Erdogan and ISIS agree on slaughtering Yazidis, Aryan pagans

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Facebook page on the very persecuted Yezidis, who speak an Aryan language and are pagans, not Muslims or Christians, and thus hated by almost everyone in the Middle East. ISIS grabs the women as sex slaves because many have blue eyes and white skin.

Children of the Sun's photo.
Children of the Sun
15 talking about this
John de Nugent
John de Nugent ISIS guys joke while a Yezidi girl screams in the background

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yezidi women are taken from their men to be sex slaves, and wail

Slavery of girls in schools and in the eyes of ¦

John de Nugent
John de Nugent ISIS is a totally Israeli creation:…/russia-insider-israel-and…/

In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to ¦

John de Nugent
John de Nugent White Yazidi children machine-gunned by ISIS


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Yazidi girl  Most look more Middle-Eastern, however, than she does.


John de Nugent
John de Nugent But who cares about a bunch of pagan Aryans? 🙁 I do.

John de Nugent
John de Nugent Young Yazidi women:

John de Nugent
John de Nugent They worship God in the form of a peacock,. Muslims call them Satan-worshippers. Does this peacock look like Satan?


John de Nugent
John de Nugent Crazy Erdogan of Turkey just bombed some of their units, killing twenty Yazidi soldiers who were FIGHTING ISIS.


  1. Hi there, Mr. de Nugent. Have you noticed how the only peoples left in Asia and North Africa with discernible Europoid racial traits tend to be found living in mountainous regions? The Kalash of Pakistan, the Atlas Berbers of Morocco, the Kabylie Berbers of Algeria, the Luristanis of Iran, the Nuristanis of Afghanistan, and the Yazidis of Iraq all live in mountains and many can have light hair and eyes. Could it be that the light features among many in the aforementioned tribes have been passed down from ancient Europoid peoples fleeing persecution to remote mountains? All the best!

    • Good observation.

      Mountaineers live in isolation and are hard to conquer, and thus it is hard to rape or abduct their womenfolk and thus change their genes.

      In fact, the state motto of our own mountainous state of West Virginia is, in Latin, Montani semper liberi, meaning “Mountain people are always free.”


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