Horrible new “synthetic marijuana” drug called “Spice” creates violent, mind-controlled, thieving junkies

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A comrade in Pennsylvania [CP] wrote me:
CP: John, you should do some research into a relatively new street drug which I believe could be government-created to dirty up our youth and control their minds through the drug’s ability to cause violent outbursts and complete lack of consequence or caring about one’s own self, the family, friends, possessions and relationships of all kinds.
spice-eyeballOther variant has “Sponge Bob” graphics (a cartoon series for kids http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpongeBob_SquarePants) to lure kids, and is called “potpourri”!
Always with the freemasonic eyeball….
John, it turns normal kids into brain-dead zombies who turn violent when they withdraw from the drug.
Its  users are predominantly white youths.
And it also causes numbers of health problems due to its ever-changing synthetic-chemical nature. It was supposed to be outlawed, but it’s more prevalent than ever.
I believe this to be a part of the Jewish conspiracy to weaken and dirty up our masses and eventually kill us. It’s supposed to be a form of synthetic pot [marijuana] but the effects are far more profound. Let me know if you see any plausibility to my theory. The drug is packaged with many names in attractive wrappers and packs to attract young people and it is referred to as spice, k2 and synthetic marijuana etc.
Please let me know what you think
I replied:

JdN: Spice, eh? And “K2” and “synthetic marijuana”…. I think I heard of them. Are you saying this stuff is rapidly spreading?


CP: Yes, it is spreading very rapidly, and is actually putting the real marijuana out of business.

It’s actually killing kids but it’s never even spoken of on the news. That was my first red flag.


The most common names used are spice, spiz, spizzy, k2, and jwh. It has numerous brand names and clever, attractive packaging. It is advertized on the package as either “herbal potpourri” or “incense” but it contains a synthetic, chemical drug. They have a disclaimer on the back warning people not to smoke it to exempt them from responsibility when people are getting addicted, sick and dying.

JdN: Do the kids get splotchy faces or some other outward symptom?

CP: Outward symptoms I’ve noticed are opiate-like withdrawal and weight loss, also a pale greyness to complexion.
Also sickly, really violent outbursts when denied the drug. Stealing is the norm for users, and it has been responsible for seizures, renal (kidney) failure and  liver failure, heart attacks, brain aneurysms and hemorrhages.

And again is used mostly by white kids under the age of 18. It has a noticeable effect on one’s thought processes and reasoning. It’s almost like mind control, John, and a poison all wrapped into one.

Users know it’s bad for them and freely admit it but cannot explain their inexplicable need even when the drug ceases to be enjoyable for them. They use it to survive, as they say
JdN: OMG… so you know kids who are on it? Can I run all this as a blog?
CP: Spice is much like the legal, pharmaceutical drug for opiate abusers called suboxone. I believe this also to be a government mind-control medication. It comes  in a melt-away strip that you put under your tongue.

Many people are told they must stay on suboxone for the remainder of their lives.

And withdrawels from this drug, which is supposed to help heroine addicts, actually takes longer to get off and with harsher withdrawals. And yes, I would love for you to run it. 🙂 It would be an absolute honor.
Unfortunately, yes, I know personally a 15-year-old boy who just came home from a three-month rehab stay because of this stuff, and I do know many more youth using but yes just let me know what I have to and I absolutely would be honored for my report on this horrible new drug to be displayed.
JdN: OMG, that is terrible, 🙁  Boy, Pennsylvania is not the state it used to be.  It was sooo All-American…

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  • Russell Kallio this should never be called synthetic marijuana as it is nothing like marijuana. In fact it is pure poison — and should be made illegal.
    Unlike · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs
  • Steve Zino It was made illegal in many states but is still readily available in a number of ways in those same states and more. I can’t help but feel they’re laxness on regulating this stuff, or rather just getting rid of it completely, is due to some hidden, ulterior motive. 
    They crack down harsher on pot than on this stuff all the time. Routes kids use to go to middle school are littered with the empty packs that were used by the very same children.

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John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

(906) 884-6689 ;-)

Facebook: John D. Nugent

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Twitter at John de Nugent @johndenugentESA





  1. To clarify a bit, the uses and effects of spice and syoxone are not similar in any way. It’s the similarities in a few different areas that lead me to compare them. They are both highly addictive, obviously, but there are lengths I have seen people go to in order to get these drugs that I’ve not seen before. I mean total extremes. They both have a mental effect on the user as well as medicinal.

  2. Ich rauche gerne Hanf 🙂

    Das Spice gab es auch hier in Deutschland mal eine kurze Zeit, dann wurde es verboten.

    Ich habe es nur einmal geraucht und mir wurde sofort schlecht und ich habe Kopfschmerzen bekommen.

    Ich bin da sehr empfindlich.

    Ich rauche übrigens seit meinem 12. Lebenjahr Hanf und war seitdem nicht einmal ernsthaft krank! Vorher hatte ich Asthma und Allergien, seitdem nicht mehr.

    Würde ich es nicht täglich rauchen, bekäme ich auch jede Nacht Alpträume…

    Ich war auch bei der Bundeswehr und habe -total stoned- Klappfallscheiben aus über 400 Meter in den Kopf geschossen 🙂 ,während alle Anderen nicht mal aus 200 Metern etwas getroffen haben. Mit einem G3, nur mit Kimme und Korn.

    Gilt als Dopingmittel im Sport!

    In Deutschland war es für Volljährige (damals 21) bis 1945 rezeptfrei in Apotheken erhältlich.

    Es ist ein Verbrechen Hanf zu verbieten, auch weil man soviele Dinge damit herstellen kann. Nahrung, Kleidung , Öle, sogar sehr stabile Autos aus Hanffaserverbund.

    Hanf kann Länder unabhängig machen, das passt den NWO Freaks nicht.

    • Sehr interessant. Habe ich wie folgt ins Englische übersetzt. (I just translated this from German into English.)

      I like to smoke hemp 🙂 This “Spice” was also here in Germany for a short time, then it was banned. I smoked ot only once and became immediately sick and got a headache. But I’m very sensitive.

      Since age 12 I have smoked cannabis and have never been seriously ill since! Before that I had asthma and allergies, since then zero. If I did not smoke it every day, I would get nightmares every night [from terrible childhood abuse]…

      I was also in the German Army [Bundeswehr] and -totally stoned- I shot round knock-down target from about 440 yards in the bullseye, while all the others could not at 220 yards with iron sights and the G3 assautlo rifle.


      Cannabis is regarded as a doping agent in sports! In Germany it was for available over the counter in pharmacies for those of legal age (21 +) — until 1945. 😉

      It is a crime to ban hemp, also because you can make as many things with it. Food, clothing, oils, even very stable cars — made of hemp fiber composite.

      Hemp can make countries independent, but that does not please the NWO control freaks!

      Hemp cars by Heny Ford!


  3. John, our German comrade speaks the truth.

    President Richard Nixon knew of the healing properties and many medicinal uses for hemp since 1974 — when he had a study done on it to try and keep it in the same class as many harmful drugs. When the report came to him that cannabis had no negative effects, but that it can actually help in the treatment of cancer and many other ailments, he had the results of the report buried and kept cannabis illegal as it is today.

    Recently it had been discovered that hemp oil treatment actually helps to shrink cancerous growths and expands cilia to allow more oxygen to the bloodstream. If people can cure their illnesses with something they can grow themselves, then how would the pharmaceutical companies make money on their cancer and AIDS meds, and horrible radiation treatments that actually have a very low survival and recovery rate?

    The Jews have had this scam going for years and have monopolized our very own health into a business model.

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