Epigenetics strikes again: Child abuse leaves molecular ‘scars’ in DNA of victims’ sperm – study

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Robin Williams in “One Hour Photo.” Child abuse leaves molecular ‘scars’ in DNA of victims’ sperm – study

Published time: 3 Oct, 2018 10:42 [source: https://www.rt.com/news/440197-dna-child-abuse-sperm/]

Child abuse leaves molecular ‘scars’ in DNA of victims’ sperm – study

Child abuse may have an even more profound effect than just psychological damage, according to a new study. Abuse may actually ‘scar’ our DNA on the molecular level, leading to intergenerational damage.

“We already know there are a lot of behavioral mechanisms by which trauma has negative effects on the next generation,” Harvard scientist Dr Andrea Roberts told The Independent.

“Trauma obviously really affects the behavior of people traumatized. It often makes them depressed, it gives them post-traumatic stress disorder, and those mental health conditions affect their parenting and affect the kids. This is another possible pathway.”

Using sperm samples from a small set of 34 men, of which 22 had suffered some form of abuse as children, the new research from the University of British Columbia and Harvard University found 12 areas in the survivors’ DNA that were affected by some ‘molecular scarring.’

This ‘molecular scarring’ in DNA is caused by a chemical process known as methylation, the process by which a methyl group is added to DNA, which can have a ‘dampening effect’ on certain gene expressions. The full impact of this process on the men’s health has yet to be determined, however, as longer-term research is needed. The study of epigenetics is still in its infancy, relatively speaking.

“Some very good findings from mice have shown that early life stressors affect the marks on the sperm, and then in turn those affect the health of the offspring in particular creating a kind of anxious behavior,” Dr Roberts added.

The researchers found eight DNA regions that showed a difference of over 10 percent, while one region in particular had been dampened by up to 29 percent.

If such research expands and holds up under peer review and eventual meta analysis, it may also pave the way for more accuracy in criminal investigations, zeroing in on perpetrators who leave DNA at the scene of a crime and helping to narrow the age of a suspect.



…..Reflecting on my own life

I find the conclusions listed above to be justified by my own life experience.

What happened to me as a kid, which admittedly was far beyond the “mere” abuse to whch this article alludes, was scientific torture in the jew-run MK-ULTRA program. That is designed to create split personalities (now euphemistically renamed “dissociations”), where one personality, a secret, buried personality, is controlled by the torture masters for life.

I highly recommend the movie “The Manchurian Candidate” in this regard.

What strikes me, looking back, was that whereas I am by nature very confident, gregarious, sociable, and, frankly, pretty darn popular with both men and women, and especially with white children (little white kids turn, swivel their heads and literally beam at me in Walmarts, especially blond Finlander kids), until I finally, finally accepted the necessity of therapy in 2004 I gave off a very insecure vibe.

Although by any standards most would call me good-looking, muscular, well-spoken, educated, polite, respectful and engaging, women, for this one reason, a vibe of insecurity, showed little interest in me.

Females always gravitate toward men who are self-confident, strong and moving up in the world, and they always will. They are programmed by Mother Nature to want the genes of a successful male.

Probably not one of my readers in 50 will ever even look at this link — the horror of which is equal to the video I recently ran of the screaming white woman being stabbed and chopped up by two black men — but this story of horror is literally nothing compared to my ordeal.

MK-ULTRA and “Unshackled — A Survivor’s Story of Mind Control” by Kathleen Sullivan

“Mere” MK-ULTRA abuse can be remembered in flashbacks, as can be memories of jungle fighting in Vietnam 50 years ago — just ask my former Marine neighbor Jim.

But the Manchurian Candidate level, as I have previously explained, is a kind of horror designed to trigger absolute repression, total amnesia, and this is the central feature.


Repression is the psychological attempt to direct one’s own desires and impulses toward pleasurable instincts by excluding them from one’s consciousness and holding or subduing them in the unconscious.

In the 2003 movie with Denzel Washington (and Meryl Streep and Liev Schrieber), the goal is to create VERY POWERFUL puppets:

…presidents, generals, admirals, police chiefs, media moguls, high financiers, top lawyers, etc.

These are leaders of society who, if they realized they have been raped, tortured and savagely mistreated, and by whom — by the jews — they would then obviously use their vast powers, money, and fame to plot to bring down their tormentors, and wreak unlimited vengeance on them.

When I look back on my life, I see a one-to-one match between my life situation and the Manchurian program.  I won’t belabor it once again here in this blog.  I will merely repeat that three things triggered, NOT memories, but a feeling of sickening, swooning horror.

I saw the movie “One Hour Photo” with Robin Williams, and became literally bathed in sweat, to the point I had to strip down to my t-shirt during a snowfall in the Back Bay of Boston, with sweat oozing between even my toes;

2) watching a harmless 30-minute infomercial about some pill for prostate health for aging men, where the room began to spin and I ran out of the house and glid down flat onto the grass just before I totally passed out — and I remember the stars spinning over my head and the wet dew on my hair;

and 3) reading in the Boston Globe about a boy raped by Catholic priest John Geoghan.

The Archdiocese of Boston, under the revolting pig, Cardinal Bernard Law, then began harassing and defaming the working-class family.

FILE – In this Thursday, Aug. 5, 2010 file photo, US Cardinal Bernard Law as he celebrates Mass during a ceremony for Our Lady of the Snows in St. Mary Major’s basilica, in Rome. Cardinal Bernard Law, who resigned in disgrace as Boston’s archbishop in 2002 after the priest sex abuse scandal exploded in the United States, has retired from his subsequent job as head of Rome’s St. Mary Major’s basilica Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. The Vatican said that Pope Benedict XVI had accepted the 80-year-old Law’s resignation as archpriest of St. Mary Major basilica and had named as Law’s replacement Spanish Monsignor Santos Abril y Castello. (AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, File)


Law had detectives spread that the family was just liars and get-rich-quick schemers who wanted to fleece the Holy Mother Church while slandering a dedicated man of God, and the boy, shamed and feeling no one believed him, killed himself.   

I went for a walk on Winthrop Beach after that, needing some fresh air, as they say.

It was then that a surreal feeling came over me, and while I was really enjoying the walk and the salt air, the sounds of seagulls, and the smell of the seaweed and the mussels, being a native son of New England.. suddenly, strangely, something came over me, and I began sobbing.

Winthrop is on the right. The great poetess of German ancestry Sylvia Plath, who later committed suicide, partly from feeling “Holocaust” guilt for being German, was raised here.


I actually felt a vivid, total contradiction as I was walking along, a war between my conscious mind, which was happy as I always loved strolling on the beach, and my unconscious, which was, so to speak, bleeding profusely and in indescribable misery.

It is the grief to realize that adults can even exist who, with satanic relish, commit horrors on innocent little kids, and bring them back to their dread, and do it again, and again, and again. Or even slay other children in front of them. Or something worse even than that.

You feel the world is really a godless hell where evil is king.

I realized something major right after that walk — that buried deep inside me there was something I simply had to find out about.

It was also the real reason also that I lacked self-confidence, and that women were both initially attracted to me and also lost interest, unless their compassion had kicked in.

I remember a very attractive and shapely white Brazilian woman (southern Brazil has millions of white Brazilians of German, Polish and Italian ancestry, and many have voted to create an independent country there) that really liked me. (I liked her too, but she was way into being a Pentacostal, Born-Again Christian.)

As we drove along through Winthrop one day in my old, beige-brown Toyota Corona station wagon, and passed the Cumberland Farms convenience store at 48 Revere Street where I worked for $5.15 an hour,

..she looked at me with her blue-gray eyes, very compassionately, in the way woman at their best can, and she blurted out:

“I don’t understand why you aren’t rich….. why you are living in that rooming house of yours. You have a supreme intelligence. John, there is something really wrong with you. This is not a life you have.”  

Scene from “The Manchurian Candidate” — something is wrong with you.


I said quietly: “I know. I just don’t know what it is.”

The interesting thing is I still have no actual “memories,” and I actually thank my guardian angels for that.

As they say, some things, once seen, cannot be unseen.




Seeing, or, worse, going through them once was enough.  (Who really wants to see “The Passion” by Mel Gibson — twice?)


I will only cite from Unshackled only this, how the woman, a young mother, was forced by her own father, a Deep State operator, to kill the one joy she had in life, her own baby.

“Kill it with this knife, slit its throat, or I will take it and torture it first, while you watch, then I will kill it. You don’t deserve happiness!”

In the end, as is their intent, you are crushed with grief.



What I understood a few years ago was that God asked me before this life began in 1954 to experience the worst things that can possibly happen to a human being in order to prove — to show to every single white man and women who is suffering now — that we can overcome anything. We can go through hell, serene and unbowed. We can become cold as ice and do what needs to be done. We can take out the trash.

And seing Margi suffer from cancer, and still keeping serene (not happy, but serene), and working assiduously for her healing solutions, was just the latest example of how, now, I control my life, I master my feelings, I stick to my goals, and the jews cannot break her — or me.

By the way, you rotten, cowardly, scheming kabbalah Jews, you did send something that scared her little cat the other day with a dark presence in her house.

It scampered around the house in terror until I calmed it down.

As this book An Exorcist Tells His Story by a priest, Gabriele Amorth, who performed exorcisms for decades, correctly says:

(page 124) “….the behavior of house pets when these phenomena [demonic visitation] occur is very interesting. For instance, if there is a feeling of an invisible presence in a room, a cat or a dog often fixes its eyes toward a particular spot. 

Other times, the animals will jump up and run away in terror, as though a mysterious presence advanced on them.

…and while animals do not see anything concrete, they are much more sensitive to a strange presence than we are.


And Jews, you also know that, by the power of God, and with the advice of deeply spiritual and very determined friends,  I sent right back to you with triple force the curse you keep on sending to Margi in order to try to continue to kill her with horrific throat cancer — throat cancer for speaking out against your crimes.

And most of all, she speaks against your defamation of the innocent and noble people of Germany, and she denounces your

lying, reeking, absurd, fake, highly enriching “Holocaust”

your massive criminal fraud. 



But — the Holocaust is not the biggest jew lie.

No, there is one much bigger.

The biggest is that they are God’s chosen people. Jesus Christ, in John 8:44, went ballistic against this outlandish falsehood. Not only are they not God’s people — they are SATAN’s. 


….the Jews are, as Rabbi Michael Laitman clearly stated in a solemn lecture to young Israelis on Israeli Memorial Day, hostile human aliens from elsewhere in the galaxy, sent to destroy the humans who live here for their reptilian masters

Video of infamous JDL terrorist Irv Rubin eating food literally like a reptile? Rabbi Laitman says Jews are aliens sent to conquer earthlings

……Rabbi Laitman states bluntly that Jews are aliens sent to “conquer the earthlings”

page one of this essay

UFOs, the Third Reich after 1945, and the Pleiadians

It seems clear to me as a trained one-time interrogator in the United States Marine Corps with the 35th ITT (Interrogator-Translator Team — third entry — my Jewish commanding officer finally transferred me to admin for a dismal, all-black, supply unit — fourth entry)

…that his young Jewish audience in Israel, on Israeli Memorial Day in 2011 (May 9 that year), “Yom Hazikaron,” was a bit surprised by what the rabbi said (though they did not laugh at or mock him, since rabbis are revered in Jewish culture as both holy men and as learned scholars).




I do think Rabbi Laitman was saying unauthorized things.

It is also clear to me by his body language that he was not kidding or joking.

Ahh, how nice, how very humanitarian to “put things in order” for the confused goyim, who need desperately to be ruled.

Like this website for liberal Jews, using the ego-boosting Hebrew phrase tikkun olam,” “repairing the world.”

Remember, no invited Jewish speaker or rabbi of international renown would make bizarre jokes on Memorial Day, where Israel honors its 23,000 dead (both soldiers and “victims of terrorism”) since 1860.

The full video begins at 15:20 because that is when the interesting topic of Jews being aliens is first broached.


Ahhhh, now it has been deleted… 😉

But here is the short version:


Rav Michael Laitman:

In fact, we are not coming from here. We came from there (points to outer space). This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside by, what is called the “shattering of the vessels” — the shattering of the collective soul.

Question from the audience: Who is the chief of staff that sent the commanding unit?

Rav Michael Laitman: Him. The Creator. Israel is a part of Him ¦

Question from the audience: So, this chief of staff sent this commanding unit?

Rav Michael Laitman: Sent the commanding unit. Gave them strength. Gave them the connections. Everything.

But  they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form as that hostile land. It’s like we go into a country as an undercover team. And each one of us is exactly like the people of the land. Say we’re being sent somewhere now “ Africa for instance. So we’ll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact for “ inside and out.” You know, it’s like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him, he has to start working, build a house, family.. Everything is fine for years and years. After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder from outside. You gotta start working. He already forgot about it and all of a sudden they call him. Here is your commander, and this and that, you know “like in the movies.” This is what’s happening with us. We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn’t our place. We’re coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call and so on. And then we gather as a group. So from this entire planet, we are aliens coming from a different galaxy. We receive this ray of light “this awakening“ individually. And now we’re gathering as groups starting to prep ourselves to conquer Earth. That’s the mission.

Question from the audience: How do we conquer it?

Rav Michael Laitman: How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything gradually. We’re being taught. Not being taught, but kind of trained and activated — which sets our minds in motion. But in fact, it’s coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original natural force we have, we will takeover those living on Earth.

Why are you looking at me like that? You don’t believe me? I’m telling you seriously! It’s even more than that. It’s not a different galaxy “ it’s a different universe. It’s a different dimension altogether. That’s who we are.¦

Question from the Audience: ”Why are they aliens?”

Rev. Michael Laitman: “They’re aliens because – I’m not talking about their external form,  their body or their flesh and blood organs. I’m talking about that interior that does not exist in other people in the world on Earth but only in them. It’s the inner software that is in them here coming from the other world.”

What we’re talking about now is the phase where those undercover agents have to connect together and organize themselves in order to conquer Earth.

Whether you change humanity or join humanity — it doesn’t matter. It’s the same thing – whether you say it like this or like that — it’s the same thing exactly.

Because basically you are letting the light work. It’s neither this group or that group do anything. It’s just actions making them more sensitive for the influence of the light…”

[Note: Lucifer is known as as the light bearer and several Jews have come right out and said that Lucifer is their god and they are his chosen people].

We mustn’t touch these moments of others because we may create bad responses, bad reactions and create a negative image to the wisdom of Kabbalah…

Keep it in mind that all that we’re doing now is on the account of the host, so to speak. He gave us the opportunity to start organizing ourselves, to have the required conditions and forces. And if not — if we won’t fulfill our mission, then we will have to be awakened by very unpleasant means. Because we eventually MUST complete this mission.

So we came here in order to put things in order — like on our home planet.


Rav Michael Laitman:

In fact, we are not coming from here.

(So many scoff at Jesus at John 8:44 ” but here this Jew admits that Jews come from another dimension.)


“You are from your father, THE DEVIL!”


Off his Facebook page:

I landed back in Israel after a week packed with events that brought more of the good force to the world. Last weekend, some 1300 of my students from Russia and 34 other countries came together for a Kabbalah Convention in Moscow to apply the concepts of mutual guarantee in person. They were joined by tens of thousands of students online who actively participated in the event.

I’m always being asked what is connection? In this gathering, my students discovered and felt the answer to this question.

After the convention I gave two public lectures “ one in a large Jewish cultural center in Moscow and the other at an elite club called “Snob”. Each was filled with hundreds of people who surprised me with their interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah. A moment before we boarded our plane, I managed to give a radio interview to Echo of Moscow, one of the most popular radio stations in Russia.



This station, owned by the energy giant Gazprom, represents many points of view and has 2.7 million listeners daily, mostly well-educated and affluent people over 40. One third of them reside in the capital, Moscow.

“[It is] one of the most important voices in the country” ” Berliner Zeitung, Germany [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echo_Moskwy]

michael-laitman-website-jew-says-jews-aliensGlobal Thinker | Dr. Michael LaitmanMichael Laitman is a global thinker dedicated to generating a transformational shift in societythrough a new global ¦


(0:05) Host (wearing headset, front row on left, and speaking in Hebrew, with simultaneous English interpretation)


“Hello, today we are on [Israeli] Memorial Day, honoring those who died for Israel. And we decided to dedicate it to the topic of the Israeli nation. You [listeners and attendees] can ask questions [of the guest speaker] on kav.tv.

[And now,] Rav [Rabbi] Laitman.”

[He then talks about Jews being like a squad of commandos ( a small number of warriors) on a mission to learn about and conquer a new place.]

03:41 “They are like those reincarnating souls who follow their instructions, cycle after cycle, and when they come to the right place, they need to set themselves up, and align themselves for the Last Battle.”

***** Reincarnation amongst Hasidic Jews

Many Orthodox Jews, especially Hasidim and Lubavitchers, believe in reincarnation, an idea “borrowed” from Aryans. The Orthodox Jews are about 10% of Jewry, but are the most fanatic and committed and therefore have huge power in the Jewish organizations, whereas many other Jews just worry about making money and daily life, and only go to synagogue on the “High Holy Days,” not unlike Christians who only go to church around Easter and Christmas, and to weddings, baptisms and funerals.

At my Reincarnation Evidence, essay, please scroll way, way down to this comment by a Jew (https://johndenugent.com/reincarnation-evidence/#comment-614975) where he writes:

“Reincarnation “ the “revolving” of souls through a succession of lives, or “gilgulim” “ is an integral part of Jewish belief.



5:53-6:53 “We have to succeed in the inner war ¦.. If we win over ourselves, then the external enemy disappears. If not, then we must also fight the external enemy. ¦ We are entering the time zone now [of the Final Battle].”

He then says that Jews are corrected more and more in each incarnation, and if they are corrected internally the external difficulties [in conquering the earth] will be shortened.

09:20 [A student asks] “You said that Israel is like a commando unit spent on a special mission.” Laitman answered yes, inside a hostile country [ = the Gentile world].

11:18 Laitman makes a drawing, visible on a screen to his audience, showing Israel (the Jewish people) coming from an outside world into a hostile gentile world. [This does not refer merely, as one might expect, to the well-known historical fact of European and American Jews moving to Palestine. He will develop this idea further shortly.]


13:24 “He [Yahweh] gave them [Jews] the same [outer] form [to look human?] as that hostile land.”

JdN: Does he mean this?


15:33-53: “So from this entire planet we are the aliens. We’re coming [= the ancestors of the Jews] from a different galaxy.

We receive this ray of light, this awakening, individually, and now we’re gathering as groups and starting to prep[are] ourselves to conquer Earth.

That’s the mission.

[Sees a quizzical expression on a student.]


“What, you don’t see it?”

[Student] “How do we conquer it?”

How do we conquer it? We’re also sent the method. We’re being shown everything, gradually; we’re being taught ” or not taught ” being trained, being activated, and then that emotion, in our mind, awakens us.

It’s new for us [right now] but in fact it is coming from our original planet. And thanks to that original, natural force that we have, we’ll take over those living on Earth.

[Sees again a quizzical expression in this student.]

Why are you looking at me like that? I am telling you that

16:42 “Having that energy from that planet, we will take over those living on this earth.”

At 20:42 he refers to “the people of earth” that the Jews must conquer and lead ¦.

21:39 “Maybe we will throw something into [the goyim’s] water.”


23:05 “The hard drive with the data is being revealed in you.”

25:28 Jews at one time were almost dissolved into the “earthlings.”

25:34-48 “Jews aren’t from this world; they are from another planet. I agree with that.”

Neanderthals & Semites

…..Their demonic master Yahweh chose violent, stubborn, clannish neanderthals (Jews and Arabs) to be “his people” — and created Judaism and then Islam to make neanderthalic peoples (Jews, and then also Arabs and Turks) attack, enslave and exterminate the white race

The J haplogroup (genetic group) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplogroup_J_(mtDNA)), though scientist dare not say it, is the neanderthalic group :


Neanderthals & Semites


….In historical times, one vast tribe of roaming neanderthals in the Near East were the Habiru, a giant crime family of nomads who terrorized, stole and murdered in the Middle East — and called themselves the Hebrews

When Abraham agreed to human-sacrifice his own son Isaac to get the rewards Yahweh promised, that proved he had the “right stuff.”


The original Jews/Hebrews were roaming hordes of feared criminals, whores, fences and killers called Habiru; the folly of exiling, not killing, ancient criminals



John de Nugent
306 South Steel Street
Ontonagon MI 49953



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