Ivanka Trump-Kushner calls for more Syrian refugees into America

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In an interview that aired on NBC this morning, First Daughter Ivanka Trump said allowing Syrian refugees into the United States “has to be part of the discussion,” adding that it might not even be enough.

“I think there is a global humanitarian crisis that’s happening, and we have to come together, and we have to solve it,” she said to NBC reporter Hallie Jackson.

“Does that include opening the border to Syrian refugees in the U.S.?” inquired Jackson.

“That has to be part of the discussion, but that’s not going to be enough in and of itself,” came the reply.

“I’m incredibly hopeful that legislation is put together,” Ivanka continued.

See the full clip below.

As Politico’s Louis Nelson points out, this is a direct aversion from President Donald Trump’s conservative stance on Syrian refugees.

Following Ivanka Trump’s statement to NBC, many conservatives are criticizing her for this.

Popular conservative Twitter user Paul Joseph Watson called Ivanka “a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive.”

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet💯 % with you. She should stick to entrepreneurship for women. The only refugees we should take are the Christians at risk even in camps

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet She’s awful. Shouldn’t be anywhere near the Whitehouse

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet There is definitely something up and it disturbing to think she is advising and his base can’t get him to listen! @realDonaldTrump

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet female nature of protection speaks. she is naive too because she is not understanding the games played on refugees crisis

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet Agreed. We all know that Ivanka and her husband have a role in Trump’s decisions. Hopefully Trump doesn’t get swayed

Ivanka Trump is a globalist or at best incredibly misinformed & naive. She should not be advising Trump. https://twitter.com/TODAYshow/status/857191681527083008  ¦

@PrisonPlanet I think she needs to go away or shut her mouth. Unfortunaly, she’s an example of elite socialite left wing out of touch w/ real world woman.

Fueling these concerns are claims that Ivanka Trump is the “First Whisperer.”

“Is she going to bring her father on a moderate course, as some hope?” speculates one German newspaper. “Or will she be a loyal accomplice?”


[source: https://milo.yiannopoulos.net/2017/04/ivanka-syrian-refugees/]


……White Canadian civil right activist Paul Fromm, not being a Syrian muslim, was turned back again at US border

I wrote Paul:

Have you tried to enter the US since Trump came into power? If so, did ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] let you in?

Paul replied:

No, John. I got turned back in February — another bogus excuse that I needed to re-apply for a visa and had not convinced them I had ties in Canada! The system is insane. Paul

I, Margi and Paul in Lansing, Michigan in 2007

Paul’s excellent website:


1 Comment

  1. Ivanka may have converted to Judaism but she has always had that kike look about her ! Maybe mama was a Jewess?
    Remember folks, “With Jews You Lose”

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