Lies work on the majority and the truth fails — why democracy always ends up as demonocracy; when Alaska becomes an island

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Francis Derwent Wood’s Canada’s Golgotha (1918) at the Canadian War Museum, Ottawa, Ontario Canada — based on a total lie that the WWI Germans crucified three captured Canadians 

Our (((“Lügenpresse”))) was lying to our great-great-grandfathers’ generation already 101 years ago, and OF COURSE the public swallowed it hook, line and sinker, hated the Germans, and wanted the vicious Treaty of Versailles after WWI to punish the “Huns” for all the horrible crimes they never committed…..


Proving for the millionth time that the masses, the “demos” in Ancient Greek, never want or accept any painful truth until it is FAR too late and disaster is completely upon them. (Example of TOO LATE: Trump being boxed in now. His enemies control the GOP, the Demoncrat party, the CIA, the FBI, the military, and the media, including FOX, which half the time is bashing him 1) for not wanting war tomorrow with Russia and 2) claiming rightfully that the CIA was spying on him for Obama. If he just had a TV SET in his office or home in Trump Tower, which obviously he did and does, then he WAS being spied on!!! See Wikileaks Vault 7! NOT DENIED BY THE CIA.)

Therefore democracy — a beautiful but total fantasy that the noble “demos” gives a shit about anything but beer, belly and genital needs  — is a secret DEMONocracy ruled by (((psychopaths and pedophiles))), rampant with hate, lies, slander, torture, rape, betrayal, starvation, poverty and family disorder.

Here is the video now about the ludicrous WWI defamation of the Germans “crucifying a helpless Canadian prisoner”:


Chair of Wisdom Time! This week we talk about the propaganda story of the crucified soldier and the RMS ¦
It is their descendants who today believe every vicious — yet painstakingly refuted — lie against me which has resulted in my being totally marginalized in this barely moving “movement.”
John de Nugent

John de Nugent The lies by Holappa, an agent of David Duke, have done enormous damage, though Holappa is now an OPEN agent, working for Now he realizes “immigration worries are unjustified” and “Hitler the most evil man of the 20th century.”…/holappa-betrayer-chinese-1.png

ANALYSIS: The far right in Hungary has gained a lot of attention in the European media in the last few years “ but ¦
Jason Lovasz
Jason Lovasz Too bad he don’t touch the Second World War, but I understand why anyone would hate to touch the subject because the one-sidedness! The other side would offend even most Polish😊 hah
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The series is actually pretty good.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent On WWI one is allowed now to defend the Germans. but once The Most Evil Tyrant Who Ever Lived took power in 1933, all Germans became fire-spewing dragons. 😉
John de Nugent
John de NugentWhat he did in 1933 was take away the car keys from spiritual 12-year-olds, and with their consent. They had been through the hell of the Weimar Republic, and wanted firm and effective government, not more endless divisions, debates and debacles.

I just blocked someone else who asserted viciously that the German NASA engineer was a “Rothschild flunky.” If you are too cowardly to leave behind your mental comfort zone, why are you even visiting my Facebook page? 😉 Go over to DS and stare at frog-god memes. 😉 I am an educator.









Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus It’s truly unbelievable how ignorant people are about history, and the fact that the Germans who were captured were put under pressure / interrogation to comply… What a joke when these jaboogies claim Hitler and the Germans were “Rothschild Agents”, because as far as I recall, Germany was the only Nation on earth at that time to completely eradicate all 13 Bloodlines of the Jewish / Illuminati families from their banking & economic system, and entirely purged them from the German culture & way of life.
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John de Nugent
John de Nugent It is all about the ego. Ego causes suffering. Ego says “I believe what I want to believe.”
Like · Reply · 1 · 28 mins · Edited
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus For sure… I notice a lot of those types tend to want to believe something is based on how they feel it should be.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent We rightly call feminists “libtards” who actually want to bring in muslim immigrants who then rape and beat women. They simply block out facts, vital for their own physical safety, that disprove their concepts. But many WNs also do not want to hear anything that upsets their applecart.
Like · Reply · 1 · 23 mins · Edited
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus John de Nugent Indeed, that is exactly how they work, and the disgusting fact is they are willing to unite over their degeneracy even while being ideologically opposed (i.e. Islam does not typically accept homosexuality), but yet they will unite under the banner of democracy to come to the USA, Muslims & LGBTQ all to live their degenerate lifestyles here on the backs of Sovereign, Working Americans…
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I have been marginalized for “believing in reincarnation and aliens.” Yet I present massive facts to back up both, AND Hitler believed in them too, as I PROVE, and they revere him. Go figure.
Like · Reply · 1 · 22 mins
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus What disgusts me too is how many people, but particularly Leftists who completely ignore things such as Heritage and Loyalty, which always is what made Nations great and gave cultural richness. In America’s early days, you can see the former shell of buildings, settlements and properties / areas where Heritage established and stabilized the areas, where street names, businesses and entire quarters were named after certain families. Unfortunately, that landscape has been disrupted everywhere in America now, and people are desensitized from the importance of Heritage and how its disappearance comes with grave implications.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The average American literally has little or no idea of his heritage and family history. I know a guy here in town whose last name is Durocher and he had NO IDEA his name is French! 😉
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I knew a barber in Pennsylvania, 65 years old, and he had NO IDEA until I told him that his ancestry was German!
Like · Reply · 1 · 19 mins
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus EXACTLY, and it really puzzles me why people are so averse to the discussion or belief of Aliens. There is so much evidence to show for it, and I believe that Alien Technologies were used in the Third Reich which allowed Germany to prosper. I believe the Germans had contact with Pleiadians which agreed to release certain advanced technologies, well to a certain point that would permit the Germans to prosper and revamp their economy based on not having International Connections and hardly any resources.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Nocte Vagus All true, but the Pleiadians did not dare to openly intervene because the other side, malevolent ETs, could have then openly intervened on the Allied side, and a high-tech war would have ensued that would have pointlessly fried the planet for everyone.
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus John de Nugent Durocher is as French as it gets 😀
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Nocte Vagus He was dumbfounded he was French-Canadian. Incredible.
Like · Reply · 1 · 15 mins
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus John de Nugent Yes, I agree, as far as I know the Pleiadians and other Benevolent forces want minimal intervention and also a lot of them are here more for observation and to create awakening but they need Humans to carry out a bulk part of the process. The US Government and Military are also well informed about the Benevolent races which contacted them to alert them not to have made the treaty with the malevolent races, but it demanded that they disarm themselves militarily and abandon the Bretton Woods / International Monetary system that the US is dependent upon, and of course this was heavily shot down by our government. So, the story goes on… The technologies released on both sides, were released only to a point where Humans would not have higher powers or capabilities than the ETs themselves.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent I once watched “JayWalking” with Jay Leno on the old Tonight Show. He asked two white girls on the street how many USA states were islands.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent The girls came up with Rhode Island and Long Island.
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Then one correctly said “Hawaii” and the other said, “But what about Alaska? Isn’t it NEXT to Hawaii?”
Nocte Vagus
Nocte Vagus LOL!!! 😀
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Look! This is the map kids see in the classroom!…/us-states-capitals-map…


John de Nugent
John de Nugent In Germany in the old days, 80% of kids left school at 14 and started an apprenticeship and learned a useful trade! Why should the average Joe or Jill sit in a classroom until 18, bored out of their gourd and not interested in history, politics or anything but the opposite sex? 😉

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