Virtus chapter 2 — no Aryan religion is based on strategies, tricks, escapism, lies or worshiping our enemy’s god

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After reading my opening chapter of Virtus, published on January 30th, 2016… (I dyed my hair black for one special video, coming up, which might just rock the world. I need your financial support for it.)

….a very nice and often perceptive friend wrote me [abridged]:



Hi, John.

The main points of that email I sent you, stated very succinctly, are as follows:
I wrote in that email that it is inconsistent to say that one supports Christ (as you do  [ — 590 JdN blogs praising and defending Jesus]) while at the same time rejecting the Gospels (you have said to me that you think the traditional gospels are inaccurate and that they amount to “Paulianity”).
I wrote that […] by rejecting the traditional gospels […] (even if you claim to support Christ) you are effectively withholding the teachings of Christ from your followers, which is not good.
I wrote that pastor Steven Anderson [of Arizona, a very good man] manages to criticize the Holohoax and the Jews from within conventional Christianity (although he is clueless on issues of race) and I asked that, if he can go that far within conventional Christianity, why couldn’t you go the rest of the way, covering the issue of race as well as the Holohoax and the Jewish question, from within conventional Christianity?


I also said that if you could embrace the Gospels (i.e., work within conventional Christianity) you would probably quickly gain millions of followers.  I also pointed out that the traditional Gospels were good enough that the Byzantine empire was able to rely on them to create (what I believe to be) the longest lasting empire in recorded history, a Christian empire (which lasted for 1,200 years).
So I was arguing that you could and should come to terms with the conventional gospels.  
Did you get a chance to consider the points I made in that email? 

Best regards,

I replied with this epistle:


Dear G,

Sorry I could not get back to you sooner. And thank you once again for your good wishes and intentions.

Christianity is not only a good religion overall but a good way for Jews, half-Jews etc. to truly turn against Talmudism, because Jewish identity for the last twenty centuries has been based on Jesusophobia, just as Canadian identity ever since Pierre Trudeau has been based on deliberate anti-white-American-ism.

As my blog alludes below, I got a stark spiritual warning not to deify Jesus as I was considering your earlier emails on the topic of Jesus.
My gut instinct also is that no Jew (or half-Jew), not even Jesus, can be at the center of an Aryan mental universe, even the noblest.
Now there is a way that Jesus saves, and it came to me for the fiftieth time again today:

If you consciously die fighting for your people, as a soldier or truthsayer.

Then by actually doing as Jesus did, actually fighting (in this case, by publicly denouncing evil) and by dying, one is saved thereby and karmically rockets upward.

John 15:13 in the King James Version (KJV)

13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.


Here is a Hegelian dialectic:
Thesis: Jesus is God
Antithesis: Jesus is demonic
Synthesis: Jesus is one of many avatars God has sent, who then struggle as real humans (almost too advanced for the rest of us) while living among people who are more or less advanced mammals — with a very, very weak conscience, major selfishness, and no great interest in the truth, or rather outright hostility to any truth that interferes with their life, regardless of its huge benefits for the society they and their offspring have to live in.

I will never forget the day I saw a man my age, with white hair, at a Walmart, pushing a coffee-colored half-black grandson in a shopping cart around.

He had a masculine set to his jaw and I bet he was a vet as I am.

I started at the kid and then him, and our eyes met.

Inner dialogue:

“You are just the kind of FOX News Channel guy with a pickup truck who would believe whatever Sean Hannity says, and loathes people like me as Nazis.

But I can tell you are mortified and can’t stand race-mixing any more than I can.

But you kept your mouth SHUT when your daughter began dating the black guy.

AFRAID of your own daughter!

Was it really so smart to NOT be a Nazi like me?

Now look at your reward, you cowardly old fool. You’ll be saddled with this kid for decades, and probably bailing him out of jail in another 15 years, or maybe he’ll shoot you and your wife.

We all make choices. Yours was to go with the herd.” 


Mitt Romney and black grandson




Regarding Jesus: The Talmud itself claims Jesus was learning black magic in Egypt — so it absolutely conceded Jesus performed miracles and existed. (It also concedes He descended from the royal house of King David.)

This major book by German Peter Schäfer of Princeton University shows it:


in German:jesus-im-talmud-peter-schaefer

In fact, Schäfer says the evidence suggests that the Talmud used to contain far MORE about Jesus than it does now; thus much was removed.

The fact that Jesus’ ferocious Pharisee enemies concede that  Jesus did miracles and did exist is for me dispositive. To deny his existence is like saying Abraham Lincoln never existed.

And what do we know about Arminius, Herman the Cherusker of ancient Germany, who annihilated three Roman legions and saved thus the nordic race? We know only what his enemies wrote and bitterly admitted:

“He turned against us because we were enslaving his people, he used our own tactics against us, he got us marching single-file through thick woods, ambushed and annihilated our entire army.”




If Herman never existed, why did the Romans forever stop trying to invade Germany, and instead, just as Hadrian did against the fierce ancient Scots, just build a wall to keep them out?

The Germans had always been divided until Herman came along. He had vision, experience and charisma. All great deeds are done by such men.

The same with starting a new world religion and especially one that survives the murder of its founder and scattering of his followers! No vast new faith community is started by a scheme, a book or a “concept.”

It is started by a unique individual!

A Roman centurion ( = captain) tells Jesus his slave is paralyzed and suffering. A rough, tough military officer, he had sized Jesus up as the real deal.

Men who came to Jesus: The Roman Soldier

Matthew 8:5-13 (New International Version (NIV)

The Faith of the Centurion

5 When Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to him, asking for help. 6 “Lord,” he said, “my servant lies at home paralyzed, suffering terribly.”
7 Jesus said to him, “Shall I come and heal him?”
8 The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. 9 For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ˜Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ˜Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ˜Do this,’ and he does it.”
10 When Jesus heard this, he was amazed and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. 11 I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the subjects of the kingdom [ THE JEWS] will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
13 Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment.



I understand your points and mulled them over myself actually already. After all, I was a hard-core Christian, a Jehovah’s Witness, for five busy years and full-time preacher with them, then worked at their Brooklyn Heights, New York City HQ.






Unlike 99.99% of “Christians,” I actually have read the entire Bible four times

the JW translation, the Jerusalem Bible, the Elberfelder Bible in German and the JW translation in German — plus the New Testament (NT) in the original koiné Greek.


Here is John 9:2 in the interlinear version (the original Greek, under it the literal English, and then a smooth English translation on the right)
Ironically, and to digress a bit, this was the very passage that got me thinking about reincarnation, which was almost totally taken out of the New Testament (in favor of the late-Jewish theorz that you-get-just-one-life) and was finally banned by decree of a Byzantine empress, Theodosia — a former stripper (yes!!!) who became a religious fanatic — five hundred years later.
John 9:1 sets the scene up:
“Now as he [Jesus, with His disciples] was passing along, he saw a man blind from birth.”
blind from birth…..
“And His disciples asked him:  Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents so that he was born blind?”
Well, it hit me instantly:
When did guy sinned if born blind?
The very question presupposes an earlier existence, on earth or on some other world, not heaven, where one is allowed to sin!
(Btw, the next verse has Jesus saying he was born blind so now a miracle can happen and give glory to God… so Jesus heals him of his blindness. This causes “headlines, ” so to speak, in the village, and the vile Jew leaders interrogated the man, demanded he say it was a demon that healed him, and threatened him to keep his mouth shut….) 
The full chapter:

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”

After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes.“Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.

His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” Some claimed that he was.

Others said, “No, he only looks like him.”

But he himself insisted, “I am the man.”

10 “How then were your eyes opened?” they asked.

11 He replied, “The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.”

12 “Where is this man?” they asked him.

“I don’t know,” he said.

The Pharisees Investigate the Healing

13 They brought to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 14 Now the day on which Jesus had made the mud and opened the man’s eyes was a Sabbath. 15 Therefore the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. “He put mud on my eyes,” the man replied, “and I washed, and now I see.”

16 Some of the Pharisees said, “This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.”

But others asked, “How can a sinner perform such signs?” So they were divided.

17 Then they turned again to the blind man, “What have you to say about him? It was your eyes he opened.”

The man replied, “He is a prophet.”

18 They still did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they sent for the man’s parents. 19 “Is this your son?” they asked. “Is this the one you say was born blind? How is it that now he can see?”

20 “We know he is our son,” the parents answered, “and we know he was born blind. 21 But how he can see now, or who opened his eyes, we don’t know. Ask him. He is of age; he will speak for himself.” 22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who already had decided that anyone who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue. 23 That was why his parents said, “He is of age; ask him.”

24 A second time they summoned the man who had been blind. “Give glory to God by telling the truth,” they said. “We know this man [Jesus] is a sinner.”

25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

26 Then they asked him, “What did he do to you? How did he open your eyes?”

27 He answered, “I have told you already and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples too?”

28 Then they hurled insults at him and said, “You are this fellow’s disciple! We are disciples of Moses! 29 We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow, we don’t even know where he comes from.”

30 The man answered, “Now that is remarkable! You don’t know where he comes from, yet he opened my eyes. 31 We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.32 Nobody has ever heard of opening the eyes of a man born blind. 33 If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”

34 To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out.






Judaism is a fanatic religion of guilt, lies, inventions, stolen ideas, and pure, arrogant hate.



Spiritual Blindness

35 Jesus heard that they had thrown him out,

*** What did Jesus look like?


….In the book Imagine Heaven, written by a former engineer named John Burke and containing some of the 69 scientific studies of Near-Death Experiences, including those had by hard-core atheists, the being of light who speaks lovingly but seriously with the dead, and, asking “What have you done with the life I gave you?”  sends them back to complete their life mission, has light brown hair and blue eyes.

Coincidence: So does the author!




…and when he [Jesus] found him [the man born blind and now healed], he said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

36 “Who is he, sir?” the man asked. “Tell me so that I may believe in him.”

37 Jesus said, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.”

38 Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped him.

39 Jesus said,[a] “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”

40 Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, “What? Are we blind too?”

41 Jesus said, “If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.

As you know, I, like the great Henry Ford, see reincarnation as the key to understanding everything: 
I absolutely believe in salvation…  through many lives of hard work on ourselves, taking a good look at ourselves, heeding what true friends are trying to tell us about ourselves, and sacrificing our selfish, misery-causing ego…not believing that Jesus or anyone else can take our guilt away.
“Ego causes suffering” — the Buddha
I have had numerous experiences of divine signs or intervention, I have been protected from serious harm, and at times I feel angels right about me.
One of the seemingly trivial thing that nevertheless jars me is how I wake up many mornings at a time that is an exact multiple of 11, such as this morning waking up at 4:44 am. (I went to bed last night at 11 pm, so my rest was a bit short, but it seems God wanted me up and about His business. I put a pot of coffee on, and said: “Okay, Big Guy!” 🙂 )
11 in numerology mean inspiration – my name, John de Nugent, as it turns out, equals 11 – and  22 is earthly mastery.  33 is earthly and spiritual mastery.
The most common time by far is either 3:31 or 3:13 am.
So this is 33 plus 1 (leadership).
I discovered that the word for my religion, “Virtus,” which I learned in Latin class at Barrington (Rhode Island) High School  and which means “manly virtues,” adds up to the number one (1), signifying “leadership, innovation and originality.”
(All ancient peoples understood the power of numbers, such as the ancient Greek Pythagoras, a strong believer in reincarnation and inventor of the Pythagorean theorem, which is the foundation of geometry: a^2 + b^2 = c^2 ,
The Jews believe also in the power of numbers.
They murdered every Kennedy they killed at the exact moment in star time (“sidereal time”) when the sign of Scorpio was directly under the earth and the Little Dipper directly above it, so they would 1) succeed in their assassinations and 2) just as importantly, get away with it.

Here are five slide images with the technical information regarding the six Kennedy incidents (six murder attempts, four of them being unfortunately successful) and the impossible odds against them occurring by random chance.

The key point is that they all occurred within the same “sidereal hour” out of a 24-hour day. The sidereal time is the time that a given star passes directly along a north-south line (that is, “transits”) overhead, regardless of your position on Earth.

Hence, whenever the star Vega transits your position, day or night at your location, it is 18:37 local sidereal time. (The clock on the wall and local sidereal time are only synchronized once a year at a given location due to Earth’s advancing annual orbit.)

For instance, when it was 12:30 pm in Dallas on November 22nd 1963, it was 16:06 sidereal time; however six months earlier, at the same 12:30 pm but on May 22nd 1963 in Dallas it was 04:01 sidereal time.

Sidereal time is used by astronomers, NASA and DOD [the Department of Defense = the Pentagon] as a convention of timekeeping for all space-based operations.


5) Kennedy Odds-2
4) Kennedy Odds
2) Kennedy Sidereal Times
Joseph Kennedy, Jr was killed in a bomber in 1944 that exploded in mid-air; President Roosevelt’s son Elliott was flying the plane right behind his. Amazing coincidence.
John was killed in 1963, Robert in 1968 and Teddy nearly killed in 1964. (His back was broken in a plane crash, and the pilot and a crew member were killed.)
John-John was murdered, again in a plane crash, on July 16, 1999. (See further below.) Once he became a lawyer and then a prosecutor, and started an investigative magazine, “George” (honoring George Washington), the Jews knew he would some day run for office (Congress or Senate), win, run for president, WIN for president —  and then demand the truth about who had murdered his father.
With his mother, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, whom my parents as fellow Rhode Islanders met in Newport
John-John and his dad at his place of work
John-John at two and a half cries as his dad leaves Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland for Arkansas to dedicate a dam.
Everyone remembers this photo from after the jews murdered his father. America was in shock. All the kids were sent home from school across America. People were crying in the streets, even of Soviet Russia,ands in France, England, Ireland, Germany….
Little Caroline, Teddy, Jacky, John-John and Robert
Jack Ruby, who shot the innocent Oswald, told his lawyer, William Kunstler, that he did it “to prevent a pogrom against the Jews.”  It was so the silenced Oswald would get the blame for the Israeli-LBJ crime.

From the communist Jew William Kunstler’s 1995 My Life as a Radical Lawyer, where we learn that Kunstler represented the nightclub- and striptease-joint owner Jack Ruby (originally Rubinstein), a gangster Meyer Lansky ally, who silenced Lee Harvey Oswald and got Ruby off death row:


Now here is what Kunstler wrote about Ruby, with the sentence below about the “Fair Play for Cuba Association” as an obfuscating half-truth. Ruby was most not afraid of any pro-Cuba association leading to a pogrom against the Jews!!

He was afraid that Oswald, unless gunned down, would prove his own innocence — that he indeed was “a patsy” who had been “set up” —  which would then shift the investigation to Kennedy’s real enemies.

On orders of HIS boss, Jewish gangster Meyer Lansky, Jack Ruby silenced the totally innocent, set-up eccentric Oswald.


Now watch Kunstler, a supposed liberal who nevertheless hated both Kennedys, blast this very Aryan-looking and antisemitic family.


Awww, poooor Castro the commie and, rumor has it, part-Sephardic Jew. This is so incredibly mendacious:
The Jews WANTED the Kennedys to kill Fidel Castro so they could get control of Cuba back and thereby all their casinos, sugar plantations, whorehouses and pedophile networks where dirty old American Jews could fly down and molest Cuban children!
John Kennedy was killed specifically for three reasons:
1) to cripple the dangerous Kennedy dynasty
2) so JFK would stop interfering with the Israeli atomic bomb project in Apollo, Pennsylvania WHERE I LIVED.
3) to get in Lyndon Johnson, a half-Jew, and then open the floodgates of “civil rights” and third-world immigration.
LBJ signs the 1964 “Civil Rights Act” with Martin Luther King behind him. (Johnson had the FBI kill him too, in 1968, for opposing his lucrative, drug-running, white-country-boy-killing Vietnam War.)
4) so Johnson could execute “Operation Cyanide” — a joint US-Israeli takeover of the whole Middle East, using the USS Liberty incident as the false-flag trigger.

The explicit Zionist project, Israel “from the river” (the Nile, in Egypt) “to the river” (the Euphrates, in Iraq). It would control the region’s oil, the Suez Canal, the Persian Gulf, and the western Indian Ocean, and instantly be a near-superpower, ruling millions of Arab slaves.



USS Liberty in port in October 1966 in pristine condition



After June 1967 attack by Israhell, which was supposed to be blamed on Egypt, muslims and Arabs….  but the ship and crew, through incredible white-Aryan valor under fire (and maybe with some divine intervention) survived the attack.


USS Liberty, port (left-side) forward antenna base. Thirty-four Americans were killed in cold blood by the Jews, and 172 wounded.


Now the Jews use the powerful number eleven, or its multiples such as 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, etc.) in many of their murders, military plans and terroristic events.

From this 33rd-degree Masonic Temple’s own website: Located at 1733 Sixteenth Street, NW in the District of Columbia, this monumental building in the nation’s capital has been the national headquarters of the Supreme Council since 1915.



September 11, 1941: FDR orders 1) the construction of the Pentagon to begin, and 2) orders the US Navy to begin depth-charging German submarines chasing the BRITISH navy — two months BEFORE Pearl Harbor….
11/22/63 John Kennedy is murdered — on the 50th anniversary of the New Jersey bankster meeting which set up the Federal Reserve
September 11, 1990 President George H.W. Bush announces the US will attack Iraq to set up the New World Order
–and exactly 11 years later………..
9/11/2001 The World Trade Center, forming itself an “11,” is destroyed.
(I, John de Nugent, lived directly across from the WTC in Brooklyn Heights, New York in 1974-75, and SAW its completion (topping-off). I also sensed somehow it was temporary and doomed. Jehovah’s Witnesses bought the Towers Hotel, at 21 Clark Street, Brooklyn Heights,  facing the WTC. It once was the Leverich Hotel; the owner, A. Lyle Leverich, committed suicide in 1929 when the jew-caused Great Depression wiped him out.)


Benjamin “Bibi” Satan-yahu, twice prime minister of Israel (1996-99 and 2009-present),  just happened to be in New York City on 9/11 (/2001) and in London, England during the 7/7 ( 77 = 11 x 7) (2005) subway bombings that killed 52 and injured 700.


September 11, 2001





On March 22, 2011 Google began putting this up when people search under my name:


Same with the Bing search engine run by Microsoft: plant that thought, that seed of doubt

So gay — despite two marriages, two daughters, two long-term female relationships, and almost two dozen other girlfriends in between them, going back 26 years to 1989…


Ingrid and Erika Atzl Nugent in 1989




(Many thanks to my friend “Pete the Greek” for this)

(from  this chapter two of my book — — and halfway down)



Very, very spooky “coincidences” if the universe is really just random forces:


Pythagoras saw all this 2500 years ago ¦.

The distance between the moon and the earth is exactly 237,600 miles.

Exactly 30 earths can fit between the earth and the moon, or exactly 110 moons ( 11 x 10).


The diameter of the earth (from one side to the other, like drilling from Pennsylvania to China 😉 ) is exactly 7,920 miles.

The diameter of the moon is 2,160.

The diameter of the sun 864,000 miles.

Now, go and multiply 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 = 5,040

5,040 is the combined radii (radius = surface to center) of the moon and the earth.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.. what a weird “conicidence.”

8 x 9 x 10 x 11 = 7,920 = the diameter of the earth

1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 (“factorial 6”) = 720

720 x 3 = 2,160, the moon’s diameter

720 x 11 = earth’s diameter

So the moon and the earth are in a perfect 3 to 11 ratio.

720 x 1200 = the sun’s huge diameter



Now, if you look at the sun and moon as disks in the sky, from our perspective on earth, though the sun is 400 times bigger than the moon, then due only to the difference in distance, during the solar eclipse the sun and moon look exactly the same size. What are the “odds” of that odd fact???? Why does the moon exactly cover the sun?


Moving forward, take the number 432, another one of these magic numbers. A simple number, 4, 3, 2.

If you divide it in two you get 216. The Moon’s diameter again is 2,160 miles.
But if instead you double 432 you get 864. The Sun’s diameter is 864,000 miles……
Now get this.
If you square 432 (432à—432) you get 186,624. That is the exact speed of light per second!
Light is the most important element in the universe, both from a scientific and a spiritual perspective. Everything is ultimately made of light.
Ponder the significance of the number 432 in terms of light. It relates to both the Sun and Moon dimensions and to the speed of light.
The Sun is our source of light in the day and the Moon our source of light at night.
By the way, a Platonic year, one complete cycle of axial precession, takes 25,920 years. It is divided into 12 zodiac ages. Each age is 2,160 years, exactly the number of years as the diameter of the Moon in miles.
For someone to dismiss all this as mere “coincidence” they would have to be a total moron. 😉


Moving forward again, the phi (“golden mean”) ratio is also found in our own bodies.

The phi ratio is the square root of 2, 3 and 5.

This is the basic ratio found throughout nature and perfect mathematical precision. A nautilus shell, a pine cone, a sunflower, the human body proportions are all in the phi ratio, also known as the Golden Mean.

America was founded by Freemasons (not originally all evil back then!), who call God “the Great Architect of the Universe.”

The pentagon shape is in the phi ratio.


Kinda like this big building, whose cornerstone was laid on (yes) September 11 of the year 1941. It was hit exactly 60 years later, on September 11, 2001, exactly 11 years after George H.W. Bush proclaimed a New World Order in a speech to Congress….. all these amazing “coincidences”!

United States Russia Intercept

The pyramid (equilateral triangle) is also in the phi ratio.




The back of the US one-dollar bill was redesigned in 1935 by 33rd-degree Mason Franklin Roosevelt.


In Latin: (above) “Our plan has succeeded.” (Below) “New World Order”


Despicable — gloating Masons erect a pyramid of German helmets — after Germany is defeated in WWI  — in front of Grand Central Station in Manhattan


Another phi-ratio symbol


Russian Air Force red pentagram


US Air Force pentagram on an F-35


The Fibonacci sequence is also based on the phi ratio (1:1.618). Fibonacci was an Italian scientist who realized that leaves on a new plant multiply at the phi ratio.

And the length of our fingernail to the first knuckle, the first to the second knuckle, the second to the third knuckle, the third knuckle to the palm, the entire hand (including fingers) to the forearm, and the forearm in turn to the upper arm all equal exactly 1 to 1.1618 ¦

It is all rightly called sacred geometry ¦

And….. the original seven planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, all known before the modern telescope also found Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) correspond to the seven days of the week, and the seven colors of the rainbow,

Every rainbow has seven colors beginning with red and ending with violet or purple. To remember the order of these colors, people use the acronym ROY G. BIV or VIBGYOR which stands for Red OrangeYellow Green Blue Indigo and Violet.


And remember the seven musical notes: do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti ¦



Especially for you kabbalistic Jews reading all this ¦. 😉

God has not appointed me, sinful mortal and learner though I be, just like my readers 😉  to start a new religion — which I have felt since 1984 He has wanted (and I blogged recently about the many signs He gave me —  — ) 


….based on myths and lies, such as (“sez” the Old Testament, the OT) that

1) the hideous and evil Jews are now or ever were “God’s chosen people,”



2) good and innocent people should let vile subhumans arrest, torture and slowly kill us — see my remarks on Orthodox Christianity —  


(like mercenary soldiers — or certain mindless, oath-breaking cops, all doing the Jews’ bidding)


This is our role model???? Let them just grab, whip, insult, abuse, frame and crucify us??




“Love thy enemy. They know not what they do.”

Jesus, try “They CARE not what they do.”




3) Were Jesus really God and not just a highly advanced being, why did He cry this out at 3 pm, after six hours on the cross:

34And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).


-This sounds much more like a human freaking out.

Total despair.

Suppose Jesus’ death was not some sacrifice, as the “spin” went afterward, but just another plain old, nasty, Jew murder?

Like the 60 million murders the Jews committed under bolshevism of the white, Christian Russian people?

(I translated the key article here, with some help from my friend Roy Armstrong.)


It was so horrible, it took me nine months to complete the unpleasant translation work, like watching the movie “Hellstorm.”

We go to heaven forever just because we “believe” Jesus’ horrific torture-murder somehow magically wipes our sins away, which it does NOT.


Hitler in the Triumph of the Will: 03:35-57 ‘It is not enough to “believe” — you must FIGHT!’





G, I stand for this brutal truth:


The Jews are not now, and never were, God’s people but literally Satan’s from the very beginning. 


John 8:44 “You Jews are from your father, the DEVIL!”





The Jews are the descendants of violent early humans called neanderthals, and specifically, in recorded times, of the roaming hordes of thieves in the Middle East called the habiru (whence the word “Hebrew”) and some Jews openly, proudly admit it!

Neanderthals & Semites


Arabs/Jews — same thing — neanderthals who hate Cro Magnons (us)!



To be a regular Christian, G, means to accept the Old Testament which the Jews wrote, where they say their original little tribal god Yahweh actually, ahem, created and rules the universe (he got a promotion in their heads), and Yahweh made them his people.


This is what Hitler and his mentor, Dietrich Eckart, thought about the  OT story of Joseph and the Pharaoh in Egypt (translated by Dr, William Pierce):




In truth, the story of Joseph, when you analyze it, is disgusting, like most of the rest of the OT, a diabolical den of horrors: genocide, incest, hate, pimping one’s own wife out (as Abraham did to Pharaoh with his wife Sarah), treachery, rape,

….enslavement, greed (Joseph’s brothers change their minds about murdering him — and instead sell him into slavery), backdated and thus fake prophecies, and to put it simply, one outrageous lie or half-truth after another….


They were lying back then too!


Many OT stories are, however, fascinating and there are spiritual gems in the OT….and even just great literature. The Jews are nothing if not “verbally skilled.”


My mother, in fact, would sing the 23rd Psalm to me as a boy at night in the King James version as a lullaby….

Constance Colwell Nugent



23rd Psalm

 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


The story of Daniel in the lion’s den is cool….

Yahweh urging Abraham to kill his son own as a proof of loyalty is however appalling…..

Lot’s daughters sleeping with their own father…. yukh.

The whore Rahab who betrayed the gentile city of Jericho to the jews…. how touching. 



But here is the truth:

All that is true in the OT is not new and all that is new in the OT is not true.

This phrase — all that is true there is not new and all that is new there is not true — was first applied to Freud’s writings, and then to Einstein’s…. but it applies to anything professional jews come up with. They steal good stuff from others and claim it as their own. The stuff THEY invent and add is simply garbage.)

Whatever is true in the OT is stolen, Aryan, Zoroastrian ideas that flowed into exilic, late Judaism after the Jews had been defeated, puny and insignificant little kingdom that they were, and were hauled off to Babylon (now in Iraq).

Zoroaster (or “Zarathustra”) was an Aryan prophet 


The immortality of the soul is not an original Jewish doctrine but Zoroastrian.

Heaven, hell, and the judgment of souls after death are also not Jewish but Zoroastrian.

God versus the Devil is similarly not Jewish but Zoroastrian.   (God is “Ahura Mazda” and “Ahriman” is the Devil.)

The messiah is likewise not a Jewish concept but Zoroastrian.  In the related Aryan religion of Vedanta, the messiah (an incarnate god, or wise teacher with superhuman wisdom) is called an “avatar.” 

Free will is finally equally non-Jewish. The jew god Yahweh rules by fear, threats, jealous rages and bribes — “Obey me and have no other gods, and the world will be yours.” But the Aryans believed in the concept of free will; it is Zoroastrian.


Of what moral value is doing the right thing under pressure? 

Or buying your wife flowers for your anniversary because she reminded you? 



If there is any chosen race on this planet, it is THE ARYANS, who came here from the stars.










I received a specific, supernatural warning, G, after receiving your late-January email, and it said “respect and honor, but do NOT deify Jesus in this new religion.” 

Too much malarkey here! And murky stuff — in Jesus’ “lost years” from age 12 to 30 (between His discussion at the Temple with the elders and His baptism by his cousin John), where on earth was He?

He was learning siddhis ( = miracles such as healing, walking on water, reading thoughts, etc.)  and meditation in various countries. But God would not need to learn such things…. He was already enlightened and had powers.

Seriously: Where was the Son of God for 18 of the 32 years of His life? For more than half His life? For 18 of his 20 years as an adult?


Why is the NT (New Testament) silent about this mysterious gap?


One NT verse claims people thought he was “a carpenter” but another says “he is the carpenter’s son”! Maybe because he was not sawing boards at all…

We know about the youth of Buddha, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Joan of Arc, George Washington, Napoleon and Hitler…. but zip about Jesus (of the royal house of King David…) from age 12 to age 30!


Where was He, and what was He doing?


Should I just make up some pious stuff? How Aryan (“noble”) is that?


Young Jesus did dazzle the rabbis with his knowledge. His parents realized how truly different He was from other children.



Jesus was truly shocked, disappointed and angered that His miracles did not change any hearts. He incredibly, actually thought/imagined/deluded Himself that He could straighten out the Jews.


Jesus was a very high being who gave it His best shot.
Jesus, like Hitler, and many a great man or woman (like Joan of Arc), felt very, very, very alone, unappreciated and misunderstood.
General Léon Degrelle, French-Belgian volunteer on the eastern front — and the most decorated of the 400,000 volunteers in the Waffen-SS
“Amidst the vast herd of humans, the exceptional man feels eternally alone.” 
Jesus was in the same league as Hitler, who also was just a man — a wonderful man — like Jesus, struggling to awaken those who refuse to listen.
Hitler especially loved children; Mussolini wrote his mistress, Clara Petacci, that the German leader would tear up when he saw little children.
He bravely stood right up in his Mercedes and drove slowly by huge crowds for miles and miles and miles, risking assassination like Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 or (later) John Kennedy would in Dallas in 1963. “How can I ask my soldiers to fight if I am unwilling to take risks?”
Letting the people come close and not ruling by fear, like Yahweh:
His soldiers knew he would risk his life at any second for his race and nation.
He adored his own mother, respected and protected women, honored motherhood and marriage — and (this was actually a kind-hearted mistake) until after the military disaster of Stalingrad of January 1943, did not want any women working in the munitions factories, but instead wanted them home with their children, remembering how many German schoolchildren in WWI 1914-18 came home to an empty house after their classes, with the mother making hand grenades in some factory and the father off at the front — or dead.

The one, Jesus, performed staggering, supernatural miracles, and was rejected (the Jew leaders claimed, defaming Him, that His miracles were demonic);




….the other, by hard work and sheer genius at leadership, achieved economic, political and military miracles,




…and likewise he (Hitler) was defamed, denounced, despised and reviled by the humanimals, the young-soul majority that has NO INTEREST IN THE TRUTH until their stomach is growling and their gonads bursting.

Cool video game! Hispanic teen female slaughters pathetic Nazi ghouls…. 


Now this cartoon is amusing. It refers to the day in 1934 when Hitler wiped out his homosexual and other enemies in the NSDAP party and SA.
Virtus, dear G, is not about peace but about war.
It is not about submission but defiance.
It is not about letting some human dog arrest us but about fighting them to the last bullet and breath, and if they slaughter our families, finding and slaughtering THEIR wives and children too in icy retaliation. 
The kind of Christianity pushed on us now is for young souls, especially sentimental women, and all who want fantasyland.
No, G,  my goal in life is not to be a sheep, or worship a divine Lamb.
Virtus is for old souls, for real men, and for women who want a man, not a wimp.
There are ways to get God’s forgiveness and heaven, but they involve fanatic, concentrated work on oneself to get your head out of the trough, and rise above the undisciplined animal level!
Why would God even want to hang out forever in heaven with “forgiven” thieves, lechers, selfish jerks and losers?
Or why would God MAKE our character different in his heaven? Where is “free will” then?
“Touch my finger and now you are good — a robot kind of good, but good nevertheless. … Of course, well, I did not really want robot friends…. but people who freely choose the right path, children of mine who are growing and progressing upward by real effort. Come to think of it, making peoples’ character better by putting them in my heaven box is like Bill Cosby getting sex with those 35 white women with knockout drugs.”
God respects our free will; He is a tough-love being that gives sinners both love and encouragement AND the suffering and pain they also need and deserve — in order to teach them the hard way – the best way — no pain, no gain — what it is like to be on the receiving end of a selfish lout!
Odin gave one eye and tortured himself for three days to achieve wisdom. No pain, no gain, and what did you ever learn at a cocktail party or eating an éclair?
God is like a cosmic United States Marine! He loves you and trains you hard so you truly believe and know you can do it, and NEVER freak out under fire, give up, fail, and die — and by panicking get your buddies killed too!
God is also like His blessed, though flawed son John F. Kennedy, who said:
“We choose to do these things, not because they are easy — but BECAUSE THEY ARE HARD!”

“….because they are hard!”


A psychic over in Germany contacted me out of the blue to say John Kennedy had come to her in a dream and asked her to send his thanks to me for writing what I did — how Lyndon Johnson was a Jew, and he and other Jews knew he was antisemitic, and murdered him because he was stopping Israel from getting the atomic bomb out of Apollo, Pennsylvania nuclear fuel!

Like most jews, Rachelle Baines’ son was a draft-dodger in WWII
…with his Jewish wife and mother, Rachelle Baines, with whom he slept — about 50% of Jews commit incest with their own daughters and/or mothers.
Our friend and Sorbonne graduate Hervé Ryssen  – who recently got a month in prison for carrying pepper spray.
Jewish porn sites are full of incest – and often pedophilia!
LBJ could not wait to kill JFK
Kennedy had no idea Johnson was half-Jewish via his mother — and thus under Talmudic law his vice-president was actually Jewish — because Lyndon put on a convincing act as if he were just a Texas cowboy.
….just as did the other Jew who wanted to be elected president in 1964, Barry Goldwater….
Kennedy was wary of Johnson every second…..
Attorney General Bobby Kennedy, the pitbull of the Kennedy family, wanted to take out Johnson as soon as it was doable. Bobby was with three days of doing so.
Lyndon Johnson, President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy
The black-haired, black-eyed, nasty jew Lyndon Johnson hated the handsome Kennedy family.
Robert Kennedy with Yankees star Mickey Mantle. He was preparing to leak scandalous, criminal truths about Johnson to Life magazine against Johnson right after a short trip to Dallas. 
LBJ glares at his boss; Kennedy should never have gone to Texas, which the Johnson murder machine controlled, and had killed many a man already.
Johnson was a coward who would not fight in WWII (he got out of the US Army Air Corps after literally one hour of being seated in a US bomber  taking on the Japanese) but LBJ was very happy to have others do killings for him.
Sitting next to Jackie in Dallas, he is doubtless thinking: “In one hour I will have taken you husband out and be the president myself…”
“You got 30 more minutes to live, buddy.”
“Now it’s fifteen minutes, Mr Handsome Antisemite.”
Afterward… (wink-wink) “We got ’em. We did it. Now I’m president and that closet-nazi, jew-hating John Kennedy is lying on a slab.”
“Some day when his kid John-John starts asking too many questions, we’ll probably have to kill him too, just like the Mafia does. Got to eliminate the male children as well.”

Two witnesses told the team they saw George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport with Israeli Mossad agent Michael Harari, and another Mossad agent who were both seen standing next to JFK Jr.’s Cessna. And all four were at the airport just two days before the doomed plane took off with JFK, Jr., his pregnant wife and her sister.

As our ancient Aryan-Greek cousins said, the goal is not to avoid danger, toil, sweat, blood and tears — and crawl back into the womb — but
“aristeueien, hypereichon einai allōn!”

“to excel, to be better than the others!”

Achilles, grandson of a god

When you die, you are lovingly shown a video of how your life affected others, the good but also the bad, so you can see for yourself from how their lives were harmed by the things for which you still need more incarnations on earth to W-O-R-K  O-N.
You spend a brief time in heaven, a kind of processing center, then go to a further work world in the beyond,  and then you must return HERE!
Mein Kampf:
“This world is a place of struggle, and those who refuse to struggle are not worthy to live.”


……The Third Reich after 1945, UFOs and Pleiadians

This is what is really going on. We as Aryans descend from an advanced race that came here in repeated waves of colonists, but earth has attracted many other, and hostile human races also. Fifty-four different species, many of them human or humanoid, interfere with the earth, with us and with human economic, military and religious history.

Both Judaism and Islam are inventions of the demonic alien masters of the semitic race. 
Bot are worship of the same bloody moon god of war. the crescent is both their symbol.
Islam –one crescent
Judaism — three crescents
So if the main symbol of Judaism, the menorah, seen at the center of the Mossad coat of arms, features three crescents, what are they?
1)  A crescent for itself, for Judaism,  another 2) for Islam, so what is 3) the third crescent?
False Christianity! It presents an unreal, wussy Jesus to create wussy followers…..
“The earth can go to hell — ‘cuz I’ll be in heaven with Jesus!”
Who cares if my nation (America, Germany Britain, France, etc.) and the people of my white race are  tortured, raped, beaten, humiliated and destroyed?
Jee-sus was our role model in submitting to arrest, torture and death and praying for his enemies!
1) Judaism is the first version, designed to deceive and weaponize the Jews,
2) Saulianity is Judaism to wussify white people, and
3) Islam is the Judaism to weaponize brown people.
But Jesus wanted action, not escapism!



….Some feedback

from a Dave via email:

Excellent points, John!  There are, however, many Judaized and dumbed down Zio-Christians who don’t realize the Jewish / Zionist menace to Aryans and the western world.  They remain too brainwashed to see above the level of the sewer they’ve fallen into. 

I recently got out of a Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) whose pastors are and remain toxically ignorant of the Jewish victory of World War II and our financial enslavement. 

They also embrace multi-culturism, which I abhor.  They give the “Christ died for all” meme while soliciting funds for the poor blacks in Haiti.  Many suckers contributed.


–from a Josh [abridged]

I have to say, I’m very excited about this new religion you are bringing forth.

First conclusion:

The Abrahamic religions should have never spread beyond the Arabian peninsula.  And given the information that you have presented, it looks like these religions never needed to spread beyond their Neanderthal homeland.

The true creator of the universe did not condemn to hell anyone who followed the pre-Christian religions of Europe, Asia or anywhere else.

In fact, one of the big issues my wife and I had with everything that we looked at from the “born again” crowd and the Hebrew Roots crowd was the idea that anyone who did not join in the Jesus club was automatically either damned to Hell forever, or pitched into the Lake of Fire and obliterated after being judged.

How was this just, especially when many of the doomed would have been people who had never heard of Jesus at all?

We got a somewhat better explanation from a friend who is/was [long story] a Pentecostal minister.  He explained that in those circumstances, salvation was not guaranteed, but those individuals would be judged on how they lived their lives, and what kind of person they were.   Of course, this flies in the face of all conventional teachings from the pulpits, but that’s what one friend believes.

This also seemed very wasteful, and unfair.  It just made no sense that God would continue to make souls, send them to be tested on Earth knowing full well the ultimate outcome of each and every person’s life, and then destroy them.  What kind of all loving God was that?

Second conclusion, Jesus wasn’t necessarily the Son of God.  The jury is still out on this issue for me, but it’s where I’m at right now.  Although the “Jesus didn’t exist” crowd has some very good info, the idea that He simply didn’t exist can be easily debunked from the fact that we simply do not have good historical accounts of his life on earth.  The bulk of the info may be there, but a great deal of info is missing – or has been purposely obfuscated.

Was he just a man?  I think not.  If he were just a man, he would have been discounted a long time ago. 

However, I do think that what you are saying is correct.  That he was a human of a higher nature, who came to try and save the Hebrews.   There are just too many examples of Jesus’ conversations that would suggest he wasn’t all-knowing.  There is the line where Jesus cries out asking why his Father has forsaken him, and there are a number of other instances where Jesus seems to have been caught off-guard with regard to things the Apostles or others tell him.

And that’s another point.  He just came to try and save the Hebrews.   He even says that he didn’t come for the Gentiles, and he didn’t have to.  He came to help the Neanderthal hybrids.  I can’t fathom why, but helping them, and only them, seems to be why he came.

Everyone else was doing just fine on their own until the Abrahamic religions were forced into the wider world.

Third conclusion, Bible believers just won’t even consider the fact that they might be wrong.   And not so much wrong as ill-informed, or working with an incomplete picture.   They can’t even spot the inconsistencies in the Bible, let alone using outside sources to confirm or disprove what the book says.

Fourth Conclusion.  Reincarnation is awesome!  I’ve been open to the idea for quite some time, but of course moved away from it when the committed Christians presented themselves as being so confident in their beliefs.  But like I said, when I realized that what they are working with is incomplete information, then it was only a matter of time, and reading enough of the evidence you present, to realize that not only is it real, but something to look forward to as we grow.  We get to be kids again.

Of course it’s not without risk. I wish there was a way to make sure that those who have gone before us and into whose households we are born, won’t make bad decisions while we are children. I just hope that I can bring some awareness of all this so I’m not doing the same thing again next time around.

Reincarnation could also explain why I have affinities for certain time periods in history.  As I learn more of the details, I can’t wait to start liberating more minds with this knowledge.

And it’s actually made me want to find someone reputable who can do past life regression.   I’m very curious about this.

Fifth conclusion.   A Religion of the Blood is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  I’ll insert this very well done “Was Hitler A Christian” video here.

He knew it, you know it, and it’s patently obvious.  There are whites all over the world, and we need something to bring us all together.  To put aside the petty differences, the long-held squabbles, and the allegiances to faiths and dogmas that are designed to hold us back and destroy us.

We need to come together.   We need to free our brothers, like the Uighurs in China, or reconnect with the Kalash of Pakistan, or rid ourselves of the lies of liberalism and Marxism, conservativism and libertarianism, or any other “ism”.   We need to break through and learn our true history, and our true birthright.

We need to become aware of our great past and potential, and of the hell many of our brothers and sisters have been through.

Thanks again for everything that you’re doing. Take care,


My response to both:

Thank you for these encouraging comments!

It is clear that Jesus was trying to tame the savage beast of Judaism, and all his love-thy-enemy and peaceful-sheep symbolism was tailor-made to try to straight the jews out.

The Aryans did not have religions like Judaism that were based on hate, enslavement and genocide. They did not NEED the medicine of love-and-peace and be-like-an-obedient-sheep which Jesus was trying to spoon-feed to one out-of-control people, the psycho Jews.




…..Contact and support

Money is getting tight again; please do not sit on your wallet if you support what I am doing.

John de Nugent

306 S. Steel Street

Ontanagon MI 49953

+1 (906) 884-6689 😉

Facebook: John D. Nugent

Skype: John de Nugent (Ontonagon)



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  1. In the light of John 8:44 who exactly is our enemies God? It sure as hell isn’t the god of the Bible. The God of the bible is a space alien and is just fine with this type O negative R1b white man.
    The Semites/ Freemasons and their devil gods on the other hand have got to go!

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