Israeli newspaper demands Germany and Iran be nuked — Darkmoon; top Brit official admits pedophiles rule the country; Robert Morrow on pedophiles and gays dominating Washington DC

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…..Jewish newspaper calls on Israel to nuke Iran and Germany

Sourced from this article
With pictures, captions and commentary by Lasha Darkmoon [& a few pix added by me, JdN]

democracyLD: An Israeli publication has suggested that nuclear bombs should be launched at Iran and Germany ”wiping out Tehran, Isfahan, Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, and Dortmund. “Twenty to thirty bombs,” Jewish writer Ben-Eliyahu raves, “will get the job done.”

Times of Israel. ” Right-wing media outlet Israel National News published an opinion piece Tuesday calling on Israel to launch nuclear bombs at Iran and Germany, only days after the outlet came under fire for publishing a piece accusing a war widow of killing her husband over her pro-peace views.

In the opinion article published Tuesday, the author claims that only through nuclear annihilation of Iran and Germany, with 20 or 30 nuclear bombs each, can Israelis prevent the state’s destruction.

“If Israel does not walk in the ways of God’s Bible,” author Chen Ben-Eliyahu wrote in Hebrew, “it will receive a heavy punishment of near complete destruction and doom and only a few will be saved.”

One of Israel’s missions is to remember the crimes of Amalek, a tribe representative of pure evil in the Bible, whom Jews are commanded to obliterate. Among those descended from the band, the author writes, are Iranian leaders Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and current President Hassan Rouhani.

“They don’t miss an opportunity to discuss the need for the annihilation of Israel,” he wrote.

To combat this Israel must respond in kind, Ben-Eliyahu declared.

“To an existential threat we must respond with an existential threat,” he wrote, “not with speeches in Congress. We must make it clear to the Iranians that Israel will wipe out their nuclear program and Tehran and Isfahan as well.”

“If an enemy rises up to destroy you, rise earlier to destroy him: twenty, thirty nuclear bombs will do to assure the job gets done,” he continued.

He also called on Israel to remember its near destruction at the hands of the Nazis and exact revenge on Germany, now a staunch ally of Israel.

The Nazi Holocaust of Six Million Jews 😉


When the Messiah comes, Ben-Eliyahu wrote, Israel will reverse the Final Solution.

“Twenty to thirty atomic bombs on Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Dresden, Dortmund and so on will assure the job gets done.” he said.  “And the land will then be quiet for a thousand years.”

Israel National News refused to comment on the website’s decision to run the op-ed.


Lasha Darkmoon comments

Don’t let them deceive you into believing that these sort of extremist sentiments do not represent the sentiments of the Israeli public at large. Bombing German cities and reducing them to rubble is, I am told, is a very common Jewish revenge fantasy. If and when the Samson Option comes to be implemented, the first European city to be obliterated by Israel will probably be Berlin, followed by Hamburg and Frankfurt. Dresden will have to go also, if only to fulfil Winston Churchill’s homicidal wet dream of destroying all that was noblest and best in Germany.

Remember, too, in case some politically correct idiot tries to persuade you that most Israelis are paragons of moderation who would throw up their hands in horror at the mere idea of reducing Germany and Iran to rubble, that public support among Israeli Jews for the 2014 military bloodbath in Gaza had been overwhelming throughout its 24-day duration, with an opinion poll showing that 95% of respondents believed the war was justified.

The more Palestinians who could be killed, like fish in a barrel, the more the Israelis loved it.


Atrocity tourists from Tel Aviv and elsewhere flocked to the Gaza district in huge numbers ”with picnic lunches, binoculars and armchairs ”so that they could enjoy the carnage at leisure. Take a look at this controversial cartoon pic, showing you the typical Israeli atrocity tourist reclining on a sofa and enjoying the spectacle of death.



One Israeli woman, an IDF soldier, even admitted that the thought of Palestinian children being butchered and burned alive almost gave her an orgasm. Here she is, stuffing her mouth with food:


People like this would have no problem voting for the total destruction of every single city in Germany and Iran.

If you have time, watch this 2-minute video of an Israeli settler. It shows you, again, the true face of Israel and its brutal occupation of Palestine. You have probably seen the video before, but see it again. It is six years old, but it never ceases to amaze me that such mentally deranged individuals as featured in this video are actually the norm in Israel.

You will meet them on every street corner, cursing and swearing and foaming at the mouth with psychotic rage.

…..Eternal Solutreanism




Three semitic prophets

of white genocide


The spiritual counterforce

must also be a prophecy

activating vast, universal energies

that mere words, videos

and blogs cannot, and never have delivered.

Mere dry facts never transform

any human from lump to Leonidas

from sexless drone

to virile man or feminine woman



Help me with your donation find the financial shelter where I can FINALLY write in solitude what is in my soul for your soul’s activation. The clock is ticking toward Judgment Day 2015.

latest donation, 40 euros from Finland



odinism-no begging-no-forgiveness

The system cannot be changed, only swept aside, and that means we MUST sacrifice ourselves for our future generations and our own future incarnations on this earth. Leave it a shambles — and come back to a shambles!

A top British official has just admitted the whole British ruling class is full of pedophiles. But that means they cannot ever peacefully surrender their power; for they all would go to prison if they relinquished it!

And every single white country is in the same exact situation. We live in a pedophilocracy! All key politicians are tightly controlled by pedophile blackmail!They cannot forsake the NWO structure and oppose it even if they wanted to, and many would if they but could!






…..In the seventh year of Obama blatant racist attacks by blacks on whites in a park:

Video posted on facebook or brutal attack on a white female and her little brother
  • Caelian Viol Sinus It’s never a racist attack when the victims are white.
  • John D. Nugent Right, that same girl probably owned slaves back in 1850. 😉  Just what do these blacks think the white reaction is to seeing this video???
    The goal is a black-white race war, then martial law by presidential dictator OBAMA!

…….Robert Morrow on pedophiles and gays dominating Washington DC

From the courageous Texas researcher (specializing in the JFK murder, the Clintons, and DC VIP pedophiles)



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