EVEN George Washington, while president, was defamed (as a murderer, dolt, tyrant, bad general, and BRITISH AGENT — by newspaper owned by Benjamin Franklin’s psycho grandson; Edward Snowden on the FBI defamation machine

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This modern American is a spitting image of George Washington in a business suit.

Newspaper publisher Benjamin Franklin Bache, grandson of an illustrious Founding Father, viciously attacked President Washington in his defamatory Aurora newspaper, a man now universally regarded as one of our greatest presidents, plus he won the American Revolution and was the Father of the US Constitution!

A rather well-known city on the Potomac river was even named after him….

The red-headed Washington, previously< Supreme Commander of the Continental Army, towered morally and even physically at 6’3″, over other men, and, while not a top intellectual or flawless general, displayed dignity, huge common sense, and good judgment about people. 

Washington presided over the Convention in Philadelphia that produced the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Yet he was called byFranklin’s grandson a murder, traitor, dolt, loser, and vainglorious “tyrant” who wanted to “enslave all nations of the world.”

Appalled that this slander was believed by a nation he had founded and saved, Washington refused to run for a third term as president, then died of pneumonia.

Benjamin Franklin Bache, who not only lied about Washington, got beaten up by several outraged people he had libeled:

Benjamin Franklin Bache – Wikipedia

It is said that Bache — and all those who believed his garbage — was a big reason that George Washington, stung at the ingratitude of many Americans, did not run for a third term as president, which was a shame since his successor, John Adams, a great patriot, thinker and lawyer, had a rough time as a leader, and was just a one-termer.



…. Even the heroic, wise and almost saintly George Washington was viciously defamed

(From http://historyarch.com/2020/02/12/the-end-of-washingtons-and-jeffersons-personal-realtionship-and-its-impact-on-american-politics-and-history/]

The bitter vitriol often descended into character assassination, straying from fact into conspiracy theory.  Both sides believed (or said they did that) the other intended to destroy American democracy with European tyranny.

Republicans [ironically, now called the Democrat party] charged Federalists [now the Republicans] with attempting to replicate English monarchy in the US. Federalists claimed Republicans sought to import the French Reign of Terror [and the guillotine for all who disagreed].

As the Senate considered the Jay Treaty [of trade with Britain], Republicans [that is,Democrats] ratcheted up the pressure, setting their sights on Washington specifically.  Benjamin Franklin Bache’s Aurora ran numerous articles denigrating Washington’s character, intelligence, competency and conduct.  A few excerpts provide a flavor of what Bache printed on a daily basis:

“You seem to have entered life with a mind unadorned by extraordinary features or uncommon capacity. . . [that] emitted none of the sparks of genius, however irregular and inconstant, which mark the dawn of your future eminence. . . . nature had played the miser when she gave you birth; and education had not been lavish in her favors.”

“[Washington’s Administration] is thus the monarch of [= obeying] Great Britain, with some trifling differences . . . with the trappings of royalty, unworthy of any but a lilliputian mind”

Washington introduced pageantry to dazzle the American people to conceal “robbery and . . . foul murder with a glittering veil of tinsel.” The President replaced republican virtues with the “Deity” of money [12]

“[Americans should not give] blind confidence in any man who have done services to their country, [the President] has enslaved and ever will enslave, all nations of the earth.” [13] 

“[Washington] meant to avail himself of the popularity he acquired to strip the people of the rights which they contended for . . . . he ought to be denounced as an ingrate, and held up to public detestation.” [14]

Peppered into these wild invectives were specious calls for impeachment.

For example, Pittachus wrote that Washington should be removed from office for making the Jay Treaty without the advice and consent of the Senate; false claims he overdrew his salary in 1793; and for enlisting troops to be stationed in western counties without Congressional approval to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. [15]

Scipio summarized Republican criticisms pretending to offer friendly advice:

“Your situation is like that of a player who has mistaken or lost his part, the longer he persists, the longer he is pelted by the audience, and who would be wiser to retreat behind the curtain at the first instance of general disgust, than to be hissed off the stage.” . . .

“An immediate resignation, however, might save your country.  The heavy charges of vanity, ambition, and intrigue might lose some proportion of their force” . . .

“You will never carry this instrument [the Jay Treaty] into effect, unless you call on Great Britain to aid you against the nation.  If you do this your name will forever be classed with [Revolutionary War traitor Benedict] Arnold, Dumourier [sic Dumouriez, the French revolutionary general who defected to the royalists and ended up as an advisor to the British] and Robespierre.” . . .

“Retire immediately; let no flatterer persuade you to rest one hour longer at the helm of state.  You are utterly incapable to steer the political ship into the harbour of safety.  If you have any love for your country, leave its affairs to the wisdom of your fellow citizens . . . there are thousands of them who equal you in capacity and who excel you in knowledge.” [16—see note for additional quoted attacks on Washington]

In addition to a daily barrage of character assassination, Bache went so far as to print letters forged by loyalists in the Revolutionary War

falsely claiming Washington questioned the ability of his army and doubted democratic values.

Bache’s bitterness was apparent in his final assessment at Washington’s retirement:

“A Virginia planter by no means the most eminent, a militia-officer ignorant of war both in theory and useful practice,

….and a politician certainly not of the first magnitude. . . .

[Washington,] the source of all the misfortunes of our country,

is this day reduced to a level with his fellow-citizens, and is no longer possessed of power to multiply evils upon the United States.”

The largely unmerited criticism does highlight something important from the era: “the shrill editorials of the 1790s reveal the serious political polarities of the 1790s.” [17]

Scipio’s commentary is especially revealing in what Republicans hoped to accomplish.

Calling the President ignorant, greedy, unpatriotic, a murderer and even a traitor akin to Benedict Arnold was [deliberate slander] intended to force retirement. 

The unmerited attacks stung Washington deeply, and there is little doubt the unrelenting stream of criticism made leaving office eminently preferable to a third term.




Funny how some seem to reject the Henrik Holappa of that era and still like the pathetic old con man…..

Amazing, if Benjamin Franklin Bache was right, that we erected a monument to a “murderer”….

If the Carlos Porter of those times was correct, why then did we name the capital of the United States after him?


Someday we might even honor this vilified man:




….A very cheap and silly Deepfake music video — the FBI has much, much better software than this free stuff to fake anything

The Deep State can now invent video and audio of a person saying and doing things they never did.

When I was teaching American accent to foreign scientists at Harvard and MIT, I learned about the Lincoln Labs and the Media Lab at MIT, where all sorts of fake this-and-that were doable even 25 years ago.


I bring all this up because someone local is now dredging up the Holappa and Carlos Porter character-assassination garbage against ME, and it is time I vigorously counter-attack.

Once you give up your US citizenship, while living in Europe, you are at the total mercy of the EUand its hate-speech laws.

So how does this guy get to 1) write “n–ger” over and over, and  2) “deny the Holocaust,” and yet never be arrested? I know or knew personally so many French, German, British and Swiss comrades who have done years in prison for this, or less!

Among them:

Engineer Wolfgang Fröhlich (12 years!!!!!!)

Fröhlich (left) and (center) Fredrick Toeben, an Australian I and Margi both knew — repeatedly jailed, in Oz, Britain and Germany, and his Aussie passport was seized so he could not leave Australia.

The great Ernst Zündel in Canada during one of his two trials in Toronto, with his lawyer, Doug Christie, behind him. He did seven years total, first in a US jail with terrorizing German shepherds snapping at his face while he was handcuffed.

Then he did two years in a horrible, freezing Canadian maximum-security prison (with no chair even, just a steel bed and the floor). The Canadians had him in there as a “terrrorist” for having corresponded with Dr. William Pierce!

Then he got five more years in a German prison in Mannheim. But the Holappas and Porters somehow get off…..  


Major Otto Ernst Remer thwarted the July 20, 1944 putsch against Hitler, then, after the war, spoke and wrote the truth. Died in Spanish exile. https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Otto_Ernst_Remer Big advocate of Russo-German cooperation. I met him twice in this life, and in my last one. 


Thies Christophersen “denied” the Holocaust, because he had worked in Auschwitz himself, and there was no extermination!  Constantly fined and jailed or sought for arrest from 1973 to his death in 1997, 24 years in hell, he had to flee to Denmark, then Britain, then Belgium, Switzerland and finally Spain. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Christophersen,_Thies He was the other person, besides Remer, who both met Hitler and met me, too. Here with his wife in the “death camp,” supposedly reeking from burning flesh!

His famous “The Auschwitz Lie”

Thies was severely wounded in the forehead fighting the French in 1940, hence the crater you can see there.


German lawyer Sylvia Stolz, whom both Margi and I have met — repeatedly imprisoned for years and disbarred from law, her livelihood.

Nick Griffin, British nationalist political leader, whom I met personally twice and had over for dinner — was constantly physically attacked, arrested, jailed, and tried — once for publishing official UK crime statistics (which showed a black crime wave against Whites).

So how come Porter never gets even a slap on the wrist for writing “n–ger” four times on one webpage?? (He was enraged because one of my webmasters was a pro-white, light-skinned black, “Clark Lightbridge.” Blacks are less naive and far more antisemitic than whites.) 


Anything to do with agreeing to defame ME, just as Porter does?

But, as I have also pointed out, the cops just have to threaten to throw you as a “Nazi” in a jail with ten blacks with shivs and big, hard cocks. 

The jews do this all the time. In fact, anything anal and twisted they love. Holappa told me himself he feared getting four years in a Finnish maximum-security prison as a white nationalist with blacks and muslims, many of them doing time already for rape and murder. That is part of why I have forgiven him.

Libyan leader Kaddafi, an enemy of Israel, being killed in public with a bayonet up his rectum

More to come on all this….and maybe even the details of the criminal arrests of my alcoholic,”mean-drunk,” local accuser.





…..Edward Snowden on the FBI defamation machine

Fed employees are learning every day to become trained, highly-paid, professional slanderers.

It works — because most earthlings simply do not care if something is true if it supports their views. If the average earthling hears something negative about someone he already dislikes, he gobbles it up.

And if one of their little friends believes a certain way, that is reason enough to believe it too. 😉 Women are especially guilty of this, but men too.

The sheeple NEVER goes to the person thus slandered and never gives them a fair chance to defend themself.

Just think of the FBI slander against Trump over “Russian collusion” and the weird “golden rain” (urination sex) slander.

After a $42 mio FBI investigation by  the former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, no evidence was found!

But tothis day it is still “true” in the minds of  TDS sufferers (libtards with Trump Derangement Syndrome).

Just like with the Holocaust….

They WANT it to be true!

They want to hate! 

They want to feel justified! 

Not wrong, right!

Actual meme on Facebook in December 2020. Yeah, let’s get Bad Orange Man’s  kids, too.

As this article shows, any anti-JWO “emerging leader” must be defamed OR, failing that, destroyed.

Icelandic sheepdog … he looks all brave and caring, but I bet he’s just waiting for the camera to be turned off to eat that poor sheep. 😉

Margi got defamed too when she had the guts to demonstrate against the Scientologists in front of their Clearwater, Florida headquarters!
So they called her a “suppressive personality” (their word for any critic) and passed out flyers in her Washington DC neighborhood saying she was a liar and a prostitute!
My redhead in a screenshot from a documentary on Scientology and its critics by German ZDF tv
Now everyone knows it’s a dangerous mind-control cult!

Snowden: ‘Training Guide’ for GCHQ, NSA Agents Infiltrating and Disrupting Alternative Media Online


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