Jeanice Barcelo interviews JdN: good & evil, whites, “Habiru” & Hebrews; Texe Marrs claims Khazar defiantly admitted: “We come from a higher, reptilian species”; Rabbi Laitman in Moscow agrees

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5-19-17 “ Jeanice Barcelo interviews John de Nugent about the spiritual battle between good and evil and the origins of the forces on this planet that seek to destroy life.



Source: . [photos added by me, John de Nugent]

John has a very interesting perspective about history and speaks of a brutish and marauding group of bandits and thugs called the “Habiru” who, he believes, were the original Hebrews.




We go deep into the topic of the origins of these “people,” discussing the very real possibility that they are not human but were placed here by Luciferian forces that seek to destroy and take over the Earth.

We also discuss the very real Jewish agenda to destroy the white race “ which is at the core of the movement for “multiculturalism,” “immigration,” and the “refugee crisis.”

John de Nugent:
Jeanice Barcelo:

Links of interest:

To understand the true history of Mankind, read the Ringing Cedars books (Edition 1 or 2 only.

Edition 3 is translated by a Jew and is filled with Jewish lies and deceptions). You can find editions 1 and 2 here:

Another interesting and important link:

Rabbi Teaches that Jews are an Alien Race here to Take Over the Earth

Please check out Jeanice’s vision for community:

For more great videos from Birth of a New Earth, please visit Naturally Better TV:



At around 18:20, Jeanice is talking about visualizing crushing the evil force.

This very image was used by me in this video, as I said in the show, around 1:10 here and repeatedly:



… 36:42 I begin referring to the Staffordshire, England UFO sighting of “nordic aliens”

Here is that actual video:


….at 48:22 I refer to my experience with one of the top “psychics” in America

Here, in these two videos:



… 49:26 I refer to the back of the American one-dollar bill

… 55:45 “my dad with Kissinger, Ford, Reagan”

With me in Vero Beach, Florida

On the right, with Kissinger on the left

With Gerald Ford in the Oval Office

With Reagan


…..The Texe Marrs book where, as quoted by Jeanice Barcelo,  a Jew admitted to Marrs in a defiant rage that his tribe was ‘another species that descends from highly advanced reptilians from another dimension’

The Holy Serpent of the Jews

source page:



“Ye serpents, ye generation (race or nation) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”

Jesus Christ
Matthew 23:33

If I were to tell you that in the religion of Judaism the deity worshipped is the Holy Serpent, would you believe me? Few people would. Yet, it is absolutely true! In Judaism the deity most honored and venerated is, in fact, the Holy Serpent.

Now don’t let the name Texe Marrs get in your way of discovering this awful truth. Some might contend that Texe Marrs is, after all, an anti-Semite, and an anti-Semite cannot be believed, right?

Let’s say, then, that we ask the rabbis themselves, the top rabbis in the world. We could even go to the writings of the rabbinical sages ”to some of the most famous rabbis who ever lived, so-called “holy men” whose historical writings to this day are frequently quoted and referred to as authoritative and definitive in the study of Judaic doctrine.

The Serpent Shall Rise From the Abyss

Take, for example, the celebrated rabbi known throughout the Jewish religious world as the “Gaon of Vilna.” It was he who taught of the Kabbalah’s doctrine that inside Judaism’s vaunted “Tree of Life” there resides a great and Sacred Serpent whose masculine name is Leviathan and whose feminine name is Malkut.


It is this Sacred Serpent, the Kabbalah teaches, that in the coming Messianic age shall rise from the abyss to conquer the Gentiles and exalt God’s Chosen, the Jews.


This Leviathan, the holy and piercing serpent, is the expected Messiah prophesied to appear, the one who will supernaturally possess the bodies of the world’s Jews and lead them to global domination and glory.


This strange doctrine, accepted by the vast majority of today’s Orthodox Rabbis, also makes the bold claim that the Jews are a Holy Race of wise and virtuous serpent beings. .

Collectively, World Jewry is claimed to be the very incarnation on earth of the Holy Serpent.


Could this be what the true Messiah and Lord of the Universe, Jesus Christ, meant when he confronted the wicked pharisaic Jews ”equivalent to today’s Orthodox Jewry ”by flatly declaring:

The House of Israel Left Desolate

In the King James Bible lexicon, the word “generation” here means “race, nation, bloodline, or ethnic group.”


In this same Gospel, in Matthew 23 we also find Jesus telling the Jews, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.”

“Desolate!” That means devoid of spiritual value, barren, a wasteland.

Today, the House of Israel, the physical nation of Israel, is exactly what Jesus said it would be ”a spiritual desert, a nation of lying, deceiving, terrorist killers; desolate of morality, devoid of righteousness. All of Rothschild’s trillions and all of America’s boatloads of foreign aid, diplomatic cover, and military armaments heaped on the artificially created nation of Israel for the past six decades cannot change one iota of what Jesus prophesied.

Israel is a desolate place, a wasteland of inhuman cruelty and savage conduct, and it shall remain so.

Moreover, except for a tiny remnant, the Jewish people, wherever they may reside, spiritually are “serpents” ”serpents whose cruel, black hearts are stained with filth and contamination.

Just so, because the priesthood of rabbis, the keepers of the Judaic faith, are worshippers of the Holy Serpent.The Holy (or Sacred) Serpent, of course, is identified in the New Testament as he who was cast out of heaven. In other words, the Devil, or Satan.

The Sacred Serpent is represented in Hebrew gematria by the Hebrew alphabet letter “vav” of YHVH, the Jews’ kabbalistic name for God.

*** JdN:  The letter vav also means “6” and is featured insolently as the logo of the Jewish-owned “Monster Energy Drink.”

As I discovered in 2012, the longitude and latitude of Jerusalem add up to exactly “666.” (Add it yourself!)

Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of President Donald Trump and a Demoncrat until very recently, is seen as the main person pushing Trump to break almost all his campaign promises.

This is Kushner at his headquarters on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

And this is the address on Fifth Avenue.

*** (Back to Texe Marrs)

Since the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) are said to be “the heart of Jewish existence,” the doctrine that the Sacred Serpent is hidden within the Torah and appears as the letter vav is an essential foundation of Judaic tradition.

The rabbis believe that this letter ”vav ”is evidence of their deity. They emphasize that the letter vav, indicative of the Sacred Serpent, is found exactly at the middle-point of the Torah, at Leviticus 11:42, which is said to be the belly of the Serpent deity.

Jerusalem scholar and rabbi, Joel David Bakst, excitedly writes of this doctrine which places the Jewish tribe within the very belly of the Sacred Serpent, exclaiming:

In the Zohar, the essential book of Jewish cabalistic magic, we find another amazing Judaism doctrinal statement:

“The Holy Serpent is the fountainhead, root and essence for all of God’s sacred, revelatory light…”

Read the above and ponder. Do you not see why Jesus told the Jews their religion is not of Abraham and is instead based on “man-made traditions?

The Serpent is Satan and He is Not Holy!

From the New Testament we know that the serpent is neither holy nor sacred. Instead, he is described as “that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world” (Revelation 12:9).

However, in Judaism, as in all satanic religions, truth is turned upside down. The rabbis emphasize that the serpent is a godly being, a constant help and guide for Israel and its people.

Rabbi [Michael] Laitman, in his Daily Kabbalah Lesson of the Zohar, stresses that:
The deep secret of Judaism is the rabbis’ teaching that the Jewish people ”also known as the House of Israel ”is within the Sacred Serpent’s belly and that the Serpent is sent to the Jews to be their helpmate and guide. That is what is meant when Rabbi Moshel Rabbinu says that the religious Jew embarks on a spiritual “Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent’s Belly.” (see Joel David Bakst, 2007,

In Judaism’s gematria, the so-called science of numbers, we find the teaching that the one whom Christians know as Satan, the Devil, is for the Jews the divine instrument of… “sacred, revelatory light… This serpent is…the middle brain which is in the middle of the letters of the Torah.”

The rabbis further insist that it is their Sacred Serpent, their deity, who is at the very center of the Torah. He is an essential being of their godhead, and he provides the serpentine energy that brings a Jew to a spiritually mature state. The religious Jew, say the rabbis, is brought to spiritual maturity ”to a “Divine Consciousness” ”through the help of the snake. He ”that is, every Jew ”lives inside the belly of the Serpent. It is his covering, protector, guide, Lord, and Messiah.

The rabbis go so far as to say that, “in messianic times and beyond, it [the Serpent] will be redeemed and revealed in all its glory and awesomeness.” (Rabbi Joel David Bakst, “Journey to the Center of the Torah: The Secret in the Serpent’s Belly,” 2007,

Now do you see why God’s Word twice in the book of Revelation (Chapter 2:9 and 3:9) warns of the horror and wickedness of the “Synagogue of Satan?”

Book by Rabbi Joel David Bakst, teaching of the Jews’ belief in the Sacred Serpent. This is a well-known rabbinical doctrine of the Jews. It is also a core secret revealed in the controversial book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Book by Rabbi Joel David Bakst, teaching of the Jews’ belief in the Sacred Serpent. This is a well-known rabbinical doctrine of the Jews. It is also a core secret revealed in the controversial book, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)


In the religion of Judaism, the Sacred Serpent is said to rise from the abyss. Through his power and guidance, a divine World Jewry will triumph over the Gentiles, and the Jews’ Messiah will reign supreme.


“We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of a serpent!” (“Journey to the Center of the Torah,” City of Luz,, 2007)
“…This snake comes as medication…an angel sent to us…we should be grateful to the serpent for its help…the serpent has a very important mission…

The Serpent is the Angel of Help.”



……Rabbi Laitman states bluntly that Jews are aliens sent to “conquer the earthlings”

(from my essay:


It seems clear to me as a trained one-time interrogator in the United States Marine Corps that his young Jewish audience in Israel, on Israeli Memorial Day in 2011 (May 9 that year), “Yom Hazikaron,” was a bit surprised by what the rabbi said (though they did not laugh at or mock him, since rabbis are revered in Jewish culture as both holy men and as learned scholars).




I do think Rabbi Laitman was saying unauthorized things.

It is also clear to me by his body language that he was not kidding or joking.

Nor would any Jewish speaker make jokes on Memorial Day, where Israel honors its 23,000 dead (soldiers and “victims of terrorism”) since 1860.

The full video begins at 15:20 because that is when the interesting topic of Jews being aliens is first broached.

(So many scoff at Jesus at John 8:44 ” but here this Jew admits that Jews come from another dimension.)


“You are from your father, THE DEVIL!”

I landed back in Israel after a week packed with events that brought more of the good force to the world. Last weekend, some 1300 of my students from Russia and 34 other countries came together for a Kabbalah Convention in Moscow to apply the concepts of mutual guarantee in person. They were joined by tens of thousands of students online who actively participated in the event.

I’m always being asked what is connection? In this gathering, my students discovered and felt the answer to this question.

After the convention I gave two public lectures “ one in a large Jewish cultural center in Moscow and the other at an elite club called “Snob”. Each was filled with hundreds of people who surprised me with their interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah. A moment before we boarded our plane, I managed to give a radio interview to Echo of Moscow, one of the most popular radio stations in Russia.

This station, owned by the energy giant Gazprom, represents many points of view and has 2.7 million listeners daily, mostly well-educated and affluent people over 40. One third of them reside in the capital, Moscow.

“[It is] one of the most important voices in the country” ” Berliner Zeitung, Germany []

michael-laitman-website-jew-says-jews-aliensGlobal Thinker | Dr. Michael Laitman

Michael Laitman is a global thinker dedicated to generating a transformational shift in society through a new global ¦


(0:05) Host (wearing headset, front row on left, and speaking in Hebrew, with simultaneous English interpretation)


“Hello, today we are on [Israeli] Memorial Day, honoring those who died for Israel. And we decided to dedicate it to the topic of the Israeli nation. You [listeners and attendees] can ask questions [of the guest speaker] on

[And now,] Rav [Rabbi] Laitman.”

[He then talks about Jews being like a squad of commandos ( a small number of warriors) on a mission to learn about and conquer a new place.]

03:41 “They are like those reincarnating souls who follow their instructions, cycle after cycle, and when they come to the right place, they need to set themselves up, and align themselves for the Last Battle.”

***** Reincarnation amongst Hasidic Jews

Many Orthodox Jews, especially Hasidim and Lubavitchers, believe in reincarnation, an idea “borrowed” from Aryans. The Orthodox Jews are about 10% of Jewry, but are the most fanatic and committed and therefore have huge power in the Jewish organizations, whereas many other Jews just worry about making money and daily life, and only go to synagogue on the “High Holy Days,” not unlike Christians who only go to church around Easter and Christmas, and to weddings, baptisms and funerals.

At my Reincarnation Evidence, essay, please scroll way, way down to this comment by a Jew ( where he writes:

“Reincarnation “ the “revolving” of souls through a succession of lives, or “gilgulim” “ is an integral part of Jewish belief.”



5:53-6:53 “We have to succeed in the inner war ¦.. If we win over ourselves, then the external enemy disappears. If not, then we must also fight the external enemy. ¦ We are entering the time zone now [of the Final Battle].”

He then says that Jews are corrected more and more in each incarnation, and if they are corrected internally the external difficulties [in conquering the earth] will be shortened.

09:20 [A student asks] “You said that Israel is like a commando unit spent on a special mission.” Laitman answered yes, inside a hostile country [ = the Gentile world].

11:18 Laitman makes a drawing, visible on a screen to his audience, showing Israel (the Jewish people) coming from an outside world into a hostile gentile world. [This does not refer merely, as one might expect, to the well-known historical fact of European and American Jews moving to Palestine. He will develop this idea further shortly.]


13:24 “He [Yahweh] gave them [Jews] the same [outer] form [to look human?] as that hostile land.”

JdN: Does he mean this?


15:33-53: “So from this entire planet we are the aliens. We’re coming [= the ancestors of the Jews] from a different galaxy.

We receive this ray of light, this awakening, individually, and now we’re gathering as groups and starting to prep[are] ourselves to conquer Earth.

That’s the mission.

[Sees a quizzical expression on a student.]


“What, you don’t see it?”

[Student] “How do we conquer it?”

How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything, gradually; we’re being taught ” or not taught ” being trained, being activated, and then that emotion, in our mind, awakens us.

It’s new for us [right now] but in fact it is coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original, natural force that we have, we’ll take over those living on Earth.

[Sees again a quizzical expression in this student.]

Why are you looking at me like that? I am telling you that

16:42 “Having that energy from that planet, we will take over those living on this earth.”

At 20:42 he refers to “the people of earth” that the Jews must conquer and lead ¦.

21:39 “Maybe we will throw something into [the goyim’s] water.”


23:05 “The hard drive with the data is being revealed in you.”

25:28 Jews at one time were almost dissolved into the “earthlings.”

25:34-48 “Jews aren’t from this world; they are from another planet. I agree with that.”

1 Comment

  1. Dear John:

    To Rabbi Laitman’s affirmations about reptilian ancestry or genetic component in jews, one must add that since long there exists the “serpent seed theology”, which states precisely that.

    Seed equals genes, and this gene is transmitted maternally. Because of that, true jewishness comes from the mother’s side. So they say that jews (and arabs) are serpent seed produced by copulation of the biblical Eve with a reptilian, possibly shapeshifting, intelligent being.

    From there comes the term “serpent” which never meant a vulgar garden variety snake.

    The first fruit of that copulation was Caín, the first murderer. So jews have Caín as ancestor. Interesting in relation to that is that one of Cain’s curses was that earth wouldn’t give him her fruits. Jews are thus condemned to a parasitic lifestyle. Today they are notorious for their dislike of agriculture and all manual, honest work. In the Old Testament they are instructed to live and prosper by usury on other non-jewish people, and also to literally “take cites you have not built” and other sayings in the same parasitic and predatory spirit.

    Interesting theory, I would say.



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