Enraged passengers confront mega-evil traitor Romney in airport and on plane

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Romney Boards Plane Packed with Trump Supporters Who Chant ‘Traitor’ During Flight

Angry patriots grill RINO over alleged ties to Joe Biden – WATCH

 on&nbsp6th January 2021 @ 3.00pm

sen mitt romney boarded the plane that was packed with trump supporters© press

Sen. Mitt Romney boarded the plane that was packed with Trump supporters

RINO Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) boarded a plane that was packed with angry Trump supporters on Tuesday night, who grilled the senator about his alleged ties to Joe Biden and chanted “traitor” throughout the flight.

Videos posted to social media on Tuesday evening appear to show the Utah Republican being confronted by supporters of President Donald Trump as he takes a flight from Salt Lake City to Washington D.C.

Romney is among the Republican Senators who have turned against their party and president by rejecting the effort to oppose certification of Joe Biden’s presidency this week when Congress meets to officially count the electoral college votes.

In one video, which went viral on Tuesday night, angry patriots on the plane are shown yelling “traitor” at Romney, who isn’t in view.

The short clip shows passengers chant “traitor” at Romney nearly 20 times.

After the chant, a woman was heard saying, “Resign, Mitt.”

passengers on the flight chanted traitor at mitt romney© press

Passengers on the flight chanted ‘traitor’ at Mitt Romney

“We want to know your connection to Burisma and Joe Biden,” she continued, referring to a Ukrainian gas company that had the former vice president’s son, Hunter Biden, on the board of directors.

The woman mentioned the Electoral College, which is set to certify the presidential election results on Wednesday.

“Mitt Romney, you don’t listen to your constituents,” the woman concludes.


In another video, Romney is seen being confronted by a woman as he waits for his flight.

She demands to know why Romney is not supporting President Trump’s fight against alleged widespread voter fraud.

A woman, who says she is a Republican Utah voter, approaches Romney as he waits by the gate for his flight.

“Why aren’t you supporting President Trump? You’re not supporting him,” the woman continues.

“I do support President Trump,” Romney answers.

“I’m sorry, I do agree with many of the things he’s for and I support him.”


The woman continues to push Romney on whether he will be supporting Trump regarding “fraudulent votes.”

“No, I’m not,” the senator answers.

“It’s a long story but it’s a constitutional process and the constitution is clear.

“I will follow the constitution and I will explain all that when we meet in congress this week.”

She continues to push Romney about not supporting Trump in the election and tells him: “You were voted in as a conservative to represent the conservative constituents. Period.”

“Actually, that’s not how the constitution works,” Romney fires back as he begins to pack up his laptop to try and walk away.

“It is you’re voted in to represent us, you work for us. Am I wrong?” the woman then questions as Romney storms off.

“I work for the people of Utah,” Romney says.

“Exactly and I am from Utah,” the woman responds.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t even voted in legally,” the woman adds.

“You’re a joke, an absolute joke, it’s a disgusting shame,” she says as the senator walks away.

trump supporters grilled mitt romney about his ties to democrat joe biden© press

Trump supporters grilled Mitt Romney about his ties to Democrat Joe Biden

Thousands of MAGA fans have been flying to Washington D.C. to attend Wednesday’s massive “Stop the Steal” rally.

Sen. Romney has claimed that efforts to challenge the election results are an “egregious ploy to reject electors may enhance the political ambition of some,” and said that it “dangerously threatens our Democratic Republic.”

“The congressional power to reject electors is reserved for the most extreme and unusual circumstances,” Romney claimed.

“These are far from it.”

Romney also said that allegations the election is being stolen are a “false rumor.”

[RELATED] Mitt Romney Caught Taking Big Money Donations from George Soros



  1. This incident shows that not all corrupted recognizable persons can safely hide all the time. Often they have their own bodyguards, but that doesn’t mean there is never opportunity to confront them. Creative intimidation doesn’t have to be violent, or harmful to be upsetting to a person’s psychological state of mind. Which often drives a person to drink or to do drugs to not think. Mitt must have quite an ego that certainly needs a bad bruising.

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