Even I cannot believe it: WEF actually advocates older Whites kill themselves — WATCH THIS “I have lived a good life”

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  1. The cited webpage where senior Whites were encouraged to kill themselves was deleted when I tried to access it.

    • Thanks. That comes as no surprise. The WEF is so alienating with its head and founder, Klaus Schwab, who acts like a James Bond villain, with all its corrupt billionaire class, and with its discredited politicians, that is constantly earning the disgust of the masses.
      I imagine someone tested this ad on some audience, and the results were SO negative they pulled the ad.
      Margi asked me if really all the seniors implying it was time to “check out” were of the white race, and I had to reply: Yes, only Whites, and not one POC.
      So white seniors, having worked hard all their lives, are supposed to just walk off the world stage, perfectly fine with their race dying out and brown and black people taking their place.
      We are now far removed from the Declaration of Independenceof 1776, where our ancestors fought for freedom for both themselves “and our posterity.”

      Whites are supposed to have NO posterity, just die out childless.

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