Jack Sen & fmr Member of European Parliament Nick Griffin on black extermination of ALL South African minorities

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Jack Sen and former Member of European Parliament, Nick Griffin, discuss the systematic extermination of the South African minority population. South African Resistance Report examines white genocide of the minority (Afrikaner, Boer, Anglo “ white, and Indian) South Africans.

Jack Sen was suspended from his UKIP parliamentary campaign because he dared to discuss the genocide of the South African minority population and former Member of the European Parliament, Nick Griffin, has been involved in promoting the cause for well over a decade.


Pandora’s clock is ticking for white South Africans as massacres of the minority continue. Everyday murdering people seems to happen in the country. If criminals do not have guns, they will use knives and whatever other weapons they find.

How many times, do we read about murders “

Two bullet wounds in the head, gagged and bound
What a terrible way to die
Midrand woman viciously stabbed
A white family of four tortured for hours
Young girl repeatedly raped for hours
Family hit with bricks and sjamboks,
A husband and wife were stabbed multiple times
South African Farmer was thrown alive into a Crocodile Pit

The list is endless and merciless as the slow genocide against whites continues.

Jack Sen and Nick Griffin point out the plight of the Boers and other threatened minorities in South Africa and in doing so, bring attention to the international arena.

The South African Resistance radio program will include guest speakers, Dr Dan Roodt, , white civil rights activist-John de Nugent, the Alternative Afrikaner “ Henri Le Riche, Andrew Brons, the Occidental Observer’s “ Dr Kevin MacDonald (recording he’s done on the need for a white ethnostate), Jan van der Merwe, and European Knights Project benefactor “ Richard Anderson.


[source: https://southafricatoday.net/media/south-africa-video/crime-videos/white-genocide-of-south-african-boer-and-afrikaner-people-nick-griffin-and-jack-sen/]

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