ENGLISH Amazing video of night stars from huge Atlantic mountain of the Guanches; ancient Aryans

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Filmed over the course of 7 days at El Teide, Spain’s highest mountain, renowned as one of the best places in the world to photograph stars. Turn your sound on and activate full-screen HD for the full experience!


Beneharo, a king of the Guanches


Guanche legend (see below) says the Creator, Ahaman locked a major demon, Guayota, in this volcano….


……Jackie Evancho of Pittsburgh



…..Ancient Aryans


New video on our ancient Aryan kin settling down around the globe. It starts off with me talking to the Discovery Channel, then goes heavily into the great Viracocha and the blond founders of the civilization of Peru which the Incas took over. Then it discusses the Guanches, an advanced people but living in the Stone-Age. (They were “Stone-Age” only because there was NO METAL at all to use on their volcanic islands, and this blond nation did not want to have any contact or trade with the outside world.) The Guanches were very handsome, intelligent and heroic, and lived on the Canary Islands, perhaps escaping thither after the flooding of Atlantis, until they were enslaved or genocided as evil pagans by Catholic Spain. :-(

Now look from the time from 6:20 to the end of this video on a discovery in Florida! Over 150 bodies of buried White people from 5,000 B.C. near Cape Canaveral, Florida!

At 6 minutes and 30 seconds into the above video clip, a scientists talks about pre-historic DNA found in North America.

On the Science Channel, Dr. Joseph Lorenz of the Coriell Institute for Medical Research conducted DNA tests on the 5,000 year old bodies that were found in the Windover Bog excavation site in Florida. As was said in this program:

Dr. Lorenz: When I sequenced larger fragments and I was looking for the sites that I know are characteristic of Native American haplogroups, I was surprised because I did not find them.

Narrator: In contrast to all previous findings, Lorenz could not confirm the Windover people were [Native (sic)] Americans. Further investigation reveals something even more remarkable.
Dr. Lorenz: I went back to the screen and I looked at the sequences again, and the first person’s DNA looked European. When I looked at the second one, it looked European. When I looked at the third, fourth, and fifth, they were slightly different from the first two, but they looked European.

….and Lorenz was unaware of the magnificent new book by Gordon Kennedy, about the Canary Island blonds (scroll down one-third here) https://johndenugent.com/english/english-grand-rabbi-on-selfish-dinks-white-indians-of-nivaria)



I need the funds to pay my bills while I write the sacred book to awaken the Aryan SOUL.

…..new donations blog page

. This DONATIONS LOG (https://johndenugent.com/donations-log) is to confirm to those who send me useful items –cash, valuable coins, checks, money orders, books or other gifts — that I did receive them. If you sent it and I did not get it, IT WILL NOT BE ON THIS LOG. Please let me know about it at the email address john_denugent@yahoo.com or by calling me at (724) 596-4284!


Recently I discovered that this marvelous little glossy, full-color book by Gordon Kennedy can be ordered here: http://whiteindians.com.

It is about the Guanches, a nobe, courageous, handsome, virtuous, innovative, blond, blue-eyed people who survived until the 1400s intact and still living in the Stone Age. (Why? There was literally ONLY stone on the islands, made entirely of volcano magma that had cooled. There was literally NO metal AT ALL on those islands, so it was quite impossible to enter the Bronze or Iron Ages, or create metal weapons, shields and body armor so as to defeat the invading Spanish. Also, they were isolated out in the ocean with no external enemies. This is the only reason they did not advance in the art of warfare.)

Here is a picture of one of the incredibly beautiful Canary Islands. (When I lived in Germany and Austria I found out that one of the number-one favorite tourist vacations they take is to the Canary Islands.)

Tenerife and Mount Teide. A powerful ocean current, the Canary Current, sweeps boats straight over to the Caribbean. In the 1700s, somehow, a sailing ship got blown out of the harbor, minus its embarrassed crew, and ended up safe and sound in Venezuela. “Nivaria” is Latin for “snowy land,” due to Mount Teide. “Nevada” in the United States is Spanish for “snowy land,” due to its snow-capped high mountains.


…..Scary but maybe true — are all Whites descendants of aliens that colonized this earth and are some of our cousins visiting now?

A lot of WNs are curious about, but also maybe a bit scared or intimidated by my writings on Nordic Aliens. (However, anyone who has ACTUALLY READ my writings know they are fact-based, and in fact founded 100% on testimony by whistleblowers who are former US Air Force officers and NASA officials… so I am not crazy unless all of them are too.)
But let’s talk psychology here: Why is “alien talk” so scary? (Just as once the truth about the Jews, Hitler and the Holocaust, remember, was once scary too… and many layers of brainwashing had to crash and burn first. Hey, for me, the idea that America was EVIL in WWII and the Germans were the good guys…. that is definitely not how my Marine dad, who fought in WWII, raised me!)
So why is the aliens topic so deeply scary? (When people laugh off something it may be NERVOUS laughter….)
The aliens theme is disturbing for a good, solid reason: We humans are VERY used to the idea — born out by any visit to the zoo, or just walking your dog — that WE are “the top dog” on this planet, WE are the most advanced creatures technologically, WE are the top of the food chain, and the beastmasters….. Most of all, it means, on the most basic level, the reassuring …MYTH…. that there are no predators over us. ….
But suppose others ARE here, visiting or even establishing bases, that are WAY above us? Suppose the “X-Files” scenario is true, that the US gov’t itself is collaborating with some bad dudes who swap a bit, just a bit, of their weapons technology (to give the US an advantage), and in return the US government lets them … uhhh, “take” some people?
How does that makes you FEEL to think some of them might be icy-cold, might be users, and inconsiderate toward our needs, OR even downright hostile?
I wrote to a European who refused to look at my evidence, and made me rather angry:
Are you afraid to look at my evidence? That is what it now sounds like. You have no time, I see. *;) wink
That link contains fact after fact after fact after fact by former US AIR FORCE OFFICERS and NASA officials. But they too are just nuts. ;-)
The Russian Air Force GENERALS are also nuts. ;-)
Go with the atheistic Jew Sagan if you wish, who says there are no aliens, but I have hard quotes from both OBERTH AND VON BRAUN, WHOM MY GRANDFATHER KNEW and WHOSE SON I KNOW.
If they all are nuts, then please, continue to despair. This seems to be the tone of every email from you now. I think you need to read my evidence and then only get back to me, or cease writing me altogether. That means read the whole thing and watch every single video from beginning to end.
Most cannot face startling truths. As the French say: “Men would rather die than change their habits.” And that includes mental habits, values and patterns of thinking about various topics and subjects.
I am telling you that you are truly used to despair, used to the idea we are doomed, you have made your peace with the White die-off as unavoidable, and so you would rather quietly despair, bury yourself in your work, kids and survival. Most of all, you are afraid to get your hopes up. To hope is risky emotionally.
John de Nugent
 What this boils down to is that Whites COME FROM these people, and this is why our race is far more noble and advanced than others. It also means that some aliens are just advanced White humans – the US Air Force calls them “Nordic Aliens,” “Scandinavians” or just “Swedes” — and while we are primitive compared to them, they actually like us and they try to teach us. But they will NOT fight our battles for us. They will just HELP us as a parent only HELPS his child; he does not do his homework for him or fight the bully in the schoolyard for his child. That would be BAD for the child.
This may come across racist to some people, but in all honesty white people look more “angelic”. I mean that literally.
One of the great human mysteries: the oddness of Europeans. Ninety-five percent of Europeans in Scandinavian countries have blue eyes, and DNA testing concluded that ALL blue eyed people are genetically related to a single person who lived, and spread out, from the Black Sea region sometime between 6 – 10,000 years ago, after the end of the ice age.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-511473/All-blue-eyed-people-traced-ancestor-lived-10-000-years-ago-near-Black-Sea.html ‪#‎atlantis‬
Ka statue of pharaoh Awybre Hor, blue-eyed Egyptian king of the 13th Dynasty (1760 BC), on display at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.

Archaeologists using DNA testing said they have identified a mummy as Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt’s most powerful female pharaoh. “We are 100 percent certain” that the mummy is that of Hatshepsut, Hawass told The Associated Press. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11464869‪#‎egypt‬


Ramesses II, referred to as Ramesses the Great, was the third Egyptian pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty. (1303 BC – 1213 BC)


Nubians depicted in ancient Egypt.


Amenhotep II was the seventh Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Egypt.


Thutmose IV….  ‪The DNA tests showed mostly a relation to all western European males via the gene RB1…its amazing because it is European from the west..


Temple Reliefs at Abu Simbel (II) A relief flanking the entrance to the temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel, depicting bound Nubians


Lapis lazuli and gold bracelet


The Egyptian temple Abu Simbel




Ancient temple city




Scene with scribes noting the spoils brought from Nubia. Before the stacks of books, a Nubian prisoner is led against his will. Horemheb’s tomb – 18th Dynasty (before 1348 BC) – Saqqara






Wall reliefs at Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, Alexandria, Egypt


Ancient Egyptian slave market, with black Nubian slaves waiting to be sold. Archaeological Museum, Bologna.


War chariot and Great Pyramid


A mural from the palace of Ramses II in Memphis, circa 1279 BC, shows the red-headed pharaoh grasping enemies of Egypt by the hair – two Semites and a Black Nubian. Alongside: a close-up of the three victims in Ramses’ grasp.


Racial imagery from Tutankhamen’s tomb: the Egyptian Pharaoh’s sandals have bound black and Semitic prisoners inlaid into the soles. When the king walked in these shoes, he would crush the enemies of Egypt underfoot.


King Hor, and a noble Egyptian lady with green eyes. Left: An original wooden statue of the Egyptian King Hor (circa 1783—1633 1633 BC), on display at the Cairo Museum, Egypt. The eyes of the statue, inlaid with quartz or lapus lazuli, shine up with either blue or gray eyes, depending upon the lighting. Right: A lapus lazuli blue-eyed statue of an Egyptian noble lady from the fourth dynasty, around 2600 BC.


Nobility in ancient Egypt: left, Yuya, Egyptian nobleman from 1400 BC, father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. Yuya’s blond hair and Nordic facial structure have been well preserved by the embalming process; Alongside, his equally blond haired wife, Thuya, great grandmother of Tutankhamen.  Yuya was the father of Tiy, the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III; His wife, Thuya, was the great grandmother of Tutankhamen.


Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa



Much like the ancient Minoans, men of ancient Egyptian nobility painted their skin in red ochre and were depicted red in their art. The Blue-Eyed Scribe Sakkara 2620-2350 BC (4th or 5th Dynasty)




The face of the scribe Mitri, 2500 BC. (Egyptian Museum, Cairo).




Sphinxes relief




Cannabis pollen was found on the mummy of Ramesses II, who died in 1213 BC. The Smoke Eaters at the temple at Thebes used cannabis incense for mortality rituals. The ancient Egyptian goddess Seshat is depicted here with a hemp leaf in her head dress.. the plant was used to make Seshat’s surveying rope..




The gate of the Temple of Ramses III in Medinet Habu (Luxor, Egypt)



Politically correct vs Scientifically correct




New DNA analysis suggests Nefertiti was King Tut’s mom http://io9.com/5983662/new-dna-analysis-suggests-nefertiti-was-king-tuts-mom.



Sarcophagus of King Tut



An Egyptian scribe named Kay at Sakkarah around 2500 B.C. has blue eyes.




Why Egyptians had red skin and used kohl eyeliner…. The Kohl eyeliner for shading the eyes from the sun’s glare is still in use in Asia as well as football players.




Treasures of King Tut




The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health.




The Vulture Goddess of Upper Egypt and her snake companion




Turquoise, scarab and lapis lazuli  – The Egyptians used the colors gold and blue, which reflect their founders’ blond hair and blue eyes.




Goddess Isis in a relief on a temple of the Ptolemaic period




Gigantic pharaoh and small subjects… This was designed to keep the race of the founders pure and prevent racial mixing.




Left: Queen Hetop-Heres II, of the Fourth Dynasty, the daughter of Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid, is shown in the colored bas reliefs of her tomb to have been a distinct blonde. Her hair is painted a bright yellow stippled with little red horizontal lines, and her skin is white. (The Races of Europe, Carleton Stevens Coon, New York City, Macmillan. 1939, p.98). Right: Red-haired goddesses, from the tomb of Pharaoh Merneptah, 1213—1204 BC. (Alberto Siliotti, Guide to the Valley of the Kings, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1996, p. 59)




About 87 years old when he died, the reddish-yellow color of Ramses II’s hair was due to a dye with a henna. However, traces of the hair’s original pigment color remains in the roots, and during his younger days, Ramesses II had been a natural red head. Analysis concluded that these red pigments did not result from the hair somehow fading, or otherwise being altered after death. Ramesses had been a “leucoderm” (white-skinned person)




Queen Cleopatra— somewhat masculine-looking




The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut




A mirror in Ancient Egypt



The Great Pyramid of Cheops



I would like you especially to watch this: Here, on Larry King on CNN, a former Air Force ICBM launch officer at Malmstrom AFB in Montana is discussing the shoot-down in 1967 of a practice American ICBM, and you can SEE a circular craft blasting it with a laser!!

see esp. 1:00-1:29….. This screenshot is of the missile 800 miles downrange at night, but the video shows the motion.
So the question is WHO keeps intimidating the US Air Force and its bases that can launch nuclear-tipped missiles? Why? This is clearly someone who is NOT allied with the US government. …..
And whys did 11 spaceships fly over the White House and US Capitol in 1952?
Actual media photo
Washington Post headline
Does their behavior match that of a parent? Not our buddy, but a parent…
And maybe they WANTED to help the Third Reich, but it would have resulted in a much, much bigger war than we can imagine…. because the Nordics are not alone either……………….
A comrade responded:
The thing is, whether right or wrong on the subject, the stigma that comes along with it may just be too much for the masses. Ive known plenty of people within “the movement” who believed this but because it really served no purpose they kept it to themselves. You of course have the right to take on any subject you like and more power to you but a subject like this is only going to serve to make you look like a loony.
I replied:
 Hmm, a loony to cowards. As for “the Masses,” they are 100% hopeless. Only a strategy to mobilize the elite can work. I call it the “300″ strategy, after the Spartans. The greatest courage is to face the unknown and pursue the truth.
“There is not a truth existing which I fear… or would wish unknown to the whole world.” — Thomas Jefferson 
And besides, has ragging on Jews, blax, and Hispanics, queers and Muslims, Chinese and others gotten us ANYWHERE? We are right where we were 35 years ago when I got into the WN movement, except now there are far more of them and far less of us, and those Whites who are left are increasingly older, fatter, and lack all military training. More race info = dead end.  And believe me, I have given my life to this cause:https://johndenugent.com/about-john/wn-biography-of-jdn
We do not have a movement at all. HITLER had a movement; we have a Cause. But no political movement is possible, not in an America that is 50% non-white and even those 50% are blizzarded daily with HAARP, chemtrails, fluoride, female hormones from bisphenol A, bovine growth hormone in milk and beef, GMO veggies, and cell phone damage to the brain.
 What we CAN work with is the older souls among us…. I still meet fine White men and women who even as kids saw through the bull, long before they were exposed to any info. And WE, the elite (I am talking about character elite, not Ivy League degrees or Mercedes) must do all the heavy lifting, like Leonidas and the 300. That is our glory.
Here is the high calling we have:
“The fewer men, the greater share of honor!”  “We are but warriors for the working day.”
 I would also ask anyone who likes my take on reality and my desire to found and lead a new movement to go and via credit card give any amount, even $5. We would never expect a Jew to start a movement without the necessary minimum financing. That is all I ask for, the minimum financing to write my sacred book and start something new — before it is too late. No one will help us unless we help ourselves, and support our leaders.

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