The national-socialist revolution: honoring labor, not surrendering to capital

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 “Words of Adolf Hitler” by Matt Koehl

 A silver and amber deluxe cover to MK, given to Hitler by a devout supporter.

Mein Kampf is a very great and very deep book, but written in a heavy German style, typical of 90 years ago. Hitler was a great speaker,  leader and organizer, and a good ” but not a great ” writer, as he himself admitted.  He wrote MK because, well,  he was in prison anyway 😉 , and more than that, he felt a real need to lay out his thinking systematically on race, politics and mass psychology for his contemporaries and for future generations.

But MK is pretty heavy going. I have read it in both German and in English. Most give up, frankly. 😉

This is an possible upcoming audiobook project, based on a 45-page booklet published in 1990 by Matt Koehl, contains the key concepts from Mein Kampf. (The dollar bill is merely to show its handy pocket size.)







You can buy this wonderful booklet here for $5 ( just scroll down 3/4),  support thereby our Cause AND carry this little gem around proudly with you in your breast pocket ” and then whip it out to read some inspiration to continue our sacred mission that gives our lives meaning!

By the way, I am the person who translated the Wulf Sörensen booklet before it. 😉



My first WN organization in 1978-80 was the National Socialist White People’s Party of George Lincoln Rockwell, which after “Rocky’s” assassination in August 1967 was taken over by Matt Koehl. These guys were serious STORMTROOPERS ” and I still am. 😉



Georgetown Hoya Feb 15 1979 Nazi




The great Rockwell manfully confronts Marxist Lucifer King.



Rocky was a man’s man; he had animal charisma as well as a distinguished military record, finishing his US Navy career as a commander (five officer ranks up, same as a lieutenant-colonel in the Army or Marines).




With his Icelandic wife, who left him, taking the kids, after the Jews turned up the heat.



This putrid punk, John Patler, whom Rockwell had expelled for a psychopathic personality, shot him dead in vengeance.






When Rocky was assassinated, his deputy, Matt Koehl, was the first to recognize that he lacked Rockwell’s show-biz pizzazz (his father had been a vaudeville comedian) and charisma, but the former Marine and German-American from Milwaukee, Wisconsin kept the NSWPP (National Socialist White People’s Party) going and growing.

Matt Koehl was more a thinker, a deep thinker; a writer, an excellent writer; and a philosopher.

His website,, continues his life’s work in the hands of a trusted, incisive and capable friend whom I have known since 1978.


Matt Koehl

Matt Koehl.jpg

Matthias (Matt) Koehl Jr. (January 22, 1935October 10, 2014)[1] was the leader of New Order, a quasi-religious National Socialistorganization. He succeeded George Lincoln Rockwell as Commander of the National Socialist White People’s Party after Rockwell’s assassination in August 1967. Koehl renamed the NSWPP theNew Order in 1983. Matt Koehl was also previously head of theWorld Union of National Socialists.


Early life

Matt Koehl was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Hungarian immigrants of German descent. [Eastern Europe once had millions of pure, ethnic Germans who were invited in by various kings and emperors as valuable settlers due to their work ethic, honesty and intelligence. All these quiet, solid German traits characterized Matt Koehl.]

His father “who became a landscaper “was brought to America at age eight. The family, which included a brother and a sister, attended the Full Gospel Church where his mother was a Sunday school teacher.

Koehl graduated from Washington High School in June 1952. In high school he liked music and played violin.[2] Thereafter he studied journalism for two years at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He enlisted in the US Marine Corps [1954-56] and served two years on active duty.[3]


In the 1950s he joined James Madole ˜s National Renaissance Party and was one of the leaders of their Elite Guard. He also joined the United White Party, and the National States Rights Party (1958, the NSRP’s national organizer) before joining the American Nazi Party (ANP) in 1960. He became head of the Chicago branch of the ANP in 1961 and relocated to the national office in Virginia in 1963 as the National Secretary of the party with the rank of Major.

Koehl first met Rockwell through the National States Rights Party. They both worked together on the political campaign of [white nationalist] Admiral John Crommelin when he ran for governor ofAlabama in 1958.



The biggest lie of all is the claim that the modern Jew is a white man.[1]



The USS Crommelin (1979-2012) was named after Rear Admiral Crommelin and his four brothers, all Naval Academy graduates and officers. Two were killed in WWII.

US Navy (USN) Sailors aboard the Oliver Hazard Perry class Guided Missile Frigate USS CROMMELIN (FFG 37) man the rails as the ship deploys from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for a scheduled six-month deployment. The USS ARIZONA Memorial is in the background.
US Navy (USN) Sailors aboard the Oliver Hazard Perry class Guided Missile Frigate USS CROMMELIN (FFG 37) man the rails as the ship deploys from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for a scheduled six-month deployment. The USS ARIZONA Memorial is in the background.



Like Miguel Serrano, he was heavily influenced by the writings of Savitri Devi and is an advocate ofesoteric Hitlerism, believing Hitler to have been a god-like being sent to rescue humanity “ and specifically the European peoples “ from the Jews.

Matt Koehl was a bachelor, never married, although he lived with a life-long companion, Barbara von Goetz, for many years.[4] 

She passed on shortly after he did.


  1. ↑ website accessed October 13, 2014
  2. ↑“Ex-Milwaukeean New Fuehrer’?” The Milwaukee Sentinel, August 26, 1967
  3. ↑Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, By Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, page 15
  4. ↑Encyclopedia of White Power, by Jeffrey Kaplan, p. 156






The Words of Adolf Hitler “ Matt Koehl











See also:

1 Comment

  1. Tolle Bilder. Man sieht wie sehr die Menschen Adolf geliebt haben.

    Aber auch ihr Amis hattet einen grossen Mann: JFK

    Leider nur viel zu kurz.

    Als ich damals von der Ermordung von Jörg Haider erfahren hatte, musste ich auch weinen. Das war auch ein guter Mann und viele Menschen in Österreich haben Tränen in den Augen gehabt und viele Kerzen wurden am “Unfall”ort aufgestellt.

    Der hätte in Österreich richtig aufgeräumt.

    Stellt euch mal vor Merkel würde sterben…Freudenfeiern, Feuerwerk und Freibier überall. Der würde doch keiner eine Träne nachweinen.

    Ich kenne niemanden!!! der dieser Hexe noch etwas gutes abgewinnen kann. Und ich habe ein eher linkes Umfeld um mich herum.

    Aber sie ist auch nur eine auswechselbare Person. Wir brauchen ein neues System.

    HH aus Deutschland.

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