For the first time in 62 years I can watch news about an incoming president without nausea. 😉
Jeanice Barcelo added 4 new photos.
Pictures 1 and 3 are General George Patton. Pictures 2 and 4 are President Donald J. Trump. Does anyone else see the resemblance? I do believe we have a case of reincarnation here as @John de Nugent so kindly pointed out. Keep in mind that General Patton fought against the German people in World War 2. Toward the end of the war, he said we fought the wrong side. And so “Ike the kike” Eisenhower had him killed. But Trump will not be killed and instead, those that make any attempt on his life will be promptly exposed and executed. So sayeth Jeanice! Ronnie Richie Bai Long Steve Michaelson Trevor Labonte Paul Topete Paul Soapstone Milton Malone Rick Hady Amir Alwani Arthur Topham Buster Longs Carole Schneider Rori DeAnne Morrow Firebaugn Dylan ChiangDyann Williams Jimmy Tringali Federal Reserve Brown Gregory McGillGregory William Pearson Hanan Bissar Nickolas K. Intactivist Ismail Abrahams Kirk McLoren Dave Kersting Kerick Walters Sharon LeppertCrystal Love Senovia Mendiola Tony Nash Philip Cardin Yanick HeirmanNicky Zakzuk James Frleeland
A comrade wrote:
John, you might’ve seen it already but I think this is a pretty cool database for NDE [Near Death Experience] evidence, since it contains a lot of separate NDEs — all very good for awakening skeptics who would make an excuse that it’s an anomaly when given a single NDE.
The best part though, I think, is how they sort-of go through the list of excuses and one-by-one debunk them.
Thanks so much!! I just blogged on it! 1) and 2)
I can’t imagine a guy who proudly boasts “father of the covid vaccine” and “operation warpspeed” & is still gloating about it to this day (just heard the bloated bullfrog on with Hannity last night-Sept 23rd, 2022) could possibly be the indomitably uncuckable Patton, but… maybe. Theres a plump, middle-aged female MD interviewed often by Stew Peters and Mike Addams(health ranger) who exposed collusion between Trump and the pharmaceutical giants which is even more damning and divergent regarding the character of Patton and Donald J. I understand he is the very last filament of hope for those hanging on- theres literally nothing but psychopathic, hall-monitoresque garbage in the D.C swamp, but Trump isn’t even a high calibre person, much less a Patton imo.