/jdn/television-coverage/)

JdN and the British Jew and Discovery Channel host Olly Steeds

In April 2010 de Nugent began publishing his blog also in French in German. On the Yahoo and Bing (Microsoft) search engines, the name “John de Nugent” rose to nearly three million hits (now artificially reduced by all three search engines).

[See also https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/]

In August 2010 the lead scientist at the Smithsonian on the Solutrean-North American Ice Age controversy, Dennis Stanford, upon invitation by a leftist blogger, issued an attack on de Nugent’s ideas. De Nugent responded by saying Stanford was thus retracting his own stated views in the 2003 Discovery Channel/Channel Four [Britain] documentary “Ice Age Columbus” — and caving in to Jewish pressure: https://johndenugent.com/2010/09/02/english-dennis-stanford-wusses-out-on-own-solutrean-discovery/

In June 2010 volunteers from Alaska, California, Indiana and Canada joined de Nugent’s staff and he decided to rework his original book idea (because Americans are now so visually oriented and reluctant to read large amounts of text from any source) into a series of educational, spiritual and political videos, both in the fireside-chat style and in a “presidential address,” called “Solutrea Arise” (with supplementary text documents and videos by others).

To date, 13 of the 15 projected 2011 Solutrea, Arise videos have appeared, joining his earlier video work (2007-2010), all found here: https://johndenugent.com/videos-of-jdn-speaking (These videos may be Jew-hacked at the moment.)


Spiritual video 1 (INTRO)




For further information, see: https://johndenugent.com/jdn/wikipedia-biography-john-de-nugent/


Dear reader,

At this point I am sure you are aware that we are in our Fall Fundraising campaign. I just wanted to make sure you know that your support, at what ever level you can afford, is critical to our survival (yours as well as mine).

Your contribution today will be greatly appreciated.


The Solutrean Agency operates on a very tight budget, and if everyone reading the blog were to donate $10.00 per month, we could function comfortably.

(My new postal address!)

John de Nugent



[20 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, in western Pennsylvania]


–Cash in an envelope

–Blank money order (put in $ amount, not your name or to whom)

–MoneyGram (send from a Walmart or elsewhere)

(NO more PayPal — the Jews there have blocked the account.)

Support the man the Jews hack, defame, and seek to financially strangle. THAT IS THE MAN THEY FEAR.


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