The Jews will assassinate Trump and make their big move; only VIRTUS can guide us through the storm ahead; Youtube censors my comments

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Unless Trump accepts a “moderate Republican” as vice-presidential running mate, the Jews will kill Trump around the convention and trigger a race war, leading directly to martial law and Obama staying on as president for life.

If Trump DOES accept a RINO (Republican In Name Only) as his v-p running mate, then they will kill him after he is inaugurated to get in yet another safe puppet. 

Do NOT imagine the Jews are stupid. 

And Obama, a Jew via his mother, hates Trump viscerally.


…..only VIRTUS can guide us through the storm ahead

I began it in January and now need your support to complete my work.


…..Former Supercop James Lancia interviewed

downtown-white-police-james-lanciaClick here!  Interview on “the Political Cesspool” by Sean Bergen, former TV crime-beat reporter in New York City

I bought two copies of this book on Amazon and could not put it down.

The book is actually also a fantastic intro to white nationalism. It cleverly has alternating chapters of real-life cop stories, some very funny, others extremely tragic,  and then a chapter follows as sure as the sun rises in the east that is more didactic, explaining and teaching the neophyte reader WHY things are the way they are: black violence, black-power extremists, the Jews behind them, and the ever-growing federalization of local police.

Lancia also rips repeatedly into cowardly cops who prefer busting unresisting white people instead of going after the thugs, black or white!




Art the 49th minute lancia says the same thing I do:

Obama right now has the “legal authority” [under an UN-constitutional law] to suspend the election  and declare martial law, TOTALLY ON HIS OWN!

I fear the Jews will assassinate Trump, using a minority (black, muslim, or mexican) who is a Manchurian Candidate  — and deliberately trigger a race war on their terms.


……French police collapse; martial law is the goal

This link suggests strongly how right James Lancia’s book is: 
REVEALED: French police FLEEING Calais after more than 300 are attacked by migrant mobs
Make the cops ineffective, then say “we need the army to come in and reestablish order.”

….To an NS comrade who sought to reconnect with me after Facebook deleted my account without warning

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: John de Nugent <>
Sent: Thursday, 19 May 2016, 20:16
Subject: greetings; reincarnation interest


Dear comrade B[],
Facebook, where we were friends, deleted me 80 days ago, which was a blessing in disguise. *;) winking
I have moved forward on writing my own religion book partly as a result. Take that, jews. *;) winking
Comrade [] wrote me you wanted to get into contact again, and are interested in spiritual matters and reincarnation.
I imagine you saw my huge essay on reincarnation…  (Due to the Jews hacking, my videos on life after death uploaded there are not accessible at the moment, but I am in the laborious process of reuploading them to, and have sent $700 to Trutube to get it back up and running.)

Near the very bottom of that webpage “Reincarnation Evidence” is found this on what Hitler said privately:

-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf) “Due to his own original, special nature, the Jew cannot possess a religious institution, if for no other reason because he lacks idealism in any form, and hence belief in a hereafter is absolutely foreign to him. And a religion in the Aryan sense cannot be imagined which lacks the conviction of survival after death in some form. Indeed, the Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.
AH on reincarnation (from Table Talk,
p38,, spoken on the 23rd of September, 1941, in the evening:
“The elements of which our body is made belong to the cycle of nature; and as for our soul, it’s possible that it might return to limbo, until it gets an opportunity to REINCARNATE itself.”
He only said “it is possible” because it was during a light conversation, not a church setting, and he was not about to become a priest and lecture his generals and the ladies present dogmatically with his personal metaphysical views.
But Hitler’s chief philosopher, Schopenhauer, based all his ideas on reincarnation, and Hitler read Schopenhauer in the trenches when off-duty in WWI. Death was all about Hitler during his four years of wartime service, where he earned two Iron Crosses for bravery, and his own life was almost miraculously spared by Private Henry Tandy.
Hitler was eternally grateful for his life being spared by a British soldier in 1918 in Marcoing, France. Private Henry Tandy, who went on that same day to win the highest British medal, the Victoria Cross.  The World Wars: A British Soldier Spared Hitler’s Life (S1, E1) | History
I was interviewed for the Andrew Carrington Hitchcock show in England this morning ( and, with him and his listeners being both pro-NS and also Christian Identity, I was very careful what I said so as to not offend them.  (Our show will be broadcast next Tuesday,  May 24, 2016, at 10 am US East Coast time.)
I merely pointed out to comrade Hitchcock (a very nice guy, btw, very sincere and kind as well) that Hitler was obsessed with national unity so the Reich could win the struggle with Jewry, which declared war on Germany in March 1933 already. 
And, it being the 1930s, the Leader did not dare discuss his controversial, private religious views, which were pro-reincarnation and basically those of Schopenhauer.
Every German knew about the atrocious Thirty Years War of 1618-48 when the German Protestants and Catholics idiotically exterminated each other for three decades, resulting in, by some estimates, one in three Germans perishing. 
This war also caused great and justified hatred toward France, where the leader, the Roman Catholic cardinal Richelieu, supported with money and troops both the Protestants [sic!] and the Catholics so as to keep the war going for year after year, and smash the power of Germany forever.
 In the peace accord of 1648, Germany was in fact broken up into 450 principalities, and Germany ceased to be a great power at all from that time, 1648, to the year 1870, a period of 222 years of utter impotence for the Reich while other nations, such as Britain, France, Spain, Russia, Portugal, and even tiny Holland, were creating vast colonial  empires. (In 1648, wealthy Holland — with its big navy — and Switzerland, with its banks — were also broken off from the Reich.)
So Hitler rightly saw religious discussions as divisive, and divisiveness as lethal.
His view was that in an age of science and education, Establishment Christianity (which he considered judeophilic, the worst thing possible!) would gradually decline anyway, and when it was weak enough, then national socialism would address the need for a new faith, which would not attack Jesus the person, au contraire, but the judeophilic monstrosity that Paul/Saul made of it.
Hitler’s view of Jesus was that of the great German playwright and poet Goethe:
“We should not talk about Jesus’ death but about His teachings and life.”
Nietzsche said, in Thus Spake Zarathustra:
“Jesus died too soon. He would have repudiated his doctrine had he lived to my age.”
In particular, He would have repudiated all His vain attempts to straighten out the Jews!
This had been His initial mission, and He used the Jewish belief in the coming Messiah as a tool.  
The four Gospels show a Jesus stung by the viciousness of the rejection He experienced, and  how even the display of genuine supernatural powers “bounced right of them” “because of their wicked hearts.”
We all know Jesus disappeared from age 12 to 29 from the the annals of history, and the Talmud says He studied Egyptian religion, that He DID perform miracles, that His father was Pantera, a Roman officer, a centurion (like a captain today),  and that His mother Mary was from Galilee of the Gentiles, “Galil ha Goyim.”
In the end, Jesus rejects the Jewish people entirely — the famous John 8:44 comes to mind — and says that God will bless righteous gentiles instead.
He sighs (in Matthew, chapter 23):
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me….. .And you say, ˜If we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.’ So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors started! You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
And whereas the earlier Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) have Jesus arguing with various “Pharisees” and “Temple priests,” by the Gospel of John it is a hate-filled: “Jesus said to the Jews.”  
In John, chapter 8 you can see that Jesus has “had it” with the Jews…. and identifies with God, not them:
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you wouldc do what Abraham did. 40As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41You are doing the works of your own father.”
“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”
42Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?47Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
48The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?”
49“I am not possessed by a demon,” said Jesus, “but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. 50I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. 51Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death.”
52At this they exclaimed, “Now we know that you are demon-possessed! Abraham died and so did the prophets, yet you say that whoever obeys your word will never taste death. 53Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are?”
54Jesus replied, “If I glorify myself, my glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies me. 55Though you do not know him, I know him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know him and obey his word. 56Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”
57“You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”
58“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” 59At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.
I would draw attention to two things:
1) “you are unable to hear what I say.”
I studied both Classical Greek and the later koiné Greek of the New Testament, both advanced and sophisticated languages, and Jesus really did say “you are unable to hear what I say,” not “you refuse to listen.”
This actually implies reincarnation, and that the Jews were incarnate beings who had come from hellish worlds to earth, and, as a human cannot hear a dog whistle, the Jews as demons literally could not hear His higher message. He was on a different frequency of soul from them.
The famous seer Edgar Cayce of Virginia was both very race-conscious (about the blacks) and very Jew-wise, as an earlier version of the Wikipedia article on him openly stated,  replete with quotations. 
He said in a book which his own publishing house dared not publish, but a friend of mine saw,


“the Jews are reincarnated criminals.” 

In his visions of Atlantis (and he believed many American who were old souls had lived there), Cayce said that a titanic struggle happened before the gods destroyed it (around 10,000 BC). 
The good forces were “the Sons of the Law of One” and they fought to reestablish morality, family values and the traditions that had once given Atlantis peace, prosperity, a healthy physical environment, fame and greatness.   
The vile force, which won out,  was “the Sons of Baal,” and they preached greed, orgies, and atheism, that is, there is no God but there is a Satan.
I contend that the Jews are the reincarnated Sons of Baal, here to destroy the Aryan race especially by destroying its children.
And WE, the serious. committed National Socialists — not just “Hitler fans” *;) winking —  are the reincarnated Sons of the Law of One, back for Round Two. 
All the esoteric National Socialists in the Thule and Vril Societies believed that key Atlanteans had reincarnated as Germans. This explains the depth of the Germans compared with the gadget-obsessed Anglo-Saxcons and other white peoples, and why gigantic figures of Aryan history came back as Germans: Gutenberg (the printing press), Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Wernher von Braun, and of course Hitler himself.
2)   “before Abraham was born, I am!”  This implies Jesus is saying He existed before this life. 
Here is a thought-provoking cartoon; the date referred to is when Hitler took action to destroy the homosexual Roehm and his putsch. No more “turning the other cheek” and Jesus-mode…. *;) winking  You “love your enemies” by terminating their failed incarnation. *;) winking
I have two new items to add to this reincarnation essay….


¦.A religion not based on semitic malarkey but facts, truth and evidence 

If you can see any way to make any kind of donation I am running on fumes. *:) happy
I got in a large donation two months ago from Germany and spent it on trying to get the hacked back online and successfully getting operational.
I also rescued a young German in dire straits who translates for me and helped restore a German headquarters building.
Homeland Security sent this young German back to Germany from Chicago O’Hare Airport in February 2015 when he came to visit and help me in Upper Michigan:
He booked his flight, which cost $600, wisely and as per my advice, only after he got his visa. 
But he was sent back anyway because he had finally admitted under interrogation — after they grilled him for three hours, seized his smartphone and read all his Facebook private messages and emails  — that he was going to visit me. 
And over and over it was: “How do you know John de Nugent? What did you plan to do — and where did you plan to go — with John de Nugent?”…..
Quite an experience for a 22-year old with zero experience with cops, but an Arab, a black and a white traitor put him through the ringer. Now he is back in Germany: no job, no apartment and no money.
If we have no video service, just Youtube and other Jew-controlled services, then no new leader or vision can arise. The speech by a living, breathing, struggling human being that rouses us to devotion and action is still the key, not bare-bones information.
So I have used this large donation to restore video service that is not controlled by the Jews. And because my new Aryan religion will be communicated by not just a book but by my videos speaking to the white race. 

……Only I and other WNs can see my Youtube comments!

Here was my comment under this video on Youtube:


I just saw “Brexit — the film” and the first half was fantastic, in fact almost suspiciously good. 😉 It was certainly a bit pro-German at the beginning — how the rise of the postwar German economy was a model — but it truthfully makes it clear that the EU is not run at all by the social free-market policies that once made postwar Germany strong.

I also never before realized how dictatorial the EU structure is. I was shocked, for example, to learn (from Nigel Farage, a phoney, but anyway) that unlike the British Parliament or US Congress, the EU parliament cannot introduce any bills! It is toothless. And the EU has four presidents, five commissions, and all are unelected! All the POWER is with appointed officials no one has ever heard of and who are fabulously bribed to do as the Jews tell them! The EU scandalously has 10,000 top officials who make as much salary as the prime minister of Britain!

However, it is such a blatant half-truth to claim Switzerland is prosperous because it isn’t in the EU. Albania is also not in the EU and it is poor. Switzerland is rich because it is 70% a Germanic country, speaking Swiss German (and High German as well), and thus the people are hard-working, honest, orderly and intelligent. Germany itself has the highest IQ in Europe, and the Swiss are a kind of Germans. (Switzerland did add 30% Frenchies and Italians later on.)

It is also not true that democracy means prosperity. Hitler Germany had an astounding, booming economy — and it was of course an overt one-man dictatorship. China is also booming and it is the exact opposite of a democracy. It is nationalistic, one-party rule (by the reform neo-communists), and there is no diversity agenda either. The Han Chinese are 90% of the country and rule everything, and by nature the Chinese (and other East Asians) are industrious, and obsessed with millennial Confucian values like work, family and education.

But indeed the European Union is deliberately evil and a project of enslavement and poverty. On this the video is spot-on.

And when I posted my comment, I (John de Nugent, me, and yours truly) could SEE  my comment.

And other WNs can see it too. The Google-Youtube algorithm figures out you are a WN by your viewing habits, and allows you as a WN to see my WN comment, and vice versa.  

On the Opera, Firefox and Chrome browsers, as per this screenshot, I and you can see it:


But the browser on the far-right is the Tor browser, which scrambles the location of your computer and who owns it.

Tor hides who I am. This thwarts the NSA and government spying. Thus also Youtube does not know who I am, and does not realize I am a white nationalist.

So it assumes I am a NON-WN, and thus my comment does not show up at all!

And I noticed that my YouTube comments often get few or no likes or replies, indicating that only other WNs can see them. Also on Rt deutsch (Russia Today in German) they delete all my comments, though they are carefully formulated. (I can see them on RT France, however.)

Even though I am so openly pro-Putin, and never blast the Jews or praise Adolf 😉 RT deutsch has a blanket ban. I can SEE my own comment briefly, but it is then deleted, a few minutes later.

This is why we need and, where our WN comments will not be slily censored!

John de Nugent
jdn-ontonagon-parking-lot-lakeshore-drive- lake-superior-crown-vic-oct-14

This is the time for a new Aryan faith and to fight without fear, knowing we are immortal. There is no way that 2016 will be just another year of merely blogging and reading. The Jews will make their move and we must make ours.


…..Contact and support


This is now day 40 with no donations. Shall I continue, and start this new and invincible faith, or will Donald Trump save us after the Jews kill him as they did Patton? 😉

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