According to Wiki, he is 37 and I see nothing about any wife:
Brian Avran John You think Spencer is a plant/mole/agent?
John D. Nugent So far I know no one who has seen this “wife and kids.”
John D. Nugent ….but the NPI can drop $10,000 to rent the National Press Club in downtown Washington…..
In June 2014, Spencer introduced an open homosexual (Jack Donovan) as an “example of masculinity” (Spencer’s words),
Then on November 26, 2014, somewhere over the Rainbow, Spencer appeared on homosexual Robert Stark’s Radio Show ( The Stark Truth), on that Show Spencer said, “we should not obsess about homosexuality, homosexuality has been part of European and World Culture for a millennia and we should not view gays as enemies”,
This all makes the most recent incident at his most recent “Spencer-Fest” held in Washington D.C on February 27th very entertaining. Here is how is is described by none other than Dr. Greg Johnson, another homosexual who attended the “Spencer-Fest”, Dr. Johnson writes as follows on his Counter-Currents web site, where other flaming fags write as well.
“A question and answer session followed Richard Spencer’s speech. People raised their hands and Richard called on them. The second person to be called upon was the woman named Martha or Margaret. She said she had a question for the entire audience and he said that’s fine. Then she walked to the front and stood right next to Richard facing the audience. She said something like, “So it seems like you guys don’t like sex very much.” “That’s not true,” said Richard, interrupting her. He went on to say that nobody here had spoken about sex and part of the point of his own speech was implying that conservative views about sexuality need to be abandoned by our movement.”
John D. Nugent “Explain to me how explaining my sexuality to a stranger is a relevant to my work or a good use of my time.
There’s this theory apparently that I have to justify my existence to everyone who identifies as “alt right” or “WN” as if I am desperate to belong or need their approval. The reality is that while I feel like racial tribalism is consistent with my message and I decided to acknowledge that instead of being a pussy about it, the majority of my audience is made up of gun, knife, self-defense, military and ex-military guys who actually don’t care who I have sex with because I said the things they already believe about masculinity. I have sent thousands of those men to far-right tribal and nationalist web sites. That is probably why people invite me to speak at WN conferences. Right now I have a capable and intelligent readership and I have great respect for many of my readers. I know there is some big debate about whether I should be “allowed to represent the alt right or WNs” as if that is some kind of prestigious position, but it’s not and no one cares but the autistic nerds playing political Dungeons and Dragons online under various
Please feel free to repost that intact to any of your friends who need an answer to the most pressing question white people faced last week. “
John D. Nugent I replied:
John D. Nugent “Thank you, Mr. Donovan. That was a frank and forthright answer, and that I do admire. As a fmr NCO in the Marines, I have known homosexuals who were good Marines, and as I have written on my blog and on FB, I have known five outstanding, prominent WN writers who definitely or probably were “gay,” but “in the closet.” My mother was in the theater and ballet, so I knew gay men there too. A friend who was “in the closet” and who died 25 years ago was close to Colonel Charles Lindbergh, Jr., and booked him into the Hollywood Bowl so he could speak out and oppose FDR and US entry into WWII.”
John D. Nugent I continued: “As for Richard Spencer, is he (as I have read, and to the best of your knowledge) exclusively straight, married and with kids? My concern is not with individual gays, but with 1) the overall feminization of white males (both “fem” gays and soft heteros), and 2) the entire neurochemical assault on us, and the depopulation agenda, and good whites not reproducing.”
“I’m friends with Richard Spencer and as far as I know he is straight.”
John D. Nugent I responded: “Thank you for that answer, which I will relay. JdN”
This seems like a dodgy answer to me.
This is from today on the Daily Stormer site from the article:
“Alt-Right” Shamed by Colin Liddell’s Bizarre Attack on The Daily Stormer
Scroll down to this to see what a perv Donovan is.
The primary concern appears to be with the inclusion of Jack Donovan as a speaker at the conference. I have only recently become aware of this fact (I had only really read a few of his essays, not paying particular attention), but Jack Donovan is an open homosexual. And he is not particularly modest about it either.
Here’s a post he wrote on the Roosh forum ( regarding his orientation and sexual behaviors:
Yeah, I’ve been a top for years. I basically fuck men like they are women ” but I’m glad that they’re not. I’m banging this jacked rich liberal right now. Probably the best piece of ass I’ve ever had. I’ve had sex with women, but I’ve been with one guy for 14 years, so there is no question of ¦switching teams ¦in any meaningful way. He’s a good guy who supports me and my work and always has. I have a dude on the side, but it’s all on the level, and betraying Lucio ” who became blood-brothers with me for my second book, and has my initials tattooed (by me) on his arm ” because I decided to “explore other ideas for philosophical reasons” would be the homo version of “Eat, Pray Love.”
As far at The Way of Men is concerned: It’s either right or it isn’t. A lot of the ideas came from conversations with my straight friends about their frustrations with their lives. It’s not about me “converting” people. Let’s be real. I’m a jacked tattooed guy who is more or less a skinhead. Do you for a moment think I can’t get laid? The reality is I can post a pic to a hookup app and have someone blowing me inside of 3 hours. I’ll be able to pull prime ass from dudes with daddy issues for the next 10 years.
I don’t need to creep on straight guys to get laid, and everything I’ve ever written on the subject would make it unforgivable for me to do so.
I will not let MY WN movement
be hijacked by
a bunch of
In 1978, I protested homosexuality on my own campus at Georgetown University, right under the window of my professors and fellow students
Phi Beta Kappa is the top ten percent of the class at elite universities.
Let’s just invite Bruce/Kaitlin Jenner to join! 😉
…..Controlled Opposition?
So having a fudge-packer as a keynote speaker is fine, banning a distinguished and active WN (Matthew-John Heimbach) whom the British Home Secretary just banned from Britain for five years, that is fine too.
Count Mirabeau was part of the controlled opposition, because although everyone thought he was supporting the revolution, in reality he supported the monarchy and was a personal friend of the king. He was a government agent.
The enemy takeover — by the proven techniques of 1) agents, and 2) bribes and blackmail of genuine people — of white nationalism.
Vic Makinson Matt Heimbach getting banned for being anti gay? It’s an odd one, John. There’s plenty of people associated with the NPI whom I’ve got time for — maybe it’s time for a re-think.
John D. Nugent Comrade, I agree, but that is exactly what a perfect “op” (covert government operation) is! Controlled opposition! Good people at the base, agents, blackmailed and bribed people at the top!
John D. Nugent
Tja, man muss die Leute so nehmen wie sie sind.
Ich kann auch durchaus verstehen das viele Männer dagegen eine Abneigung haben. Ich finde sowas wie den CSD [Red: — ‘Bewegung in D, Ö und CH für Schwulenmacht] selbst furchtbar und finde auch das Schwule viel zu präsent in der Öffentlichkeit sind.
Allerdings darf man trotz der Medien eins nicht vergessen:
Schwule und Lesben machen nur 5 % der Bevölkerung aus.
Die Verantwortung für den ganzen Blödsinn tragen damit nicht die Schwulen alleine.
Es waren eben auch 95% der heterosexuellen Menschen die das zugelassen haben.
Wenn ich sehe wie angeblich heterosexuelle Männer sich anziehen, wie sie reden, ihre Koerperhaltung usw. dann frage ich mich manchmal innerlich wer hier die Pussy ist.
Ich war mal in Schweden. Sehr lustig da. Naja oder auch nicht. Was da so als Mann durchgeht :).
Ich meine, ich bin jetzt auch nicht besonders männlich, aber im Gegensatz zu den meisten anderen weißen “Männern” bin ich ein Ausbund an Testosteron.
Und DAS sollte einem zu denken geben. Die Schwulen sind nicht das Problem. Es sind die 95% die hetero sind.
Die misten von denen wollen nicht mal eine ungeladene! Waffe in die Hand nehmen….ihgitt ihgitt…und so Leute sollen das Land verteidigen?
Meines Erachtens war der Feminismus der Anfang allen Ãœbels. Weisst du ja selbst: Weiberherrschaft kann langfristig nicht gutgehen. Der Homolobbykult kam erst danach.
Damit hat man die weissen Völker geschwächt. Umwelteinflüsse und weibliche Hormone im Wasser kommen auch noch dazu.
Nur so konnte eine Partei wie degenerierten Grünen in Deutschland entstehen.
Man muss sofort wieder die Wehrpflicht einführen. Wieso hat man die wohl abgeschafft? Will man nicht das weisse Jungs mit Waffen spielen und faehig sind sich und ihre Familie zu verteidigen?
Ihr in den USA habt es gut. Ihr könnt Milizen gründen.
Wir in Deutschland bräuchten jetzt eine Grenzmiliz.
Liebe Grüsse