Who can take a segment out of this video — 14:06 to 14:40 — by esteemed Jewish historian Norman Cantor and make a separate little mp4 videofile of it and send it to me here or at john_denugent@yahoo.com? It is about Jews and the white slave trade.
I also need this segment — 5:14 to 11:08 — where Cantor hints that Jews destroyed the Roman Empire because it had become Christian and was restricting them.
From “Round about 500 AD” to “the Jews of western and central Europe.”
“Norman Frank Cantor (November 19, 1929 “ September 18, 2004)[1] was a Canadian-American historian who specialized in the medieval period. Known for his accessible writing and engaging narrative style, Cantor’s books were among the most widely read treatments of medieval history in English. His textbook The Civilization of the Middle Ages, first published in 1963, remains an all-time bestseller in the field.”
Yea I’ll do it later. I already cut it up before.
Thank you. This is not one of “us” saying it, but a highly respected Jewish expert on the end of Rome and the Dark and Middle Ages. And he clearly is aware of the sensitive nature of his admissions. He is assuming the goyim will never get worked up to the point of doing anything about the Jews destroying one of the greatest civilizations in world history, or selling white women into muslim harems and white men into galleys as rowers, and into silver mines, in order to be worked to death.
It is my mission to trigger this outrage, get it out of the mere cybersphere, and into the real world of power.
Here they are–download with this – https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/video-converter
ALso — you need to hear this guy. comes out with lots of weird stuff–apparently, the snake was good and helped the Jews come down to Earth to fix it in the Garden of Eden story–
I’m sure every group has been involved in the slave trade at one time or another, ether as perpetrators or victims, Muslims still practice slavery today in Libya. But let me play devils advocate here: If Jewish merchants (or I assume shipowners) were involved trading the slaves, then who was rounding up their fellow White Europeans and selling them to Jewish merchants? Certainly it wasn’t a tiny minority of Jews doing that, but probably their fellow White Europeans. It’s not like Jews landed in a space craft and abducted people.
True. Charlemagne sanctioned the sale of pagan Slavs, male and female, to the Jews, who transported and sold them to the Muslims.
There have always been psychopathic goy rulers in bed with psychopathic Jews.
In that past, I think anyone who owned ships and engaged in commerce trafficked slaves (I’m sure White Christians fell into that category) Not to justify it, but if your business is international trade, then you take the most profitable cargo. Romans owned slaves, Turks had slaves, and the Barbary pirates used to raid coastal villages and take slaves. So what’s so special about Jews taking slaves, aside from the fact that most people don’t learn it in school? Or is that the point?….https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sack_of_Baltimore