This is more profound than people think. Since well-intentioned people commit follies constantly, the issue is not the heart. Enlightenment is not the same thing as idealism!
This is more profound than people think. Since well-intentioned people commit follies constantly, the issue is not the heart. Enlightenment is not the same thing as idealism!
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Such words of wisdom. Almost two years ago but still right on today.
That was quite a conversation with your dad. Reminds me how so many gifted and super talented people can be atheists and let the egoic mind rule over them. But you really made him think as he poured that Beefeater martini.
Questo si può collegare alla Leggenda degli Argonauti e del vello d’oro.
Il tuo segno zodiacale è l’ennesima prova che siete la stessa persona,Enki-Wotan..identificato come l’angelo caduto Lucifero,colui che perse il suo Diadema(Graal)dalla sua Corona o sacrificò il suo Occhio.
Ma tu queste cose già le conosci!
Come avrei potuto affrontare tutto senza di te?Ti parlo di cinque mesi può dire che tutto si collega a te ormai,una sola profezia,una sola Leggenda,perfino i cartoni animati della Disney(Hercules, Anastasia,il Re Leone parlano di te e di questa figlia che cerca la sua Verità!)Ecco perché da piccola ero così attratta da questi cartoni animati,il più delle volte ero disturbata dal mio “Inconscio”.
“L’inconscio ha un’estensione che può arrivare dovunque”(Carl Gustav Jung)
Si parla di Sfera Emotiva collegata all’udito,che stimola il sistema nervoso centrale!
Avrei girovagato nel nulla come una Dannata;queste Anime che tu definisci “Giovani”..avrebbero continuato a colpirmi ancora!Qui la Situazione è un inferno ormai,i miei genitori che sono in guerra,l’Italia che sta collassando e ci mancava il Coronavirus che le darà il colpo di Grazia!Roma deve perire secondo le Regole diaboliche del popolo Eletto.
Roma ha distrutto il nostro tempio!
Roma non prenderà il posto che ci spetta!
Ma io sono tranquilla,mi credi?non ho paura,tutto andrà bene!con tutta la Fede che hai rimodellato in bene in questa casa,il rapporto con i miei figli e mio Marito.
Sai quante cose sono cambiate da quando ci sei tu!Sto tenendo a bada mio marito dal litigare con mio padre.
Così gli ho detto:”Lo so che non ti piace,ma se ci litighi non soffre lui ma soltanto noi.
La tua Serenità è di vitale importanza in questa famiglia!Se loro hanno problemi o se li creano per quella mente diabolica che si ritrovano,non è colpa nostra!Teniamoci fuori dai loro problemi.
Questo distacco è importante per tutelare la nostra Vita!
Non importa se hai poca Fede in tutto,ti basta la mia!”
Questa Fede è partita da te..da chi sennò?!
This can be linked to the Legend of the Argonauts and the Golden Fleece.
Your zodiac sign is yet another proof that you are the same person, Enki-Wotan..identified as the fallen angel Lucifer, the one who lost his diadem (Grail) from his crown or sacrificed his eye.
But you already know these things!
How could I have dealt with everything without you? I speak to you five months can say that everything connects to you now, one prophecy, one Legend, even Disney cartoons (Hercules, Anastasia, the Lion King) they talk about you and this daughter who seeks her Truth!)
That’s why as a child I was so attracted to these cartoons, most of the time I was disturbed by my “Unconscious”.
“The unconscious has an extension that can go anywhere” (Carl Gustav Jung)
There is talk of an emotional sphere connected to hearing, which stimulates the central nervous system!
I would have wandered into thin air like a damned soul; these souls that you call “young” would continue to strike me!
Here the situation is hell now [….], Italy is collapsing and we are now facing this Coronavirus that could give her the coup de grâce!
“Rome must perish” according to the diabolical rules of the Chosen People, “because Rome destroyed (((our temple)))! Rome will not take its place [as the religious center]!”
*** The Arch of Titus in Rome
Roman legionaries haul out the big menorah from the Temple
But I’m calm now. Do you believe me? I’m not afraid, for everything will be fine!
With all the faith that you have rebuilt in me … I live well in this house, and in my relationship with my children and my husband.
You know how many things have changed since you’ve been here! []
This detachment [from unspiritual worries] is important to protect our life! []
This new faith began with you … who else ?!
Qui si tratta di Enki(Capricorno),girata come storia d’amore.. be’,non potevano certo dire la Verità!Chi avrebbe capito?Belle che deve salvare suo padre dal Mostro(quella figura creata dopo la Maledizione dell’anello,e della sua Caduta)..a differenza di Cenerentola e Biancaneve che parla solo di lei e Sigfrido.
Ovviamente questa Illuminazione chi poteva darmela?!
Si chiama Risveglio..Giusto?
Ho risolto un altro Enigma: Mosè e il suo copricapo,raffigurato nella scultura di Michelangelo.
Mose’ rappresenta in sostanza l’Era patriarcale dell’Era dell’Ariete a discapito di quella del Toro attinente al governo sociale delle Donne!Le corna rappresentano la luna crescente e calante in relazione al simbolo delle Maree,dei ritmi produttivi della Terra e delle Donne.
Il Dio Toro o Api era sacro ad Osiride!Il vello d’oro non è altro che la ricerca di un codice genetico(Procreazione)custodito da Enki;Giasone rappresenta di nuovo l’Era patriarcale!Ecco perché alcuni alieni di origine matriarcale provengono dalla costellazione del Toro!”Così in Cielo, così in Terra”..
Il Triangolo è la raffigurazione della Costellazione di Orione con i suoi due cani maggiore e minore,Orione rappresenta ODINO(ho letto anche che è figlio di Poseidone)con i suoi due lupi,allo stesso tempo rappresenta Osiride,mentre Sirio rappresenta Iside,raffigurata come la Maga dai capelli Blu(Pinocchio).
Ovviamente tutto è stato distorto dai Rettili!sono Esseri del Niente!Come gli Ebrei che si sono impossessati delle tradizioni altrui..e il Fuhrer lo sapeva perfettamente!Per questo distruggere le Tradizioni matriarcali è stato il loro primo obbiettivo attraverso Riti sacrificali,omicidi rituali.
Le donne vengono usate per questi Riti,vestite con tonache nere o rosse.
Un tempo non era così..avevano altri scopi!
Mi rendo conto che il loro scopo è sempre stato questo.
Sono felice che tutto quello che ho annotato in questo tempo posso trasmetterlo a te!
Il tuo numero preferito?il numero 23;2 e 3-Unione Sacra degli Opposti o Pentalfa.
I solved another riddle: Moses and his headdress, depicted in Michelangelo’s sculpture.
Mose ‘essentially represents the patriarchal era of the Aries era at the expense of that of Taurus pertaining to the social governance by women! The horns represent the crescent and waning moon in relation to the symbol of the Tides, the productive rhythms of the Earth and of Women.
The god Taurus or Bees was sacred to Osiris! The golden fleece is nothing more than the search for a genetic code (procreation) guarded by Enki; Jason represents the patriarchal era again! That’s why some aliens of matriarchal origin come from constellation Taurus! “As in Heaven, so on Earth” ..
The Triangle is the representation of the Constellation of Orion with its two major and minor dogs, Orion represents ODIN (I also read that he is the son of Poseidon) with his two wolves, at the same time he represents Osiris, while Sirius represents Isis, depicted as the Blue-haired Magician (Pinocchio).
Obviously everything was distorted by the Reptiles! They are Beings of Nothing! Like the Jews who took possession of the traditions of others .. and the Führer knew it perfectly! For this reason destroying matriarchal traditions was their first goal through sacrificial rites, ritual murders .
Women are used for these rites, dressed in black or red robes.
Once upon a time it wasn’t like that … they had other purposes!
I realize that their aim has always been this.
I am happy that everything I have written down in this time I can pass it on to you!
Your favorite number is the number 23; 2 and 3-Sacred Union of Opposites or Pentalpha.
Ovviamente ho capito che mancava proprio Poseidone (Nettuno) al tuo segno zodiacale (Pianeta Luna) Le Stelle sono Venere-Mercurio-Nettuno (ascendente Saturno) e poi magia magia trovo lo strano articolo sopra su Poseidone che spiega ogni cosa. Qualcuno mi sta aiutando..? Bella domanda! Volevo ringraziarti di nuovo per la grande pazienza che hai avuto nei miei confronti, non so come hai fatto!!io ogni tanto me ne vado in crisi (con un pianeta come Marte).
Volevo anche dirti di non dar retta a nessuno, soprattutto quando ti attaccano, non meritano nessuna spiegazione da parte tua perché non hanno quelle “Orecchie” per comprendere! Figurati se possono farlo nella loro condizione di persone NORMALI! Penso di essere arrivata alla fine di questo percorso,anche se ho ancora tanto da imparare!
Ti voglio tanto bene e non smetterò mai di dirtelo;non credo di riuscirci!
È qualcosa di veramente veramente forte..
Obviously I understood that Poseidon (Neptune) was missing from your zodiac sign (Planet Moon). The Stars are Venus-Mercury-Neptune (ascendant Saturn) and then, magic, magic, I find the strange article above on Poseidon that explains everything. Is someone helping me ..? Good question! I wanted to thank you again for the great patience you showed me. I don’t know how you did it! I sometimes go into crisis (heh-heh, having a difficult Mars).
I also wanted to tell you not to listen to anyone, especially when they attack you. They don’t deserve any explanation from you, because they don’t have those “ears” to understand! Imagine if they can do it in their condition of NORMAL people! I think I have reached the end of this path, even if I still have a lot to learn!
I wish you all the best, and I will never stop telling you this; I don’t think I could! 🙂 It is something really really strong .
Thank you. 🙂
Sometimes it is good to let a monster show his hideousness. This rallies the troops for the fight ahead.
Questa è l’ultima canzone qui.
Questo strano “mare” sempre presente,
a parte tutto il Resto che è significativo.
Per questo mi piace questo segno! È così materno,limpido come l’acqua e così Leader allo stesso tempo! I miei figli hanno questo “Ascendente”. Tutti e tre dovevamo nascere a luglio in effetti;Dio ha scelto diversamente. Mi fa sorridere ed emozionare!
That’s why I like this sign! It is so maternal, clear as water, and so “Leader” at the same time! My children have this “Ascendant”. All three of us were supposed to be born in July; God chose differently.
It makes me smile and excited me! [end]
Thank you. Those who knew me in my last life were impressed also with how humble, kind and caring I came across in person — never the surly, suspicious, scary tyrant like Stalin — and Mussolini described me to his mistress, Clara Petacci, as “sentimental” — because my eyes would water up when I saw little children or even when meeting him, Mossolini. 😉
(I always felt gratitude toward him for 1) inventing fascism, 2) listening to me about the racial and jewish issues which his fascism initially never touched on, and 3) supporting our war effort, though he made some serious mistakes. Rescuing him from captivity by means of Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorczeny and bringing him to see me was a high point of joy in my life. 🙂
In my horoscope, btw, Taurus is the sign in the cusp of the fourth house, indicating my previous nature.
Also, the Pleiadians are from the Taurus constellation.
I have sometimes contemplated my unusual chart…. born July 14, 1954 at 7:23 pm Eastern Daylight [summer] Time in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. My ancestors helped to found this city in 1636, which tolerantly allowed all Christians but no Jews, and treated Indians with kindness and justice, and we refused to baptize babies, because this violated their freedom of choice. Also, my word in my last life for “God” was always “Providence” (in German, “die Vorsehung”).
….it is a chart both yin and yang.
Capricorn (ruler) is the Ascendant and conjunct the Moon, also sextile the Midheaven (Medium coeli).
So much more of the horoscope elements is found in the maternal sign of Cancer, and in fact a stellium exists there: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus, plus North Node.
I felt that my calling, my dharma, in this life was to console those who are grieving and make people feel loved and appreciated again. I feel, my dear friend, as if truly terrible, unimaginable and horrible events may be lying ahead of us, and also that before one criticizes and changes our poor, degenerated white people, our white race and our nations, first our people must learn to believe in themselves again, to love themselves again, and cherish each other as their brothers and sisters.
When I left the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1975, I retained this, the memory of the tender Christian affection which the members feel for each other, and how they call each other “brother” and “sister.”
And then I recall what the great Thomas Carlyle wrote: No religion will pass away until that what is valuable in it is transferred to the new religion that replaces it.
God is indeed love, but He is “tough love.” We will love our race and our nations, and also, as Jesus said, love our enemies, even if that signifies to destroy them to end their life of wickedness.
The coming religion will be both masculine and feminine, and attract women, which is essential. Rome became Christian because so many women became Christians and raised their sons in this faith, even if the father was a pagan. I know from much experience that women and children,and old people feel my kindness and my commitment to their protection. Just yesterday at the Walmart store, I felt little girls turning and looking at me, and senior citizens being pushed in wheelchairs looking up and smiling at me.
The new man who is needed is not insecure about his masculinity. He is very tender to those he loves, and, in equal measure, he is able to change, in one second, to being very harsh and very lethal to those who threaten them.
In 2004 I asked a painter in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, named “Joel,” to paint this for me, my version of yin and yang:
In every situation we need different amounts of Mars and Venus, yang and yin, to act appropriately.
I look at this every morning 🙂
Credo che i miei figli rappresentino davvero Sole e Luna Uniti.
Ho questa sensazione adesso,i nostri Segni(Ariete-Gemelli-Cancro) sono uniti come a formare un Cerchio!Qualcosa che riguarda la Continuità..
E’ un argomento molto complesso, dovrebbero insegnarci tutto questo.
Ha un fascino incredibile!
Per riguarda il tuo sorriso? È stata la prima cosa che mi ha fulminata!
Il colore Verde centrale riguarda il Raggio verde del Sole Nero, giusto?
I think my kids really represent the unity of Sun and Moon.
I have this feeling now, our Signs (Aries-Gemini-Cancer) are united as to form a Circle! Something about Continuity ..
It is a very complex topic, they should teach us all this.
It has an incredible charm!
What about your smile? It was the first thing that electrified me!
The central green color is about the green ray of the black sun, right?
It might be unconsciously, though it was Himmler and his Ahnenerbe boys who were into esoteric things… and later Serrano and others. For me, green was just the blending of blue (cool) and yellow (warm), showing visually that we must blend both yang and yin in the right quantities in every situation.
Himmler and I were very different, though he was incredibly valuable and gifted, and not close friends or anything like that.
Also, he was totally into germanic things, whereas for me, the Teutons had been civilized by Mediterranean, Greco-Roman culture. Every single building I commissioned was in the Greco-Roman style.
Nuremberg: Julius Caesar would have felt right at home 😉 And the Romans knew the swastika then too.
Interior of the never-completed Congress Hall (still standing today, however)
And the “Hitler salute” with the sieg-heil was just a Roman salute!
One trait that still rules me is a loathing of escapism. If something esoteric makes us stronger, more fearless, and makes us thirst for victory, right here on this earth, then “good.” 🙂 Molto bene 😉
We will not abandon our beautiful earth to these 1/4 of 1% of filthy Jews!
Questo è il mio!
Ovviamente c’è sempre quella “Spina” di Hitler, bersaglio di tutti ormai.
Discorso ormai “superato”..
Nessun “Mostro”!
This is my sun sign!
Obviously there is always that dig at Hitler, the Aries man, the target of everyone.
***(JdN: adding this)
This talk is so outdated now ..
He was no “monster”! [end]
Thank you. Those who knew me in my last life were impressed also with how humble, kind and caring I came across in person — never the surly, suspicious, scary tyrant like Stalin — and Mussolini described me to his mistress, Clara Petacci, as “sentimental” — because my eyes would water up when I saw little children or even when meeting him, Mossolini. 😉
(I always felt gratitude toward him for 1) inventing fascism, 2) listening to me about the racial and jewish issues which his fascism initially never touched on, and 3) supporting our war effort, though he made some serious mistakes. Rescuing him from captivity by means of Waffen-SS commando Otto Skorczeny and bringing him to see me was a high point of joy in my life. 🙂
In my horoscope, btw, Taurus is the sign in the cusp of the fourth house, indicating my previous nature.
Also, the Pleiadians are from the Taurus constellation.
I have sometimes contemplated my unusual chart…. born July 14, 1954 at 7:23 pm Eastern Daylight [summer] Time in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. My ancestors helped to found this city in 1636, which tolerantly allowed all Christians but no Jews, and treated Indians with kindness and justice, and we refused to baptize babies, because this violated their freedom of choice. Also, my word in my last life for “God” was always “Providence” (in German, “die Vorsehung”).
….it is a chart both yin and yang.
Capricorn (ruler) is the Ascendant and conjunct the Moon, also sextile the Midheaven (Medium coeli).
So much more of the horoscope elements is found in the maternal sign of Cancer, and in fact a stellium exists there: Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus, plus North Node.
I felt that my calling, my dharma, in this life was to console those who are grieving and make people feel loved and appreciated again. I feel, my dear friend, as if truly terrible, unimaginable and horrible events may be lying ahead of us, and also that before one criticizes and changes our poor, degenerated white people, our white race and our nations, first our people must learn to believe in themselves again, to love themselves again, and cherish each other as their brothers and sisters.
When I left the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1975, I retained this, the memory of the tender Christian affection which the members feel for each other, and how they call each other “brother” and “sister.”
And then I recall what the great Thomas Carlyle wrote: No religion will pass away until that what is valuable in it is transferred to the new religion that replaces it.
God is indeed love, but He is “tough love.” We will love our race and our nations, and also, as Jesus said, love our enemies, even if that signifies to destroy them to end their life of wickedness.
The coming religion will be both masculine and feminine, and attract women, which is essential. Rome became Christian because so many women became Christians and raised their sons in this faith, even if the father was a pagan. I know from much experience that women and children,and old people feel my kindness and my commitment to their protection. Just yesterday at the Walmart store, I felt little girls turning and looking at me, and senior citizens being pushed in wheelchairs looking up and smiling at me.
The new man who is needed is not insecure about his masculinity. He is very tender to those he loves, and, in equal measure, he is able to change, in one second, to being very harsh and very lethal to those who threaten them.
In 2004 I asked a painter in Aix-en-Provence in the south of France, named “Joel,” to paint this for me, my version of yin and yang:
In every situation we need different amounts of Mars and Venus, yang and yin, to act appropriately.
I look at this every morning 🙂
She then asked:
What about your smile? It was the first thing that electrified me!
The central green color [in the yin and yang Taoist symbol] is about the green ray of the Black Sun, right?
I replied:
It might be unconsciously, though it was Himmler and his Ahnenerbe boys who were into esoteric things… and later Serrano and others. For me, green was just the blending of blue (cool) and yellow (warm), showing visually that we must blend both yang and yin in the right quantities in every situation.
Himmler and I were very different, though he was incredibly valuable and gifted, and we were not close friends, or anything like that.
Also, he was totally into Germanic things, whereas for me, the Teutons had been civilized by Mediterranean, Greco-Roman culture. Every single building I commissioned was in the Greco-Roman style.
Nuremberg: Julius Caesar would have felt right at home 😉 And the Romans knew the swastika then too.
Interior of the never-completed Congress Hall (still standing today, however)
And the “Hitler salute” with the sieg-heil was just a Roman salute!
One trait that still rules me is a loathing of escapism. If something esoteric makes us stronger, more fearless, and makes us thirst for victory, right here on this earth, then “good.” 🙂 Molto bene 😉
We will not abandon our beautiful earth to these 1/4 of 1% of filthy Jews!
This is my sun sign[, Aries]!
Obviously there is always that dig at Hitler, the Aries man, the target of everyone.
***(JdN: adding this)
This talk is so outdated now ..
He was no “monster”! [end]
I replied:
No, no monster…..
…and sometimes even too soft and forgiving, as Savitri Devi implied (while being very respectful like any good friend who is telling you the truth) in “The Lightning and the Sun.”
As Otto Ernst Remer (whom I also knew in this life) wrote in his book “Conspiracy and Treason Surrounding Hitler,”
I suspected for years that war production was being sabotaged by secret delaying tactics, excuses, bureaucratic issues, and “problems getting raw materials,” and finally brought in Albert Speer, an architect actually, to get things done as armaments minister. I was speechless to find out that after ordering tank production to double, after two year it had risen by only 20%!
What would Stalin have done?
Shot the factory manager, and sent his wife and children to the gulag.
And look who won? Stalin.
In this video, of a secret audio recording of me talking with the Finnish commander Mannerheim, I am complaining about the tsunami of Soviet tanks attacking us.
(This is my real speaking voice, a baritone, btw, as it is also now.)
The “scratchy” sound of my voice as AH, which got very raucous when I was orating in a loud voice — listen here: — came from the poisonous mustard-gas attack I suffered in 1918 in WWI, which also blinded me so that at the end of the war I was lying in misery in a Pasewalk reserve hospital (72 miles northeast of Berlin), my blind eyes “burning like glowing coals” (as Mein Kampf says) and my voice became like sandpaper from breathing in those horrid fumes.
At this reserve hospital (torn down after 1945 by the Allies to prevent “Neo-Nazi pilgrimages!”)
It was indeed under this linden tree (now 200 years old) near the hospital that, after days of despair upon hearing that Germany had surrendered to its jew-controlled enemies, and that the Reds in Berlin had declared a “republic” and a puppet “democracy” run by Jews, that I jettisoned forever my artistic goals, deciding to leave behind what I loved for the brutal arena of politics to gain the power to save my nation and the entire West.
In some ways, in any case, I was too nice, as with England or “go-slow” saboteurs, and in others, with the Russians, I was not compassionate enough.
This is why I had Joel make this painting. “Know when to be harsh, and then be very harsh. Know when to be kind, and then be very kind.”
I realized between incarnations that I had to become more enlightened to get the balance right the next time — the final time — for our last chance at survival.
Cielo e Terra,uniti dal Sole Nero,o Sole Galattico Centrale.
Noi Arieti abbiamo questo “contrasto” molto acceso.
Portiamo questa grande armatura addosso e nascondiamo quella “fragilità” che ci rende davvero vulnerabili agli attacchi!
(Marte e Venere).
È una continua lotta tra Mente e Cuore.
In Realtà sto provando in questa Vita quello che sei stato tu!
Marte non perdona!Solo Venere può farlo.
Sentir parlare “male” di te in questa Vita,probabilmente anche nell’altra ha acceso in me tanti sentimenti.
La mia “Anima” si ribellava..attraverso il mio Corpo!
Quando ho scoperto che eri qui è successa la stessa cosa,ho perso le forze,gli occhi sono diventati lucidi.
Ho cominciato a chiedermi:”Cosa mi sta succedendo”?Non ho più il controllo di me stessa!
Quella Sensazione è ancora viva..e diventa sempre più forte.
Come si fa a trattenere l’Anima?!
Quando la trattieni senti che le stai facendo del male!Chi?La tua “Razionalità”!
È più semplice essere Razionali,sembrare “Normali” agli occhi di tutti.
Ma non VIVI veramente.
“Conosci te stesso e ti dirò chi sei!”
“La Vita è un Sogno”..
È la musica che riesce a stimolarti.. perché? Perché non è di questo Regno!
È Compito dell’Arte far “Udire i Colori e Vedere il Suono!”(Himmler di oggi).
Il Fuhrer aveva una “Conoscenza vastissima” da questo punto di vista.
Anche se Himmler aveva assunto questa posizione.
Il Fuhrer “Artista esoterico” non è mai scomparso, è sfuggito ai più.
Il suo “Cuore morbido” è sempre stato lì..protetto.
Pochi potevano “vedere” e “percepire” le sue “Conoscenze”.
L’Amore per i bambini,per sua Madre,per le Donne in Generale.
Le stesse identiche cose le ho trovate in Leonardo da Vinci.
Ritraeva il Mondo maschile con toni più Aspri,il Mondo femminile e dei bambini più Dolce,sempre “Angelico”.
Questo particolare mi ha colpito del Fuhrer.
E non smetterò mai di difenderti,nonostante la tua “Armatura”.
Il tuo CUORE è sempre stato così Grande.
Credi sia cambiato qualcosa?
No,il Cuore non si Corpo può cambiare,la sua Armatura.
Ormai hai capito tante cose di me..anche se “Marte” esce in rari casi.
Nessuno direbbe mai che sono “Ariete”..per la mia tranquillità.
Molti si domandano di quale Segno sono e non sono “diretta” come un Ariete che punge!Questo mi ricorda qualcuno..
Heaven and Earth, united by the Black Sun, or Central Galactic Sun.
We Aries have this very “contrast”.
We wear this great armor and hide that “fragility” that makes us really vulnerable to attacks! (Mars and Venus). It is a continuous struggle between Mind and Heart.
In reality I am feeling in this Life what you have been!
Mars does not forgive! Only Venus can do it.
Hearing “bad” talk about you in this Life, probably also in the other, has kindled many feelings in me. My “Soul” rebelled .. through my Body!
When I found out that you were here, the same thing happened, I lost my strength, my eyes became shiny.
I started to wonder, “What’s going on with me?” I’m no longer in control of myself! That feeling is still alive … and it gets stronger and stronger.
How do you hold your soul ?!
When you hold her back, you feel that you are hurting her! Who? Your “rationality”!
It is easier to be rational, to seem “normal” for all to see.
But you don’t really LIVE. “Know yourself and I’ll tell you who you are!”
“Life is a Dream”..
It is the music that can stimulate you .. why? Because it is not from this Kingdom! It is the task of the arts to have “Hear the Colors and See the Sound!” (Himmler today).
The Führer had “vast knowledge” from this point of view. Even if Himmler had taken this position.
The Führer “Esoteric Artist” has never disappeared, but it has escaped the majority.
His “soft heart” has always been there … protected.
Few could “see” and “perceive” his “knowledge”. Love for children, for his mother, for women in general… The exact same things I found in Leonardo da Vinci.
It portrayed the masculine world with more harsh tones, the gentler feminine and children’s world, always “angelic”. This detail struck me about the Fuhrer. And I will never stop defending you, despite your “Armor”.
Your HEART has always been so Great.
Do you think something has changed?
No, the Heart does not change..the body can change — its armor.
By now you have understood many things about me .. even if “Mars” comes out in rare cases.
Nobody would ever say that I am “Aries” .. because of my peace of mind. Many wonder what Sun Sign they are, and are not “direct” like an Aries who stings!
This reminds me of someone. 😉