Why Khazars are building a pedophile elite; my personal hell as a child in MK-ULTRA

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…..Indicted child molester jumps to his death

Ohio Fatso Pedo Jumps to His Death in Courthouse Before Trial for Raping Girl, 10, and Killing Her and Grandparents.

……Fmr CIA officer and Marine: The pedophilocracy is who took down General Flynn; Vice President Mike Pence’s buddy is a molester



…..Paul Joseph Watson: “Pedophiles Rule the World” (465,000 views)



Btw, Donald Trump, Junior (photo) retweeted a Watson tweet recently! Was this possibly more than just that — a subtle endorsement of Watson by the president, his father?


…..Seattle mayor called a pedo — and 500 kids are sex slaves in his city

Please share! The mainstream media is ignoring this story. Allegations of child molestation are still developing against Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, who is running for re-election this year amidst a lawsuit from his former alleged victims.



The media failed to report on these allegations for years, and Murray could actually be re-elected before these current allegations are fully investigated. Please spread this video to raise awareness and help figure out the truth of this case.




…..In my April 20, 2015 hit video (54,000 views) I said we live under a pedophilocracy


Emil Lazarov Is it true that molesters were molested in their childhood?
John de Nugent
John de Nugent Only some.  Psychopaths do this and other things because they enjoy sadism.
But even worse, and yes, there actually is something even worse, this forms the core of a Satanic-Jewish program

to create a blackmailed, pedophile “elite.”

Beyond that, the whole depopulation plan (which among other things the “Georgia Guidestones” state explicitly)
this global genocide requires leaders who are willing and eager to rape, torture and kill innocent humans, people who really enjoy it.
People who enjoy giving autism to kids via vaccines, and chemtrailing the West to poison and zombie us down.
They began chemtrailing my very, very isolated town of 1,500, Ontonagon in the sparsely populaoted Upper Peninsula of Michigan,  with two jets, immediately after my VIP Pedophiles-Kill ThemAll video came out on Hitler’s birthday in 2015.
It is 57 miles to the nearest small city, pop. 10,000, Houghton. But we get two jets to chemtrail this tiny, angry, all-white, white-flight town (many ex-Chicago/Detroit/Milwaukee whites fed up with blacks), AND IT BEGAN THE WEEK MY ANTI-VIP PEDOPHILE VIDEO CAME OUT.
It is important to understand this:
The NWO needs leaders who are totally heartless, and pedophilia is perfect training for them.


You must prove you will obey ANY order, and you must become criminally guilty so they can control you.
Raping, torturing and killing kids habituates you to do anything eventually, including global genocide.
Scenes from the Denver Airport Murals.
Below this airport is a vast underground city, where the Illuminati “elite” interacts with these people — to prepare for the reptilian reconquest of the earth. Since the dinosaurs died out, the reptilians have wanted to “take this planet back” from mammals and humans. And the Illuminati and Jews are their human agents to betray us.
John de Nugent

John de NugentIt is time for a real leader to arise, with a vision that smashes the mental box we are in. If this world-famous and powerful billionaire, DONALD TRUMP, can be brought to his knees in just a FEW WEEKS, this proves for the umpeenth time that mere politics and the democratic path is not the answer.

I was a victim myself of the elite pedophile program until I ran away from home at age ten.


My personal triumph of the will over the secret, federal MK-ULTRA and Manchurian Candidate programs for the kids of the “elite”

My father (r) with Henry Kissinger, founder of MK-ULTRA


…..Contact and support


Contact/Supporting VIRTUS

1 Comment

  1. Query from a comrade:

    [10:18:21 PM] M: So I noticed that you seem to say in these kinds of threads with your unfortunate history as a kid, that you were suffering incest, but I thought, based on your WN bio that it was rather something your dad was unaware of, thinking it was some ‘training program’ or something and not molestation.

    Did you change your mind later on?

    [10:19:50 PM] John de Nugent: I realized later on that MK-ULTRA, or something even worse, was the real explanation, but of course my father was IMO a mind-control puppet of it as well.

    [10:20:33 PM] M: Well, I guess it still makes sense and is consistent that you would be confused, since you still don’t remember the actual details of all the events, other than nightmares of being molested.

    [10:20:36 PM] John de Nugent: I do not remember any details of being molested even, except in nightmares where I merely started to scream, and woke up bathed in sweat.

    My father told me some murkey things about himself, including a horrible WWII anecdote, then I read the MK-ULTRA book “Unshackled” by Kathleen Sullivan (https://johndenugent.com/english/updated-dylann-storm-roof-mk-ultra-unshackled-a-survivors-story-of-mind-control-by-kathleen-sullivan/) and then, one day, all the pieces fell into place.

    The whole point of the Manchurian Program, which is even worse than regular MK-ULTRA program “for the peons” (kids used for sex, sadism and possibly as assassins, etc.), the sine qua non of this special program for the elite kids, is that you DO NOT remember the details.

    The Manchurian program is therefore much more horrific than “mere” MK-ULTRA.

    It is meant to GUARANTEE non-recall, because the person is groomed to be high-level, powerful and perhaps even famous and popular.

    And everything about 1) my childhood and 2) my father’s station in life fit the Manchurian-program profile.

    Let us look at the opposite situation. If the Manchurian program put a puppet in, say, as President of the United States, and THEN said person “wakes up,” has flashbacks, and realizes 1) that he was horrifically abused — and 2) by WHOM — then the NWO would face a nightmarish scenario…. the hatred of a livid U.S. President who commands an awesome military superpower.

    IMO, given everything that I have factored in, I think they probably had “big plans” for me in politics……….. but I was not broken, my will was stronger than the average person, and I ran away at age ten.

    [10:31:34 PM] M: You are still pretty lucky though. Given that you managed to not succeed in killing yourself in 2005, which I think was before you got counselling about the child-abuse issue. Normally, I would think it’d be hard to fail in a suicide attempt, given how fragile the human body can be about bleeding out. but who knows, maybe you had a helpful intervention from above. 🙂

    [10:42:48 PM] John de Nugent: I do think it was divine intervention, which is why I try to never take any serious ethical shortcuts for short-term gain. and now that I am 62, I know I will meet my Maker sooner rather than later, and this is the time for me to lay it all on the line, with a warm heart and a cold head, for our folk and nation — so the genocide does not happen.

    I KNOW PERSONALLY what the Enemy is capable of doing to helpless white people.

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