To a skeptic; Swedish Weekly — Leftists get a taste at home of their own medicine; how I could have used NUMEC to awaken America

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….to a sudden supporter who just as suddenly drifted away

Dear Pers [a Scandinavian],

Well, it is almost June and you said you would donate then, as you said you would in March, but I feel you have read character defamation of me, refused to look at my defense, and as they say “people believe what they want to believe.” 😉

Have you any interest in being fair and telling me WHY you have grown cold on supporting or communicating with me? It must be very serious to change totally your attitude. Do you have any desire whatsoever in reading my detailed, point-by-point defense of my character against these accusations? Or is it not the character attacks you believe — but instead is it that you “know” that I am a “nut” for believing in reincarnation, or in extraterrestrial life and in nordic aliens, or that we must now preach NS and liberation for all races and peoples, not just for teutons or whites….


….that Jews descend from neanderthals, that David Duke and many others have been “turned” by the Jewish enemy, or that Hitler, though a great man, was not a god — and made terrible mistakes in Russia that lost the war that we needed desperately to win?

It is bad karma for YOU, Pers, to believe and swallow Jew-spread or agent-spread lies without any critical examination.


Look at the harm that the Jew lies about multiculturalism or the Holocaust have caused…. Maybe you are embracing lies that professional agents inside the WN movement are spewing as part of the standard practice of “divide-and-conquer” which are applied against all movements critical of the regime in power.


Attack the character of any potential leader, and start vicious infighting!


High NSA official Edward Snowden leaked a manual for the NSA and GCHQ giving detailed training on how to defame dissident leaders.


But the real issue is not the lack of logic and scientific procedure — studying the evidence. The key point is why do people WANT to believe lies? It is because they WANT an EXCUSE to not help that leader or movement, not get on a government shitlist, and go back to whatever safe, low-profile dead end they were in (reading and typing their complaints online using a pseudonym about how the Jews and minorities are f—g us) — or do the safest and least expensive thing of all — do nothing!

So, yes, people LOVE to read character defamation!

Then they criticize a leader who cannot do anything major for lack of significant financial support. As the Germans say, Geld regiert die Welt, money rules the world. If a leader is starved of any financial wherewithal, do you really expect him to change the world with five dollars in his pocket? 😉

The Jews spew nothing but insane nonsense and lies but back it up with huge amounts of money. So what wins: Penniless truth or wealthy lies?

And look,  now in Sweden a race of Vikings (and they are my own ancestors) has become the most despicable cowards on this earth!


Helsingborg boy beaten by muslims, but really it is JEW MONEY that beat him. Geld regiert die Welt — money rules the world.


I really do not expect any significant answer from you, Pers, so I will just run this missive on my blog for the sake of the others out there. But still this is your chance. I have seen many like you become enthusiastic and then, without a word, disappear and go back to “whatever” dead end they were in before — after 1) reading harsh attacks on me and 2) never once questioning them.

But this is also why Hitler made excruciatingly slow progress in the 1920s — people believed lies against him — that he was a traitor, homosexual, coward, egomaniac, swindler and “crazy” — exactly what they say now about me. That is why “the great Hitler” got only 2.6% of the vote in March 1928 after eight years of work. People love lies that justify doing nothing.


Rejected by 97.4% of the German electorate, although a household word. The other parties demanded nothing – no marches, uniforms, fistfights with communists, social ostracism or firing from the job. german-reichstag-election-march-1928

The folk loved reading Hitler was a nut so they could reject his calls to duty. The “painless solution” to the Weimar republic’s problems was to borrow more money from Wall Street to pay the Versailles reparations! But, no, that was not “nuts” — to go ever deeper into crippling debt to your blood-sucking enemy. 😉 Ahh, the folk!

Until 1930 Hitler had only a political sect — his 2.6-pcrcenters — based on frank and open “hero worship” of himself, which led to Hitler being called “größenwahnsinnig” = megalomanic. (This is also a rare picture showing Hess smiling, who was highly embarrassed about a smile revealing his buck teeth. 😉 )


Hitler’s favorite book was the bestselling 1841 work, Heroes and Hero Worship, by the Scottish professor Thomas Carlyle (,_Hero-Worship,_and_The_Heroic_in_History), which said that it is heroes who move history forward, because the masses respond only to the heroic figure. (Another example: Joan of Arc.) This is my photograph of my personal copy of the original book, which I possess, now over 174 years old. (I bought it for six dollars from a Jewish used-book dealer in Bethesda, Maryland. 😉 This is the book that made Adolf Hitler.)


John Kennedy intuitively understood Hitler, because he too fit the heroic archetype and triggered frenzy in the masses.


I leave you with this, Pers: the one that is most attacked is the one the Jews most fear, and THE MINORITY IS ALWAYS RIGHT. You must decide to belong to the minority or the majority.

John de Nugent


…”Swedish Weekly”

There is a new English-language nationalist website called The Swedish Weekly, subtitled “The latest absurdities from The Great North,” published by Motgift Ltd. in Stockholm.



In their “About Us” section they write:
The Swedish Weekly is a newsletter from the people behind Motgift Sweden’s leading alternative media platform

All of the former white countries are facing the same threats of mass immigration, liberalism, feminism and the atomization of the family ” but Sweden has taken on the leading role regarding these matters. Therefore we find it important to communicate the many times bizarre and almost always frightening development in the country once known for social security, ethnic homogeneity and spirit of work and ingenuity.

swedish-girl-folk-headdress-floda-swedenWe don’t strive to cover all the news from Sweden, instead we cherry pick those we think might be the most interesting to an international audience.


There is not much content on the site right now, though it does carry the video shot by Nordic Youth (a Swedish group) that I mentioned in a May 15 J&E post, showing one of its members confronting Jan Helin, Leftist editor of the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet at his home in a white Stockholm suburb. (Where else would an anti-white member of the Establishment live?)

Interestingly, Helin and other members of the Leftist elite are able to conceal their home addresses from the public so that they appear nowhere on- or off-line–even as they harass Politically Incorrect but socially powerless whites in their own homes. This was only recently arranged; Nordic Youth obtained Helin’s address before it was hidden from the public.

The Swedish Weekly also has an hour-long audio interview with conservative James Edwards, host of the American radio program “The Political Cesspool.” So, where are they coming from, politically and ideologically?

As noted, the site is published by Motgift, which produces the larger, eponymous Swedish-language website Motgift Motgift should probably be translated as “Antidote.”) The website appears to have gone online late last year (August 2014). Because that website has much more material, it provides clues about what its subsidiary Swedish Weekly will be like.

Currently Motgift is attempting to develop an online Swedish-language radio show that will be broadcast two hours every day.

Several writers are ex-members of the Party of the Swedes (Svenskarnas parti). I mentioned on May 15 that Nordic Youth identifies with the antiracist Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna), which is falsely presented to the public (by the media) as pro-white, anti-immigration, etc., while in reality they are multiracialists who seek genetic and cultural “assimilation” along the lines of UKIP in the UK, Marine Le Pen’s Front National in France, part-Jew Geert Wilders’ fanatically Zionist Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid) in the Netherlands, etc. Nordic Youth explicitly rejected the racialist Party of the Swedes as too extreme.

My J&E post was dated May 15. Now I learn that the Party of the Swedes dissolved itself on May 10, 2015 due to lack of popular support. So that party has gone the way of the National Democrats (Nationaldemokraterna), which dissolved itself the previous year. The National Democrats were characterized as a radical breakaway faction (in 2001) from the Sweden Democrats, though they weren’t all that radical. The founders of Nordic Youth are former National Democrats.

Along with mostly original material, Motgift has translated articles into Swedish from TakiMag, VDare, and at least one from TOO.

Dan Eriksson, the managing editor of Motgift who lives in Berlin, recently made a video asking whether Motgift had become libertarian. Evidently he, at least, has come to see certain virtues in the antistatist arguments of classical liberal thinkers. He’s reassessed his former views, the Swedish paternalistic view, that the State should direct everything because people are essentially children who can’t make their own decisions responsibly. He now believes that people make stupid decisions primarily because so much power is concentrated in the state. But Motgift nevertheless views this from a nationalist perspective.

This strikes me as very reasonable as long as Erkisson and Motgift don’t drift away from racialism into Establishment-style anti-white libertarianism. Racialist individualism is preferable to national socialism. There’s nothing inherent in the idea of freedom, or in the American Revolution, for example, that compels adoption of the view that “Freedom demands the genocide of the white race and Western Civilization, combined with racism for Jews and everybody else.” That is patently absurd. It is a contemptible (and totally unprincipled and immoral) crime imposed upon the West after WWII by anti-white racists and totalitarians.

In an article entitled “The Swedish Nation State Is Dead,” Eriksson maintains that Sweden, in the dictionary sense of “a geographically defined state whose population is largely the same lineage, language and culture,” no longer exists, adding, “Sweden Democrats also want to dismantle the Swedish national state by ignoring the Swedish nation, and just like the other globalists do not believe that those who live in Sweden should have ‘essentially the same lineage’.” Thus, no party in Parliament favors preserving or restoring the Swedish nation.

A key nationalist problem was raised in the comment thread of this article. A young man asked Eriksson if he would be accepted as Swedish by Eriksson’s (and by extension Motgift’s) criteria because he happened to be born in Germany to a Swedish mother and a Croatian father. He loves and is proud of “his country” (Sweden), its traditions, customs, and “most importantly” the Swedish language. He speaks and writes Swedish better than most “Swedes” (which he puts in quotation marks, signifying everyone within its borders as defined by the government, no matter their race or hybridity), but also better than most “real Swedes” (not in quotation marks).

His use of such terminology shows that he has a concept in his mind of “real Swedes.” Doubtless he means people of unmixed Swedish ancestry going back many generations, a criterion he objectively does not meet. Yet he identifies as Swedish: so, does he belong?

SWEDISH-ELEMENTARY-SCHOOL-GIRLSThis question of who belongs biologically, is of course, one that white nationalists of all stripes refuse to deal with. They pretend the answer is obvious. After all, it would be unkind to exclude anyone! Intermarried? Hybrid children? Of mixed race or ethnicity yourself? “Don’t ask, don’t tell!”

Or, if that fails: “Be inclusive!” It would be a form of intra white racism to exclude anybody! And that’s a sin!

This rot shows how deeply imbued with the prevailing culture-distortion everybody is.

Eriksson thanked the writer for raising the question, which he thought was “quite common.” (You bet it is!) He said that if somebody’s mixed ancestry were African or Asian, they could not be Swedish, “but if you’re a European with a Swedish identity [emphasis added], then you are Swedish and can be part of the Swedish national community.”

This is wrong on many levels, but demonstrates the state of psychological and moral paralysis and intellectual confusion whites are currently wallowing in. Though not a terribly important question in the past, in the current maelstrom it is essential to explicitly specify biological, ethnic, genetic, racial, and genealogical (or, as Eriksson and his correspondent were implicitly doing, national) boundaries.

The problem cannot be kicked down the road forever–if white survivialis what is important.

…..”Swedish Weekly” article on giving lefties a taste of their own medicine

Hunting the hunters: How Swedish nationalists gave anti-white journalists a taste of their own medicine
May 15, 2015

The nationalist activist group, Nordisk Ungdom (Nordic Youth), is starting to give journalists a taste of their own medicine.

In Sweden it has become common for journalists to harass political dissidents in their homes. For example a TV-show called “The Troll Hunters” (Trolljägarna) hosted by the journalist Robert Aschberg, grandson to Olof Aschberg a.k.a “the Red Banker” a financial supporter of the Russian Revolution (let’s play “Guess the Ethnicity?”) has been launched just to find “haters” and stalk them.

“Haters” are more than often nationalists and “regular Joe’s” who, being frustrated about the rotting society that is modern Sweden, release some steam online and writes things they probably should have thought through before pressing “send”. It is basically a TV-show with the purpose of silencing critics of the modern, marxist, multicultural society. By its producers it is of course described as a show with noble intentions such as “to give the victims of hate a voice”.
Swedish Thought Police harassing people

The two national tabloids, Aftonbladet and Expressen, have been using similar tactics as the ones Mr. Aschberg uses. Knocking on doors to homes where nationalists using anonymous accounts on different internet forums live. Co-operating with a group consisting partially of documented violent far-left convicted criminals, The Research Group (Researchgruppen), they have somehow cracked anonymous accounts and found out the identity of the people behind those accounts. Foul play is suspected but has not yet been proven.

People who thought they had the right to express opinions freely get cameras and microphones pointed in their faces and are being accused, trialed and executed all in one article or clip. Not being safe from the “Thought Police” even in their own homes.
Journalists gets a taste of their own medicine

As a reaction to the despicable methods used by Swedish journalists the editor-in-chief of Aftonbladet, Jan Helin, was visited by a group of nationalist activists from Nordisk Ungdom calling themselves “The Journalist Hunters” (Journalistjägarna). They rang the doorbell and asked Mrs. Helin who happened to open the door if Mr.Helin was at home and could answer some questions. “But we live here!” was Mrs. Helin’s pretty shocked answer (oh the irony!). Right after that comes Mr. Helin with his mobile drawn in a theatrical fashion, photographing the nationalists giving him a taste of his own medicine. Mr. Helin did, of course, not answer the questions thrown at him asking how he likes to be confronted at his own house in a manner used by his employees.

So the real “haters” are now being confronted like they confront people with differing political views and apparently they don’t like it one bit.

Will Chief Editor Helin take some time now to contemplate what happened to him, see his own wrongdoings and change his ways?

One should not be pessimistic all the time so we at The Swedish Weekly think there is a chance he will. But only after a ski vacation to Hell, that is..


…..Eternal Solutreanism

…..How to donate


…..How I could have used NUMEC to awaken America to the Jew menace

After seeing my two NUMEC videos from Apollo, Pennsylvania in 2012, a comrade wrote me praising my work, and asking about the woman, Patty Ameno, who had so fiercely opposed me. I told him she had actually come around since 2012, and become quite friendly and respectful, and apologized to me at the Apollo, Pa. post office and in front of a friend of mine and several others. Not that I totally trust her now but it was nice.

…..NUMEC – Israelis make a Pennsylvania town radioactive & kill thousands with cancer as they illegally steal plutonium for their WMDs & dump the waste

NUMEC Part 1 – Radioactive Contamination Kills Thousands


NUMEC Part 2 – John de Nugent Confronts The Army

The comrade replied:

No amount of apology or cleanup can make up for the damage done to the lives of those poor hard working people. Thank God for men like you who are bringing these tragedies out to the public. People deserve to know when wrong is being done to them and what you did to stop them. Here was a tremendously noble endeavor. I can say that you have definitely shed light on what I would call one of the most obscure and covered-up environmental disasters of all time. Because of these videos many more people are aware of this travesty. Good job as always, John.

I answered: Thank you very much!

The Jews moved heaven and earth to get me out of Apollo and they succeeded after two years of intense harassment in Sept. of last year, because selfish, cowardly, defeatist, foolish WNs refused to support me when I attempted to run for sheriff or mayor. It was the IDEAL location to awaken them and America about the JEWS!

Anyone can rag on the blacks because of crime, or talk against gun control or gay marriage, and find agreers, but the key issue is the Jews!!

And Apollo was a town killed by Jews! Jews gave THEIR LOVED ONES cancer!




I hung in there for two solid years.

And the key thing too is that it was because JFK discovered the NUMEC scandal (building the atomic bomb there) that the Jews killed Kennedy!

“Israel need not apologize for the assassination or destruction of those who seek to destroy it. The first order of business for any country is the protection of its people.” —Washington Jewish Week. October 9, 1997
“The murder of American President John F. Kennedy brought to an abrupt end the massive pressure being applied by the U.S. administration on the government of Israel to discontinue the nuclear program [In Israel and the Bomb, Avner] Cohen demonstrates at length the pressures applied by Kennedy on Ben-Gurion . . . in which Kennedy makes it quite clear to the Israeli prime minister that he will under no circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state. The book implied that, had Kennedy remained alive, it is doubtful whether Israel would today have a nuclear option.” — Reuven Pedatzer in the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz, February 5, 1999, reviewing Israel and the Bomb. (New York: Columbia University Press, 1998)


Joseph Kennedy, Junior, Joseph Kennedy, Senior, and John F. Kennedy on ship
PC 79
“A notorious anti-Semite [JdN: See my “The Jewish War on the Kennedys”: Scroll almost halfway down here:], Kennedy complained to the captain that the bearded, black-clad Jews were upsetting the first-class passengers by praying on the Jewish high holy day of Rosh Hashanah . . . ” — Edward Klein, former Editor-in-Chief of The New York Times Magazine, writing in the opening pages of The Kennedy Curse , New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2003)


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