Presidential video one; Brendon Raub released, but says psychiatrist threatened to alter his brain; Canadian girl explains the money swindle to Rotary; Obama confuses everything in speech; Ryan boasts or invents black girlfriend

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=========================PRESIDENTIAL VIDEO ONE restored

After jews hacked this website (for the umpteenth time), fearing both messenger and message, this major video from a year ago has now been carefully restored, thanks to donations from readers like you.

Presvid 1-a short summary: minority iceberg; Johnh de Nugent biography; our brutal age

long summary: The Titanic of white America hitting the minority iceberg; JdN’s biography: family, military, political, television; JdN run for Congress in Tennessee in 1990; on Alan Colmes – Fox Radio; Discovery Channel attacks me; multilingual part; growing darkness over America, beginning with the JFK assassination; the brutal age of Kali Yuga now ending


Presvid 1-b short summary: racial mixing ban in Israel; humanimals; why only some experience God

long summary: white girls in the West taught interracial sex while Israel makes it illegal for Jews; religion the most practical way to straighten out a nation; shameless behavior is the proof of actual atheism; religion provides structure; Christianity not really believed in by most Western males; beauty reminds us of a higher, spiritual world; angels are no myth; life as challenges and tests; Vedanta the original white religion; young souls that rose recently from the animal stage, look animal-like and are oblivious to anything higher; why some experience God, and others not; old souls; four key God topics; we are eternal spiritual beings taking human journeys




08/24 @ 12:16 : Mountain View, California, US
08/24 @ 12:15 : Germany, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
08/24 @ 12:14 : Cordova, Alaska, US
08/24 @ 12:13 : San José, CR
08/24 @ 12:12 : Angers, FR[ANCE]
08/24 @ 12:11 : Puebla, MX
08/24 @ 12:11 : United States, US
08/24 @ 12:09 : Dover, Delaware, US
08/24 @ 12:09 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
08/24 @ 12:08 : Corpus Christi, Texas, US
08/24 @ 12:05 : Buffalo, New York, US

08/24 @ 11:52 : Flag, Ohio, US

08/24 @ 11:51 : Saint Paul, Minnesota, US
08/24 @ 11:51 : Passau, DE[UTSCHLAND = GERMANY]
08/24 @ 11:50 : Pullman, Washington, US
08/24 @ 11:47 : Toms River, New Jersey, US
08/24 @ 11:46 : Mountain View, California, US
08/24 @ 11:44 : Nishinotoindori, JP [JAPAN]
08/24 @ 11:42 : Winder, Georgia, US
08/24 @ 11:35 : Holon, IL [ISRAEL]
08/24 @ 11:34 : North Providence, Rhode Island, US


==============Raub’s Lawyer Says Psychiatrist Threatened to “Brainwash” Brandon and Force Medications

Friday, 24 August 2012, 11:01

Big relief: Brandon Raub has been released. Fortunately for him, enough of the country, especially his mother, was on the case before he was administered Thorazine or any other of the brain-altering substances in the psychiatric cupboard.

Raub’s attorney, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, states in a video interview with Glenn Beck that the thousands of civil commitments, annually, suggest that veterans and “9/11 truthers” are being targetted.No mention of Raub’s being a silver bullion dealer, but this could have been a factor in his being picked up by the police and FBI, assisted maybe by the local dog-catcher. Lots of Americans piling into silver and gold will make it harder for the Fed to get away with running its virtual money-printing press.Raub’s attorney said that there have been 20,000 of these civil commitments in Virginia alone and veterans particularly are being targeted. 

In a surprising twist, (Raub’s lawyer John) Whitehead revealed a startling allegation that his client told him about prior to his release. Raub complained to his attorney that one of the psychiatrists that he was seeing threatened to “brainwash” him and force him to take medication.

“That really scared him,” he said.

After soaking in all that Whitehead had shared with him, Beck reflected:

“From what I know of this story, this is an outrage. There were some things that stick out to me — as flares of caution. But the one thing we should be reckless with is our defense of people who have opinions that we don’t agree with. I have never asked for a boycott, I’ve never asked for someone to be fired.”

[more, plus the video at link]



(mit Untertiteln auf deutsch!)

Nice Norman name, Grant….. an old soul… a lot of poise…..

So Canada could print its own money, but prefers to borrow it from private bankers at high interest. What of course she did not say, and it would have mortified the august Rotary Club ;-), is that the bankers are parasitical Jews.

But it is a good sign of our times that a very-establishment Rotary Club would listen to such “radical talk” as this (the kind of thing only Hitler did or Social Credit people advocated):

The nation should print its own money to run its economy, not borrow its entire currency from parasite banksters.

The back of the US one-dollar bill:


You can’t get any plainer than that.


Ben Shalom Bernanke, Jew head of the Federal Reserve, the private bank that makes US money and lends it at high interest to the people of this country. Time magazine (Jewish) said in 2009 he was a great man…..



It’s ADMIRAL McRaven, Mr President! Obama botches rank of top Navy SEAL

  • President’s latest slip-up was calling Admiral William McRaven a general
  • Comes days after he and Ohio State University students spelled Ohio ‘O-I-H-O’

By Toby Harnden

PUBLISHED: 12:31 EST, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 19:20 EST, 23 August 2012

Barack Obama has always been known for his silken words, soaring rhetoric and ability to use language to his advantage.

Lately, however, the president seems to be losing command of the details. In a speech at a fundraiser in New York on Wednesday night, he took aim at Todd Akin, the political punch bag du jour on both sides of the political aisle.

‘Recently, some of you have been paying attention to the commentary of the Senator of Missouri, Mr Akin, who – the interesting thing here is that this is an individual who sits on the House Committee on Science and Technology, but somehow missed science class.

U.S. Navy Adm. William McRaven
President Barack Obama arrives at JFK International Airport

Slip up: President Obama, pictured arriving at New York’s JFK Airport yesterday, right, accidentally said that William McRaven, left, was a general, when in fact, he is an admiral


In town: The president is in the East Coast city to raise funds for his re-election campaignIn town: The president is in the East Coast city to raise funds for his re-election campaign

‘It’s representative of a desire to go backwards instead of forwards, and to fight fights that we thought were settled twenty, thirty years ago.’

The problem is, Akin is a congressman who is running for a US Senate seat in Missouri. Senator Claire McCaskill, Obama’s favourite Senator until a few months ago when she started to distance herself from him in an effort to win re-election, might not particularly appreciate the President having conceded her seat already.


Then there was the stop at Sloopy’s bar on the campus of Ohio State University where Obama posed will students to spell out the four letters in Ohio. Except that, initially at least, the President and the student on his right got their letters wrong, spelling: ‘O-I-H-O’

Perhaps most seriously, however, was Obama’s slip in an interview with KSDK in St Louis, Missouri when he was asked about the new 22-minute film ‘Dishonorable Disclosures’ by a group of former Special Forces troops and intelligence operatives.

‘I won’t take this film too seriously,’ he responded. ‘I gather that one of the producers is a birther who still doesn’t think I was born in this country.

Know your place: William McRaven is and admiral not a general. As a SEAL, he is member of the US Navy, not US Army or US MarinesKnow your place: William McRaven is an admiral, not a general. As a SEAL, he is member of the US Navy, not US Army or US Marines, where they have generals.

‘You’ve got one who was a candidate, a Republican candidate for office. And a proud card carrying member of the Tea Party. So this is obviously a partisan film.

‘I’d advise that you talk to General McRaven, who’s in charge of our Special Ops. I think he has a point of view in terms of how deeply

I care about what these folks do each and every day to protect our freedom.’

The difficulty with this is that William McRaven is and admiral not a general. As a SEAL, he is member of the US Navy, not US Army or US Marines.

Obama has made mistakes with military terminology before. In February 2010, he mispronounced ‘corpsman’ – as ‘corpse-man’ instead of ‘core-man’ several times.

Last year, he mixed up two Medal of Honor recipients, saying that ‘Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honour to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously’.


Hang on Sloopy: Earlier this week, Obama, centre, and students accidentally spelled out O-I-H-O during a visit to Sloopy's Diner at the Ohio State University campusHang on Sloopy: Earlier this week, Obama, centre, and students accidentally spelled out O-I-H-O during a visit to Sloopy’s Diner at the Ohio State University campus

In fact, Obama was referring to Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta. Obama had presented a posthumous Medal of Honor to the parents of SFC Monti, who was killed in action in June 2006, in September 2009.

The Medal of Honor is the highest United States award for valour. It’s the equivalent of the Victoria Cross. In the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the names of recipients are seared on the hearts of many Americans.

Some servicemen have criticised Obama for omitting their ranks, as he did with Monti. When Staff Sergeant Giunta received his Medal of Honor, Obama called him ‘Sal’ and ad libbed: ‘I really like this guy’. After hanging the medal around his neck, Obama did not salute him but gave him a hug.

For servicemen, ranks are important – they have worked hard and, in many cases, risked their lives, to earn them. And it’s one thing to omit a rank and another to botch the rank of the highest-ranking Special Forces operator in the country.

Perhaps the broader question is why Obama though it appropriate to talk about how Admiral McRaven had ‘a point of view in terms of how deeply I care about what these folks do each and every day to protect our freedom’.

Military leaders should be respected as non-partisan figures. It is unseemly, at best, for Obama to use Admiral McRaven for political purposes as a character referee to tell voters how much he cares about American troops.

Romney has made his own errors in terminology. He has referred to ‘Afghans’ as ‘Afghanis’ – the country’s currency – and to SEALs as ‘soldiers’, when they are better described as sailors or troops. His campaign’s mobile application misspelled ‘America’ as ‘Amercia’.



Yeah, the smartest guy in the room. ONLY when the room is empty.

– Terry, MT Home, USA, 24/8/2012 01:48

Click to rate     Rating   355

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Obama has nothing in common with any man of honor. It’s truly sad that his triumph of form over substance has ruined our country.

– David, Dallas, USA, 24/8/2012 01:41

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Things we never thought were true until President Obama got elected: 1. We have a US Marine Corpse; 2. There are 57 states in the US; 3. The title General is a suitable substitute for a Navy Admiral; 4. Loans from your family are worse than loans from the government; 5. Unemployment Insurance is job creation; and 6. Ohio is really spelled Oiho. I guess what this guy says really goes.

– Grizz, Kalamapuchi County, 24/8/2012 01:33

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Doesn’t care, never has. Story of his life.

– VA, Dallas, US, 24/8/2012 01:25

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Doesn’t know, AND doesn’t care. Story of his life.

– VA, Dallas, US, 24/8/2012 01:19

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The USA media does not cover anything that remotely shows the Buffoon in Chief in a bad light. The people need to pressure the Democrat-controlled media to tell the truth…otherwise, they are doomed.

– Laurence of Pewsey, Pewsey, Wiltshire, 24/8/2012 01:16

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Better than insulting 3 countries in a week tour, eh Mitt?

– Inmyopinion, England, 24/8/2012 01:13

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Let us be honest. Obama doesn’t know the difference between a seaman and an admiral. He has absolutely no military experience, and I suspect that he has loathed the military for much of his life. He wouldn’t last five minutes in boot camp.

– Michael, Northport, USA, 24/8/2012 01:10

Click to rate     Rating   415

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obama………. stick to your Teleprompter , you only sound HALF AS STUUUPID using it !!

– W W Thumper, Washington , USA , 24/8/2012 01:09

Click to rate     Rating   354

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This is not in the least bit funny. Obama is a complete disgrace as the ‘Commander and Chief’ of our military. He has disrespected our armed forces over and over again. The men and women of the Armed Forces know it but can’t speak up because of oath and honor. This man must be removed. He has held soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines as captive audiences for his political gain knowing they cannot leave or show displeasure in his disgracefulness. He makes us sick and he can’t leave office fast enough. He has no integrity and constantly lies. He uses people to the point of death for his own gain without remorse. He thinks of military personnel as his own private minions rather than the respectable patriots that they are. He has no clue as to the selfless service and sacrifice that most dedicated service members endure out of respect and honor for this country because he has none.

– D.S., U.S.A. Army, 24/8/2012 00:59

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Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan had a black ‘childhood sweetheart’

By Belinda Robinson

PUBLISHED: 07:16 EST, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:56 EST, 23 August 2012


Claims: Ryan, 42, allegedly told a Milwaukee Magazine that he had once dated a black girl and had an 'African American sister-in-law'Claims: Paul Ryan, 42, allegedly told a Milwaukee Magazine that he had once dated a black girl and had an ‘African American sister-in-law’


Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan had a ‘black childhood sweetheart’, it has emerged.

A tweet by CNN’s Peter Hamby earlier this week revealed that Ryan, 42, had told a Milwaukee Magazine that he’d once dated a black girl and had an ‘African American sister-in-law.’

In the 2005 interview in Ryan said: ‘I have a sister-in-law who is an African American. My college sweetheart was black.’

The journalist who did the original interview with Ryan, Erik Gunn, told Mail Online today: ‘I spoke to him some time ago, but I reported what he said at the time.’

Ryan’s communication Director Kevin Seifart, also confirmed to Mail Online that the comments made by Ryan about his then girlfriend were true.

The revelation has caused debate on the internet over whether the fact that Mitt Romney’s running mate dated a black woman even matters at all.

But a new NBC News/Wall Street journal poll shows that Mitt Romney’s problems with black voters are even worse than first thought.

The Republican candidate is capturing zero per cent of the African American vote, compared to the sustained popularity of President Obama among black voters.

Meanwhile, some of Ryan’s friends and professors who knew him as a student at Miami University in Ohio in 1988, no one can seem to remember him stepping out with a black girl, pointing to a romance that occurred in the days before he headed to college.

A gifted student, Ryan studied for a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics and political science, graduating in 1992.

One of Ryan’s fraternity brother’s, Gatewood Atwood, 42, from Kentucky, met Ryan in the spring of 1989 when the pair pledged for Delta Tau Delta.

The two were roommates during their sophomore year.

Model student: Ryan's yearbook picture from the Delta Tau Delta house at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he graduated in 1992Model student: Ryan’s yearbook picture from the Delta Tau Delta house at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he graduated in 1992


College days: Ryan (front, third from left) poses for a photograph with other members of Delta Tau Delta. It was there that he claimed to have had a black girlfriendCollege days: Ryan (front, third from left) poses for a photograph with other members of Delta Tau Delta. It was there that he claimed to have had a black girlfriend

He told MailOnline: ‘I don’t recall that [he ever dated a black woman.] It certainly doesn’t ring a bell. I don’t think he has anything against black people in any way shape or form so I don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t have dated a woman like that. He is a great guy. But I don’t know that he actually did.’

Born into a catholic family in Janesville, Wisconsin, his parents Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Ryan and Paul M. Ryan, encouraged their children to get a good education.

Paul D Ryan was the youngest of four children, Tobin, Janet, and Stan, and was nicknamed P.D. after his initials.

Concerns: In the week since Mitt Romney chose vice-presidential running mate Paul Ryan (right), there have been fears that the young Wisconsin congressman would not appeal to African-American votersConcerns: In the week since Mitt Romney chose vice-presidential running mate Paul Ryan (right), there have been fears that the young Wisconsin congressman would not appeal to African-American voters

At 16, the future Vice Presidential hopeful for the GOP had a job at McDonalds. But his carefree teenage years were cut short when he found his father dead from a heart attack, according to his older brother Tobin.

Tobin, 47, says his father’s death made Ryan more serious and this is why he later threw himself into his studies, and little else.

One of Ryan’s most outspoken professors at Miami, Professor William Hart is credited with helping Ryan to shape his libertarian views on economics.

Hart told Mail Online he also couldn’t remember him having a black girlfriend in those days.

In April 2000, Ryan proposed to his girlfriend Janna Little, and later that year, the pair married and had three children, Liza, Charlie and Sam.

Do you know if Paul Ryan had a black girlfriend? Contact MailOnline at



Big relief: Brandon Raub has been released. Fortunately for him, enough of the country, especially his mother, was on the case before he was administered Thorazine or any other of the brain-altering substances in the psychiatric cupboard.

Raub’s attorney, John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute, states in a video interview with Glenn Beck that the thousands of civil commitments, annually, suggest that veterans and “9/11 truthers” are being targetted.

No mention of Raub’s being a silver bullion dealer, but this could have been a factor in his being picked up by the police and FBI, assisted maybe by the local dog-catcher. Lots of Americans piling into silver and gold will make it harder for the Fed to get away with running its virtual money-printing press.




Raub’s attorney said that there have been 20,000 of these civil commitments in Virginia alone and veterans particularly are being targeted. 

In a surprising twist, (Raub’s lawyer John) Whitehead revealed a startling allegation that his client told him about prior to his release. Raub complained to his attorney that one of the psychiatrists that he was seeing threatened to “brainwash” him and force him to take medication.

“That really scared him,” he said.

After soaking in all that Whitehead had shared with him, Beck reflected:

“From what I know of this story, this is an outrage. There were some things that stick out to me — as flares of caution. But the one thing we should be reckless with is our defense of people who have opinions that we don’t agree with. I have never asked for a boycott, I’ve never asked for someone to be fired.”

[more, plus the video at link]

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